
>While the experiment with special premium tokens was aimed at fostering a fun, inclusive environment for Friday Night Magic, the real-world results did not match our expectations

Other urls found in this thread:


Seriously, what the fuck were they thinking with foil tokens?

They wanted to push Standard Showdown as the premiere standard day after allowing stores to do whatever format they wanted for FNM.

A thread had died for this.
Go and stay in the MTG general, please.

>UNBANNING Mind Sculptor

Unless you post a link, I'm calling bullshit.


You'll have your confirmation on friday.

Because Jace being in Eternal Masters also saw him get unbanned, right?

At that point no one was talking about unbanning him. A totally different situation.
You can call me an idiot in 4 days if I'm mistaken.

Jace isnt banned in legacy, that's why

user, this set is called Masters 25. Not Modern Masters 2018. There is zero reason to believe that TMS will get an unbanning because of this.

>There is zero reason to believe that TMS will get an unbanning because of this.
>My name is Timmy please exploit me

>At that point no one was talking about unbanning him
That's rich. There have been calls to unban Jace for at least three years.

Has Wizards ever acknowledged it before?

>You'll have your confirmation on friday.
Its stretching all the way back to alpha and is supposed to celebrate all of magic, not just modern. I know JtMS could be unbanned without destroying the format but he is in gay baby jail alongside second sunrise and stoneforge mystic for all eternity.

>Its stretching all the way back to alpha
If they reprint Black Lotus I will probably die of pure schadenfreude.

They won't, though, because WotC are still massive faggots and they won't un-fag themselves with something the playerbase actually wants.

>set that celebrates all of MTG reprints the most iconic PW bar none
>modern unbanning confirmed there can be no other reason! Don't like it or agree, you're a Timmy.
This is how dumb you sound.

>there's zero reason
Whatever you say Timmy.
I'm not talking about the set, I'm talking about the bans this friday.

>Literally been having talks with the owner of my LGS about how it's bullshit that they banned Energy and Red just because of FNM attendance being in the shitter.
>Said the real reason was they took away the decent promos.
>They agreed it probably played a big part but that Red and Energy was a big problem for the format.
>Shop hasn't even been able to launch a Standard Showdown in sets.
>Modern FNM attendance is huge while Standard FNM attendance is mostly beaners or poorfags with jank decks.

Also, Jace will never been unbanned unless they tank his value enough. The moment you unban the fucker he shoots back up to 90/each+ and now all of a sudden you have a huge brick paywall for Modern.

Well it took 4 printings of goys and a one-mana kill spell to tank it, will probably take the same for Jace if you count Eternal Masters. But we all know Maro would never allow a cheap planeswalker kill spell to be printed, especially not at isntant speed

Honestly, I'm surprised they're still allowing Lilly to be such a cunt with her paywall.

>Literally hoping Scapeshift and Lilly are in Masters 25

Mardu Pyromancer runs dreadbore as a one-of. This is the perfect time to unban Jace.

Is RDW good in pauper? Id imagine its very close to the legacy version

>pauper as a competitive format
Tell me more of this


So, where are Modern, Legacy, Vintage, Commander and Pauper players in all this? All I see is Standard players burning.

Yeah its pretty good.
Huge push from people like Tolarian has lead to GPs hosting big side events for pauper, on the flip side though some competitive decks have shot up to around $100

All those asking for JtMS unbanning simply have never played against him in a modern setting. He is utterly and completely broken potentially one of the most broken cards on the ban list next to only a very few others. He needs to stay banned. If you dont believe me sleeve up a caw blade deck or UW jace SFM deck and play against any modern deck. The reasons for his banning will become extremely apparent at that time.

How many times will wizards realize they have shoot themselves in the foot? This is the 4th or 5th time in a whole year.

We had
- Standard rotation
- block sets
- fnm promos
- thought crime bans
- pedo judges
- Iconic fail

Am I missing something?

>pauper players
They are primitive people, in a virgin world away from all the pain in standard. For generations they lived peacefuly, in relative obscurity from their chaotic neighbours. But the world is getting more aware of their presence. Explorers from more advanced formats have published about the simple wonders of this unknown culture, attracting newcomers to the lands of commons.
The pauper people are joyous for being in the spotlight and accept new blood in their tribes, hopeful for a bright future. Yet they know this means changes are coming, for better or for worse.

>Okay, we'll start giving out tokens instead of cards for promos to get competitive players to stop coming to FNM
>Competitive players stop going to FNM
What the fuck goes on at WotC?

A bunch of diversity hires spewing half baked ideas that the actual people with experience are too afraid to question for fear of losing their jobs.

>Cube and EDH safety bunker

god its so true. Cube is always a blast, and seems immune from WOTC faggotry.

> Cube immune from WOTC faggotry
Two reasons: They cannot ban cube cards and they never will be able to sell paper cubes. Ever.

You can see them rotate cards from new sets into their online cubes just to cut them 4 months later. They would like to have power over cubes but are aware control over them is impossible.

back to /pol/ with you. the only diversity WotC has is in the flavors of incompetence and shitawful writing.

And the chick who designed that throwaway planeswalker from conspiracy 2 with the weird promo

Gave me a slight chuckle. Thanks user.

>They would like to have power over cubes but are aware control over them is impossible.

They'll find a way, I'm sure.

Hey, idk man. Are you scared of what a card did to STANDARD years ago? Idk man, you sound like a huge fucking pussy. Idk man.

Legacy is a format.

>they never will be able to sell paper cubes
Why not? I could easily see them selling what amounts to a modified booster box as a precon cube.

Because cubes have good cards. Most cubes I've played with I'd have boughts regular priced packs and even master priced packs of if I could because they didn't have filler.

Just did what you suggested. Got raped by burn. Then got raped by GDS. Also Tron.
Jace is simply too slow to be good in modern without daze or FoW to let you tap out on turn 4 and still answer their haymaker.

>Just did what you suggested.
No you didn't. Bet yu don't even have a picture of those jaces near you.

If you go to FNM and don't have the top 8 slot secured, you're not winning those cards anyway, so they're almost as worthless as you.

dammit why do I laff at these pictures?

>pauper, the format made entirely of commons
>costing anywhere near triple digits
This is the problem with mtg

Being popular is a good problem to have.

can i use commons for every block in my pauper deck ?

or is it modern pauper/legacy pauper/ standard pauper and so on ?

i can post my shitty modern deck in return. its all i can offer

From every block. Pauper is basically legacy with only commons.

>can i use commons for every block in my pauper deck ?

yep, that's why obscure cards like Spiral into Darkness and Kaervek's Torch see so much play

Assuming WotC actually supports Pauper, they'll reprint the expensive cards in supplemental sets, which will immediately tank their value because they will be at common rarity.

that's nice wishful thinking, but when we see they're not actually planning to reprint oubliette and ash barrens, we'll all realize that putting shitty 3 round side events at gps never actually signalled support

Dunno man, I feel like they do a pretty good job of pandering to commander players, it would make sense they'd at least try to support another popular format.

SCG is going to do a Pauper Classic.

I could see a silver bordered power cube

tfw sinkhole will never be reprinted at common so pauper can be fun.

pauper doesnt need direct support.

it is supported already with regular actions like set releases, special products like commander packs etc etc. they dont need to look at pauper and say hey we need to reprint this or that and if they do it will be so dam minor maybe 1 or 2 cards a year (IF pauper becomes a heavily played set)

What wotc needs to do is focus on the daddy formats standard and modern and quit making shit sets instead of worrying about some format that may not even have the legs.

pauper doesn't need any land hate

it isn't detrimental to the actual "daddy format" standard to reprint some pauper staples in a masters set
it doesn't need products specifically for it, but it does need reprints (the whole point of it is that it's cheap)

it is detrimental when wotc cant handle what it has on its plate already what makes you think they can handle more?

it's not really anything extra to handle
just note which pauper cards need reprinting and shove those in master sets, there's plenty of common slots they like to fill with garbage, it won't hurt them to put decent cards in

They better make this limited format like a high powered cube and not like some watered down garbage.

>wanting to balance reprint sets around limited
This is why every master set sucks.
>comet storm
>rarity bumps
>using the excuse to fill the packs with 90% chaff because muh limited.

High powered cubes I've played don't have garbage like comet storm and just high powered stuff.
I just want some form of wording for them to use as an excuse for reprinting just power and nothing else, even though they'd probably pull the same bullshit they did with iconic and eternal masters, having the excuse of limited for trash and chaff.

>>supporting Pauper as a competitive format
Who's ready for 60 dollar commons?!

Can't wait for Pauper to cost as much as standard.

>making anything fun

>making tron more fun

>wanting to have fun

It's getting there. By percentages the prices of many cards have inflated by 800% from $0.25 to $2.00.

$100+ pauper decks are incoming. Mulldrifters are a buck a piece now in spite of how many times its been reprinted and that number is certainly going to go up. Artifact lands have doubled in price.

"More pauper exposure!" is what all these fucking retards are saying. Magic has never been lacking in exposure; what it lacks is player fucking motivation. If players weren't such lazy people they would organize play themselves (much like kitchen table folk) regardless of what the fuck Wizards "officially" has to say about it. I bet there's a bunch of EDH players who wish their staples didn't suddenly go from a dollar to $20 and that Wizards drawing attention to the format fucks the wallet so much more harder than encouraging people to play. The landbase for one of my decks costs more than some of the cars people drive at the store; that is so fucked it's not even funny.

At $1.00/card Pauper is going to quickly be a $75 format. And all those retards promoting it when asked about that will just say, "well it's STILL cheaper than Standard".

This, I so want this, just print a silver bordered(or even gold for lulz) cube and i wouldnt mind shilling out 100$ on that shit, i dont care if there not tourney legal, cube was the most fun draft experience i had. Unfortunately my local game store that had a proxy holiday cube lost it during the move to their new location, :(

Man I miss gold borders. I have some of those signed Worls Championship decks and they were fucking rad.

No, they knew it would lower the level of competition. That was the whole point. What they didn't realize was the bulk of mid level players would rather compete for useful cards they don't actually have much chance of getting compared to something completely worthless they have a better chance of getting.

Idk, but I got a sweet foil dino token so I'm happy.

I hope they do urban jace just so I can shit all over him with green stompy. 4 mana to do nothing lmao..

CAWBlade lost to Twin when they were both in Standard and Twin lost to Burn, Infect, Affinity and Jund on the regular.
Jace isn't even that played in Legacy anymore, 4 mana for sorcery speed Brainstorm just doesn't cut it without the CounterTop lock.

Neither Jace nor Stoneforge were the reason ZEN-SOM Standard broke. Valakut was. Valakut beat all the decks that could beat CAWBlade but couldn't beat CAWBlade itself. that's why it became a 2-deck Standard. CAWBlade lost to fucking Vampire Tribal and Mono Red Sligh.

Is Pauper really becoming that popular? Where can I find lists/compendiums for competitive lists?

>Unbanning Lantern Control the planeswalker.
> After Lantern dominated the PT.

Sure. BBE is much more likely as a way to help midrange out.

>Valakut beat all the decks that could beat CAWBlade
Same thing with Ramunap Red and Temur/4c energy, Ramunap beat all decks except energy

It's been a while since I heard someone calling a deck a Sligh deck.

>a "pauper" deck costs as much as a budget modern deck
MTG prices are getting extremely tiresome.

Yeah, we wouldn't want their head to explode from printing 5 dangerous common cards in a Masters sets, do we?
Fuck off.
You're basically saying the same thing and I agree. Just print the best cards that people want, fuck limited balance.
Good post but technically Wizards has the ability to prevent that, it all depends whether they want or are able to.


It’s good to know there are still decent folk out there, still involved with the community.

>wanting to make anything cheap

They have people addicted enough to buy 300$+ decks, they just need to not fuck up much, and even the 2016-2018 mistakes and backtracking aren't enough to crash them.

lack of tits.

but he's right.
>not running stone rain
mtg Goldfish

Lots of kiddy-diddling

the more they touch the better promos they get

It's inevitable for Pauper's cost to rise to the same level as Standard or even Modern if its popularity continues to rise. That's because Pauper's format definition doesn't actually address what it's supposed to, the COST of the game, but rather the commonality of cards used, and common cards can be out of print or hoarded just like mythics.

What we need is a format that directly addresses the root of the problem: a format that doesn't limit rarity of cards, but rather directly limits the COST of cards. I've proposed before, and will propose again, "People's Legacy"; a format where you can use any card you want, as long as its near-mint TCG Mid is under one dollar.

That sounds like it would suck. If any deck becomes popular it’ll immediately be banned.

No, that's a super GOOD thing. Popular decks should be banned on a constant, automatic rotation so that people have to actually innovate. Homebrewers get rewarded, netdeckers get annihilated. And since everything is locked down to be permanently cheap, it doesn't even matter if you have to throw your deck in the trash every month. (I'd set the rotation cycle to be the calendar month to make it simple.)

Just do booster draft then. Set price. Constant new and innovate decks out of the random assortment of cards you’re given.

>destroy target planeswalker and counter up to one loyalty ability from that planeswalker
What's the color/manacost? Spoiler: not blue

That sounds like a really bad idea. You're basically creating a format whose banlist the players are in full control of. You're creating a format that is based on the market instead of card balance and if I have a few hundred bucks and don't like a card, I can pay for it to be removed.

Booster draft is shit. It's not a constructed format, and it has a card pool of 1-2 sets. This format would be a constructed format and have a card pool of well over 10000 cards, since most cards in Magic aren't worth anything.

I think you're severely underestimating the cost/difficulty of manipulating the prices of junk rares in a way that would alter the format. And even if it's possible, so what? If somebody hates a specific card so much that they're willing to waste a ton of money to have it removed from the format, why not let him? You'll have thousands of other cards to pick from.

Who says you can’t draft from several different sets? You can draft as many packs as you want from whenever. Why is price such a big factor for you?

If everyone of your intelligence died right now, the world would be 100% better. The reason wizards started giving us foil tokens is because retards like you.

>playing standard