>hero sits down at bar
>I just want to drink in peace
>hero beats the sawmill worker to death/maims him in front of his friends to establish to the audience he's a hero
Tropes you hate
Other urls found in this thread:
You're going to regret that image user
>implying OP didn't specifically pick that image to encourage shitposting
>military sci-fi
>everyone on the protagonists camp is a centre-right pragmatist with zero opinions whatsoever on women in the military, gays, other races
>enter in....the strawman retard who is also A Noble or A Big Shot In Space Congress
>if the author is a liberal
>author is a conservative
>a pivotal scene happens in the movie where the racist is saved by a race he hates and he realizes that all humans are perfect
>or, the hippie retard realizes that sometimes you should just step the fuck back and let the military nuke shit and aliens aren't somalian refugees
>stealth /pol/ posting
are you talking about old man's war
no, why?
I'm really surprised you're not talking about Old Man's War, because both of those things happen in the book.
>guy walks up to protags
>I hate black people because the bible
>protag: but isnt the bible say be nice?
>oh no, im dying of heart attack, your logic has defeated me
>guys maybe we shouldnt nuke people, eh?
>look this alien wants to hug me
>oops nevermind their "hug" motion actually means shoot you full of a billion darts and kill your retarded ass
>ha ha see i am a centrist because i put two cartoons in my shitty book
Soyboy leftycuck detected
Thanks for proving his point?
The Honor Harrington series is pretty annoying. You can actually feel the tone shift in the third book.
>Book 1/2
>im honor
>im kind of meh looking
>i made up for it by being good at tactics and stuff
>I have flaws tho, like an anger problem, I tend to also seek revenge
>book 3
>dude honor you may have been like, an 8/10 in the past, but you're, okay, you're not a 10/10, but you're and easy 9.9/10
>also every single criticism of your behavior is justified, including striking a member of the parliment for being annoying and almost executing people unlawfully because hell they were reeeeeeeal assholes
>but you're basically the best person ever, here's the biggest and most prestigious command in the entire fleet
Everytime people tell me more about this series I fucking cringe. Like, it literally sounds like a mary sue series.
Well, scratch the stealth part then.
Futuristic nazis
Zombie/fantasy nazis
Steampunk nazis
Cyberpunk nazis
Dieselpunk nazis
Biopunk nazis
Gothic nazis
enough already you fucking neckbeards.
>forgetting that she becomes the first woman noble of the sexist amish-islam society
>they are so blown away by her awesome amazingness that they decide sexism is a-a-a-a-wrong
I enjoyed the first book. After that I enjoyed the series only by trying to ignore the main character.
She really did become a Mary Sue in the worst way.
Found the applesponge
>Stealth /pol/ posting with a natural 1
>Edgy child assassins
>"you're not so different you and i"
>"no women and children"
>demonic entity trying to be good
>you're not so different you and i
t. Jack
What about non-edgy child assassins?
While he does start out 110% edge, he stops after the second arc and rarely regresses to it.
This is because their opinions are relevant to the story, private fuckface, skubface and anitskubface's opinions are irrelevant to the story so are not explored.
All stories only highlight things relevant to a story. It would be like going on about a super awesome gun, The Skubdestroyer9000 and how much the private fuckface wants one and then it never turns up in the story, and private fuckface continues to use his issued weapon at the climax.
What you are really describing is hamfisted politics in a story which is terrible. That's why people use to not talk about politics.
>kyle mom calls our parent
>say we have to let kyle play
>him character for hit the monster real good
>next stop on railroad is NPC where talky skill is needed
>kyle decide him hit NPC really good
>NPC cutscene failed and we have to redo
Grim and Perilous
Hahaha holy shit
No, he's talking about strawmen/strawmanning, which is the practice of putting a stereotypical character in a story solely for the purpose of using them as an ideological punching bag.
any form of child assassin is edgy
It works if it's not about politics. Skub/politics makes people angry.
>Soyboy leftycuck detected
You make the rest of us look bad when you can only speak in buzzwords.
When the fuck did people not talk about politics?
>the mating fight
Generic action girl has to have a fight with the male lead, sexual tension laid on hamfistedly thick.
>the wise sensei who won't teach
Supposedly he is wise, but he won't communicate with his pupil even if the fate of the world depends on it. Even if the pupil submits unquestioningly to any menial busywork sensei would have him do, he will still arbitrarily consider him not ready for month on end. He will always rely on the pupil learning whatever there is to learn completely on his own. If he has two pupils, who perform exactly the same one will be "not ready" as long asit takes for the self fulfilling prophesy to become true and turn him into the antagonist. Not his fault though.
>forest friend battle thralls
I'm a good nature animal person, it is ok when I command animals into a killzone meatgrinder for no tactical gain. I'm also not emotionally effected by this.
>the misunderstanding
Oh no, my waifu yelled at me because of some deception or communication problem! Am I going to do anything, speak even one word to rectify the situation? Fuck no, I'm sad!
I really hate these. The 3rd one was played straight in Wild Cards, the cat lady kills a bunch of animals because gotta help her mob friend and her cat freaks the fuck out.
>bad guy starts acting like a retard because the writers wrote themselves into a corner
Caring about politics has been unaustralian until recently, I don't know when exactly. If you talked about them you were a faggot and to be avoided. Now some of my most disengaged friends now give me skub opinions. Its fucking awful.
Maybe other countries talked about politics all the time which explains the state of them.
>hero shoots his way to big boss
>Let's settle this like men, with a fist fight!
Adventuring Guilds
The first few WC books were pretty Damn good except for the Sewer Jack shit.
I honestly didn't mind Sewer Jack, it was the weird sex stuff that got to me. That scene with Wraith and the lizard guy creeped me out, and Fortunato is annoying.
But hunters are pretty respectful of monsters. They only generally hunt problem ones - and let's face it. Giant fire snot spewing t-rexes are a fucking problem. Aside from gore magala you don't hunt baby monsters either.
>hero shoots his way to big boss
>big boss uses his tranquilizer gun
>sends hero away on a balloon
>Literally anything about it
That fandom just needs to die already.
Pls don't bully the games journo, they're heavily retarded and it's not nice to make fun of them.
Asian swords being better
Asian people being the better disiplined/better warriors when in a group of misfit warrior types
Main hero is a fuckup who saves the day with his wacky hijinks & obscure skillset
Dumb blonde/upperclass oblivious bimbos. I get it, pretty & dumb people are somehow okay to laugh at but ugly dumb people need to be protected
I don't mind it in Girl Genius, where the tech is basically spawned by science wizards but still maintainable by normal people if they're educated on how it works. It's just most inventions don't actually have basis in common knowledge so you can't just take it apart.
It also helps that it's a mediocre victorian adventure romance, so its not really trying to be smart anyway.
>Kill millions of people
>Find evil prick that fucks dogs for fun
>Will you kill him and be evul or spare him and be gud
>Character with mysterious power helps villager
>Villagers treat character like monster for no explicit reason
>Hurr it's so hard to have superpowers everyone hates me because [reason that is never really elaborated on]
>It works if it's not about politics. Skub/politics makes people angry.
No, strawmanning never "works". It will always make a story worse instead of better.
You shouldn't write a character purely as a vector for attacking an idea, and if you do, you should present the strongest version of the idea you're attacking; otherwise, you're a hack writer and you're being dishonest to your reader.
>Military commander pursues a pointlessly aggressive strategy against indigenous peoples. His awful personality, many tactical failures, and fictionalized overuse of violence are used to attack corporatism by association.
Ya speakin' Patwah bredren?
>kyle mum phone me parent
>sey we gwan let kyle play
>(Perfect patwah)
>next stop on him railroad be da NPC who need ta be talked wid
>(Perfect patwah)
What in the goddamn...
Holy shit so much this. Frankly, any "badass" children at all really grinds my gears.
>tragic homicidal ghost
The little girl ghost is totally justified in murdering innocents because something bad happened to her. You must console and appease her.
I feel that way about fey.
Everything bad about elves turned up to eleven with bad goth stuff thrown in for good measure.
and bogans like you are the reason why the head postman was some foreign worker making over a mil (also his two "unnamed for privacy" exec friends) while services suffered.
Youre supposed to be invested, but not dumb enough to tell other people you think natives should still be classified as flora and fauna.
>no heroes journey to justify their mary sue status
every time
Actually, I think that's my most hated trope:
The Ruthless Corporate Profiteer
In real life, corporations and their employees only commit evil in tiny fractions, and they love to embrace the idea that they're good people. They're not cigar-twirling evil wizards in the way they're typically portrayed.
>Introduce character
>Character is part of badass special forces
>He especially forces the PCs/Protag to do all the work
>His men fucking drop like flies constantly
>Mfw there's one of these edgy shits in my party right now
I've had to make it abundantly clear to the player involved that if he does any edgy bullshit to the party, he's getting Gated to the moon and left there.
Kinda helps that I'm the only party member he absolutely can't kill.
Good observation. They persuade themselves that they are not bad people, and rationalize their misdeeds. It works that way with most everyone, after all.
>archery is shown as something easy to do and easy to get trained in
Archery fucking hurts, man.
The evil of corps isn't some bad man in a spot being evil because he loves it, it's that often times people make decisions they don't see or understand the consequences of.
>character refuses to pay for drinks
>the owner of the bar is actually a level 20 retired epic adventurer
>beats up clearly weaker character for refusing to pay tab
God bless /pol/ shit posters
Good on ya. And since you posted Jojo, I think it's worth mentioning that Jojo is one of the few shows that doesn't make any mistakes with Mary Sue children or other people who are phony tough.
Garrosh did nothing wrong
>bad guy has the hero/heroes cornered
Fucking work that shit in organically you hacks, stop infodumping mid climax
>natives should still be classified as flora and fauna.
Australian politics sound amazing
>The little girl ghost is totally justified in murdering innocents because something bad happened to her. You must console and appease her.
This has it's origins in the idea that the way to get rid of or manage a ghost is to appease it/resolve it's ties to the world. It's only really a problem if it comes up in a setting where there's a more direct way of dealing with it, even then depending on the type of character if the more direct way involves destroying it resolving the issue can still make sense.
I know of this reasoning. However I take issue with the tone of the narrative portraying the ghost as morally right.
>female lead is good at fighting
>"where did you learn how to fight like this?"
>"I grew up with 7 older brothers"
It's like a century-long shitpost.
For context, that bloke in the second video is a former Prime Minister.
>I take issue with the tone of the narrative portraying the ghost as morally right
Fair enough, though I'm not sure I've actually encountered a version of that scenario that read that way to me. I could also be forgetting.
There was this... racing event, I forgot the name of it, this 24 hour thing where the competitors were allowed 24 tins of beer throughout while driving.
There was an outcry at just 24 tins.
the change is only like 30 years old. Possibly less.
also see
our parliamentary sessions are like a school room. Its mind blowing to watch a session in full and they vote on laws after a few hours in the pub. Our last Prime Minister has all but admitted to being tanked during some votes. Also ate some onions which was baller.
its crazy down here on Monster Island
He missed a key vote on something or other because he was passed out on $5000 bottles of wine, didn't he?
Assassin PCs. They're always edgememes with "cool masks" and will threaten people at the drop of a hat because social skills are hard.
I've got a new player who made one, and when I mentioned starting a different game (because this group was having trouble meeting) he said he had no desire to play any other character. Ever. He had one dual-wielding drow assassin in him, and nothing else.
>good is boring af because all the cool things are given to evil for arbitrary reasons
>game designers are too retarded to realize this and just accept the "fact" evil is just cooler
This is why Batman is so popular.
Yes. I remember because I was super lefty at one point and could only appeal to emotion. This one made me lol and opened my eyes to how bad it really ways.
blame star wars video games. Im not a fan of moral relativism in muh escapism and good being purely defensive and support instead of righteous fury and justice should be a crime.
Gonna be honest, I don't quite get what you just said with that first part. So you aren't a super lefty anymore, but Bony Tony and his bottles of wine just made you remember just how bad it really was?
'Stralia, the white trash country.
You wound me, user.
but what if the child assassin isn't an assassin anymore and is just a child?
Then they don't belong in or near an adventuring party.
>the wise sensei who won't teach
I really liked it in Dragonball(OG not Z)
it's done alright so far. I'm hopeful it'll be a good thread
Living weapons, ultimate lifeforms, genetic supersoldiers, homunculi warriors, and other forms of perfect soldier types having absolutely no social skills or understanding of life outside of war.
Wouldn't that be a massive disadvantage in a war, to have the social understanding of an autistic child? Why would you design your supersoldier in such a way as to have such a critical flaw?
Even if they were never intended to get along peacefully, the ultimate conclusion of the idea of a living weapon, it still makes no fucking sense, because any professional warrior, especially anyone who does special forces type shit, is going to need to talk to other people, for things like reconnaissance, scouting, information gathering, convincing other people to fight...
So why is every fucking supersoldier living weapon a fucking autist?
Huh. I can actually buy that.
Why are you here
Socializing people is hard.
I had a fellow PC combine that with the edgy badass child trope BUT TOTALLY A GOOD PERSON GUYS, complete with dual katanas, in an exalted game.
In responce I made a character that was charismatic, jovial and actively tried to help others - so long as it benefitted him. By the time the game fell apart he had 4 gods, a rakshasa, the ghost of a first age commander and what we think was a liminal in his pocket. Literally, in some cases.
Still seems pretty worthwhile, even in sheer military benefit alone.
Pic related
Usually because they're not soldiers, they're weapons.
They have handlers to take care of them, point them in the direction of the bad guys, and put them back into their packaging when the immediate death has been dealt. Those handlers are the ones who handle all the interaction with other humans that doesn't involve 'make X non-functional'.
Gunslinger Girl did that concept rpetty well, but in most cases, it ends up becoming necessary anyway.
they hurt animals to make that game?
Because weapons are just tools in the hands of their wielders, turning someone into a "living weapon" is inherently a dehumanizing process, and the best way to make someone come off as uncomfortably inhuman is to remove normal human responses while still making them look human.
Ironically this gave me an idea to add warforged into my setting
The Company only fed veal to its employees and the uniforms had fur lining and made of real leather.
see >Even if they were never intended to get along peacefully, the ultimate conclusion of the idea of a living weapon, it still makes no fucking sense, because any professional warrior, especially anyone who does special forces type shit, is going to need to talk to other people, for things like reconnaissance, scouting, information gathering, convincing other people to fight...
That is not hurting animals, it's being top notch employers
>Character really doesn't want to do something
>his "friends" do it behind his back/force him to do it/emotionally blackmail him into it
>he lets them
Maybe I'm just a stubborn fuck, but this drives me wild. I hate it when characters let others run roughshod over then.
Violet seems like a pretty decent execution of this character type. She's not an autist, just socialized in a strictly regimented and stratified environment. She's actually adapting fairly quickly to the outside world for someone who was only ever close to one person.