Do you agree that when you sit down at the table with other people to play an RPG, you all enter into an unspoken social contract with each other?
Do you agree that when you sit down at the table with other people to play an RPG...
What do you mean by this?
You could say that about any human interaction. Just existing with other people means we enter into an unspoken social contract with them.
Yes, but there's always one autist who doesn';t understand that.
>Just existing with other people
> 2018
> Existing
> At all
Get a load of this guy...
Except on Veeky Forums. Everyone here is subhuman garbage until they prove themselves worthy of the barest respect.
Fuck no, unspoken contracts are stupid. You have session zero to say all that stuff explicitly and make sure everyone is on the same page.
I agree. These theorycrafters can pretend that they cover rules of conduct or some horseshit with their groups but no one does that. The party comes to consensus as the game progresses
...Alternatively, you just sit down and talk things through like functional human beings. There's no theorycraft or arcane rule of conduct. It's just being able to say 'What do you want out of the game, what are you okay with, what are you not okay with?'. It's not fucking hard.
Do people actually discuss sit down and discuss ground rules like martin luther posting theses on the church door?
...No? We talk like actual human beings having a conversation.
No. Mutual expectations are not contracts. Trust is not a contract. Working together is not a contract. It is just a bunch of people that want to have a nice time rolling dice.
If you try to push any of this social engineering bullshit in my games someone is leaving.
So when a situation comes up you deal with it. Then you don't have some unspoken contract of what actions are acceptable. You figure it out as you go, which is exactly what I said.
>interparty conflict
But that would mean "a conflict between parties." "INTRAparty conflict" would mean conflict within the party.
If you play in my game, you agree with not being an annoying shit to the others players. Break that rule and you're out.
That's it
...No? You discuss things ahead of time, like I said, and if something comes up in play you use those initial shared expectations as a common point of reference.
Can you give some examples?
>'What do you want out of the game, what are you okay with, what are you not okay with?'
I'm not even the guy you're replying to, you're just getting on my nerves.
I generally talk about that contract, to avoid issues. Unspoken ones tend to create issues when we disagree about what that contract consists of.
Truly the highest form of social interaction.
Autism: the thread
>what are you okay with, what are you not okay with?
Lol. What kind of faggot needs a no no list before sitting down to play a game
...A human being with tastes and preferences? What sort of nonsense question is that?
Keep your list of trigger words and stay home. Do people really get offended by things in a fantasy world?
So have multiple parties and they fight?
(It's intraparty, for internal to the party.)
No? What on bloody earth are you going on about? Are you some kind of delusional fuckwit who sees a constant boogeyman in even the most innocuous places?
Off you go then.
People who don't later on come to bitch on Veeky Forums about their games falling apart.
I just can’t imagine sitting down with my group and going around the room like a therapy session explaining what things are okay and what things aren’t, all the while nodding reassuringly and patting each other on the back
...So you're just an idiot then.
Can you understand sitting down with a group of people and talking like functional human beings about your expectations for the game? Have you ever talked to someone else like a functional human being? do you understand the concept?
There's no lame limp wristed bollocks to this. It's pure practicality, straightening things out beforehand so they don't cause a problem during the actual game.
Dont feed the basement apes.
Instead what are your personal session zero clauses for the explicit contract.
Can you imagine sitting down with your group and saying:
>So are all the players on one side or is team-killing OK?
>Is there a plot that the GM is going to lead us through or will the players be expected to take the initiative?
Because those two are the main things that any group should settle.
Straightening what kind of things out? If the party is pro or anti orc?
What kind of tone the game will have, dark and gritty or high and heroic, whether the setting will be bleak or optimistic, whether you go for a pre-watershed or late night HBO level of sex and violence, etc etc. Little stylistic things that help people be on the same page and make their preferences known so I, as a GM, have all the information I need to make the game the best experience possible.
This isn't "except on Veeky Forums" this is how we are. Tribal animals, we have the instinct to drive off the least ones. Society unnaturally pushes us to accept dredges.
its like you're a bot or something, you haven't figured what being human is all about or its a VERY elaborate troll
>muh human nature
So you'd prioritise base, animal instincts over refined higher virtues? You're pathetic.
>Tribal animals, we have the instinct to drive off the least ones. Society unnaturally pushes us to accept dredges.
I'm tolerating you and your simple arm-chair sociologist nonsense right now. Explain that.
This. I came here to say this.
Most of the time, I flat out don't allow PCs to try to kill each other. Role-playing is a cooperative game, and letting PCs attack each other is usually a good way to bring everything to a screeching halt. It's also inherently unfair, as the disruptive, "that guy" player gets the considerable advantage of striking first against the guy who's trying to rein himself in and "play ball" for the good of the game. And then there are grudges held, and suddenly everybody in the party is bunkering up, putting their back against a wall and refusing to do anything that might expose them to a peer. That doesn't make for a very fun game. Now, if players know where to draw the line, and I trust them to rein their characters in before anything really bad happens, that's another story. But outright trying to kill a compatriot is a big no-no.
i think there's at least a 50% chance that whoever made OP pic made that mistake deliberately in order to lure intelligent people into the thread.
it would be a smart move, anyway.
yup. whoever wants to attack first gets told they can play nice or fuck off and find themselves another game. in those terms. there is zero ambiguity about the fact that i think they're being an asshole, and the preferred solution is already for them to leave.
On Veeky Forums it can be difficult to tell the 15 year olds from the adult’s that act like 15 year olds, especially Veeky Forums
What does this contract include?
Don't be a dick for no reason? Sure
Put aside your character's wants for the party needs? Not so much
thats just our social contract you twit
>I just can’t imagine sitting down with my group and going around the room like a therapy session explaining what things are okay and what things aren’t
Legitimately did this for an ERP campaign. Went through the group, asking people for two things they wanted and two things they really didn't want.
Then went around for the latter again after reassuring them that scat and guro wouldn't feature.
Tourist detected.
Veeky Forums IS the dredges. This is dredge tribe.
Yeah makes sense in that situation
>Not asking people whom with you're going to spend a rather hefty amount of time what they like and what they dislike as to make the experience as enjoyable as possible
I literally do this for non-erp games.
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you people, why you wouldn't do it?
Hell, I do the same for a party, the thing is that everyone should enjoy themselves.
A reasonable person
>Hey, this is primarily a cooperative game if for some reason you want inter-party conflict talk to me first and I will see if there is some way to work it into the story, don't just go in and start killing party members thinking the villain will suddenly let you join him or something
As for rape or trigger words I will do it on a case by case basis, but I generally avoid sex simply because two sweaty neckbeards acting out a sex scene in an RPG is uncomfortable to watch and even more uncomfortable to GM or participate in controlling an NPC.
No. Or rather not in the way I suspect you mean. The only contract that should exist is that everyone stays in character and that nothing that one character may do against another is in any to be taken personal nor should it be caused by anything that happened out of game.
If I was in the habit of playing with strangers I might be inclined to do this. As it stands I only play with close friends so we're all already on the same page.