How do you deal with a player who just doesn't seem to get the sort of game your playing? I have a guy who seems to be incapable of building a character that isn't just blatantly ripped off of anime down to name and description, and tends to play to the tropes of the dumb shit that he likes, namely shonen and ecchi shit. He does it regardless of campaign or genre. Dark fantasy? Rock Lee with brain damage. Space Opera? Luffy but even more retarded. Delta Green? Toriko with extra chromosomes. Its really obnoxious. The other players make good characters and play into the tone, but they also see no problem with his stuff. We're a group of friends so it's understandable, but that also means I can't just kick him. I've tried talking to him about it but that sort of just made it worse. His attempt at a serious character was a rapist doctor he said was based on himself. He basically had an APC rape van and would constantly PM me about how he was oggling the female PCs /NPCs and had chloroform injectors. It was fucking weird
I don't really know what to do
Mason Cruz
I'm genuinely telling you to just kick him out of the group.
Blake Fisher
Everybody thinks I'm an asshole for having a problem with it, and they love having a wacky retard around. I know I'd lose at least one good player and probably retard guy as a friend if I kick him. He's a dramatic shithead and acts like RP is his only social/creative outlet, and that he'd basically cut ties with people out of spite and bully his cousin into doing the same. He also may have gone full Mazes and Monsters but that could just be him being weird to be "funny"
Kayden Carter
Next time you do character creation with him, meet the guy halfway. So he pitches an anime ripoff. OK, that's cool, everyone has fun when he plays that, but tweak the background of the character so you've got a whacky retard who fits into the genre.
If this is a long-term situation, it might be a good idea to make anime part of your friendship. Watch his shows. Talk to him about them. Recommend more serious anime shows so that he has a broader set of options for future characters.
David Sanchez
If everyone likes his faggy bullshit and you're the odd one out, guess what that fucking means.
Luis Phillips
You know what I'd do? I'd throw him a stick and a carrot. Next game you run, do an anime adventure game, BUT be extremely strict at character creation. Force him to think of something original, and reject any character he describes in terms of another anime character. Hold everyone else to the same standards. Show him how to create something original, and let him get all this out of his system, but hey, you're the GM, you also get to include consequences to his tropes. He does something Pervy, have him get a serious consequence for it, and justify it as a "defiance of the normal trope" so the rest of the group doesn't think you're an asshole for it. Use his favorite medium and slowly educate him in good RPG habits.
Michael Long
This. Time to find new players/friends, OP.
Anthony Bennett
That's not a bad idea. I'm loathe to run the sort of thing he likes but I'm sure I can find some sort of common ground. Dude has some real pleb taste.
Grayson Murphy
>His attempt at a serious character was a rapist doctor he said was based on himself. He basically had an APC rape van and would constantly PM me about how he was oggling the female PCs /NPCs and had chloroform injectors. You can't cure retardation just by reasoning with the retard. Short of kicking him out of the group, I'd just have realistic consequences result from his actions. That doesn't mean going out of your way to "teach him a lesson". That's petty and all the other players will think you're going out of your way to be a dick (because you kind of will be, even if you were provoked). But when he acts retarded and crazy, people react to him as if he's a crazy retard. And when he does something stupid that seems like it's likely to get him killed, then he'll probably end up dead.
You could also try to "contain" his retardation. Instead of just asking him not to base shit on anime characters, ask if he can rein things in. Have him try to play a boring, restrained character who is less over the top. Tell him to imagine having to interact with somebody who acted like one of his previous characters in real life. Hell, talk through the encounter if you have to. Then ask him what he thinks his and other people's reactions would be like. Tell him he's playing a zany, over-the-top character in a serious setting, which is like inserting Jar Jar into the Godfather. It ruins everything. But since you don't trust him to have perspective on what his character needs to behave like, if you could just get him to tone shit down, you should be okay. Or at least better off than you were before. So he'll end up with same kind of stupid character, but he won't be extreme or as frequent in his stupid acts. It's probably a lost cause anyway, but it's worth a try.
Personally, if I couldn't get him to stop being obnoxious, and I couldn't kick him out of the group because everybody would be pissed at me, I'd ultimately end up putting the game on hiatus...
Eli Turner
Make someone else run a game. To me it sounds like you've got a group of players who think "not my problem" because they don't have to deal with him like you do.
Ryan Morgan
>I'd ultimately end up putting the game on hiatus... explaining to everybody that you're interested in running a serious game, and it's okay if they like over-the-top zaniness or whatever, but they need to find somebody who's into that to run it. If they really want to play in your game, maybe they'll talk with you and you can try to work things out. It's more likely this won't happen, but at least you won't be punishing yourself by playing something you're not enjoying. And you can always pick the game back up after a bit of a break has refreshed you. Maybe the problem guy will even be a little more self-conscious after that, causing him to rein it in at least a little bit. I wouldn't hold your breath, but maybe...
Logan Hall
This person has no place at the game table. If other people leave because he goes, then so be it. You, as the GM/DM, have every right to exclude someone from the table if they make running the game un-fun for you, particularly when they have demonstrated such contempt for your campaign designs.
You deserve to have fun too. If the problem individual isn't willing to invest a sincere effort to respect a setting you've worked hard to create, then they don't deserve to be at the table to ruin your experience.
Jace Edwards
This is the only right answer.
David Baker
>odd one out, guess what that kinda hard to argue with this
Angel Thomas
I've tried but they just flat out won't/can't. None of them lasted for more than a session, and most flaked out in prep. The real kicker? Retard guy was actually one of the better temporary DMs. He's a huge rules autist and has a good eye for the math so he can run nice well balanced encounters. He just apparently couldn't put up with, and I quote, "having his creative vision meddled with".
I've tried that last bit. He just does not like anime that doesn't have goofy retard protags, chuuni action scenes, and/or giant titty waifus, and think those are basically the hallmarks of quality. He's not really interested in checking out any of the stuff I like, even stuff I suggested specifically to try to bridge the gap. I got him to watch a couple clips and he just looked bored and disgusted. Hated HNK, Basilisk, FMA, Moribito, anything that I showed him.
Josiah Martin
>Entitled GM detected A GM's fun should be making his players have fun. It sounds like everyone else is having fun so OP should just nut up
Aiden Anderson
>I've tried but they just flat out won't/can't. Find a new group. Players that won't either GM or try to improve their GMing when they suck at it are entitled shits who won't ever understand your perspective.
Isaiah Martinez
I really hope you're trolling.
Michael Davis
I'm not. Being a GM is being responsible for everyone elses fun. You have to facilitate their entertainment and if you can't do that and want to just wank your own setting/writting/donut steels, then you shouldn't be GMing. It's selfish.
Isaiah Cox
typical shonentard
Gavin Rivera
Kick him out >b-but he's my friend! So? Are you his parent or teacher? If not than you have no obligation to babysit him and be there for his fuckups
Chase Flores
>won't/can't So you literally own the group then. Kick him.
Isaiah Hall
>The other players... see no problem with his stuff. Maybe you should find a different game and let them have fun by themselves.