I hate games because I hate losing much more than I enjoy winning.
I'm an autist who enjoys collecting Magic cards and doesn't play with them, I also collect manga that I already read in scan form. I have over 1000 volumes.
I've been under a threat of expulsion for the last year, and only make the ends meet by a miracle. Why? Because I'm devoting all my free time to tabletop RPGs instead of studying.
I deliberately act as That Guy with new players to see if they can handle the bantz. The rest of the group is in on it .
I will purposely belittle and scoff any idea new players have and act as the most abrasive and offensive person i can.
I they roll over and act submissive we lay them off because they have weak spirit and can't stand up for themselves
I must confess I’m fucking tired of seeing confession threads all around this goddamn website. /b/ started this shit and it has to go back.
You'll likely be called an asshole, but I think it's fine. I'm a part of the entire group of That Guys, and if you can't handle one of us for a session, you definitely can't handle all of us for a campaign.
What are you doing
People in my group think i'm very mellow and collected person because i never get angry at anythinh.
Truth is i am so used to their stupidity i learned how to feign interest to what they say without actually listening to a single word
Used to cheat at WHFB because I was an insecure teen and attached selfworth to my ability to beat others at miniature games.
I've only played 5E
I have mouseguard and wanted to try it, and I also got all of PF in a humble bundle, but all my friends are unable to handle change, and I'm too scared to play with randoms
I won't lie I am so disappointed in shitposting now that those monster girl threads look more appealing then half the things here....
I uironically like the "I hate sand" speech from Attack of the Clones.
>I also collect manga that I already read in scan form.
Oh, I do that to, figure it's a nice way to give ack to the creators since I don't care for most merch
>I have over 1000 volumes.
Maybe donate some to your local library? It's what I do with my old manga/comics.
>15 years old
>Playing 4e campaign on online freeform forum
>Campaign fun as fuck and DM has put a tonne of work into it
>Group works well together at first but eventually starts to fracture due to constantly trying to one up each other
>One player does something cool? Another character describes themselves doing something even cooler
>Eventually start fucking with each others backstories and making things up about them to then argue they couldn't have reasonably done something
>Other players start describing my character doing things and making him look like a pussy
>I pretend to play it cool and fake being sick the next day to get out of school and have the whole day to myself
>Group plays at around 6pm EST so plenty of time to write whatever I want
>Log onto forum and spend whole day writing out several thousand word diatribe involving everything the DM has had happen so far, bringing in multiple NPC's, recurring villains and even the BBEG and then tying literally all of it to my backstory to support me being the chosen one
>Describe other player characters getting fucked up by big bad and begging for my help which I give to them before then making them apologize to me
>Story ends with my character saving the entire world, becoming king and then going to train with Goku
>Banned next day
I'm a dumbfuck who quit one of my jobs so I can play more D&D, only to have the DMs of these games flake out and vanish without a word.
I'm not screwed or anything, but the 3k I was making a month is now down to about 1.5k and now I'm left bored in the three free days I have a week.
>Maybe donate some to your local library?
No, all my manga are in protective bags.
I populate my worlds with characters taken from vidya and keep reusing npcs for different settings/games.
The biggest source by far is Touhou
take em out?
Like if you're not reading them or displaying them, giving them to a library is a great idea.
Gives people a place to read em if they haven't yet, I've started many a series from picking up a volume in the library
>start new tabletop system because I'm hyped over models
>spend a few weeks/months paiting a starter force, because I can't play with unpainted/borrowed models
>lost intrest in game itself beofre I even start playing
>happens all the time
Awww, hope you find a new (and better) group soon? :
I attempted to run Ad Eva.
Half a year after the fact, using White Wolf crunch looks more appealing.
I've been thinking about that as a thing to put in my testament, it really depends if I'll have a family or not.
I hate my current d&d group. There's far too many people shouting over each other and the dm blatantly plays favourites and lies through their teeth to save them from their own bad decisions.
The sessions are much, much nicer when its only four of us, but when it turns into eight or more it turns into a disaster and I hate it.
>eight or more
Well yeah, there is a reason 3-5 is the recommended size.
I give people feedback on their 40k armylists and I haven't played a game of 40k since 6th edition.
I'm about to run my first game. It's Curse of Strahd, and since I have no idea what I'm doing, unless i have to take artistic liberties, I'm planning on just apeing Chris Perkins in Dice Camera Action.
I haven't played a game in over 2 years, haven't painted anything in that same time even though I've wanted to, and I'm too unmotivated to try roll20 or any of the other gaming sites.
I have focused on story in preparation completely, and when it came to combat, have been pulling stat blocks out of my ass for a good half a year now. Only the fact I am open with players about numbers and that I have started the game rolling in the open on roll20 keeps me from being totally ful of shit, mechanically speaking.
I keep crafting muh OC characters, races and cultures, but never let anyone see them because I'm scared of being That Guy, even though I'd love to play a character from them.
I'm a thin-skinned faggot who gets tilted by shit rolls. I'm also terrified by the prospect of being un-optimised and so I'm a slave to the power choices and then I get shitty when my optimised rolls fuck me over
Find a new part time job or just take up a new hobby, user.
I dunno if you've tried, but maybe making a setting or game yourself?
It's what I did when all my DM's flaked, and I ended up liking it a lot
I railroad the ever loving shit out of my PCs in my homebrew campaign because I'm too lazy to build a dynamic setting that can recalibrate their choices to the overarching storyline
I had to learn how to ERP for one of my newer campaigns.
I play females most of the time.
I also happen to be quite terrified at the prospect of any of the games I run ending abruptly.
I conform to the worse loser player stereotypes. I take baths four times a week, have almost no friends apart from my group, live with my mom and I'm out of a job nowadays. I spend my free time worldbuilding stuff for my GM.
Depression is hell. Yes, I take medication, had to change it three times in the last six months.
I roleplay because when I watch/read media I have vivid power fantasies where I swoop in and solve the situation myself. This makes me feel guilty because I recognize how boring that would be in an actual story.
I join campaigns that I'm only tentatively interested in, then back out when I change my mind. Sometimes before I even play the first session.
You are forgiven
I mostly make female characters because designing characters is probably my favorite part of RPG and RP in general, and my dick has consumed my creative process almost entirely.
I compulsively apply for games and then never actually track the timezone differences and end up abandoning most of them
See I only make male characters cause I dont want my dick to make the choices.
I just KNOW I'd go full blown waifufag on every character I make
Preach it user. I actually yearn for text games just so I don't have to act and can instead convey my characters entirely through writing
I work at an LGS. Sometimes when shipments of those random mini boxes arrive I’ll open them, look through for the ones I want the most, seal them back up, and set those aside
I don’t ever mix the minis or cherry pick. The customers still get what they pay for, but still
I think this is an excuse to act and tolerate being an asshole, and is not banter as it claims to be.
I sponsored Larry Nasser for a MtG judging position.
What does "that guy" mean?
I decided to DM for my friends since they wanted to play a tabletop RPG but none of them wanted to touch the DM’s chair. I got one of the published adventures and got them all together to play. It started fine enough, but as the sessions continued I got more irritated that they weren’t taking my plot hooks or were taking actions that would deviate from my notes. I know I’m not a good ad libber so I try to have everything structured, but I don’t want them to think I am railroading them for the sake of following some grand plot I wrote (it’s literally just one of the WotC adventures). It’s ended in a few sessions where I’ve gone into outbursts in which I seriously sound like a DM from a horror story.
Despite all this my players continue to meet every Saturday. They don’t even live close to where I am. I’ve apologized to them and try to take steps to prevent it, but I kinda just become this ball of anger when I’m DMing.
I hate Pathfinder with a fiery passion yet I still find it's my #1 most played game because my group kind of defaults to PF for everything fantasy. I tried to get them to play 5e but every time I do that they screech "muh character options" yet still play the exact same 2-4 builds for any class in OF.
And I don't leave this group because I'd rather not bother with going through the process if finding a new one.
I almost made a 1000 year old loli that was a dragon in disguise as a DMPC for my first campaign. I was literally about to have her show up when I suddenly realized that all of my players browsed Veeky Forums and would recognize it for what it was. Fetish fuel. Quickly replaced the character with something a little more toned down and got on with the game. Players had fun though.
I’ve fapped to content on /trash/
I've accidentally taken the center stage and completley sidetracked the story that the GM wanted to tell by doing the complete opposite of what he expected, within the first session
I love playing the asshole LG stick in the mud IC, but it's even better when I play LN because then I don't have to act like I'm being a chucklefuck for any "good" reasons.
I actually OOC dislike one of the players in the group because of how much she shits on my character IC and his drama
An autistic, childish asshole who thinks he's hot shit but isn't. They constantly shit on the other players but will then throw a temper tantrum when someone criticizes them. They either metagame and powergame constantly, or get so autistically into their character that it starts becoming obnoxious
Basically, it's the guy you have in your group that nobody likes, but for whatever reason, you're forced to play with him
I've fapped to kobolds on /trash/
>An autistic, childish asshole who thinks he's hot shit but isn't.
So basically everyone on Veeky Forums?
I hang out here every day, but I don't actually get to play very often. I want to play rpg's, and bought all the books and supplies and stuff, but finding a group is hard. My 40k army hasn't seen action in half a year and mtg is the most I get to do on a regular basis.
I buy into games like star wars destiny and imperial assault and x-wing and warmachine and various boardgames but then I don't go out and play them enough. One might consider this a waste of money but it's more due to being an introvert than being bad with finances. I love collecting and learning the rules and all that, but I find myself home wishing I was out playing more.
I don't know how you people do it. If you don't get lucky and just have friends who play or join a college club or something, it's hard to find people to play with.
This. The whole "it's just a prank bro" thing is just a thinly veiled excuse to fuck on people and you know it.
I'm still in the closet in my 30s because I work in a very conservative industry.
I also run very linear games, except they are designed to let players think that they're sandboxes and it works most of the time.
I'm so pathetically insecure that I minmax as hard as possible and always have the most mechanically superior character in any group I play with. I do it because I can't stand the thought of being shown up by someone and RPGs are the only thing I do with my life.
Oh and yeah I forgot to say that I also fucking hate rpgs and think turn based ones are fucking retarded.
Ackshually it started on Veeky Forums, which is why the priest is fat.
your group should split into two parallel groups. 4 is optimal. 5 is pushing it. 6 is too many. 8 is "oh shit, nigger"
a good DM will incorporate whatever he can into his setting. don't be so shy, user! and don't be afraid of feedback! you can handle it.
I hate my group. The SJW has achieved the rank of "Insufferable Asshat" and soon will be taking turn as DM. I'm not political, I really just hate being talked down to about things every average person already knows, or being preached to about things where the facts aren't there for me to verify and being required to agree with it. I feel like it's a slippery slope to madness. Maybe that makes me a bad person, forgive me Veeky Forums
I wish I knew how to help you. I'm a middle-of-the-road apolitical guy, but some of the more politically liberal members of my group just toss out these platitudinous social justice jabs every once in a while and I just cringe and nod because saying anything to contradict or even a less than full-throated assent to them would result in a tire brake screech record scratch halt in the game while they accuse me of being a alt-rightist. I just call Trump a moron and we get to move on with the actual fantasy RPG without derailing everything.
The obnoxious player in the group. Notorious for snap decisions that fuck over the whole party.
The guy that conducts himself in a way that goes against the social contract in the group and doesn't change either because he doesn't care or doesn't realize.
I jack off nearly a dozen times a day because I'm always horny with little to no refractory period, but I will never have sex because it doesn't seem worth it, so I am polite and respectful nearly to the point of being a castrated eunuch in the company of all others but my closest friends. Also, I've more than a few times jacked off to my players' character sheets, not even their characters' portraits, just their statistics. I like to construct some sexual fantasy based on their statistics, like a low STR character being physically dominated or a high CON character withstanding a fucking that would slay a lesser person.
I listen to dark souls and darkest dungeon ost while doing campaigns, and just use those settings for them
This is the reason why they flourish. People are just too fucking wishy-washy and passive-aggressive to tell these people to just shut the fuck up. Mind you its not about whether they're wrong or right, its about how they lambast anyone who dares disagree with them like children.
You used the wrong image, father.
Do you at least jizz-off in and/or on interesting places? Ya know, to keep things interesting?
Hah, you are weak like babby.
I've went to e621 to search up male human on female dragon pics. Mind you I don't mean anime girls with like horns or a tail or someshit, I'm talking about dragons like you'd find in a Monster Manual. They were 'aight.
I’m a shit munchkin player and a terrible no-direction GM
I think Primaris Space Marines are awesome and a welcome addition to Warhammer 40k. If anything, GeeDubs is finally moving the setting forward.
I like high lethality games because it allows me to kill off PCs I dislike
>I like high lethality games because it allows me to kill off PCs I dislike
^this. But my players also like the tension those systems give so it all works out.
actually they don't because of your lack of moral and ethical behavior
I'm ripping my worldbuilding off this game, more specifically this guy's adventures, and none of my PCs know it yet
Ha! You don't even know what you're asking me to confess!
I ran a DMPC for my first four years as a DM. I just didn't know any better, I thought I was supposed to play, too.
I've spent the last ten years being foreverDM as penance.
When I DM I make more bad things happen to furry players than normal ones
I'm not sorry
>When I DM I make more bad things happen to furry players than normal ones
>I'm not sorry
thats just doing the lords work user.
I am a massive salty shitheel when it comes to Magic and 40k. I am aware of it and try to at least make my furious ravings entertaining, but I doubtlessly hurt people's feelings at the shop I play at. Worse yet, against some players, I get "demoralized" salty- mostly because they come in with crazy-expensive decks (one guy has basic duals in all his decks, to illustrate the kind of cash he blows on the game) and I wind up demeaning very good players because they have the "audacity" to be playing with better decks.
Also I go nuclear against decks full of proxies. 2-5, I get it, but having every card in your deck but the lands being SHITTY proxies is over the fucking line, RANDY.
I know that statting out monsters makes for better GMing but I can't bring myself to be arsed to do it most of the time.
I want to change
>playing Legacy without dual lands
You asked for it.
I play EDH.
Even worse, EDH is for gays.
Then lube up my ass and call me a faggot.
you are not alone
I constantly roll up new characters despite being a near perma-DM (my roommate DMs a game every so often that I get to participate in as a player but the majority of iur games are DMd by me).
If I'm bored at work?
Make a new character.
Day off and nothing to do?
Make new characters.
It's constant, and I don't mean "stats on a sheet and a visual idea in mind" I mean full-bore entirely fleshed out characters and families of characters with art to boot.
I have like 20 displays of unopened mtg product and I haven't even shuffled a deck in a year. (I used to organize drafts, and we'd go through a display or two per month, so it's not THAT crazy.)
>I hang out here every day, but I don't actually get to play very often.
You're in good company on /tg then, there's a few in every "What's your group like?" thread we have.
Play with friends, it's better for everyone involved. If you don't have any that game, try to find some at work/school, join a club, or try to go through non-gamer friends.
Oh dang you got me
I hate most of my group and want to quit running my game. I've only kept going for my one long time friend who is a recent widower and the game is one of the only ways he has fun anymore.
Loss aversion is a standard hunan thing. We weigh losses twice as heavily as successes. The only way to get over it is literally just lose a lot and you eventually overcome the stupid shit your brain does.
I tab to other pages during combat and my group doesn't even care. Probably because at least I'm not always late.
All of my characters are gimmicky. I don't like myself enough to drop the escapism, but I don't hate myself enough to truly embrace the deep end.
I have no strong feelings about Age of Sigmar.
Finally, non-cowards on Veeky Forums.
I always play characters who are old men because even at 21 people my age make me feel like I'm old and unhip for liking the things I like and living the way I do.
I accepted a gaming spot for an event at a local store and my army is nowhere near ready
I do the same to weebs. Faggots need to learn to keep that shit in their mother's basements
I hate my character with a burning passion and I'm trying to kill him off in combat, but nothing has been able to pull that off yet.