Why did D&D have to change from sword and sorcery to kitchen sink MMO fantasy?

Why did D&D have to change from sword and sorcery to kitchen sink MMO fantasy?

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It was always kitchen sink fantasy.

Because Hasbro wants to make money.

I feel that the DM should have control about what does and doesn't fit into his setting. I use Greyhawk.

The new fangled D&D editions fucked everything up. When Expedition to the Barrier Peaks was released it was all downhill from there.

It was always kitchen sink and never MMO, but it went down hill right before Dragonlance.
The game was designed around a few very specific activities, and after that all the content aimed at other things.

Probably when the Monk was first released, I would assume.

It was kitchen sink fantasy from the start. Deities and Demigods 1e had American Indian, Babylonian, Celtic, Central American, Chinese, Egyptian, Finnish, Green, Indian, Japanese, Norse, Sumerian, and Lovecraftian gods just to start. In addition to gods of Moorcock's Multiverse, Leiber's Nehwon, and finally Gygax's own custom deities which became core D&D gods.

Greek not Green
damn fingers got away from me

Conan's hyborea had !notindia gods and cultures, !notscandinavia, !notscotland, !not nativeamericans, etc, and his world and his writing is some of the best sword and sorcery out there. so why?

The monk appeared in 1975, in Blackmoor, which is far more "swords & sorcery" in its feel and tone than the pseudo-gritty-medievalism of Greyhawk. Dumbass.

D&D was always whatever its authors thought was cool


You realize applying all of those "not!"s prevents a whole lot of influence, right? It becomes something inspired by, rather than literally having Zeus, Vishnu, and Corellon Larethian existing coterminous in an endless multiverse.

Those cultures actually WERE indian/scandinavian/etc, or more like their precursors. Hyborea is our word just in deep ancient past.

sorry, i didnt read it properly
yeah, but you know what i mean. they're all an excuse to have those cultures living together in a mystical world.

Original greyhawk was just a quickly described continent. There was plenty of swords and sorcery, you fucking nonce.
You are correct about the monk in blackmoor tho, ill give you that.

Literally this. Freaking Mystara, the home of Basic D&D, had an empire of samurai catfolk who rode into battle on flying sabertooth tigers living on the moon, a hollow interior to the world full of neanderthals, dinosaurs, bandito orcs, 18-inch-tall amazons, and robots, and that's just scratching the surface.

Just out of curiosity, what is 'Sword and Sorcery' from your perspective? What exactly changed?

So what did it use to be, and what is it now and how is that different?

sword and sorcery is boring


adventurers or heroes adventuring not to stop a big evil, or save the world, but for glory, gold, women(or men if you wish) etc.magic users are typically rarer and magic is less common, more realistic, technology like plate armour and gunpowder usuallly aren't around, mostly mail, scale mail, etc, inspired by works of antiquity. lots of focus on seedy smoky taverns, dark alleyways, and usually some kind of !notarabia stereotype with harems, strange desert occultists, etc.

my neger

>more realistic
That armor you posted isn't even slightly realistic.

1. i didnt say that picture was related.
2. she could be a princess having a portrait taking, what she is wearing doesnt have to be realistic, it could be ornamental. use some imagination

It wasn't always MMO fantasy tho

You are aware that most "MMO fantasy" actually derives from D&D, not the other way around, right?

Don't bother, the word doesn't mean anything. It's just a buzzword they invented so they can pretend they're the "real nerds" and people who like popular things aren't

it derives from WoW actually

Neither are women warriors.

WoW derives from the Warcraft games before it, which derived from Warhammer Fantasy, which derived from D&D.

>invented so they can pretend they're the "real nerds" and people who like popular things aren't

this. They need an imaginary dividing line between the "normies" and themselves so they can maintain a false sense of superiority.

It was always kitchen sink. Remember gygax literally put out splat books about establish mythologies (Greek, Norse gods etc.) shit grayhawk had a gun-toting deity who's Paladins were basically Wild West sheriffs.

It's weird that people like OP look at derivative stock fantasy and say " This isn't nearly unoriginal enough. I wish the fantasy genre stopped changing somewhere around 1930".

Read more OP, please read more stuff. We need less faggots like you in the hobby.

Said the moron that knows nothing about what is realistic

>Said the paizo dev
Shortened it for ya.

You could argue the opposite, the early D&D concepts became mainstream, but mainstream misunderstood them to high hell, and through that they got homogenized and bland. D&Ds perception has changed, and through that, the game.

>only Dwarves have beards
oh 1980's, you silly era

And neither is sword and sorcery.

If you are talking about Mystara 1987 with GAZ1. Although arguably it was always a kitchen sink setting. If you are talking about Greyhawk there was always a tension between, Sword and Sorcery, Middle Ages Fantasy and a sort of Dark Age Lord of the Rings fallen age type of play.

The hobby really started as a kitchen sink setting freely using time travel, science fiction, planetary romance and other genres.

One of the bearded guys in that pic is a half-elf.

Welcome to Veeky Forums.

But it's right, not just about D&D but just about everything. The first generation, adopters, or wave of anything is always the most dedicated or fervent. Look at the cycle of empires they go from plucky pioneers clearing the way to the inevitability of it's decline by soft and decadent generations who lost the core principles of their founders.

Normie's ruin everything

Including Veeky Forums. How long until it's replacement so we can abandon all the cancer to rot here while we play somewhere else?

It already exists, take Veeky Forums and add 4.

You mean worse Reddit? No thanks.


That is not really what that retarded pic is about, it's one of those everything is women's and blacks fault bs. Your post itself is Golden Age Fallacy.

>comparing hatred of normie corruption with being /pol/


Well that kind of stupidly is also /r9k/ shit.

CREAM nigga

New editions are about selling a new product with a new name. Nothing is stopping you from playing the old versions especially in the Information Age where you can still find a digital archive of old books. I think your problem is less about the new editions and more a lack of friends that like the things you like.

1 and half foot amazons seem rather small.

DMs can correct this by picking and choosing what they use. Think of it less as kitchen sink and more as a buffet to pick and choose from, to make the setting that you want to run. You don't need to or should use literally everything in the books.

What if we’ve the bromide and the grongards don’t visit Veeky Forums?


What if we 4 add 4 and then another 4?

1) It always was, you moron.

2) Even if it wasn't, because that's what people wanted out of it.


Beat me to it. Boy did I love reading Dragonlance in high school.

>18 inch tall amazons make my 5 inch cock hard

Artwork please!

If you can't see a difference between the art direction of 80s/90s D&D versus WoW, 3e, and certainly 4e, you are blind

Sorry, but the only Kubbit art I know to exist is their PC art from the Hollow World Player's Guide, which depicts a Roman-esque female warrior riding a snarling badger, and that was never uploaded to the internet as far as I'm aware.

Except 3e's art direction had nothing in common with WoW.

It had far more in common with the comic book art of the era than the Frazetta and Vallejo inspired painting of 80s/90s TSR

Because it was only sword and sorcery due to that being popular

Because not!Conan isn't nearly as popular as not!LOTR

I don't know how you grew up, but I have always been a normie through my 17 years of Roleplaying. I've always managed to stay away from the Turbonerds and the Furries that scared so many socially tolerable players. The result is that at 30 I have two stable groups of people that have become my true friends since I can actually go places other than Fantasy themed bars and FLGSs with them.

Oh and I got introduced to Roleplaying by my uncle originally, who is as normie as normies get apart from the fact that he purchased the OD&D box in Vegas in the mid 70s abd brought it back home to europe.

1) because it is easier to do sword and sorcery setting with kitchen sink fantasy rules then it is try to mold sword and sorcery rules into a kitchen sink setting
2) because it sells better

>Look at the cycle of empires they go from plucky pioneers clearing the way to the inevitability of it's decline by soft and decadent generations who lost the core principles of their founders.
Or empires romanticize their founders?

But it explicitly blames it on women.

>Look at the cycle of empires they go from plucky pioneers clearing the way to the inevitability of it's decline by soft and decadent generations who lost the core principles of their founders.

...but generally the greatest time for an empire isn't when it's founded. Romulus and Remus were not about for the greatest time of Rome, America reached greater heights after the founding fathers were dead than it did in their time and became a world superpower etc.

You're the fucking DM, change the setting.

I just use my own settings to stop other people fucking with the lore.
> ackshyually
No, fuck off, homebrew setting, you can't nitpick the lore.