>A rather industrious member of the LIzardfolk who has traveled with humans for a while decides to start a business farming shrimp, crawdads and catfish out of the swamp and selling them to the nearby human cities
A rather industrious member of the LIzardfolk who has traveled with humans for a while decides to start a business...
I hear he's a real cold-blooded businessman.
Sounds like a good plot hook and maybe the basis for a "seven samurai" style of adventure.
Lizardmen are too dumb to do that shit. Plus, who the fuck wants to deal with food that's been handled by those filthy cold-blooded freaks?
>Not wanting lizardfolk gumbo
I'm curious how 7 Samurai plays into it. I though the village was under seige by bandit ronin looking to steal rice from villages they hit?
I'll have this world...kid...
>Becomes so skilled in this trade that he decides to compose a book on the subject. Though niche and initially in sore need of a good editor, it is eventually regarded as the premier manuscript on the subject of invertebrate aquaculture.
>lizardfolk in my setting have become overly friendly Southerners who randomly will try to marry you to some single family member as a sign of hospitality
>The Adventures of Guard-Lieutenant Daniel and Forressssst Gump
I'd watch it.
>The island coast is populated by a marine species of lizardfolk. If you can convince one to leave the relative calm of their seaweed-farming life, you'll find no better guide for sailing these waters.
>Forressssst Gump
Got a chuckle outta me.
Sounds really cool, user.
I don't get it, the lizard fishing village would hire the PC's to protect them you mean?
>The Croc-Lizard folk have taken to setting up tolls in the safe part of the swamp more than happy to point out the less than desireble paths should one refuse to pay the toll.
>they're not outright malicious, and will describe a route that avoids other tolls they know of
>though, those routes are untolled for a reason...
t. not!Skaven man-rat
This is unironically one of the best threads on Veeky Forums right now.
>His legless former party leader and companion joins him soon after
Hell, I'd play it.
Goddammit, that's what I get for not reading the whole thread first.
A bit odd to call him legless, though; most yuan-ti are.
Why do i get the feeling they just catch it with their teeth, and don't understand why no one wants lizard saliva fish?
Initially definitely. People still buy it as pet food.
Then one time he catches a big batch by hand, because he has a tooth infection and his mouth is sore, and now people are more willing to eat them themselves - his stock disappears twice as fast.
So he tries by hand and spear again, and discovers that people are really into his catch.
He mixes it up by selling some of the more flavoursome underwater plants and kelps, too, when a local asks how he prepares his fish.
He starts a new revolution nearby of all sorts of sea and river food
>"Lieutenant Daniel, dems magic legs!"
>"They are forest. They are"
Did you get this from Overlord S2 because that sounds strangely familiar.
>"My Mama always said life is like a fishing net. You never know what you're gonna get."
>Forresssst Gump also meets major figures of the realm without really grasping their importance
>The Lizardfolk make a comfortable living bartering the strong, concentrated salt crystals they strain from their noses.
The things people do for quality goods.
>Foressst would later give a large share of his fishing company to the mother of an orc he and Lieutenant Daniel fought beside in the Eastern War
>Forressssst, why did this happen?
>Ya got stabbed
Huh, Bubba is a good orc name.
>Meanwhile, Forresssssst's childhood sweetheart Je'Nee is taken for a ride in the decadent and hypocritical subcultures of the city
Throw in some gumbo voodoo in there. Especially since crawfish and other crustaceans feed on decomposing matter, such as corpses of adventurers.
I could see the first few baskets like this and not selling well, him getting kind of despondent his sales are poor then some good Samaritan politely explains humans don't like other people's teeth marks in their food.
Alternately, or additionally, some businesses may be fine with them that way, like cheaper places who don't sell the fish whole, like for cheap fish stews. Maybe the lizard does well and makes allies of selling his fish for cheap to orphanages, monasteries and the like?
Really though, I imagine nets and the tricky trap things just much more efficient.
>Forresssst Gump meets a deity while wandering
>inadvertently inspires some great deed
>"Lieutenant Dan says that sometimes when people send you something, they're really asking for it back."
>Big Lizard Jim's Crawdad Ranch has been a gangbusters success
>a small village has sprung up around it to capitalize on Big Lizard Jim's success
>the economic activity has drawn the attention of a group of bandits, who are now closing in
>your party is hired by Big Lizard Jim to defend the Ranch and drive off the brigans
>it's 7 Samurai in the bayou
My dick could not possibly be more erect.
>He's called Big Lizard Jim for a reason
>A riverboat gambler looking for a score and any money he ca get from the villagers and off the bandits he can loot. Has a rapier in one hand and a pistol in the other
>A grizzled Paladin with a long coat and a polished breastplate with a lever action rifle
>A Orc native with a great bow and two hatchets
>A crazy fisherman with a sharpened Oar and his fist hardned from punching monster catfish
Literally my character except he made alligator pie.
Saving your pic, thanks.
Fuckin' kek.
My setting's dogbolds pretty aggressively try to marry any adventurers they encounter.
Zoologist campaign now pls
Red or white? Is the discussion on what is superior taboo?
Gumbo blanc est mieux
>MFW Fantasy Samphire
They could just wash it before selling it
Enlighten me to the difference Cajun Joe
White, or Cajun gumbo, uses a light or brown roux, and is stock based.
Red gumbo, is an abomination that is tomato based, and should be stricken from the face of the earth.
Regional and cultural differences. Red gumbo adds tomatoes as a main ingredient. It's a coon-ass take on proskub/antiskub.
I see, I see. Well, I assume Cajun lizard folk would be using stock instead of tomatoes so my headcannon is white gumbo.
>"Now you smoothies look an awful bit then. Ain't no feds ya nuthin? Come on in and try sum my Gumbo I got goin. Been tweaking the recipe a tad so dis bowl is free fur tastein."
What do lizardfolk think of curry?
Who would the other 3 of 7 be?
>Big Jim's plucky but inexperienced son, Lil' Jim. He uses a revolver that looks like 6 blowguns bundled together.
I can see eastern lizardfolk cooking curry in some sort of underwater pots where the water is still enough that the ingredients don't float away too much while it cooks.
I like this
>An educated wizard who is clearly one of them city folk and probably has no business being out in the bayous by himself. Is particularly good with explosives thus explaining why he's out there
>A one eyed former officer with a damn good sword arm and a penchent for heavy drinking and is basically the only one holding the others together making use of their desperate talents into something useful.
>Red gumbo, is an abomination that is tomato based, and should be stricken from the face of the earth.
I see now that we can never be friends, no matter how cordial we act.
Red is for russkies
Everything north of Abita is filled with yankees. Fight me, connard.
those cats look weird as fuck
They're bus cats.
Swim Forrest! Swim!
Maybe some sort of fire resistant bag (made from some exotic creatures stomach mayhaps) cooked over a hot water vent, or in hot springs