How invested your players are in your campaign?
How invested your players are in your campaign?
I’m not the DM but me and almost all the other players have agreed, in private chats after a session, that we’re not having fun anymore and the campaign needs to end.
I'm lucky enough to be in games, both running and playing, with people who really care. We're all friends who enjoy playing with and running for each other, we make characters with connections to the setting and spend a lot of time on their relationships with NPC's and each other. And I'm always thankful and appreciative for what an amazing group I have, given the standard of player I often hear about on Veeky Forums, and had experienced before managing to find said group.
My players have fun.
But its because the game involves them laughing and fumbling through the story instead of focusing on the story
I dont know about the others in my group, but i tend to pester my GM all the time with things in regards to his setting, the way the game is going, possible new games, rules, pretty much everything. At some point i think my investment might have crossed over to obsession. He dont seem to mind though, he loves chatting about it and thinking up things with me
have you talked to the DM about issues you are having?
>Two players who are always 100% invested in whatever we're doing.
>One player invested in her character only.
>One player doesn't care much, but jumps in when we ask him to.
>One player, who constantly makes bad characters and gets frustrated with said bad characters, is getting frustrated with his bad character.
Pretty invested.
>They do IC roleplay without me quite a lot, working out character interactions on their own accord
>Are genuinely interesting in NPCs and go to great length to fulfill their promises or to protect them because they feel this would be the right thing to do
>Are conscious keeping meta away from the game, missing opportunities with words like "man, I want to do this, but my character couldn't be possible aware of X, so I'll just walk away."
>One character commissioned a portrait of his character
>Another wrote a short fanfic about his
>Players are happy to fail at some things just to see something unexpected
>Create their own handouts to share between themselves, image macros and in-jokes
>Have fun
>All of them
Pretty invested, I'd say.
>They do IC roleplay without me quite a lot
How does one facilitate this?
They're invested in having a place to hang out and drink beer, the campaign is secondary.
Not yet but I’m about to. He’s a good guy, it’s just that he sucks at running a game. So we’re still debating on the easiest way to break it to him.
Just direct them to whatever text medium they'd prefer and check logs afterwarsd. It all boils down to players being conscious they have deep characters with goals, agendas and just something to talk about. Simply encouraging them OOC to have an IC conversation about something is enough to create a habit.
Gotcha so it’s more effective when they type instead of talking?
not enough
I'm afraid I made my world a bit too shitty
most of it is just "kill the raiders to unfuck shit"
They're all pretty invested except one who joined the Part 2 of the campaign and is surprised there's things that don't apply to his character. I mean, we've only done two sessions for this part.
Yeah, there is a lot of things going on during session time and some personal conversations require deliberation and roleplay during game is a granted.
Not at all.
More than I am. By a longshot.
You can tell because, unlike me, they wanted a campaign at all.
Apparently more than I think
>our group rotates DMs every now again to give the other a break and have time to plan
>when it comes to a vote other DM usually wins
>one player seems to suck off the other DM
>three players constantly make a new character for mine while they stick to their one for the other game
>when I try my best to make combat encounters interesting they’re only okay
>come to terms with mediocrity
>have one player who messaged me after the game with all the ideas/plans for his character and speculating what’s going to happen
>he doesn’t do this for other DM
>had one session that I thought was a shitshow
>player messaged me how they were all talking about it when they were carpooling home and how much development this one NPC went through
>feels good.jpg
I know I’m the inferior DM but I’m okay with being just okay
good job user
I don't think that counts as a fanfic, it's just fiction.
Wizard has been using skywrite to fuel his propaganda machine. So yeah id so pretty invested.
Too invested. They all want private sessions and I'm a lazy piece of shit with mental disorders.
I have one player who’s like that except he wants to bring one other player. It’s usually majority of the group is busy and he wants to go on a shopping adventure
>I'm a lazy piece of shit with mental disorders.
God, I know that feel. I'm struggling with depression and withdrawal, I really don't care about your backstory angst.
player here, the only reason i even still bother is because the rest of the group blames me for the last campaign falling apart and I'm not going to give them a reason to blame me again. i'm pretty sure they all see me as that guy.
>dm is flaky as fuck, has a tendency to agree to run sessions then on the day of will ghost everyone then later deny he ever agreed to play that day in the first place.
>none of the rest of the other players in group put any effort, so i guess they don't care about being lied to and having their time wasted
>so when i had enough of the dm's shit during the last campaign he ran, which was a few years ago, i had a meltdown at him and everyone else took his side
>fastfoward to last summer, i hadn't really spoken to the dm or other players much since i told him off, he tells me he's wanting to get a pathfinder game going but doesn't have a location for sessions
>offer to host in my apartment if i can participate, since everyone else are dwellers of their parents' basements and/or slobs, he accepts
>it doesn't take long for everyone to slip back into their old habits, dm does the exact same flaky shit, other players have goldfish tier short attention spans and i'm forced into being party leader and essentially have to drag everyone along
i've lost interest and i'm really just phoning it in now. if everyone else gets derailed into a discussion about something else during the sessions i'll let it go for a while before i try to steer them back towards the actual game or i'll just start getting drunk and sit behind my laptop.
If you're seriously not enjoying it that much just abandon ship and abandon the group.
like i said, i simply refuse to put myself in a position again to be the scape goat. our dm was an irresponsibile lazy sack of shit with no respect for other people's time or effort back then and he is now too, he hasn't changed or grown up an ounce, but everybody else either doesn't realize this or doesn't care because all they remember was my meltdown. if this shit falls apart i'm not going to be the one who gets blamed, even if it means i have to continue to partake in something that i'm not necessarily enjoying.
its not like i have anything better to do with my own miserable existence. its about the only """"social"""" interaction i get
>go to great length to fulfill their promises or to protect them because they feel this would be the right thing to do
This legit made me a happier person.
Tbh this sounds like a shit situation for everyone involved, mostly you, because you couldn't talk things like adults and just had a meltdown instead. Try getting out more, user, that group sounds doomed as fuck and you're obviously not enjoying yourself for the sake of getting your dose of "social interaction", like shit dude if that's all you're getting you'll repeat the same behaviors around other people.
My group felt sorry for a goblin being beaten by Hobgoblins while bashing through some old Ruins. He was there to get some information from and probably kill/let go.
They instantly fall in love with him and decide to spend a majority of their time trying to get him seated somewhat in society.
After having pretty much saved the town, the people are a little less opposed to having a goblin running around. Plus the Goblin stole the head of the asshole who was causing all the problems after the players lopped it off in battle. Droop proudly proclaimed he killed the wizard with the help of his friends. The fucking characters just let him take all the Credit and he now lives in the local Tavern with the town bard.
Unfortunately for that campaign being our first I did a few things wrong as a DM and feel I sort of had things going very stale with the plot line I was running. Luckily I learnt from that in my other campaigns.
In the campaign itself - a bit too much.
I only wish they roleplayed with at least quarter of that passion. Otherwise it feels like I'm playing with entire party of gamists, which is also untrue.
You know, reading this made me feel ungrateful toward my own players. Because I've got a party that is pretty much like this, aside maybe one guy who simply can't stop himself from "always winning" mentality but he's aware of that and considers it himself as a problematic, so go figure and yet I always feel like they could do better and more. I don't even know why, because after initial couple of games, everyone got invested really, really hard and I finally figured out myself what kind of scenarios they want to play, so the duke-maker campaign I've prepared for them turned into a stellar success...
... and yet I still feel like this all could be better.
The best day of my GMing happend when one of them talked with me after a game and said the scenario was really enjoyable, even if during gameplay everyone acted as if they were pissed about ending up with a bounty for the party and having to clear their names
I'm the only one who cares anymore
Even the DM lost all hope after all players but me ditched the last session without warning
well in my spare time i may do private sessions to get info for the team (that is a job for my rogue), also looking for scrolls n magic items in books like a nut.....
that as a player
Oh god now I'm paranoid about my game.
Our group just had a talk with our GM today about how we just weren't having fun.
>Character dies every session
>unreasonable difficulty with everything (my captain of a starship wasn't able to change music on the ship radio)
>extreme railroading
>told to be creative while saying no to any creative option I come up with
>lack of descriptions, including important shit that no reasonable person wouldn't inspect
>lack of prep
>I sit there for hours on end because of some random bullshit that locks my character away... every session
After our talk he didn't realise that he was doing all this shit wrong and apologised. Hopefully next session won't be shit.
I don't care for most of the games I'm in. I've only ever been invested in one and have since slowly come to the realization that the vast majority of dms are garbage. It's practically a chore to go to games and I'm actually relieved when the session has to be cancelled for some reason. I really only still go because I would never interact with people otherwise.