I need games! Games in post-apocalypse settings with guns and mysticism!
Post Apocalypse
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>I need games! Games in post-apocalypse settings
>with guns and mysticism!
>Games in post-apocalypse settings with guns
I got you on that front
Shadow of the Demon Lord has a Mad Max supplement. Try that. It's actually pretty decent.
For a fucking weird example, try Lesser Shades of Evil. It's a posthuman post-apocalypse with fantasy elements, where a powerful family of immortals decided to cleanse modern day earth and remake it anew, only to be betrayed by one of their own and left with a mythic apocalyptic hellscape of old technology, monstrous beasts and mad men-become-gods. The system is fucking bizarre, but the whole thing is very neat.
Seconding this. The book's called Godless, btw. Who'd have guessed that one of the best apocalyptic fantasy RPGs would end up having one of the best post-apocalyptic RPGs using the same core ruleset.
Shadow of the Demon Lord with the
Godless expansion
Ah, didn't see this guy already said it. Just a testament to how good it is then.
One of the people that suggested it, and yeah, I was kinda surprised that we had 7 posts and 7 posters with three recommendations for Godless.
I'm dming it sometime this week. Looks fun, hope I dont mess it up since this will be my second time dming
You should be fine. SotDL is a breeze to DM, and Godless is the same. Just don't stumble over the difference between Horrifying and Frightening, and you should be good.
And above all else, make sure your players know they're playing a game where player characters can and should die often. Don't be surprised if bad decisions that would otherwise just give players a rough fight instead cause a straight-up wipe. And even well-executed plans run the risk of people getting their head turned into pink mist.
See if there is anything based off this.
Otherwise you're probably gonna have to go with GURPS
Oh we are well aware. I'm just worried that I'm going to make it TOO easy. Intro quest will be finding supplies for a wall, with bikers on the way and an earlier sent scavenger group mind controlled to kill them when they arrive.
Sounds like a good one to start of with. And remember, this is SotDL we're talking about. A level 0 game can have a single ghoul followed by a single organ filch as epic confrontations likely to kill a player or two.
In my very first time running it, my character got one-shot by the ghoul and in the wake of defeating it, the other three characters got slashed to death by the filch.
How's this. Three players, two bikers on the way, two scavengers mind controlled by a magic user at the scavenge spot. The scavengers are lvl 0 also. And the mind control breaks if the mage dies.
Post-apocalypse settings with guns and mysticism, you say?
So basically 2 Survivors and an Awakened, with two Bikers on the way?
Depending on what weapons your players have access to, that should be pretty decent. Though I might consider swapping the Scavengers to using the Crazies and have you occasionally trigger Mad as Hell for 'em. That way, if the fight is giving them trouble you can choose to delay the arrival of the Bikers and even potentially turn it into a chase instead of purely combat to give them some breathing room or you can simply have them come barreling in sooner if the Awakened gets popped.
Level 0 adventures in Godless can be even more of bloodbaths than in Shadow because while the odds are stacked against you so heavily in Shadow, in Godless you've got a 50/50 to at least start out with a bow and melee weapon without even taking professions into consideration.
You just have to love a game where a PC wearing a suicide vest isn't actually that bad of an idea.
I was going to have the bikers attack on the way. I'm giving them a buggy with a little bolo thrower that replaces one of the side mirrors.
Seconding. Though the Savage Worlds take on it is very anti-Coalition & anti-Federation, which are too really great places. I dont mind the optimistic dudes in the Tomorrow Legion, I just feel like it should be a little less "one side is right"
I haven't personally tried savage rifts, but I know one of my players talked about savage worlds being too "casual" of a system. What does it actually play like?
Anyone got the pdf for Godless?
There's a thread for that. Schwalb's been somewhat aggressive getting shit taken down, so I won't say more than that. The fucker even had a fantastic, beautiful and well-organized wiki that worked wonders for offering a brief view and an easily-navigated SRD for the game taken down while he was writing up rules for goblin shark centaurs.
As much as I do love SotDL, Schwalb is kind of a cunt.
I would recomend hell on earth. Its amazingly fun and is a cool mix of madmax/cyborgs/blackmagic and psychics.
Why is she wearing a cup holder on her thigh?
her gun is round
What does it shoot?
An erection ray I think. Thats what it feels like at least
>What does it shoot?
People she doesn't like.
Does she torture people by using it to give them erections after she already rode them dry and then forces them to become hard again and does that over and over with her erection gun?
I don't follow it closely, but isn't Kamigakari sort of that?
Nothing, it sort of folds out into several arms and emits a flash, then whatever it was pointed at when the trigger was pulled explodes a few seconds later.
Gantz is fucking nuts.
Pic unrelated.
Apocalypse World?
Oh man, thanks buddy. I was having no luck finding it.
If you don't have at least one Terrorist with a suicide vest at all times, you're playin' the game wrong. Better yet if he's a Terrorist + Rebel for those sweet, sweet pamphlets.
I'm dming a game sometime this weekend if you want into the discord
Appreciate it, but my weekends are always too busy. Good luck with your campaign, though.
>the game where you fuck one another for mechanical bonuses
Yeah, nah.
What's the gist of the campaign?
If you're into homebrews, there's tlodg.proboards.com , but it's not finished. I don't think it's going to be completed, though.
Gamma World. Mental mutations aren't necessarily portrayed in a mystical manner, but they easily could be.
You can refluff Unknown Armies
The Future Juncture in Feng Shui 2nd Edition?
>the game where you fuck one another for mechanical bonuses
You can fuck for mechanical *effects*. Not even neccessarily positive.
You and the other players are scavengers for a town in south west Colorado. You start by doing just but as the game goes on you tackle bigger problems and solving mysteries. Don't want to spoil much if my players are in this thread.
Gantz was such a shit Manga.
This. Being a Driver who wants to be a Dion-style wandering lover is harder than it looks.
What's it about?