Isn't that just the necromunda model?
They also posted this
and this
wtf can someone confirm this?
it's just for necromunda but still, pretty sweet
is he gonna be taller than the rest of my squat gang?
90s era dwarfs are far smaller in general, so most likely yes.
not a xenos
Fucking Jian, I'm gonna wear your face as a moron party mask
Honestly I'm more interested in Mad Donna because she's cute cute cute
You could say he dwarfs them.
But, seriously, 90s era minis are much smaller than today's. To the point that a good deal of infantry seem to be outgrowing their 25mm bases.
Cad Bane?
Zoat mercenary when?
Goddammit, fucking resin, into the trash it goes.
it'd be FW resin which is fine.
GW doesn't do new stuff in finecast anymore.
Fuck you
Go to WarhammerTV, GW's official channel, and watch "Reset the clock."
Resin is resin, it somehow manages to be both bendy enough to sag, but brittle enough to snap, it's just a inferior material.
Grey power!
yeah but honestly I've never found proper resin like FW uses an issue to work with. Just don't treat it like its plastic and it's not an issue.
Except Marbo and Veridian.
>"but its just Necromunda"
Yea don't worry guys, squats are only back in the superior master race gentleman's skirmish version of 40k that has activations instead of I-go-u-go turns.
Yes, indubitably. Quite.
>activations instead of i-go-u-go turns
Help a newfag out. I know that 40k's play is split into turns for each player with distinct phases therein. How do activations work differently?
The current system is:
I do all my move, all my psychic, all my shooting, etc, followed by:
YOUR TURN (same)
Activations would be
I do my movement, you do your movement, I do my shooting, you do your shooting, etc
This seems more reasonable, but I also think I understand why they chose not to do that on the scale of many large squads/units.
To be fair, they introduced an alternating activation system in the Assault phase which works well. Units that charged go first, but you can spend also CP to interrupt.
When two melee armies melee fight (eg Orks vs Nids) it's very fluid and seems to work well.
Hi Torbjorn
He's a short guy
Hate the cybernetic bits. But it probably won't be an issue to put another hand and leg on her.
but she's got a petty little bow on her giant mecha arm.
I love it.
Not Mad Donna.
don't care, still cute cute CUTE
I didn't see that. Ok, I'm sold on the arm. Still might do something with the leg, maybe just the foot though.
Imagine if GW pulled Nintendo and we finally got real Zoatabix, made by Weetabix ltd.
If, for some ridiculous reason, one insists upon making a breastplate that shows of the feminine figure, it would be a better structural choice to make it one solid piece instead of two lumps.
>a Squat
You literally just make detachments small, and have a max of 6 Battlegroups. Dropzone Commander does this beautifully,
>That fucking cybernetic peg leg
I'm in love.
Get ’em on board - I’ll call it in.
we EYE now
>proper resin
>Just don't treat it like its plastic
So what you're admitting is that even "proper resin" is an inferior material. Good to know, shillbitch.
>GW doesn't do new stuff in finecast anymore.
And that's why single characters cost over $30.
A Tau hoof cybernetic. First the new space marine dreadnought guns and now this. Imp has Tau fever lolol.
Belisarius cawl and sho’aun sharing secrets very closely lol. Grinding their gears close.
The shoe isn't great tho.
>E.Y.E. in 40k
So I told him to relive his cycles of guilt...
he actually did it! The absolute Jian!
His legs are ok
Ironically, I trust GW to do the "increased female presence" thing waaayyy more than I trust any other company right now. The way they're doing it is more "look at these dudes! They're girl dudes. Go shoot stuff!"
who the fuck complains about the boobplate anyway?
people that probably don't actually purchase GW stuff.
>MFW The Squats get plastic models before the sisters of battle do.
I just hope the squats don't get sistered.
the secreta would make a nice addition to necromunda; even as just an inquisitorial subfaction.
I'm enjoying Necromunda's new role of 'Let's put the crazier cool stuff from the old days back into 40k like this.'
That's some 80s level of floof right there.
I approve.
GW: Space Dwarfs are silly and we can't make them cool.
Also GW:
Its silly, impractical and unrealistic. But so is almost everything on GW models so no problem there
Well, its really easy to add female characters to 40k and AoS without it feeling forced. SoBs, Witch Aelves, Eschers, Inquisitors, Guardswomen, Female Chaos barbarians, female stormcasts..
Oh hell yes. It rocks. All the crazy 1980s stuff in 2018 model quality.
I love that old school padded armour that you saw in old GW stuff, Paranoia, etc.
I could see the game turning into full activations and still going well, following the same system. If, for example, movement determined who shoots / psy first (immobile units shoot before moving stuff, that shoots before advancing units). It would be a vastly different game though.
OGM im buying 300 of those and building a spess squats armie