Is this Chaotic Good, or is it Lawful Evil? Or is this the best proof that alignment is a poor system

Is this Chaotic Good, or is it Lawful Evil? Or is this the best proof that alignment is a poor system.

>Is this Chaotic Good, or is it Lawful Evil?
Murder of innocents out of a sense of vengeance: evil.
>Or is this the best proof that alignment is a poor system.
Alignment is a poor fit for most stories, but fits very well for a certain kind of 70s fantasy pulp. Law Abiding Citizen is supposed to be an ambiguous (or at least thought provoking) examination of the loosely-held unreflective moral and ethical stance of average Americans. Bad fit for objective morality.

Lawful neutral.

All characters that are like actual people instead of carboard cut outs are proof that alignment is a poor system

Yeah it is, more news at 11.
It was meant as crutch for new players to a new type of media.
Then some fucker came along and took it literal.

>character from something completely detached from a genre fitting alignment doesn't have an obvious alignment
what tha fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alignment's fine, and is roughly supported by modern psychology.

Chaotic Evil, actually. I mean, sure he planned everything out and let people make their own choices, but at the end of the day it was because he wanted to and I quote : "Bring the whole corrupt temple down on their heads." He hated the justice system because there was no justice, so he used the system itself to prove there was no justice, killing several innocents and manipulating the shit out of people; not because he believed in the values and wanted to use the rules to punish people, but to seek revenge and mock them using their limited, selfish, nepotistic, numbers-based "justice(tm)".
He hated the law.


Lawful evil. He has rules he follows, even if they're evil.

I dunno, there's s pretty strong case for lawful evil over chaotic tbqh. A chaotic evil person would do it for the sheer sake of doing it and/or personal revenge related reasons. His actions after killing his wife and kid's murderers could largely be taken as evil for the sake of the greater good. Dude wanted revenge, sure, but he also wanted to put a hard stop to the joke that was the justice system, so much so that he completely passed on a chance to walk out that HE HIMSELF won just so he could continue to pull the strings from his cell to prove his point.

Can you imagine the damage he could've done if they let him walk free? He actively refused this option because he knew that him working on the outside wouldn't have had the same effect.

>He hated the law
>it’s a Lawful alignment means the character has respect for the literal law of the land episode

>IRL alignments boil down to NG, CN, LN, CE, NE leaning LE
>tfw 4E alignments were right

IT IS CHOATIC NEUTRAL, THAT is the most relaxing, fun n easy for roleplay in my view

He kills law enforcement and judges who are at most negligent and inept. He attacks the very system of justice and its officers itself, unilaterally. He has no thought for laws or society and acts purely for the sake of his own vengeance and satisfaction.

This is a text book case of chaotic evil.

>love/respects the law
>breaks the law

Chaotic Evil.

Congatulations on being able to discerns some sort coherent motive for this guy. By the end off the movie I had gathered that he was probably trying to make some sort of point. But could only guess at what it actually was.

Modern pcychology is a joke.

Honestly, I think the most damning thing is what he does to the murder-rapist's accomplice. That guy was already facing society's greatest punishment, and he still went out of his way to sabotage the process purely for the emotional satisfaction of watching him suffer. All the other stuff he did (psychopathic though it was) could at least be construed as "fighting the system" in some way.

The ending reeks of DMPC.

It's Chaotic Evil.

Lawful Neutral.

Alignments were never supposed to be serious philosophical concepts, they were just gangs you belong to so you can beat up people from the opposing gangs (alignments) with a convenient excuse. You're Lawful Crips or Chaotic Bloods.

This. Alignment in the oldest editions of D&D was which side your character took on the Great War Between Good vs. Evil™ and only in AD&D 2e did it become a shorthand for a character's entire personality.