It's a 'the gm's girlfriend decides to steal the spotlight from another character's arc by killing that character's...

>it's a 'the gm's girlfriend decides to steal the spotlight from another character's arc by killing that character's long-lost sister for the lulz even though the past half-year the girlfriend's been dominating most of the story' episode
Fuck this gay earth. Even worse, my GM has a no-takebacks policy, on top of his gf having all sorts of OP shit because she rides his dick. We can't get rid of her, and she likes to kill characters that don't agree with her.

The fuck am I supposed to do?

Leave and never look back.

Start running a better game for your friends.
Also, tell your GM how you feel, and do not invite her to your new game.

Leave the game.

Don't put an ultimatum down for your GM, just straight leave and see if any other players are willing to join.

Do it right there at the fucking table, because if the GM is going to fuck you over for some pussy, you can just fuck him over right back.

Worst case scenario: No one joins, you look like a dick, and don't have a game. This frees you up for other games, be it IRL or online, or just free time for other hobbies.

Best Case: The other players agree, join you, and your GM looks like a massive tool.

It's Win-Win, so long as you can stand mild embarrassment.

Take your GM aside. Tell him that you totally understand why he's giving his girlfriend special treatment. But point out that it is causing trouble. Strongly suggest that someone else run the next campaign.

The GM's girlfriend is an uncontrollable cancer. The gaming couple are just a thing.

>GM has a no-takebacks policy
Tell him to take it back. No ultimatum, just fucking leave if he doesn't. He obviously cares about sex more than the game, so he can fucking choke on it

Is she the villain of the GM's campaign? Then it's probably acceptable.
Is she your party member? Then your GM must either make her character the villain, or retcon it all as her character's dream, and the things you feel are OP about her character must be deleted.Tell this to your GM, and do put an ultimatum. Don't show anger, don't scream internally or externally.
If he doesn't comply, then just leave.

Kill her.

Normally I would agree with leaving the game, but in this case it would give her the satisfaction. Anyone surged enough to do this would turn it into a humiliation, saying that you had left because you got attached to an imaginary woman.

OP probably didn't have his poker face on, so she's already been gratified when she saw how upset he was over the character. But if he came back to the next session as if it didn't matter, it could look like he had just been trying to roleplay his character.

Personally I would stay for two more sessions and see if she tries to do anything else. If she tries something else, I would act unconcerned but then try to attack her character by surprise during watch or whatever. Whether your character survives the attempt doesn't matter, as he will just find another way to insert her back into the game. So I'd gather up my things to leave before the combat is even well under way, to tempt the DM to fudge the combat in favor of his girlfriend, which would make him look bad to the other players. But if she doesn't do anything, I would leave the game after a few more sessions and just say it was getting dumb.

>but in this case it would give her the satisfaction
Who gives a shit? We play games to have fun, not to act like machos.

A. Talk to him about it
B. Leave the group

wow that was hard

Do any of your plans ever work?
This sounds super stupid

>but in this case it would give her the
Why would that matter? She can have all the satisfaction she wants, since she wont be able to rub it in your face after you left anyways.

Just start your own group with blackjack and hookers. In fact, fuck the game just get some blackjack and hookers.

Play a paladin, turn her in to the authorities and turn the Gm into the bad guy or blatantly showcase his favoritism.

Assuming you're stupid enough to not deal with them like adults.

So that's why this thread was made.

Why didn't the character attack her right there?

No. Invite her and give her stuff for dick-riding, too. Just don't be as generous as current GM.

Talk to the DM like a being who is part of a collective group activity with another human being. If this does not work then leave the game and seek out another, more agreeable one.

Christ alive why is basic social interaction so fucking difficult for everyone here? The answer to every single fucking "What do I do in ______ situation" is always: talk to them like a regular human and if this does not work then remove yourself from the situation you dislike.

The obvious answer is start riding the GM's dick.
I'd suggest getting cute, as that will probably help?

Oh shit nigger, what are you doing

tell your gm to stop being a bitch or run your own game with your pals

talk to the other players and your DM bout it. how fucking beta and retarded are you? JUST TALK TO EVERYONE AND TELL THEM YOU'RE NOT HAVING FUN. IT'S NOT THAT HARD, YOU STUPID PUSSY

I've done it once before and it worked out. The DM was being unfair, so I escalated a situation involving a spring, to determine whether he was going to be habitually unfair. He did, making me save vs death. I survived and he still made me take big damage dice. So I bottled some of the springwater and gave it to his partner for poison use purposes. Partner was happy, DM was happy, the dungeon got cleared, and I got some gold. Find me another situation where everyone gets out of this happy.

Fuck the GM to establish dominance.

How is that the same?

If there's anything worse than a volatile murderhobo it's a volatile murderhobo that's (literally) riding the GM's dick and getting special treatment for it.

Your the girlfriend, this was your plan all along.

This never happened.

This user is retarded.

Something I doubt OP will ever answer

It's a sort of reverse railroading. If you presume that the DM goes to the trouble of building and running the game in good faith, then the problem can be dealt with in terms of figuring out what the DM wants and doing that. The gf makes the problem easier, because the DM wants the gf happy, and she telegraphs what she wants and how it can be obtained. That's how it would work in a positive case, but in this negative case, the gf allegedly (it's bs bait, but whatever) killed off OP's vassal character apparently without hitrolls or anything. So the DM is a limpwristed non-factor, and the gf is trying to get personal on the player. The goal is to reinstate the game without her, I know that looks hopeless to some people, but it can sometimes be done, because people want to get away from their significant other now and then, and who wouldn't want to get away from someone like this gf?

So in this case, going back as if nothing happened is to show the DM that you tried to make it work with the gf. If she takes action again, you've already demonstrated a personality clash in the game, now you need to escalate it enough to kill the game so that you can respawn it two weeks from now someplace she doesn't know about. That's why you test the DM to see if he will unfairly help her, because you are trying to make him choose between doing what he loves (DMing). If he's worth playing with, he'll reconvene two weeks later someplace else without her and you'll keep the good thing you had.

>character's arc

Control thyself fool.

In my defense, I didn't mean to link that in the first one. My mouse stuck and I dragged the link in by mistake.
Like when you're trying to click the captcha button and you accidentally start dragging the captcha image.

Learn how to suck dick/eat pussy better than the girlfriend and get the GM to leave her for you. Then break up with them once it's gotten serious, calling them a faggot as you leave them in tears.

Alternatively, find a new group. This may be slightly easier than my first suggestion.

The numbers check out, this is the only solution


I agree, wait, do you mean in game or out?


Can we PLEASE refrain from encouraging somebody to murder their fellow players again?

Do not take advice from this man, he cannot get digits.
Listen to

Talk it over with the other guys and mention the girlfriend and ask if they don't like her.

If they all like her maybe you're in the wrong.
If not, talk to the GM tell him hes sucking her dick off and his favoritism is ruining the game.

If she objects, tell her that its not fun when you ruin everything and you're being kind of an asshole.

These kind of people don't typically expect you to be confrontational, and if the entire group is against them they immediately sit the fuck down.

>Almost getting quads
>instead only getting 666
Clearly, not killing her would be evil


>wat do

Blog post on 4chinz instead of confronting him about the issue, of course. Let everything build up without communicating any of it, until it either explodes or the situation resolves itself. If you do explode, and don't get sent to jail/a mental asylum, make sure to blog post on 4chinz about that too, showing how superior you are.

You know what's tiresome is the exact opposite of this image, when characters never talk to each other and have no place in the world, the players don't bother to do voices or act like a character, and when they get a chance to interact with NPCs, they stare blankly and the player mumbles some robotic instruction about what skill checks he's performing.

We need the system OP! If we know the system then we can find out if crafting is allowed! If crafting is allowed then the bullshit magic items the cunt has won't matter! Nothing says fight ending hitting her in the back with a greater arrow of slaying and dealing 1,000 points of damage.

Or if coup de grace is a thing then just cut her head off in her sleep! Either work! Kill the cunt, or try your hardest too, and then quit the game anyways!

Give into your darkside OP! BECOME THAT GUY!!!

(pic related, prep like him to kill the whore)

>put up with suffering for longer
you're the dumbest nigga alive

>skill checks
You've never played 2e.

I don't know almost satan, can you refrain from being a cum guzzling faggot tube?

Tell her boyfriend to beat some respect into her or see

>Nothing says fight ending hitting her in the back with a greater arrow of slaying and dealing 1,000 points of damage.

Nothing says "emasculation" like coming up with a plan to deal 1000 points of damage and having it fail at the last second because the DM is on her side.

The answer, OP, is to piss in her hand bag.

She has one. Piss in it.

Don't be subtle about it either.


I will take "Things that never happened" for $300 Alex

Few options here
1. Start riding his dick
2. Talk to the other players and attack her
3. Start a new game with not her and shitty GM
4. Call out the GM
5. Ask GF to stop

Another episode of screaming "hey just leave tho" like the OP is in an abusive marriage.

Alternatively group up on her with other players. Or start your own DM group

Also if all else fails make a character that appeals to her fetishes and start hitting on her "for lulz", then if DM complains tell him you gave up and decided to make a character that is centered around her storyline. Change the story from the inside

>So that's why this thread was made.
You'll find that most threads on Veeky Forums are made because the OP got butthurt in a previous thread.

You're a dumbass.
>it would give her the satisfaction
A petty dumbass.

Reevaluate the priority of your own needs.