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What are the little things your characters live for?
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Paizo Games General /pgg/
What are the little things your characters live for?
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Meals with people she actually gives a shit about; she hasn't been able to do that in 70 years (an elf), so even when the food is trailmix and dried meat she's happy.
>What are the little things your characters live for?
The thought that he might one day meet and confess his love to the woman of his literal dreams.
The fact that his beloved is the Mother of Monsters apparently doesn't matter, poor shmuck doesn't realize his quest was doomed from the start
Does anyone have some good artwork of a dark skin/indian sorceress?
Time spent laughing and joking around with friends instead of fighting for their lives.
Fighting for their lives instead of laughing and joking with their friends.
Adventuring with the one they care about.
Fuck off Slow/Sappy.
A. Conquest.
B. The woman he loves.
C. A better tomorrow.
D. Wealth, prestige, and everything that comes with it.
Seeing new things, meeting new people, and utterly annihilating the opposition.
1: Eating a good book.
2: Singing in the rain
3: The admiration of his subjects
4: Cold mountain air with a cup of coffee and a slice of cottage pie
5: Painting
6: Making plans for her wedding with a man who doesn't even know of the said planned wedding.
>What are the little things your characters live for?
His animal buddies.
Beastmastery sphere is fun.
A. He enjoys freshly baked scones, but has had to go without for a long while. The baker was a cultist and she got killed off camera, so he has no idea why his favorite bakery closed.
B. Drugs. If it gets you high, he wants it.
C. Time with his adopted son.
Ah, yes. My Wizard. She loves the smell of an Empowered Fireball in the morning.
I still can't believe they released the shifter like it was.
Teaching her orc friend how to read over a bowl of stew.
I'm having so much fun yiffing in the SCoT Discord! X3 Thanks for the invite, Jade! ;3
But will he be able to read if there isn't a bowl of stew under the book?
Hey shitposting about SCoT is my job
You're being replaced Steve. Hand over your gun and badge.
Do you have nothing better to do than be pathetic? It's Monday, you should be at work.
>NEETs that shitpost about games they don't like
Does Combat Stamina add anything interesting aside from Kirin Style tricks?
>Being so innocent as to think I have a job or class
Where do you think you are?
You truly are pathetic, then.
Improved Initiative. With enough Stamina, just casually take 20 on an initiative check.
Wield a quarterstaff as a double weapon in a single hand. Letting combat maneuvers be viable for longer by giving them more bonuses.
Calling someone pathetic on Veeky Forums is the height of the pot calling the kettle black.
What classes can do the Cleric's job and which ones are best at it?
My pot can be as black as it wants nigger, I have a paying job where I can post on-the-clock. The fuck you doing?
Doing the dishes at home calmly before my brothers and sisters come back from school, slowly preparing dinner. It's a calm afternoon.
Well as long as you're not shitposting, carry on with your calm day, user.
Sort of regret getting Starfindewr now as it seems like the system is so geared towards it's own universe that it won't really work with anything else.
Buy Mongoose Traveller 1e, its an actually good Sci fi system
My character loves cooking, and people liking her cooking
I've got the new Mongoose Traveller and like it however the combat seems like a missfest and I see the character creation as actually interefereing with non Traveller game worls but I suppose you can adapt.
What are the typical sorceror's builds? Are they better as buffers, nukers, debuffers, controllers...?
Now imagine DramaSystem with Traveller
Maximum Firefly
What's the actual difference between Mongoose Traveller 1e and New Mongoose Traveller?
You can build sorcerers for specific things. for instance, a kitsune socerer can hit absolutely ridiculous DCs for their enchantment spells, while a crossblooded sorcerer can convert all damage to one element, and then make that one element much more potent.
Really depends on what you're looking to do.
1e and 2e have rules changes, 2e's trading and ferrying sucks
Has the sixth book for Ruins of Azlant been posted yet?
Leakanon dropped some parts of it with the Disciple's Doctrine leak. Not sure about the trove.
I'm guessing they mean how Magic works in general, and the whole Solarian aspect.
Based on real life lizard sexual selection, male Kobolds would be attracted to bellies, and female Kobolds would be attracted to powerful skulls and horns
>pitch a serious game to my internet friends
>It includes body swapping shenanigans
There is no avoiding the herd of cute girls and girls (male) is there?
Either that or I'm going to get a group of chewbaccas
They are fantasy lizards in a world that follows no rules of our world, meaning real life reptile psychology has little to no effect on how a fantasy race would act unless the author of the said race wanted it to be so.
Short of it is: Stop with your flimsily veiled fetish posting.
B-b-b-but lizard tits...
>Not Synapsids
Nigga what are you even doing
>Reality has no bearing on fantasy
Wew lad call me once you're done being a boring cunt
Dear Mr. Pot,
Please cease and desist all further correspondence with me.
Sincerely, Dr. Kettle
There would also be an entire race of only female lizards who reproduce homosexually, following that logic.
Go wonder about your tax policies elsewhere.
>Imblying an entire race of lesbian kobolds is a bad thing
Lesbian incestuous kobolds, at that.
Yes, and?
How do you guys play this autistic pile of shit still?
With roll20, mostly.
Inertia and lack of options for other games to play. A lot of groups only know pathfinder, and don't have the time, resources, or both to learn a new system.
Discord server with a dice bot while discussing the finer points about dicks
It's the only game in town I get to play.
GM? Oh, sure, it's easy to do other stuff and I try to do it when I can.
But I want to play too, and nobody runs other systems. So Pathfinder it is.
>finer points about dicks
What, like a hellhounds? Or do you mean barbed like a rakshasa?
You ever seen a dragon with spiral hemipenes like a duck?
Not yet but I'm sure it's out there somewhere.
Can you get double mutagen if you alchemist/mutagenic mauler?
Frankly, I have not.
Am I about to?
Laugh at me all you want but does anybody have the Ponyfinder PDFs? There's like one in the mega and I am NOT paying for 3rd party.
With Gestalt, let's say snakebite striker / unchained rogue...
Will you get 2d6 at lvl 1? Can you get 4d6 at lvl 6?
What if you get 1 level warrior first, then snakebite striker, then 1 level warrior again, then snakebite all the way? You'd miss out on the 20th level sneak attack and the brawler finisher, but would get some better armor and more combat feats.
I think the point of gestalt is to take the higher of the two so no.
PLD please go.
This build is supposed to work in conjunction with a Brown Fur Transmuter and/or with a Alchemist using Infusion.
It mainly relies on the Ascetic Style and Ascetic Form feats to apply all the UAS feats to all the natural attacks, including the UAS damage progression.
Alchemist only gets level 4 "spells" at 10 and Arcanist requires level 9 to gain share Transmutation. At the earliest this build comes alive at level 4 with martial flexibility.
Early on Alchemist is the better partner, with Alter Self and possibly Troglodyte for 3 natural attacks (1d8) and darkvision.
The real fun comes with Monstrous Physique II and 4 Armed Gargoyle though and once your party reaches level 12, your Brown Fur Transmuter ally can give you Transformation (especially cool with VMC wizard and Idealize at level 20)
First line are the essential feats to this build.
Ascetic Style, Ascetic Form,, Martial Versatility, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike)
These are some desirable feats.
Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Improved Trip, Iron Will, Power Attack
I'm rather undecided if I want to take an archetype, for example Mutagenic Mutagenic.
25 PB:
18, 16, 14, 7, 11, 7
Human, +2 Strength
Level 1
Power Attack
Weapon Focus (UAS)
Level 2 BF: Ascetic Style
Level 3 Ascetic Form
Level 4 Martial Flexibility: Martial Versatility
Mutagenic Mauler would delay things to level 5. Maybe Barbarian VMC for some rage too? Would it be better to keep Martial Versatility.
I don't usually play martials so I don't know what are some good feats apart from the ones I layed out.
I'd be happy to hear suggestions.
Yes, but all but the first sneak attack increase from snakebite are on even levels, while all sneak attack increases from rogue are on odd levels.
Yes, you would get all the sneak attack.
Including the first?
No - you would get the 1d6 from one or the other as it is the same class ability - sneak attack.
No, at best you would stack levels for duration. You're only able to maintain a single mutagen regardless unless you have Infuse Mutagen.
What's the deal with Kineticists?
Too much backlash for not nearly enough damage.
Worth noting, that was written before Shitter came to light, as if kineticist didn't hold the position of "worst" before, Shifter has most definitely taken over that particular spot.
Hey SCoT Discord, could you stop leaking shit all over the place?
>Occult adventures is almost 3 years old
Someone shoot me.
Source, user?
What's the deal with shifter anyway?
Doesn't get any of the primary benefits of a natural attacker (that being able to throw out a lot of attacks without needing to go into iteratives or Haste) and any that it gets it gets way too late.
What does 2hu have to do with GMs flaking?
Just got bamboozled, /Pgg/ Feels bad man.
the GM didn't even flake
What happened?
Give us names ya dumb cunt.
SCoT was a bamboozle? Wowzers, what a surprise.
The biggest issue with the Kineticist is that it's unnecessarily complex for what it's trying to do, which makes it easy for people to have no idea what the heck is happening when they're trying to build one.
This then leads to anons like that guy who end up giving up and throwing their hands up in the air, declaring the class a lost cause and not worth salvaging. Which yes, if you're looking at it from a DPS standpoint it's probably not going to hold up to the golden standard of a maxed out Barbarian or a Bowadin smiting with 6 arrows but claiming that you're going to go through half your burn in a single fight either betrays a lack of properly utilized action economy or a lack of in depth digging through the class.
Combine this with utility that you probably won't have to spend burn on if you're allowed to take your time, and the only times when you're going to be "killing yourself" is during dire situations.
>sitting in the discord right now
Well, This wasn't SCOT or Skyfall. It was this own planned thing that the GM didn't tell us they were in another game playing instead of trying to get our thing up and running and it took us a long time of trying to reach out to him only for the person to just basically go fuck you and up and delete everything. Not even a single session mind you.
I'd tell you their name, but they up and vanished/deleted everything