
Get in now or kill yourself later.

Other urls found in this thread:

Going to sell out in the next 24hours get in at the ground floor retards.

What's the purpose of this coin? too lazy to read white paper so give me summary

It’s a scam. Some user on /biz already confirmed it was a scam. For that reason, I am out.


Where is the proof faggot?

watch the youtube video.

>Some user on /biz already confirmed

lol, prove it faggot

How many tokens per eth do you get?


nobody confirmed anything of the sort, just look at the previous thread on the archive.

you're probably mad because we're on track to make a shitload off of this and you're a nocoiner

also, does anyone know if the total on decarium ( takes into account the 2.5 million USD presale ?

It's XRB (free transactions) with smart contracts and multi-blockchain trading
get in

i think the website just totals the ethereum that's been deposited into that wallet.


1. You need an ETH wallet that you OWN the private key to.
Use: MyEtherWallet / Metamask / whatever supports ERC-20 tokens

2. Transfer your ETH to your wallet adress

3. Send your ETH from your wallet to the following address: 0xb4925b5a1e7c00752f686f988926478ae0516115 (if you want to verify this just go to set GAS (transaction fee) to 250000.

4. Wait a bit

You now have your tokens. to verify this, you can add the token manually to your light wallet client. if you're using Myetherwallet as you should, this is what you need:

Decimals, 18
And token symbol, TAU

should be similar for other light wallets. otherwise just use an ETH blockchain browser or something to confirm you've received the tokens.

5) welcome to the club ! hope we strike it rich or at least make some dough to buy beer !

and i meant Lamden, not Camden.


do we know when this will hit the exchanges?

it should hit cryptopia as soon as the ICO is over. devs paid the fee for it i think. should not take long before it hits the other exchanges too

Dear user i bought 23 TAU since i had some ETH left but now am more interested BUT why is it an ERC20 token=? Do we trade the TAU for Lamden when it goes live?

Im not buying Lamden mostly because I dont like the coin concept at all.

It does everything worse than a lot of other alternatives.

the fuck? 23 tau??? its like 0.001 eth??

thanks just bought 20k because i am a poorfag

They are obviously brainlets. They don't even know how to indent properly in LaTeX in their whitepaper.

lol. 20k and YOU're a poorfag ? i only have 6k

lol. if you dont like a coin that does same as lisk, dragon, icx,aion,wan together. they u r unfit for crypto. fuck off faggot

I don't want to hear your shit.

All I could afford right now.

forgot pic

Why 250k GAS?

well that's a reasonable amount.

Haven't you heard comrades?

i honestly have no idea, but that's what lamden recommends on their website. maybe someone who knows more about ETH can explain why

Stay away from this shit. Has anyone ever shilled an ico before it closed before?

This shit will moon and redeem me, tiny marketcap and it is basically selling shovels during the goldrush

Watch the video of then spinning up a private erc20 token in 15mins using their software, this shit is going to get lapped up

dumped 12eth in

If I had to guess, the contract does a lot of work when you buy in.

>dumped 12eth in

Requesting proof

My career is now shilling this coin.

Yes you dumb fuck.

ICX, Jibrel Network, Bounty,

Have fun buying coins that have already mooned. I can't to dump on your ass. Welcome to crypto.

i already said this in the other thread but i'm gonna repeat myself.

nobody is shilling this. the coin has like 2000 followers on twitter. i wouldn't know about it if it wasn't for the user who posted the first thread yesterday. and yet the ICO is almost over in less than a day.

don't invest if you don't believe in this coin. and don't invest what you can't afford to lose. i personally am feeling pretty confident about this as long as the market doesnt crash.

So we are getting into this at around 10-15M mcap

easy 10-15x


Pretty expensive transaction cost..
0.00000002x908$x250000 GAS = 4.54$

I only want to invest 100$ so that's 5% almost..


What is the max supply and how many are sold in the ICO?

In for a comfy 1.5 eth

250000 is the GAS LIMIT, not the GAS cost. You likely spent way less.

I paid 0.001164534 ETH (~$1)

100k Tau reporting in, very comfy rn

Comy af with 40 eth in

They sell 10m during ICO, max supply is 500m. At current Eth prices that's 0.09$/coin, average 500m max supply coin is around 1$ so seems like a solid investment.

Correction: They sell 100m during ICO

Goddammit, I don't know whether to believe you, but I'm in for 2 ETH now...

We're all gonna make it user

don't believe anything, just do some calculations yourself.

my personal opinion is: if the shitcoin markets don't take a dive, we're on track to make a shitload

Haven't invested yet desu but tempting to do so. Might throw 100$ in. Glad my information convinced you tho

10m hard cap after ico closes. Stay poor, poorfag. WEEEEEE

what do u think this will sell at the moment it hits exchanges?

where do i see my coins in my mew?

who the fuck knows ? might take off right away, might take a little dip as the weak ICO hands sell and come up after a day or two. where it ends up depends on if the devs are able to deliver on their promises. if they are, this is a winner.

1 ETH / 9,713 TAU

$872 / 1 ETH

$872 / 9713 TAU ~= $0.09

If it sells for less than $0.09, you lost money.

Where can I see the how far the ICO sale is?

almost over. few hours left if that.

900 ETH left is all. Gon' be filled quick

Why not just buy it on ED?

>that huge spike caused by shilling on Veeky Forums

lmao you idiots


ED not actually have trade action. They are ridiculously high and low buys/sells. They are just fishing for idiots

shoo shoo poo loo

i cant see TAU on my mew. i can only view it in the tokenexplorer. is that correct?


that huge spike is caused by the start of the ICO.

so, YOU idiot for implying us retards have enough coin to buy 7.5 million USD worth during the course of 3 or 4 threads. get real

so where's the lambo meetup happening

and how do i send them when the time has come? sorry that i am a newfaggot but thats my first ico ever

This is my ICO as well.

I dunno

Just bought 1eth. See you on the moon boiz.





i just want anons to profit from this, not wall street faggot bankers


for me its still at 8.3 mil

Had to convert some NEO for this since fiat entry from AUD is SLOW AS SHIT

We'll be hooning in lambos soon

this is what i have. there's still time

Well I'm an idiot.

They will trade on ed though? Right?

Weird mine says same ETH but $8.3 million

So can I still buy this or...?

Hope I make it. Transferring ETH from JewBase right now to my wallet.

myetherwallet (MEW) is able to send tokens.

You can send them with the Mist desktop wallet as well.

It's really easy honestly.

in for 1 eth if it goes through fast enough, using metamask and just sent it to the sale address

its finished as they have additinal 700k money from earlier contribution

congrats to all who bought best lambo material

aight, thanks

Anyone know the total supply???

In with 1 ETH

>open developer console via ctrl shift i
>penis 2

What the fuck

Please someone answer before I buy.

Out of the 500,000,000 TAU tokens minted, 70% will be sold to the community, while the remaining 30% are locked up for 2 years.

reeee, why's the wallet transfer have to take so long?

20k lambos reportin

TAU is the primary currency to be used on their chain to execute anything. it will also be the main currency pair when arbitraging on the chain

let's shill the shit out of this in the following days

500 million, but there'll be a burn after the ICO so probably less

feel free to correct me though as i'm still a bit new to this stuff, i'm an OG from the BTC/LTC/DOGE time and don't know much about this ICO/ETH newfangled stuff the kids these days like so much

it's pretty fast, did you add the coin address to your wallet?

They hype behind this is already insane...

i did 250 k gas with 4 gwei, took about 15 minutes but it went through and cost like 10 cents. get in or forever be poor

wtf???????? just burned 100k