>5e will soon reach critical mass
>being able to play the system will be a necessity for all roleplayers
Are you ready?
>5e will soon reach critical mass
>being able to play the system will be a necessity for all roleplayers
Are you ready?
I hope it ruins your fun.
Top Keck.
Have sworn to never touch one of DnD s bastard brood ever again unless ADnD and my life got better.
I use Mg1e Traveller for crunchy-shooty games for new people in our local community and Heroquest:G. for narrative fantasy and hero games.
Works amazingly well.
Stay in your comfort zone DnD pleb.
Besides the OSR movement, 5e is by far the best D&D game to get into. Even playing a shitty "dark souls" campaign for my buddy as my only experience I can tell it's a pretty good game. Lots of character options, still pretty simple, cool spells and powers, etc. Still stuck using that shitty lite-Tolkien fantasy setting though, oh well.
Totally ready. Roleplayers suck.
Why would I want to move onto a system that doesn't work how I want? I'll stick with 4e, it runs Ebberon a hell of a lot better and it's got a lot more options for combat and non-combat alike. I mean, I don't dislike 5e (It seems a bit dull but servicable enough) but I've no desire to change editions just because a new one is out.
>not playing Warhammer Fantasy
I know you're trolling OP but come on
True roleplayers are going to be defined by being able to play systems that are not DnD.
I thought it was defined by being able to play a fucking role. Mechanics don't stop that, at most they influence what kind of roles are most fit for the tone of the game. The only group that feels unable to roleplay because of mechanics is a talentless one led by a RAW retard with zero creativity.
Fucking get good.
Only tabletop I ever played, and I think we did pretty well
My rogue went from a overconfident prettyboy to an paranoid conspiracy theorist, to a ambitious politician throughout the campaign
>implying 5e is some new different and unfamiliar thing when it's really a Frankenstein of everything already out there
I don't play fantasy so suck it DnD shitters.
5e is pretty decent ime, and learning how to play it isn't particularly difficult. I don't see the problem unless I want to play something that isn't standard fantasy.
Wouldn't it have to out-perform 3.x+3.pf first? Because it still hasn't sold more copies yet.
There are other D&D settings besides fantasy.
>Only tabletop I ever played
And for that matter it has less active players too. The main DnD convention in the world got completely taken over by PF.
They're going to add Hengeyokai to the official race selection soon.
They want the furry market
You're not wrong, but that's also why it's done so well
>And for that matter it has less active players too
The Roll20 numbers indicate otherwise. 5e has literally more than triple (well, 0.06% more) the number of 3.5 and PF games according to the latest numbers I could find. Maybe not a perfect representation of the RPG market, but it's better than congoers.
Comfy as fuck, I actually like 5e for your random dumbass fantasy arpegeeing.
3e SR is best system anyhow, and the only one I'll miss. And since noone plays it...
Don't talk to imbeciles. If he can't roleplay in 5e, he'll be shit no matter which system he picks.
5e is fine for what it is. D&D has always been dominant, even when White Wolf was eating into their market share or a bit later when Pathfinder was peeling off players who didn't like 4e.
In any case if you want players for another system you have to make them. Run a game. Teach people to play. If you can't do that much, you don't have any right to complain about the dominance of a single game.
>unironically liking whiff-fests
At least play a game that makes good use of deadly rules.
>outsold 4e and 3.5 combined every year so far
>b... but it’s the total books shipped that matters!
Don't worry user, I still run it.
>being able to play the system will be a necessity for all roleplayers
It's not possible to not be able to play 5e. A new player can pick it up in a single session.
>Gatekeeping some random kid
You see this? This shit right here? Stop this.
>Cherry picks games created
>Counts games made with 0 players and people just practicing their use of Roll20
>instead of number of players which shows the real picture
Nice lie, faggot
>New product can outsell a decades old book everyone already has a copy of and for some reason that invalidates copies sold.
Oh man, tons of Young Adult novels outsell Lord of the Rings every year, each and every one must be more popular.
If you need the system itself forcing you to roleplay instead of doing it naturally, you might be the problem, not the game.
5E is kinda something you want to run as a campaign once, and move on. Maybe one shot it every once in a while.
The moment you want to add more depth you quickly realize other systems do it better.
What would you recommend as a substitute for 5e?
I've just played 5e and Shadowrun so far.
I like Genesys, and the OSR movement is excellent, if not for everyone.
Shadowrun is a shit show of rules, bad templates, poor font/color consistency, and generally awful document formatting. I love the setting to death, but fuck the publishers, and whoever came up with the recoil mechanic for gunshots.
I digress. I currently use Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Dark Heresy First Edition and Pathfinder.
Pathfinder is a more complex 5E. While warhammer fantasy and dark heresy cover most other esoteric genres, and more lethal games.
People like you who post "HAHAHAHA" whenever you're trying to make a point are so fucking obnoxious
FantasyCraft fixed fighters. Hell it fixed most problems with d20.
Armor makes sense, wounds make sense, classes are very different, it's just a very strong system.
I like 5e, but my love is Fantasycraft.
>Shadowrun is a shit show of rules, bad templates, poor font/color consistency, and generally awful document formatting. I love the setting to death, but fuck the publishers, and whoever came up with the recoil mechanic for gunshots.
>I currently use [...] Pathfinder
Pot, meet kettle
Not knocking you for playing either,
I love SR as well, but at least point out pf's flaws as well
Ye, that's the feeling I got from shadowrun as well. Needlessly convoluted comes to mind.
When it comes to warhammer both fantasy and 40k, I always got the impression that the required background knowledge in order to play those games holds them back. I've also got a friend who's a huge 40k nerd and I dread playing dark heresy in his presence, or ever.
Surprised you didn't post "OH NO NO NO".
>he cant hack any system for any theme
what a pleb
>literally being that 'play Shadowrun in 5e' goy
I'm not talking faggot shit, i ran a Jurassic Park one shot with my players as mercenaries charting site b
>replying to a butthurt contrarian at all
Why. Their entire agenda desperately relies on the idea that people should never adapt systems, and he's not going to back down.
They deserve shame. We need MORE gates to this hobby, not less.
Bless you, user, and glhf with your campaign!
Uhmmm, can we all agree that this needs to stop?
Doubt it will even come close to my countries local top selling RPG. Feels good to have better choices available.
>True roleplayers
>TRUE roleplayers
Well if you give yourself the title of "true", then you must be correct, right? You do seem very impartial. How can anyone counter the point you have made, wait. You didn't make one at all, you just praised yourself. Wait a minute, you are just like everyone else. However you are arrogant, and you think you are somehow better than others based on the mechanics of the roleplaying game you are using. So you are just a huge faggot? Shit, never mind, nobody really needs to bother wasting any more time on this faggot. Carry on Veeky Forums.
Ya, what you say makes sense. People on this board are huge brand fags. They think it makes them superior. It is the weak feelings of someone that is incapable of simple rational reasoning that drives this sort of combative brand whoring.
>My group plays the most random, and most unknown system, we are the true roleplayers!
Sad little shitbags they are.
"True roleplayers" can have fun playing any system with a good group, even if it's not their favorite, because rulesets are less important than who you're playing with. I'd never choose to play Pathfinder and I've still had a with it, simply because I liked the campaign concept and I was with my friends. You'd know that if you'd actually played an RPG before
>>being able to play the system will be a necessity for all roleplayers
But why? How does D&D effect players who never play D&D?
>whurr hemmurr
Oh what little worlds we spin ourselves into.
Yes, posting shit from social media definitely needs to stop.
>unironically (((mike mearls))) posting
He's trying to say that soon 5e will be so popular that knowing it will be a literal requirement to play RPGs. The funny thing is that's already the case. If you're in a group that doesn't play D&D, or even doesn't play it primarily, you're in a slim minority. 5e's growing popularity isn't at the expense of non-D&D games, it's over 4e and 3.PF
With this logic you can just replace 5e with D&D in general. The vast majority of all role-players started with one edition of D&D or another. D&D has always been the generic, entry level RPG that sits closest to the mainstream consciousness. I would be surprised if the vast majority of RPers who still play after 5 years haven't all moved to other non-D&D games primarily.
My point is more that 5e is taking over RPGs by way of taking over the D&D sphere, which was so dominant to begin with
>I would be surprised if the vast majority of RPers who still play after 5 years haven't all moved to other non-D&D games primarily.
Be surprised then, because that isn't how it be
It will come and go, much like 4e.
Because as bad as 3rd is, it is still better than 5th.
You can apply roleplaying to a combat-focused system like 5e and still work fine as it's malleable, but you can't guarantee that combat will be good if you apply it to a roleplaying system. Through and through, 5e is a combat simulator. Basically every single rule is related to combat in some form or another, but very, very few are related to 'roleplaying'. Saying that the name of skills or descriptions are 'roleplaying' rules are retarded, because then you'd be required to sneak for Sneak Attack.
If you're playing 5e primarily for the roleplay and not for the combat, you might as well play a different system. If you're someone who plays every game purely focused on roleplay and no combat, you're definitely not playing 5e because you're ignoring literally the entire rulebook. You could play literally any system with this mentality, so you can't claim to be playing 5e. You're just writing fanfiction and pretending to be using 5e.
If you're someone who wants to solely roleplay, there is still absolutely no excuse for not being able to play the actual game and not having a proper understanding of the system. If you're playing 5e, being able to perform in combat is a fucking necessity - and don't even get me started on people who think that you can't have a character good at combat and roleplay. People who aren't fucking retarded make their character first based on a combat-focused concept (or being a skill monkey, I guess, but even then they should be able to participate in combat without being a burden because they want to 'muh roleplay'), and then afterwards they apply their roleplaying concepts and goals on top of it. It's faggots like this who try to justify rolling for stats in campaigns expected to last for a long time because 'you need a bad stat to be able to roleplay ecks dee', even though half the these faggots never roll below a 10 on their dump stat.
Holy fuck you can both understand the game and roleplay. 5e is a combat simulator, get used to it.
>being able to play the system will be a necessity for all roleplayers
If you want lightweight, back to basics D&D with a focus on exploration first, combat second, and a distinct zero-to-hero power curve; retroclones might be for you.
Who's this and why should I give a fuck what he has to say?
Way out of the loop here but what does it do that 3.5/pf doesn't? I was under the impression after 4th ed being garbage people wouldn't have even bothered looking at it.
You're acting like this is a new phenomenon, and asshurt at it at best. Is it because you somehow feel rejected by these randos? Why force them over issues rather than find your own clique?
Looking it over, 5e seemed like a decent game, but it didn't wow me, and I'm tired of learning new editions of D&D. I'm not saying I never, under any circumstances, would, but I'm probably not going to bother unless something compels me too. If you like and enjoy 5e, more power to you. But it's just one edition of one game on the market, even if it's the big one.
Not at the current release speed.
my group is diehard Fate/Eclipse Phase/Traveller oddballs.
i know another group, PF, who froth at non-PF RPG
make us.
good sir,
the youngling does not have the right to speak in a council of veterans
>Eclipse Phase/Traveller
What? How? You simultaneously love crunch and hate it with a fiery passion?
Good god, I can smell your body odour and the cheetos from here.
What's this about gatekeeping?
Read the thread, mongoloid.
I have and it makes no sense.
Too bad Fantasy Craft is as boring as a textbook.
>ame, but it didn't wow me, and I'm tired of learning new editions of D&D. I'm not saying I never, under any circumstances, would, but I'm probably not going to bother unless something compels me too. If you like and enjoy 5e,
its less segmented that 4e and its simpler than 3.5 and PF with way less bloat, simple advantage disadvantage system replacing a multitude of die rolls for checks. all in all its a simple but effective system with straightforward mechanics by far the easiest dnd edition to pick up and play, and absolutely the easiest to introduce new players to the game. not to say you can't play complicated tactics and stuff its just at the base level very streamlined and simple.
More gates means that more people can come in tho
>by far the easiest dnd edition to pick up and play, and absolutely the easiest to introduce new players to the game.
Since Basic exists I'll call you a liar.
Problem being that most of these fa/tg/uys who hate 5e don't have the social skills necessary to even get one person try the other systems available. I mean imagine having a real conversation with people who laugh at anyones choice in mental make em up games. Completely unapproachable. I try to make it a point when getting new people at the table to show the merits of role-playing games as a whole.
A new player isn't going to give a shit if your playing 5e dungeons and dragons or a 1:1 recreation of the bay of pigs set in an alternate cyberpunk reality with literal pigs, super shotguns, and comms that you spent 12 months creating using GURPS 3e.
We need more people being sheppards to the hobby and less assholes laughing at people for liking the newest edition of Veeky Forumss favorite game to hate on.
I would have thought most groups would have all that shit established already anyway. It's not like people are playing pick up games like they do 40k are they?
>We need more people being sheppards to the hobby and less assholes laughing at people for liking the newest edition of Veeky Forumss favorite game to hate on.
Sure if you want the place to be full of sheep.
>being able to play the system will be a necessity for all roleplayers
Very few roleplayers I know aren't capable of rolling a d20 and adding one or two (small) numbers to it, then comparing it to whatever the DC is. So that's not much of an ability to brag about.
It's just SJWspeak for "he won't let me play with him and I demand everyone let me play with them!" Ignore it the same way you people who say things like "entitlement" and "secret club."
*Ignore it the same way you ignore people who say things
Less gates, moar gatekeepers