ITT: Making a Realm Ruled by Evil Fertility "God"

>What is the idea?
This started as a magical realm thread suggestion, but quickly became pure horror as quite a few fetishes were removed immediately (making it less of magical realm and more of a proper setting) and ones that did exist became twisted into something more horrific.
>What is this?
Pocket realm created by an entity of almost god like power made from artifact, transmuter and druidic ritual fussed together in a failed experiment.
Few odd races of outcasts and monsters reside here and been changed by the plane as well...While it's creator tries there best to stop any kind of "Heros" from entering.
>What do I want?
I want to make this into fleshed out setting (As recently I myself and few other anons did make what started as a magical realm into a unique and interesting because it was not our fetish.
I would like to try this here as well - the fetish that could related to this would be Pregnany - more info in the pastebin file at the start of the thread.

P.S. All shitposters please go back to your threads and be unproductive bastards there.

Just writing small introduction to the plane here so it would not take up too much space:
Realms geography is not too unusual, it's filled with nice marshes, swamps, forests, plains, savanas and even small cold desert - each made using combined efforts of the species that lives there and plane's creature who tried to help it's inhabitants live in environment that they find most favourable for them.
Food here is plentiful, water is clean and weather is nice.
And you can live really well as long as you follow the rule, few of the are:
You are not allowed to kill other sentient being (This has a unique punishment)
Incest is punished for being unnatural
And no one knows what happens to rapists, for it is third of things not allowed in this place.

Next post will be from explain the punishment for those crimes.

Hey to toss you an idea that you will automatically reject:

This has already been done?

Lamashtu the goddess (Demon) of monsters and birth. She has a realm of Kurnugia. Which is ... moderately fleshed out. And despite living in a place called the abyss. Mortals have/can/do live there in a non-evil/non-tutored capacity (Experience will vary based on race). The world and terrain is brutal but it's still doable.

I know but I will say I dislike it for different reason - this is a god and all and mother of monsters does not work for me because this while somewhat horrible is not menevolen, more like someone who is just odd.
Also I do want to make plane genuinely nice place to live if you know the laws.

Does war count as "murder"?

Does killing an animal for food count as "killing other sentient beings"?

>Crime of murder.
If this crime is committed, powerful spell that surrounds the realm is activated, casing killer to help victim to be reborn - literary. If killer is female, they become pregnant with the victim, giving birth to them alive once more. If killer is male, they are turned into a female by this spell for the duration of pregnancy.

Those who go forth and confess that they killed someone to one of the "Deathless realm healers" - sort of local cult, gets an easier punishment - pregnancy is speed up and victim is born size of a baby and grow rapidly days after being reborn

If killer does not confess, pregnancy is of normal length and instead of normal size baby, few days after due date, victim is grown to size they were when they died and are born afterwards...
>Punishment of incest
Those who commit this unnatural crime are arrested by the "Deathless Realm healers" and put into the penitent service, helping with hardest works they have and will work like that for up to few years, that which point they either return to there home or become one of the healers themselves.
>Punishment for rape
As this realm has no death sentence those who commit it, regardless of gender, usually take to the prison of green stone...And no one is quite sure what is done to there people...

Picture of one of species that adapted to this realm.

Sentient being is usually one of humanoid races but in most games tag intelligence or whatever corresponds with it being above level of beast.

>Story for the lady in thread's first picture.
Creator of this realm is not a god, not by far.
It's a transmuter wizard who in a tragic accident was fused to an artifact for creating pocket realms.

For some time she tried to fix this situation but before she could do it, she was called abomination and some druids tried to trap her in a tower of hers. This lead to her being covered in warding runes.

But eventually the runes broke and drudic magic mixed with the arcane and effected the already broke mind of the poor transmuter...but healing nature of it repaired the gaps between her body and machine, leading to decrease in pain...but unexpected side effect was her deepest desires being brought out, her wild side taking control and her obsession with life took hold and eventually lead to braking of the wards and her escaping into a inter planer space, where the artifact powers were used to help her create a corner to go wild in....

Their could be a murder cult(they don't necessarily need to kill people outside the cult) that share a fetish of having an adult in their wombs/being an adult in womb(assuming the reincarnating victim is conscious at that point)


Well it's less city bound and more realm bond so it works everywhere...but yeah I could see this idea working.

But how about giving it added bonus?
Like in this realm you get warlock levels with patron being creator of this realm if you know some ritual to ask her powers. But it works only on pregnant creatures.

Alternatively, they use phorbbiden magic that someone would use for abortion, that in this realm instead of killing the baby, counts it as murder and doubles the amount of people - so sort of low lvl, very painful cloning ritual.

>itt, let's make a bad idea worse

What do you mean?

>The people of the realm
This realm is mostly inhabitanted by monstrous species or ones that are outcast from other worlds.

Reason being because they would not be missed in there original world, as first time this realm creator (She needs a name) tried to get people for her little pocket of a world, they got "saved" by some plane jumping "heros"

And after few failed attempts she picked out ones that satisfied her wild sides taste the best and kept them around.

But these people were effected a bit by living here most likely, growing calmer, less bloodthirsty, or perhaps more obsessed with healing? Or you know, helping some devastated race recover. (could be sort of plot idea, interplanar support is mistaken for invaders and players end up in this place)

Please make a better thread yourself and post a like here. Complete with art you made.

Thats the result of bad Star Trek terminology. Almost all animal species are sentient. The closest word for intelligence is Sapient.

oh come on, with these shittily drawn pictures you arent even trying to hide your degenerate magical realm here

>Multiple claims to not be magical realm
I don't believe you.

Oh well then, let's go with Dwarf fortress use of the word - anyone that is humanoid, like animal people, elfs, dwarfs, aliens and so on. As well as animals with awakened minds.

Well sire it started as a fetish setting (not magical realm, a bit more...tame) and that was art I made it. Now if you can make some better art that fits this idea of a life obsessed druidic and arcane magic abomination, go ahead and post it here, I will happily use it.

It says it's less of magical realm and more...just one were fetish is common (Though I do not claim this is someone magical realm most likely), so you know....kind of realistic when you recall that some civilisations did worship gods of fertility which were much more magical realmy then most of the stuff here. (Because let's face it mythology is just as dirty as anything on the internet)

>>Punishment of incest
That's awful and really mean.
No dinner for you, young man!

Last ideas for now, would like suggestions
>Healers of the Deathless realm
A group of the local creatures who helped to make this realm there home and communicated with the realm's creator.
There task is too help the sick and make sure the laws of the realm are followed - sort of red cross with armor but few weapons and ones who never kill.
>The Army of Great Wound
Just a group of healers of sorts that are thrown out into other realms to heal wounded - a bit like red cross. But they are composed of species most people would be scared of so they get attacked rather often.
>The cult of rebirth?
Secret cult that came into existence for unknown reasons, with there members using odd rituals and poisons to bolter there ranks by...braking the laws of the realm in an unusual way.

Well there is alternative for that punishment - you get turned into inbreed abomination.

Not sure on origin of this meme, but I will say I actually replaced punishment with getting turned into abomination of inbreed decent if you don't take the warning.

(Takes out one odd fetish out of this)

Shut up, namefag

What this is intended as an odd setting and let's face it in comparison to monster girl encyclopedia threads this is rather tame.

This drawing looks like something you'd find on a 12-year-old's deviantart page

Yeah it's shit I know, took me 30 minutes to make in paint.

Sadly I can't delete the thread any more and the useless newfags and shitposters are not helping, which is sad because Veeky Forums can make some nice shit (I seen myself recently)

Since I proposed the cult I'll try to expand on the idea :
>The cult of rebirth
The cult was formed by someone that found that through certain means they could pass on some trait to the person they were re-birthing into the world. The cult try to find member with desirable trait to be chosen to rebirth the rest of the cult.
>The cult of Unbirth
Offshoot of the cult of rebirth, created after one of it's member found they could establish a symbiotic link with the one in their womb. As result they try to keep rebirthing member as long(and as close to their per-sacrifice age) as possible in their womb. The leader only pass their capacity to trusted lieutenant.

For cult of unbirth I think we should say they have pregnancy go though on normal duration, they just might be seeking new members all the time (or have them made old fashion way)

For rebirth one yeah I could see some races using it and this would explain how some half creatures came into the existence in that place.

I am guessing all members in this cult are female? Because I had few ideas for local species picking up traits in the plane.

I think the cult could have male members, firstly for making children the normal way to increase membership.
For the cult of unbirth since it's a symbiotic link the sex of the one inside doesn't matter.
For the cult of rebirth male can still enjoy the benefit of getting good traits(Some ambitious people may join the cult only for that purpose) and extra manpower is always good

Well thing is parthogenesis (asexual reproduction in some reptiles and birds) could be one of side traits race that are born in this realm could get - some there could be cults with no males that can still bolster there numbers (though it would be monster races as native races are ones other realms exiled so probably things like kobolds, lizardfolk, small giantkin like goliaths, gnolls, tieflings, maybe half-dragons? and so on)

Lamashtu has the active goal of corrupting all of life into her own horrid idea of beauty. She wants to rewrite the biosphere in her blasphemous image, up to and including taking Shelyn, goddess of love and beauty, and putting her through whatever turned her brother into the god of pain, so that the very ideas of Love and Beauty on a fundamental level are perverted into what her ideal image of them should be.

If that's not malevolent I don't know what is.

Still that is a god of a vast realm this is a small sphere in a dimensional pocket with population of a small country. This is much smaller in scale and thus much more isolated....

I wanted to make this smaller and not as....prominent or effecting other realms, because well it's more fun that way.

You know it's actually something that can be done mechanically - just process that takes few months (or perhaps a month for a kobold) and once you are reborn you get a random racial trait from the "mother", well for rebirth at least.

For symbiotis, why not make it good for monsters and odd PCs - you get the unborn creatures class or spells or some other traits (like skills or natural traits) But it would need a feat or be part of a class?

For the symbiosis I thought about the lore first as for mechanically I don't know if you can make a full class out of it.
You could either take the route of the creature in the womb can use spell and abilities as it were the mother(line of sight).
For a more balance way the mother could use spell and/or abilities of the one in the womb(a certain number of time depending on level or how far along the pregnancy is).

Yeah I think lore would be good to sort out just saying we could borrow from Maiesta RPG's idea where the spirit in there there case granted magic powers to the mother.
So I could see some parts of the cult taking out there enemies of power to use there own powers.
As for class while note full blown class it could be part of a class as an ability perhaps? Though as a feat or a ritual you can undergo might work better.

So yeah for lore - perhaps the mother can borrow metal attributes of the child, but they grew stronger the more along she is, which gives this balance if she wants more mental power and well....increased size and this somewhat reduced dexterity (So perhaps some who practice it have special armor made for them to make dodging not needed?)
Or you know she can fight with minor empowerment while still retaining most of the agility.

Then you can always go with the whole 'must promote life at all costs'

Meaning that diseases aren't so much cured as treated, you live with them and let life take it's course.

Child prevention? Lol what? Why would anyone want that?

Fertility also doesn't mean life, it means the creation of life. You can go the full red of tooth and claw angle on it. Life fights to be born, nothing stops you from killing it once born, but you must allow it to be born.

Take the whole concept (or really -any- concept) to it's logical extreme and you generally have at least a start of halfway decent alien/villain material.

Well child prevention is already set in one way and it's really extreme.

Disease idea sounds interesting could be some philosophy of one of the groups there (Like part of the healers that act as this places soldiers think it should be done this way and thus they make so disease no longer hurts but you have to live with it)

As for creation of life - yeah there are many ways to do it and mutations some local inhabitants could get would be interesting.

Also it could be this planes sort of villainous deed (in eyes of others) - they send people to realms that are empty and devoid of life to pretty much populate them, so yeah they could get in trouble that way.

So from technical side this could be part of some type of druidic magic or transmission spell for wizards?
Maybe warlock invocation?

Or you know a feat of sorts. (Thought I could try to make a type of class myself maybe once the lore is done, if you folk do not mind)

One of few locals in the Deathless Realm is the Forest of Pregnancies (Name given by dwarf fortress of all things)
Thought to house one of the cults that can be found all over the realm, as well as well known for housing quite a few druids of lizardfolk, gnolls, kobolds, tieflings and other races it also came to be known as good place for herbs and flowers, some of which are used by the healers of the realm, closest force to a military this place has (Due to equipment and training to help calm down and knock out trouble makers)

Question: let's say I kill someone, and become a chick to give birth to them. Would it then be considered murder of I give birth in a unsafe location and the baby dies?

For example giving birth off the side of a cliff or into a pool of water?

Equally if I force someone to kill me so I can appear within their womb considered rape?

Could I kindly ask some user to keep this thread alive for next few hours - just prevent it from ending in page 10 untill I can come back and try to make it into something better?

To first one process would just restart as whole realm is effected by this spell and pool of water is actually not that dangerous for a baby, they know how to swim...the cliff yeah its same thing all over for 9 more months.

To second one - one cult is pretty much based around concept of getting killed by there allies to get more powerful by extra means.

It's system that is odd but with some extra rituals can be abused to gain power (as long as you don't leave the realm... which is almost always as this is sort realm that is hard to leave)

Here have something about how I think a branch of the cult of rebirth would function as an organization :
>Down period
During that period members are encouraged to try develop new trait that can be passed down or recruit/have a child with someone who has that trait.
>The contest
Members present their findings to the leaders of the cult you selection the best to be the next generation Parent(If the chosen isn't of age, they'll wait until they are before proceeding) then celebration.
>The first birth
Since during such a large scale pregnancy the new Parent might be vulnerable, the champion of the cult are sacrificed(and reborn) first to be the Parent. On they're reborn celebration.
>The grand rebirth
After that the rest of the cult is scarified, while the first reborn protect the Parent during her pregnancies. Once it's over there is a final celebration before returning to a down period.

(first birth)
*the Parent's body guard