First, when people discuss "attributes" or "ability score" in reference to games, they are almost always referring to the core basic scores. In D&Dsphere the main six are: STR, CON, DEX, WIS, INT, CHA. These are independent statistics which don't rely on anything else to exist. When someone asks "What are your attributes/ability scores?", they usually _don't_ mean things like carry capacity or speed, which are derived scores.
For the discussion of systems and the core attributes that all characters have, GURPS absolutely has four main "Attributes".
>Four numbers called “attributes” define your basic abilities: Strength (ST), Dexterity (DX), Intelligence (IQ), and Health (HT).
Will, Speed, Move, etc, are all "Secondary Characteristics."
>“Secondary characteristics” are quantities that depend directly on your attributes. You can raise or lower these scores by adjusting your attributes. You can modify some of them directly: start with the value calculated from your attributes and spend the required points to adjust it away from that base level. This does not affect the related attribute scores.
It may be true that secondary characteristics are their own mechanical entities and are subject to different rules, but they are expected in some form in most games. People don't usually go looking for a game with a short list of attributes to the exclusion of some kind of health system, right? Be it Wounds, HP, Grit, whatever, a health mechanic is expected to exist, be derived, and individually managed to some extent. Similarly with Will saves, or with Speed, Move, and Carry. FP pulls double duty as Mana or your vancian spell limit, and for most players in rules-light games it can be safely ignored.
Not only is it technically incorrect to say that they are attributes, it is faulty to treat them as such in discussion.