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Are you working on any projects to make you games look nicer/play better? What are they? Share your progress here.
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Are you working on any projects to make you games look nicer/play better? What are they? Share your progress here.
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>Are you working on any projects to make you games look nicer/play better? What are they? Share your progress here.
I'm going to have to build an organizer for the Exodus "Event Horizon" box. It's big enough to hold the core game plus both expansions, but it doesn't have any sort of internal organizer meant to hold everything in an orderly fashion. Unfortunately I haven't even started yet.
>Are you working on any projects to make you games look nicer/play better? What are they? Share your progress here.
I'm using a self-adhesive wrapping paper to wrap all the boxes without shrink wrap
Painting SoB and S&S
Anyone getting Tiny Epic Zombies? I've never played a "tiny epic" game so I'm not sure what to expect.
I get that it's just another zombie game, but... it's $25.
Pic related for X-wing Mario Kart; which has been sitting on my pool table since Oct, and just this week I've finally had time to put 2 mountains onto the track and should get the rest of it done today/tomorrow if I'm lucky. Also the torpedo tube to stencil in and clear coat, but that's been waiting since Sept so it can wait longer.
Hey fa/tg/uys , if you are into tower defense you should go take a look at Planet Apocalypse on kikestarter. There is a rulebook for download and a print and play on the campaign. Seems pretty decent
Reposting looking for opinions
I'm wanting to work on making a foam core insert for Tiny Epic Quest and maybe Bottom of the 9th. I also want to paint the minis from Adrenaline as well. If I ever get around to doing any of this is another story.
Gamestop is getting rid of all their shit at 50% off.
Should I jump on Sheriff of Nottingham, Small World, and Citadels for 50 bucks?
Yes. Oh my yes
out of those only citadels is good. sheriff is eh, alright if you like negotiation games
1. Hell yes
2. GameStop has board games?
another edgy miniature game where it looks like the sculptor has some real issues.
They're selling out fast, but they still got 7 Wonders and Carc for cheap.
I don't get the recent popularity of horror/gore boardgames either. It's pretty polarizing. While I might have luck getting a few weirdos to play this, the majority of people I know are going to be "damn, that looks pretty dark bro".
Gonna repost this from the old thread.
I'm looking for a good abstract-ish game for 2 players that can also be played with more people. It should be easy to teach and explain but should also make your brain have to work without being too chesslike. So far I have 3 candidates. What do you guys think of them? Maybe you have some other recommendations?
I got the following replies:
>Dominant Species
>Through the Desert
>I love Quantum but it is pretty chesslike.
>Sentient is fucking great. It's easy to get into but engages a lot of brain
So far Sentient is on top but it's unreasonably expensive imo. I hope for more opinions.
How is the game of thrones board game? Can you enjoy it if you haven't seen the show or read the books?
The stands are mainly used in Twilight Imperium because the hexes can have both ground units and space fleets, plus other chits. In Exodus the fleets aren't as big and there usually isn't a problem with any given hex being overcrowded (at least not for long).
>Planet Apocalypse
>$1500 to play a game with Sandy Penison
who the fuck is Sandy and who
>2 backers
>how is it
It's ok
>can you enjoy it if no source material
Sure, it's basically a modern evolution of Diplomacy. If you can enjoy backstabbing and having to form alliances or be too spread out you'll have fun.
Can't speak to the 3 you're looking at but Qin is a very nice simple abstract for 2-4. It's just laying dominoes on a board for area control, so it's fast to teach. That said there's the randomness of what tiles you draw, and there's two different boards to play on (plus another 1 or 2 available as expansion) so it's got some variety. More tactical than strategic, but IIRC there's tournament rules where you have your tiles laid out in front of you so information is open for the full autism crowd.
Math traded away my copy for Elder Sign a few years back, when I do abstracts it tends to be 2p and I had enough. Almost wish I hadn't, Elder Sign is fine, but much better on a phone/tablet than on the table, and Qin is a good family weight abstract.
>who the fuck is Sandy
From the campaign page , Sandy had a pretty big hand all pictured
>Dominant Species
bgg niggers better not be wrong about this. P500 is at 538, two of those are mine. this is what I'd buy (obviously)
here is what I said in, oh exactly a whole thread ago:
>it's merely OK if that. you start on opposite corners then either dominate the outside ring or race for the center. you either have a glut of sun points or none. don't really see much you can do to change your fate once the game starts. Like you can fuck yourself putting both starter saplings on one side of the board, but you cannot do better than opposite corners.
>It looks good- aesthetic and nobody IRL is not into little saplings, even people who don't into board games would want to play and it seems strategic enough that medium-core board gamers would want to play, I'm just not sure it's actually that strategic or if it just looks like it should be.
I'm pretty sure it's the second one. It's already disappeared from circulation in my group.
>A guy who worked on DOOM makes the boardgame form with art by Keith Thompson
Not sure why he doesn't use that as the elevator pitch, but it's really hard for me to get excited to games that are essentially just lite RPG splats.
yeah, still wouldn't pay $10 to have her waitress me a $30 steak dinner
I'll never understand autismos
I wouldnt either when she looks like this
>people have paid tens of thousands of dollars to play on the geekchic table Wheaton uses for TableTop
You shouldn't try to understand, you should just want them dead
it's just a Kickstarter strategy to entice whales. The value of the backer reward exponentially drops offs after a certain point because you expect at max like 2 people to donate that much and don't want to commit to something that's not going to make profit.
>A guy who worked on DOOM
>When Tom Hall resigned, an extra level designer was needed in order to complete the game on schedule, and Sandy Petersen was hired about 10 weeks before release.[22]
whatever laurels they can get I guess
>leaves out the more important part
Sandy Petersen was hired about 10 weeks before release.[22] In those 10 weeks, Petersen finished all of episodes two and three, and one level for the first episode — 19 levels in total, of which eight were overhauled versions of levels by Tom Hall
you could have spoilered that you know
or better yet not have ever posted it
No think about it for a minute; not even to play WITH the people from the show, just to play on the fucking mediocre piece of furniture. TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS AT MULTIPLE CONVENTIONS FOR YEARS
>retarded people waste their money
call the news! Won't somebody think of the children!
TFW you will never be able to whore out your table for thousands of dollars
Especially not if you're one of the poor saps who paid the deposit for one of those tables only to see the company fold
He's pretty much the nerd version of Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian. He's totally disowned Wesley, so basically his job is being famous, and for some reason people care
Awesome, thanks
Wait...what? Are you fucking serious?
Used to be part of his KS for each season; tiers to play on the table or play with some e-celeb. They made a big deal of it at Gencon, pretty sure it was at PAX too.
Did the Kingdom Death General die off? Did it get forced into here? What happened to it?
I painted all the minis for my copy of XCOM as various video game characters, it came out really cool! I'm considering doing some work on the interceptors as well, because I'm kind of burned out on painting KD minis after finishing the phoenix.
Pics or it didn't happen
Not at home, so all I have is this one pic and some close ups.
Sandy is a guys name. My dad knew this english bloke named Sandy. Top lad, really funny, 99% drunk whenever I saw him.
Episode one had the best level design. Fite me
Sandy's a dude's name.
no effort/10
I was pointing that out to , but i forgot to reply to him. Being that it was directly underneath I wasn't worried about correcting it
>Did the Kingdom Death General die off?
Nothing to talk about 'til people get wave 2 in.
Root cause was a bad priming job screwing up the low quality minis even more. Several features were me trying to learn how to green stuff.
They were surprisingly hard to paint
Built my own. less than $200NZD in materials.
Looks like the BumKim plans off BGG
close. His table was too big for my needs and also has a giant TV in the centre of it. Also, the way he attached the frame in his video scared me (chipboard nailed into the sides of chipboard), so I constructed a proper frame underneath.
But overall, I followed a lot of his general ideas.
isn't it annoying to reach into the centre of the table? I can see a game with lots of pieces you're often moving it being uncomfy
What's /bgg/'s favorite traditional card game?
I love Hearts. Nothing gets a good group of friends angrier at each other than a nice game of Hearts.
Yeah a good bit of his design looks meh to me; but I've been thinking about altering it and shrinking down to a rectangular coffee table maybe half the size. Never really appealed to me as a dining table, unless going full autism like link related
nah, not really. I made it lower than a normal table by about 5cm.
Maybe if you had a huge gut it might be difficult.
We really only play campaign style games on it anyway - Shadows of Brimstone at the moment. I tend to do all the monster AI movement anyway and I don't really notice.
>lower than a normal table by about 5cm
Ah, that makes sense.
What kinda chairs you use with it?
Boardgaming comfort is important. Played TI4 yesterday on a barely big enough table on dining chair and boy my buns burned by the end. And a lot of piece moving and card handing had to be done by the people sitting near the middle.
500. or Whist if playing with brainlets.
Very nice!
>lower than a normal table by
so you made an IKEA table?
Double Deck Oh Hell with Jokers
bidding trick taking/trump homebrew of Oh Hell
>Boardgaming comfort is important
The room at the library we use has weirdly sized folding tables. One wide and you're right on top of one another, two wide and it sucks to reach shit. It's maddening to me but nobody else seems to ever care.
I don't live in Swedistan or the US or anywhere that has an IKEA. I have no idea what IKEA standard is. My table is 72cm high compared to 77cm of most dining tables.
I know the ones. I have two that I put together for 8 Player TI3, but by themselves they are annoying. They are about 1800 long and 800 wide.
So you don't live anywhere worthwhile?
>wife gives me a gift certificate for a board game store
Deciding what to buy is the hardest decision in my life. Will probably wait until we have TI4, it seems to be worth the wait.
There are no IKEA stores in NZ. Only available online.
Oh damn I didn't see that yellow Mordor.
it has begun
are you painting with clay?
white fucking sucks at covering
ironically I bought reaper bones HD kit partially because of coverage issues but after heming and hawing about which kit to buy I wound up with one that doesn't have fucking white
use many thin layers user
this is painting, not color by numbers
Last thread a guy was talking about a game called Lifeform.
Anyone know how to actually get a copy of this? Googling just brings up Lifeform vs Nemesis comparison forum threads.
Looking forward to your progress!
it hasn't been made
prototype from 2014 still not a game LOL
But there's nothing for it, no official page, not even a Kickstarter.
Currently I have King of Tokyo, 7 Wonders, The Resistance, Carcassonne, Onitama, the U.S. Ticket to Ride, and Love Letter.
Gonna start a bimonthly (meaning twice a month, not once every two months) game night. Using it, and the fact that I just finally got a decent-ish job, as an excuse to buy a few more games.
I'm going to get Treasure Hunter and Neuroshima Hex.
What gaps would you say my collection has in terms of major types of game, if any?
What recommendations would you have for further down the line?
Finally, I'm interested in Fury of Dracula, and would love to hear pros/cons for it.
i honestly have no idea what you're trying to say with this comment. using a bunch of thin layers will make your white paint look better and less like clay. sorry for giving you sound advice, sour nigger
Get a dudes on a map game. Some people shit on Cry Havoc but I liked it more than I thought I would and it's relatively cheap now. Kemet is getting a reprint soon. Cthulhu wars is easy to teach to anyone willing to spend 15 minutes to learn and looks really impressive on the table.
If you give a fuck about this kind of shit, wargames attract a very dedicated group of people and all the COIN games are getting reprinted this year as well.
>If you give a fuck about this kind of shit, wargames attract a very dedicated group of people and all the COIN games are getting reprinted this year as well.
On this subject... if you don't, that's fine, but if you do happen to know, are there any decent games about the Spanish Civil War?
Seems a pretty good spread. Just get more games like the ones you have that you like.
This but maybe see how well Neurohex goes down first.
A nice hybrid of dudes on a map and euro economy as well as social deception is Mare Nostrum. Only downside is it has a nondeterministic length, it can go for 20 minutes or 90, which is a bit annoying when trying to manage multiple groups playing in a night
I honestly don't. I'm not a big wargamer but I'd bet if you google "spanish civil war board game" at least a few options will come up. If not, search "wargame board games forum" and ask there. Like I said, very very dedicated fanbase for these games.
After I typed this I realized you could ask on board game geek in their wargaming forums and probably get good answers. Yes, the community there is toxic but if you only go to ask for raw info you'll avoid all the bullshit.
Mare Nostrum is a great game, would recommend. It doesn't look as imposing as some other doam games because it uses counters rather than plastic/wood for some things but if you don't think anyone will care then it's fantastic.
>what should we call our game
>idk cthulhu wars
>good enough
it's a painting, not a mini.
>obvious brush strokes
>thick as fuck texture
Ya, a painting I'm trying to help you improve. Pull your head out of your ass or just settle for mediocrity. No skin off my dick but I'm not leading you wrong.
It's wood with large flat areas. It needs a proper primer to stop absorption and then mask off areas and spray paint it if he wants a smooth finish
Whatever it is, it looks pretty bad sorry.
Also, that mug >>> reddit
tb fair it needs a few things he's not giving it senpai. he doesn't seem to want to do quality work despite sharing this nonsense though so fuck him
feel free to do better. show me the way o masters. use, like, a popsicle stick or some bit of wood laying around your step-dad's garage.
>quality work
I'm starting to think you're really triggered by this.
>inb4 le reddit werd triggered
>samefagging this hard
i know plebbit doesn't have time stamps so you're not used to being found out in this manner but holy christ dude I'm sorry you suck shit at painting. Like I said earlier idgaf if you follow my advice or not as it affects my life in zero ways. I'm just trying to help you not embarrass yourself.
Just finished my first PNP game, Root, and played a game tonight. Enjoyable game but I really enjoyed the arts and crafts of putting it together and would like to find another PNP. What should I work on next? Something with decent art is preferred
I can only hope you're pretending to be retarded
>X-wing Mario Kart
Photosynthesis was a hit with my group, it's abstract enough for gamers and easy and appealing to casuals, I cannot speak for the other games
Luckily you don't have to modify Rising Sun, as it is truly the most well researched game of 2018 taking it's deep and rich story from ancient Japan itself.
I'm in Barcelona (Spain) this week and there's a shitload of Veeky Forums related stuff here.
I want to get one or two board games yo play with friends. Nothing too complex so I don't scare them. Ideally for 2-4 players. What should I look for?
What fucking gets me is it says Manawa Bradford right fucking there. Did you not think to check it at all?