What did you guys do?
What happened?
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Sounds like they did it.
yeah but they did what?
did someone make a sexist comment about women during a escher gang post or something?
Comment during a necromunda presentation. Only complete fuckibg idiots and sjw fucktards woukd ever get offended by it.. and gw shit themselves at some ugly fucking lesbians and the fat eetarded cunt blokes who think they have a chance white knighting on the internet crying.
Fucking idiots.
That's what I figured. But what did they say?
>Veeky Forums: Facebook and Twitter screencaps
The PowerPoint only called them glam-rock sci-fi Amazons. So it must have been the speaker that muttered something horrible, like assuming their gender.
>What happened?
>What did you guys do?
>yeah but they did what?
>But what did they say?
>Comment during a necromunda presentation
Jesus fucking christ.
I'm not even any of the above posters, this vague evasiveness is just infuriating.
I was at the event.
Tony C ( Head of Forge World) said "They are Exotic and Vindictive" *pause* "Because they are women".
Tony has a wife and a daughter and likes to make jokes about how they don't understand the hobby and laugh at him. "Don't put videos of me up on the internet, my daughter will laugh at me". It's part of his "bit" the character he puts on when he is doing these seminars. It's a bit sad that someone complained because it will probably result in no jokes allowed.
Didn't you get the memo? Fun has been outlawed because it might offend someone. Gonna give you a warning this time, but don't you forget it!
Welp, that's it. Everyone, please move to Utah. The downside is we've got Mormons. The upside is that because we have mormons everyone here is a massive nerd, so we've got a FLGS in every town, more conventions than any other state, and an eternally conservative government. Nobody here gives a Shit about being "offensive" with a joke, just so long as you don't swear when you say it.
how are gun laws in Utah?
>The downside is we've got Mormons.
That's a pretty big downside, though. And I'm speaking from two years' experience in Salt Lake.
There are literally 20 other Warhammer threads right now. Go post in one of those instead.
Pretty lax. It's easy enough to pick a new rifle or handgun up at your local pawn shop or Wal-Mart, or the more specialized stores if you actually want something nice. We've got a couple of shooting ranges per county, a decent deer population, and for Thanksgiving at my grandpa's we just load up with the cousins in a truck, drive five minutes up the mountain, and shoot clay pigeons.
Legalize polygamy again, and we'll talk. Make it egalitarian, too, so the liberals can't complain about oppression. Make sure you have a poster girl with two husbands to serve as your mascot.
Polygamy won't be legalized until it's a national law. That said, the polyamorous community here is Fucking massive. A million and one post-mormon couples looking for a girlfriend they can both share, Fetlife parties every week, and free classes on how to bondage, paddle, fist, or maintain your leathers.
said that women are exotic and vindictive. Poor choice of words, but the dude's apologised. It's all just shit stirring from there on in
>Poor choice of words
Nah, it was funny.
>Cuntservaturd government
Here's an offensive joke: Kill yourself.
I've lived in Utah for eight years and Mormons are huge exclusionary cunts to anyone not in their church, everyone is a nerd because the church is way more oppressive on what you're allowed to do than your average christian or catholic church, MTG and D&D are the only escapism they're allowed to have. The entire state of Utah is literally a "No swearing on my christian server" state.
I've lived in Georgia for 2 years, and the convention scene there is just as big probably bigger concerning Dragoncon and AWA and let me tell you, at least black people don't force their religion down your throat, trying to get you to wear magic underwear and outlawing porn.
Heavy mormon presense anywhere is not a problem, unless you are a faggot, and Im not talking just about gay people.
From what I understand the church doesn't officially endorse or practice polygamy anywhere allover the world, and any who do (usually by just making the first wife official, and taking in other women as unofficial wives) are quickly expelled from the church membership. They are pretty adamant about that stuff.
As I understand those groups that currently practice polygamy, like the sister wives or whatever, are either non-members or ex-mormons. Or part of a funamentalist group which splintered from the church and not endorsed by the main church.
I'd rather live under Mormons that Lefties.
here here! I'll take a big mormon town over any california city any day.
No, he said Eschers are exotic and vindictive because they're women.
Thank fuck, it saves anyone with an IQ above 90 from having to interact with you mentally ill degenerates.
>Heavy mormon presense anywhere is not a problem, unless you are a faggot
Or you're simply not Mormon. The last thing you want to be is an infidel in the Holy Land. I mean, ordinary xenophobes will be up front about it; in Salt Lake, it's so institutionalized it's invisible until word gets out that you're not one of them.
Pretty much, but the number of people here with "Open Relationships" is staggering.
Wait are we talking about the gold plate magic underwear polygamist retards or the leather strap gender-neutral buttplug polygamist retards?
And it would have been fine if he'd said goliaths were dumb because they're men.
No what I mean by faggots are people who have problems with mormons. If you have no problems with mormons (like me, who isn't even a christian), then you won't have problems living in utah or slc. If you do have a problem with mormons (like a faggot), then you will blame all your problems you have living there on the mormons.
It's pretty much the same leftist attitude of victimhood. Most of it is self inflicted.
>Mentally ill degenerates.
Hardly; Mormons just fuck with you less than Lefties do. In Utah you can still buy booze, own guns, do what you want. Sure, they'll scorn you and hate you but so do lefties, except they'll limit your freedoms more.
And sure, Mormons put a limit on when/where you can buy booze, but lefites do that too and tax it more. They'll control your speech while at least in Utah, you've got the First Amendment which they at least pay lip service to. As a Classical Liberal, I'd be more free to live as I want to in Utah than I do here. The climate wouldn't suit me though.
I and my family suffered systematic persecution while we were there. I was only 10. I had no problems with Mormons because I was literally not experienced with life to conceive them. I was nothing more than an average kid, yet was conspired against by everyone up to and including my teachers, simply because I was not an adherent to their religion.
If you're going to say my lack of faith is self-inflicted, you're correct. But if you're going to say that's the real underlying problem, I encourage you to go and tell as many people in your Mormon community that you're not Mormon and see what happens.
We really ought to purge the lesbians.
I have problems with people who basically won't associate with you unless you also drink the cult coolaid. You have to be a neet if you live in Utah and don't know how puritanical the mormon church really is.
>liking lax gun laws
I did. Worst that happened was they tried sending missionaries to my house. Otherwise they just treated me like a fellow american, which ranged from friendliness to indifference, the same I treat other people. I knew other nonmormons who had a similar experience I did.
I also knew faggots who would lament about getting passed up for promotion or different jobs within the company or whatever. They always say its because theyre not mormon and its discrimination, but of course it never had anything to do with bullshit like taking more sick days than allotted or showing up to work drunk.
Im not saying all mormons are dicks, because I have met a few, but I have never seen evidence of mistreatment due specifically to mormon discrimination. It's just dumb when I listen to a guy who got shit on by an asshole, who happened to be mormon, and then proceeds to go on a tirade of how it was the church's fault and all mormons are like that.
Don't be a faggot.
They like to hang with each other sure, but i havent seen any 'no heathens allowed' bullshit. Unless you count their temples which are exclusive. It's their thing so whatever.
Right, because gun laws TOTALLY prevent mass shootings.
A democrat city, statistically speaking.
Mostly where guns and concealed carry are banned.
In a gun free zone.
>being in Utah
>not playing Dogs in the Vineyard
It's like being in Tokyo and not playing Maid, jesus
Well, tell me how in countries with heavy regulations like sweden have a lot more of mass shooting than in USA
fewer retards per capita
Politics amiright
Pretty sure the restrictive gun laws are why you're rape capital of the world. Your brown babies wouldn't be inclined to rape if every swedish girl packed heat.
Not in Utah, that's for sure. Some of the best therapy and counseling programs I've seen in the country.
Gun laws really only work if they're to an extreme national degree as with Japan, and there's too many guns already in circulation here in America for that to even work.
Take your stats
Unluckly 'murica can't outlaw retardness
to be fair Mexico city is the rape capital of the world and they have pretty lax gun laws, similarly Johannesburg
What happened:
At the Necromunda portion of the latest Weekender conference, a presentor described the House Escher female models as "exotic and vindictive". This produced an outrage by exactly 2 people on facebook, and FW posted this in response.
Japan's also isolated as an island, so it's harder to sneak guns in. I remember reading that in some strict gun law states the criminals get their guns legally from neighboring states and smuggle them in.
>Gun laws really only work if they're to an extreme national degree as with Japan, and there's too many guns already in circulation here in America for that to even work.
I'm a major gun grabber (Not american, mind you) and I overall agree with that. America would require require serious cultural change and gradual reduction/buying back of guns over the course of many years before it was remotely effective. You can't just pass a law saying 'No X' and expect it to do much.
But user, I thought guns solve everything?!
Veeky Forums only exists because of 40k, so it has privileges.
Is it really fair to compare Sweden with America, though?
Until you accidentally invited all of Syria it was a very homogeneous country.
Bullshit. I mean, the difference between America and most european countries is clear.
It's simply a matter of starting shit, like background checks, and yes, it wouldn't happen by day, but whatever, it's murrica's problem.
>everything I think I know I learnt from memes
It's the way to compare a lax gun law state vs a heavy regulated gun one
Yeah, that's a major issue gun control has regardless of how strict you want it to be. It doesn't work well on a state level because free travel between states is an assumption, you'd need it to be national level.
>like background checks
You mean the thing that's already a requirement?
First amendment but don't say nothing bad about jeebus and dont curse now
Scroll up, Muhammed.
There are millions of more variables between Sweden and the US than just gun laws, moron.
So, you never had an entire playground's worth of kids hiding away from you in one single group? Or had supplies stolen from your desk and hidden throughout the classroom? Or had messages taped to the inside of your combo-locked locker, something that could only have happened with the complicity of the school faculty? Or fell off the playground equipment, broke your arm, had a circle of kids mocking your pain while you scream for help?
It seems our experiences with Mormons are fundamentally different.
Now, I know what you're going to say, but if I ever did anything to warrant being so ostracized, I don't know what it could be. Hell, my maternal aunt and uncle were Mormon themselves, which is why we moved to Salt Lake in the first place. Believe me, I thought about it long and hard for many years after, because I knew there had to be some reason, some way I fucked up to make them hate me. And it's only with maturity I realize it wasn't me, it was just another example of the "Us vs Them" tribalism that's hardwired into humans.
That, and the fact that kids are assholes.
There's a difference between backlash against speech, and outlawing it, you mong. The left is desperately trying to do the latter. "misgendering someone is an act of violence and should be outlawed"
Sweden doesn't acknowledge that statistic, otherwise they'd be doing something about it.
And then it's worrying about other countries. If they can bring in drugs and people, they can bring in guns. And the fact that you'd have to change the constitution, and try and disarm the populations, and worry fucking over state rights.
Maybe you're gay.
Wow mr fatass, 1 category is superior, but the other 14 does not matter, not even the one in GUN CRIMES which sweden got much better and is the point of all the discussion.
>There are millions of more variables between Sweden and the US but let's ignore the principal one and the one that government can directly adress because my fefes hurt if i don't have my gun right now
not on person to person sales or at gunshows. but frankly I'd go the more practical route. If you want a gun you MUST be a member of a registered militia and said militia is responsible for the storage, maintenance and tracking of the arms. Owning firearms as a non militia member should be a felony and the COs of the militia should be considered liable for the use of those arms
kids are dicks. i see that all the time as a school teacher, and religion has nothing to do with it
It's possible, they don't like the gays in Utah after all.
No, its a way to compare a culturally and ethnically homogenous country to a hetrogeneous country.
Never gonna happen. The only reason any politician in this country drums up gun control laws is at the bidding of their corporate masters, to scare idiots into buying more guns.
>or at gunshows
Oh look, it's the 'gun show loophole' myth I keep hearing the left tout because bobama said so.
Fuck off. There is no gun show loophole. You want to buy a gun at a gun show? Place the order, submit the paperwork, and wait until it can be picked up or sent to you.
So compare pro-gun areas to anti-gun areas of the US. Notice how all the rabidly nogunz cities are also the epicenter a of gun violence?
Crimes with legal guns are actually very rare, and another later of restrictions on law-abiding owners isn't going to matter to criminals acquiring them illegally already.
And before you start on about muh mass shootings, Europe has demonstrated that a high-capacity assault U-Haul is just as deadly, and you can make back-yard explosives in a day with a trip to the hardware store.
>i don't want to acknowledge this proof because it goes against my argument,
And women are vendictive while men are violente on top of being assholes.
Honestly after all this years I rather have the asshole in a fight than deal with the shit my sisters had to deal with other girls
America's states rights is a really weird thing to a non-american(It's basically seen as a complete non-issue and we do a heap of major stuff on the federal level despite our size). But then, formed in very different circumstances.
But yeah, anyone thinking it's just a simple law change to implement changes to the gun laws in america (In my non-american understanding) away is silly. It's a complex area and the implementation would be long running and multifaceted (Heavily involving social programs) rather than some simple 'Take the guns away with the cops'.
I get that you yanks are a mongrel nation but I'd hardly call it homogenous
It should be noted that most of the stats are old, like 2002. Not exactly the best source imo. Especially since it's before the mass influx of somalis and shitskins. Go back to the cuckshed.
>le "gunshow loophole" may-may
USA states basically work like the EU. Different countries with a general union thingy.
Consider USA like 53 different countries
It must be so sad living with such horrible, crippling paranoia.
>America's states rights is a really weird thing to a non-american
EU. You have independent (nation) states with their own laws, cultures, etc. Who have representatives in a bigger government that (tries to) rule over the whole.
Yeah, that's how it's been described to me before. The EU but with slightly more actual control over the member states.
We already have a draft here, what is a "militia" going to do exactly? This isn't the fucking 18th century, we have a national guard.
States still maintain militias, you tard.
>A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
well I guess you don't a right to guns then
I'm just saying that it's clear the intent was to allow militias to be fielded, so let them exist and make them liable for the arms in their care
No, they don't. They maintain the National Guard, which is explicitly part of the US Military. Show me one "militia" entity which receives state funding.
I can't tell what's more frustrating: easily bullied GW with a faux-conscience or GW that refused to acknowledge the existence of anyone who wasn't upper management.
Nah it's not paranoia anymore, seeing how hillary (who was in favor of such regulations), lost the election.
It doesn't seem like you guys are doing a great job with keep wacknuts out of the thing, let's be honest there.
So you basically want what medical marijuana was in California?
>Hey, I have these three listed medical conditions, also here's $50, can I have weed now.
>Sure, here's your weed card.
You do realize that most states aren't going to have high standards if this becomes a thing.
>Hey, come shoot at this range, if you hit one target I'll give you your gun card.
I once went to Phoenix Arizona, Little Rock Arkansas and Columbus Ohio for work so I ended talking to bunch of different people in the area from poor to rich and some random government officials.
It was basically 3 different countries. Everyone had different laws and culture.
Black “Sir” me up and down at Arkansas was super strange
I mean, that's a stupid comment to make. Nothing major but hey, corporations these days are careful about such things and tend to go with 'Better safe than sorry'. Simpler to apologise and make sure nothing bad happens than say nothing and have a potential PR issue.
And with a fiscal union, a federal law system and a military
>if the EU is gonna stay alive, it would fun to see what's implemented first