Lull between PT and B&R edition
>Comprehensive Rules
>Current Modern Metagame
Previously on Modern General
Lull between PT and B&R edition
>Comprehensive Rules
>Current Modern Metagame
Previously on Modern General
Survey results as of posting:
How do you feel about Modern as a Pro-Tour format?
41% PT should be Modern every now and then
22% Team Constructed should be the PT format instead
19% Most / every PT should be Modern
11% I don't care about the PT
8% Modern shouldn't be a PT format
37 total votes
Question regarding shapers' sanctuary. If I have shapers' sanctuary,spellskite and say a relevant creature on the battlefield. If my opponent targets relavent creature with bolt and SS triggers, can I redirect to spellskite and get a second trigger?
Also, if opponent goes K command with modes shock and shatter targeting Relevant creature and spellskite I get two triggers from SS correct? If I redirect the shock do I get a third trigger?
the same burn deck for years
nothing really
death and taxes
> If my opponent targets relavent creature with bolt and SS triggers, can I redirect to spellskite and get a second trigger?
> I get two triggers from SS correct?
>If I redirect the shock do I get a third trigger?
This I'm less sure about, but I would think so.
Yes he would get a third trigger if he redirected the other half of k-command to spellskite.
Bant spirits. Got tired of ETron and took the ballistas out for standard
Ensnaring Bridge
Goblins. Going to also try pic related in spirits for a big surprise with coco at end of turn
I assume so on all of them, but I'm not a judge and the errata just says obvious stuff about how the triggered ability comes before the spell or ability that's on the stack.
Thanks guys, trying to brew something up.
Ad Nauseamless Ad Nauseam?
I can draft any set from RTR forward (minus khans and master sets), what sets are good, what are bad? Don't wanna do Ixalan/Rivals of Ixalan as I've done a lot of that recently.
GB Tron with Newrakul because on-cast mindslaver is fun.
Nothing, really. Modern seems to be in a pretty good place right now.
I seriously want to put together a Madcap Moon list, watching Paul Rieztl play it at the PT, it looks like a ton of fun. Unfortunately I don't have $1,000 to drop on another deck right now.
Unban when?
From 1-10, 1=next banlist update, 10=never
5. If this update comes with "no changes" then it goes up to 9.99.
I think it's very similar to Golgari Gravetroll. Sure, you can look at it now and say it wouldn't do anything too bad, but it would already be strong in the current environment, and any decently powerful new equipment would likely lead to the same thing that happened to Gravetroll when SOI and Kaladesh printed cards that pushed it over the edge.
It's easy to point to GGT and say they failed, but I think they were right to try. Just make it clear that the unbanned card has a high chance of being banned again if it causes problems, so caveat emptor.
this is good jank
When would be a good time to buy cards for the B/R Hollow One deck? (Goblin Lore, Burning Inquiry, Hollow One, ect)
Will the prices drop anytime soon or will they continue to rise and stay there?
GGT didn't make dredge unbeatable. it just made it more consistent, but hardly a turn more at most. it was a case of "we hate this mechanic and people who likes it are bad" Dredge was bad because there wasn't enough enablers, SOI brought enablers.
Grave Troll was literally a fine unban AT THE TIME. It was completely unplayed until Wizards decided that red should be able to discard lots of cards then draw even more from one spell.
My mom found some cards i lost aaages back. And unsleeved.
All byput three are in cpgood enough condition for casual play.
what kinds of cards were there
Whir of Invention
Bloodbraid Elf
Stoneforge Mystic
Screenshot this.
Just for you, friend.
Just common and uncommon garbage , but nostalgic gadbage from when i was like 10
Added to my collection.
filename confirmed
I wonder if there should be a "Mox Scale" for chances of a card being unbanned or being bannable, with 1 being cards like Negate and 10 being ante cards
I would place Stoneforged Mystic as a 4. I'm optimistic about it being unbanned sooner or later despite the value it brings.
I would place Bloodbriad Elf as a 5. I'm not pessimistic about its unban, and I wouldn't be shocked to see it unbanned, but I don't expect it either.
JtMS is an 8. He's just too powerful and versatile for UW Control. Without good answers he can fateseal and bounce the opponent out of the game, not to mention his Brainstorm.
Past in Flames is a 3 (it's not banned but it has a chance of being banned). I know WotC hates Storm, but Storm doesn't seem to be too nasty so far. Would be somewhat surprised to see it banned or any other Storm-enabling card.
The numbers are loose estimations of probability, and I do not work for WotC, so I do not know their mindset.
I wouldn't expect the "Mox Scale" to be a thing MaRo would make, even if he wanted to. He can't give us all of the secrets.
It would be easier if you did something like -5 to 5, with -5 meaning never being unbanned and 5 meaning never being banned. All legal cards would be positive and all banned cards would be negative.
Uh, why? His Mox Scale already follows the Storm Scale (which is well understood by a large number of players.) No need to further complicate things.
I actually like 's idea. Might as well indicate whether or not a card is banned or not for memory purposes.
They’re all bad. Draft Time Spiral instead.
SOI and Khans were both really good.
I made W/U spirits as my first modern deck but have just playetested against friends so far.
What matchups should I be worried about?
How strong is the deck? I liked how the one Saffron made played.
I based mine on his budget build and upgraded stuff from there with fetch, path, kira etc.
I'm very new to modern but played against a more experienced friends' deathshadow deck and I'm able to win 1/2 of games just about?
It's obviously not very competetive but it's alot of fun to play imo.
I play UW Spirits without Aether Vial, so my build is probably inferior to the regular kind.
Storm isn't too bad, especially after Game 2 where you have Eidolon of Rhetoric, which you want to protect at all costs with hexproof, and graveyard hate. All I know is that you want to hard-counter Gifts Ungiven or Past in Flames
Affinity is either easy or hard, but your main advantage against Affinity Game 1 is that you have flyers to block with. Kataki is especially devastating and can undo Affinity while also benefiting from tribal synergy. Consider Ceremonious Rejection
Eldrazi-Tron is pretty much a tempo race. You can side in Ceremonious Rejection (also for Affinity), Spreading Seas, Dusk//Dawn (underrated in my opinion), and Blessed Alliance (this kills the Reality Smasher).
Death's Shadow is where Dispel and/or Spell Pierce is necessary. The former can stop Stubborn Denial and the latter can stop early spells. Blessed Alliance is a great card in this matchup.
Humans and Merfolk are nasty for being so aggressive and having Vial. Dusk//Dawn is very effective against those decks, though.
Burn is a mix. Blessed Alliance is your friend. Spell Queller against player-only burn safe, but make sure you can protect Queller if it catches anything that targets creatures.
As for other cards:
Lilliana of either type must be countered or killed ASAP.
Chalice X1 is annoying. Chalice X2 must be stopped.
Fuck discard.
Play conservatively against control.
Try to tempo-out Aggro and Midrange.
Not too strong, but I really love it because of how interactive it is. I'm considering splashing in two Bx shocklands for Lingering Souls and making the deck more aggressive somehow. I still have a lot to learn when it comes to the nuances and I'm considering alternate options such as Kami of False Hope or Dawn Charm.
I will make this work in Modern. Mark my words.
I started with UW and then transitioned to bant once I got hierarchs, but UW is definitely playable. Reflector/meddling mage are great cards even if they aren't spirits
Affinity wrecks my shit hard
For ETron, always have a counter in hand against all is dust or ugin and a path for wurmcoil
Storm is easy with eidolon of rethoric/spirit of the labrynth
And I can only win against Lantern thanks to hierarch/pridemage's exalted triggers, so I have no idea how to make it in UW
Selfless + supreme veredict is always great too
I'm a noob with no deck, I was thinking about Storm or Mardu Pyro but I like UW spirits.
Against Affinity I either buckle and break or I break it down depending on my hand. Game 2 is usually favorable since I have at least 6 cards that hate on Affinity.
ETron is brutal, but not unwinnable. Game 2 I get Ceremonious Rejection to counter anything, and Dusk//Dawn kills pretty much everything.
Storm is not hard.
>Spirit of the Labrynth
Why not more EoR? I'd like to be able to Serum Visions.
Never played against Lantern, but I have a lot of redundancy against them in terms of answers Game 2.
My current list is:
4 Wanderers
4 Selfless
4 Rattlechains
4 Spell Queller
4 Drogskol Captain
4 Serum Visions
4 Path of Exile
1 Dispel
4 Remand
4 Mana Leak
23 Lands, including 2 Field of Ruin and 2 Moorland Haunt
2 Tormod's Crypt
2 Kataki, War's Wage
2 Disenchant
2 Ceremonious Rejection
2 Dusk//Dawn
2 Blessed Alliance
2 Eidolon of Rhetoric
1 Dispel
I'm considering replacing Serum with Opt, Mana Leak with 2 Censor and 2 Spell Pierce, and both Dispels with Negate. My reason being is that I hate getting hit by discard and I would like to hold up answers and have something to do at end of turn either through flashing or cycling. It could really hurt my late game and resilience, though.
>check the price
well, apparently spicy chicken is expensive nowadays.
Thanks for the tips. My sideboard was kinda incomplete so this will help.
Do you have a decklist for your spirit deck?
For Bant I tend to reduce cantrips, my value comes from being really creature-heavy and coco
If I went back to UW spirit of the labrynth would go away instantly
Oh you're talking about Bant matchups. UW only plays 25 creatures at most unless it's using Aether Vial.
Still what does Spirit of the Labyrinth hose out that EoR doesn't?
Unstable dude. Hella fun draft environment.
I usually like it a lot against control
I have 0 cards in my library and am casting Sanguine Sacrament every turn. My opponent is doing the same.
MTG Arena does not have a player or match clock.
It has been two hours.
Please send help.
It's a bit harder to protect, though, but I guess forcing your opponent's hand might be a good thing.
I had a 1-1-1 against Esper Control, though I think I could've won 2-0 had I not rammed by creatures straight into Celestial Colonnade like a moron.
I have used other cards before.
Vapor Snag was good at fogging aggro and Delve creatures, and had the situational effect of rescuing your own creatures.
Kami of False Hope could blow out game-ending swings if Rattlechains is out.
Favorable Winds adds pressure and makes Wanderer essentially a hard-counter.
Celestial Purge made most Planeswalkers a non-issue. Also good against Death's Shadow.
Dawn Charm has a lot of versatility, but I haven't tried it.
Haven't tried Azorious Charm either.
I'm considering swapping some of my spell cards with other alternatives to increase my versatility at the cost of certain power, such as Serum with Opt, Mana Leak for Censor/Spell Pierce, and Blessed Alliance for Dawn Charm.
>bought a Goblin Lore out of the dollar box a month ago for my EDH deck
>saw that they have gone up more than 10x
>friend already bought the remaining 3 from the dollar box
Someone saved my image :3c
If Stoneforged Mystic was unbanned, where would she be put in? Would she be jammed into flexible decks, or would they actually try to build around her?
The fact that you don't know means she's safe.
I would assume D&T would want her.
She might be safe, but not because he doesn't know.
she's not as good with leonin arbiter
Every noble+birds of paradise coco for random eot batterskulls and swords for appropriate color.
Is Tasigur a good card for BGx Midrange decks? What about Sun Titan? Angler? They seem decent in midrange but is my analysis bad or are there just better things to play then them in modern?
>notice i got a beta key for arena two months ago
>decied to give it a go
>it's only block
What did they mean by this?
Tasigur and Angler yes, though there's tension with Goyf and traverse cards in BGx. Sun Titan costs too much for a deck that isn't doing something like Martyr Proc.
They mean that it isn't finished. Not a difficult concept.
I've been in the beta for a month now. Pro tip: the top deck is 4 color vraska control and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
this worked amazingly well when I was playing UW
It's really good :*
I've always thought about that card. It's no Cryptic, but it does reanimate. How many do you run and what would be replaced?
Any other suggestions?
>4 color
>not 5
Whatever you say kiddo
but for real tho what the hell is a good deck here
Have you conceded yet? Does Arena even let you concede?
Esper control with a green splash for Vraska is a real deck. Dino stompy is okay and Vampire aggro is a deck. I've seen some U/B and B/R pirates too, but not much Grixis pirates. I tried to build R/G dinos with a black splash for removal but I wasn't sold on it.
keep in mind that I had no vials, strict budget
the core of my deck was:
4 rattlechains
4 quellers
4 selfless
4 wanderers
4 drogskol captain
I experimented with a lot of things while working out the meta at my store, and ojutai's command usually overperformed against death's shadow and jund variants, which were played a lot around 2016-ish
Right now I don't know how it would work but if your UW list is tuned you probably don't need it
I climbed out of beginner with BG Explore and Merfolk
don't know about higher ranks
>Have you conceded yet? Does Arena even let you concede?
You can concede, but then I would lose the match.
It's fine though, eventually it crashed.
Atleast theres always that consistency
Im gonna blindly trust you on this one and go for a vraska build because she is my mtgfu
I run no Vials, either. Same core.
My list isn't 100% tuned. I'm still trying to find more creature answers beyond Path of Exile. So far all I can think of is Blessed Alliance and Dusk//Dawn, as well as Mana Leak.
The problem I had with Ojutai's Command is that it's a 4-mana spell. Blessed Alliance is a 2/4/6 mana spell. My only card that costs 4 or greater is Dusk//Dawn, and I only have that to counter E-Tron and Death's Shadow.
I have considered adding Vapor Snag so that I have more creature answers, but creature removal cards are dead in some matchups. I could move Path of Exile to the sideboard and add to the mainboard a full set of Vapor Snags, which I can use on my own creatures to do some situational things. It's counterintuitive, though, because replacing Path with Snag is overall downgrading. On top of that what would I replace in the sideboard? Blessed Alliance could be swapped, but what else? There's opportunity cost to consider.
The other thing I was thinking of is just changing some of the 2 mana counterspells to 1 mana counterspells and replacing Serum Visions with Opt. I hate getting hit by discard.
Why did the commenters mentioned Pyxis of Pandemonium prevents faithless looting looking 1 card deeper on the PT?
Also why did the Mardu player conceded so early, he still had outs.
>why did the Mardu player conceded so early
Have you ever played against Lantern?
Yes, and the usually fuck up when I have fetchlands. I know the guys on the PT arent gonna fuck up like that but he still had a chance to play another faithless looting.
this is a 7, shoal is an 8, jace is a 9, misstep is a 10 and seething song is an 11.
as much as i'd love to start slamming misty, it's really unlikely.
it's really not that bad. i play leo as a 2-of maindeck for legacy.
Explain interaction pls
Every white deck ever.
you're remembering it wrong. pyxis exiles from the top of the library instead of milling, which prevented the faithless looting from being drawn or entering the graveyard to be flashed-back to dig deeper.
this is actually why it is extremely unlikely to be unbanned
Nah, they'll just ban coco at the next update.
The funny part is that I could totally see it happening for "diversity." It would read something like "Green based creature decks are heavily incentivized to run collected company to the exclusion of other noncreature spells. We feel that this suppresses other creature decks which could exist if collected company was not in the format. Therefore, for the sake of format diversity, collected company is banned from Modern."
I have two in my collection. I hate nature, and I subconsciously associate green with dumb savages and hippies (not the players). Should I sell them in-case of banning or should I keep them to use as a full set in a deck eventually?
I seriously doubt Coco is going to be banned anytime soon, but if you have no intention of ever playing with it then you might as well trade for something you will play with.
Is 5c humans /our deck/?
No, kithkin is
>aether vial tribal aggro shit
Prized Amalgam
This is semantics again, but can I cheese this with activating spellskite multiple times? (I assume not, but mtg and semantics......)
We are on super jank here though. 2 spellskites and this.
Because of B L U E S T A F F and also Lantern. Card is simply too strong.
Padeem doesn't even see play in Lantern anymore.
ayy B l u e s t a f f
what the hell is this pile of garbage