/mgg/ Monstergirls General

Backbreaking Snek Dance Edition

The place for anything relating to Monstergirls, Monsterboys, or any settings relating to those things; including your own.

Also the home of the as of yet un-named Veeky Forums Monstergirl RPG.
It's work-in-progress "rulebook" can be found here: piratepad.net/E41GY9rQQr

Warhammer Fantasy roleplay homebrew link:

Previous thread: Wikis for popular Monstergirl settings:

Monster Mosume (Everyday Life with Monstergirls):

Monstergirl Encyclopedia:

Monstergirl Quest:

And of course, an assortment of various creatures from myth, legend and folklore.

Other urls found in this thread:


Is that Yharnam at dawn?

Anyway why not both? Corruption bleeds off with time (unless the victim is holding onto it for some reason, unrequited love, etc.) but holy stuff helps the process along.

Maybe one day we won't have autistic duplicate threads because somebody decides to make a thread literally an hour before its expiry date.

It is, I think it's a shop someone put together.
"Why not both" is always a good option: holy stuff can help the process or start it off, but it's the normality that gets the bulk of the work done.

And they'll use the proper OP too. We can but hope and be the change we want to see in the world, user.

CoCs mutation method has its merits, but I prefer transformation being in stages ala Pokémon evolution, with only really minor cosmetic changes beforehand.

Also discussion of holy relics?

Holy water grenades?

Religious regalia?

The idea of angel feathers appeals to me, especially if it’s a gift by the angel itself (secretly composing a rewrite of Fallen Maidens with Wilmarina as angel waifu in his head).

Brackets for internal thoughts? How long have you been around here, user?

Anyways, holy relics? Might have been something once upon a time, but I can't remember it.
I'm of the opinion that the holy-ness isn't important so much as the faith behind it is - so theoretically it can be anything so long as somebody believes in it as a symbol of their faith. Y'know, the whole "Paladins don't get their powers from gods, they get their powers from BELIEF in their gods."

Nice of OP to create a /mgg/ thread correctly. I think I'll stop lurking and start posting again.

Incense is usually burned in churches. Clerics also carry around those incense cases on chains to spread it around. Maybe you can do something with that.

Shameless newfag.

Not sure I like the idea of it being faith based- the gods are very much real, very much active, and have a vested interests in not caring about the quality of worship they get if it tends off corruption.

I'm the one making a homebrew for running games set in the Monster Girl Encyclopedia universe using the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay system but I've run into a snag with representing Undead. Normally undead are simply mindless NPCs but since many and most undead are sapient in MGE I'm having trouble figuring out how to balance death being cheap for undead since all that's needed for a party to stay alive is keeping its caster intact.

Currently, I have the idea of a soul staying in a body for a number of days equal to the characters Willpower/10 (rounded down), if you stay slain for longer, you're shit out of luck. You'll also need medical attention to fix damaged limbs and such. Lastly, staying slain for a number of hours equal to the characters Willpower/10 (rounded down) should cause regression into a mindless Zombie until 100 experience are spent to return to normal unless the Spell of Awakening is used to revive the character. I've also made Undead characters almost completely absent of Fate Points.

Also, not all undead can be revived by simple spells, Vampires and Dullahans need a ritual. Not sure what to do with Ghouls.

>angel feathers appeals to me, especially if it’s a gift by the angel itself

user, you don't know how much I love that idea

Incense is good.

I wonder what it would smell like to Monsters.

I could see that working to ward off Corruption in an area, kinda like salt circles in Supernatural.

But I also like and that Belief is important to the strength of the item. So just burning incense is not enough. One has to believe in it's divine properties to make it work. Which kinda goes with the idea that the Chief God needs faith to keep existing.

Check out the last one, it was nothing but pure worldbuilding.
Not to circlejerk any more than is normal but I'm legitimately impressed we stayed on-topic for basically an entire thread, good job guys.

It's spoilers for internal asides. Lurk more, you get a feel for the language of the site just from being around it.

I disagree with that, but then I don't think we're ever going to argue for each other one way or another. I can get behind angels and a god or gods being real, not so much about them handing down magic to people because they said the right words and burned the right things.

on one hand I like the idea of faith as the core component and a holy symbol merely being a catalyst but has a point too, if we assume the power comes from gods, why is it belief that grants power? does the combined belief of humans grant the relics the power? Does every culture have their own deities which ward of corruption, with their own holy symbol? Do deities change holy symbols based on their followers?

I would leave Ghouls as-is having them act on instinct, if a player turns into one turn them into an enemy NPC

How about undead have weak CON, but keep getting back up with continually reduced stats each time until knock out?
I also like idea that angel feathers are fluffy to the touch, but harder than steel, angels are hopeless gossips, and in heaven there is a massive theological debate between whether bigger wings are better, or if smaller wings are cuter.

What if I’m also a shameless self phoneposter who hasn’t figured out spoilers yet?

This is shit tier and tired. MGE already does it better.

God doesn't need faith. The thing is they aren't actually all that powerful to begin with. They like humans and admire them for various reasons, but if left unchecked the God acknowledges that a sufficiently powerful human could overthrow them with their magic. They think they're the best when it comes to ruling so to make sure humans don't get to big for their britches they send a plague or two, some of hte population dies, magic is regarded with suspicion for a while, but when humanity finally asks for help he sends a hero and a Golden age arrives.

>I also like idea that angel feathers are fluffy to the touch, but harder than steel, angels are hopeless gossips, and in heaven there is a massive theological debate between whether bigger wings are better, or if smaller wings are cuter.

That sounds wonderful, What about that the way a person gets a guardian angel is either by being assigned one by a high ranking angel in heaven or an Angel taking a liking to a person.

I favor the gods are real and are all assholes (though I have it halfway, the Gods we know are pawns of the true gods who are this dharmic eldritch abomination).

The other gods are just sensible things to worship like nature or powerful monsters.

>Why does belief grant power?
I hate to use "it's magic, I ain't gotta explain shit", but it makes about as much sense as the deity in question being able to do it.
>Does the combined belief of humans grant the relics power?
Presumably, yes.
>Does every culture have their own symbols and deities?
Some, certainly. Taking the example of the Moth coven, their belief in the Light and the such wards off corruption. A group of not!Pagans who worship nature might have talismans that ward off corruption also.

It also opens up the door for secular "paladins" if you wanted them - someone with so much belief in the human spirit and the inherent good of people and our ability to overcome that, well, we do - and I feel like that kind of humanitarian belief in goodness and virtue should be just as viable as any other kind of virtuous belief.

So guys do you think Monster Girl Encyclopedia's Demon Realm Boars may also be a playable or gameplay related aspect in whatever system that's still bein in development?


Because the wiki and Monster Girl Encyclopedia World Guide 2 does state that demon realm boars are rather powerful beasts that're reliable mounts and even pack animals. It is even said both the standard big boar and smaller version boar are rather friendly, friendly towards small children and can be kept as pets. All while also said to be powerful and physically strong beasts themselves.

Okay I need to know how cringey this is.

I have it that important people are assigned guardian angels close to breath, in the form of another human- an angel possesses a baby just before it’s born, to be that important persons childhood friend or sibling.

They lose their memories of heaven until puberty (or intervening emergency). But the angel souls make them child prodigies.

This way you have angel childhood friends/imouotos/one-Chan’s.

Also sometimes they are just meant to serve as heroes, something about the human body providing some benefit for the angel.

even I can accept magic being magic, I think if you include anything fantastical at all, you'll have to at one point explain away magic as magic, considering thats just what it is

You can also get into American Gods style gods that only exist because people believe in them. Which means that the Demon Lord could technically be a God, except she's gain power not through faith but stealing spirit energy and corrupting it to Demon Energy, and this kind of power scares the gods.

It'd be something narrative included by the GM if the players wanted to acquire one.
If you've got a pack boar, you travel faster through the realm or something.

Are there any other good mounts? Only one I can come up with is flying eagles.

Centaurs, if she'll let you. Can't have a knight without the cavalry, so knights and Centaurs would probably train together to make full use of their abilities together.
Whether that's because you can get a lance down and charge the enemy or because you're both trained to fire bows and become a Mongolian skirmish unit depends on what you're both good at, I guess.

Won't you run the risk of angels getting too close to their charges? Heroes can't rise to the challenge if they are saved and protected all the time.

It needs some work but you have some solid ideas here user

It's kinda anime levels of cringe, but I saw a comic on Facebook about a bully who stops being a bully and lets people beat him up unless he sees someone else being bullied so right now, my ability to take anime cringe is pretty high.

Yeah, I have some trouble justifying it, but for now i’ll say the gods aren’t being picky, and angel corruption rates are within acceptable limits.

what would a hound of tindalos MG look like?

speaking of which, I'm working on a monster girl gurps expansion right now, would you guys for me to post the rough draft when I get done?

>Won't you run the risk of angels getting too close to their charges? Heroes can't rise to the challenge if they are saved and protected all the time.

You're right, but how would we go around avoiding that?

Would we what user?

Sure thing, friend.

May have been the same question posted before in previous threads. But, what monster girls do you think would greatly serve in the military and armed forces? What monster girls make great or neat soldiers, operators and special forces operatives?


Is pic related the Ice Queen monster girl?


there was a discussion of bands of monstergirl mercenaries, here's a list of possible candidates
>continuing on Mercenary Monsters here's an attempt of distribution;
Automatons, Golems and Elementals could be salvaged and be bought, rented and/or made/summoned
Caith and Cu Siths, Dhampirs, Dwarves, Elves, Gyoubu Danuki, Inari, Jyorogumo, Kikimora, Kbolds, Nekomatas, Ratatoskr, Werecats and Weresheep already live in human or bigger communities
Centaurs, Cyclops, Harpies, Goblins, Orcs, Minotaurs, Jinko, Kakuen, Kamaitachi, Lamias, Lizardmen, Oni, Satyrs, Trolls, Werebats, Wererabbits, Werewolves, Wyverns and Yeti seem to be the type to live in tribes or smaller communities
all other monsters seem to be either too territorial, independent or aggresive to be found in groups bigger than families and should be approached with caution
Bugs types seem to just stick to themsleves, though they are plausible to live in hives there may be contact with human society or not
Water types too, though maybe mermaids and others might have some form of contact to coastal communities or sailors
Demons and Angels should be rare and approached with caution (depending on how you want to treat the whole Corruption/Miasma and Religious shitflinging)
this is all personal opinon by the way, so feel free to use, ignore or discuss if you like


elder things knew what they were doing.

No, see, I want the angels to be cuddly.

I understand user.

Ara Ara~ You'd think an Angel like me would have lewd thought like that? Fufufu~ You're never gonna beat the Lilim with a naughty mind like that! I'll have to help you focus on something else!

Kraken marines.
There's been a bout of piracy off the coast? The Krakens will swim up, destroy the bottom of the ship, and let the whole thing sink - then drag the crew under for good measure.

I'm a big fan. I like elemental girls in general. Feel like they'd be fun companions to have around as a Mage.

Well we know all the divinities have their own angels so maybe these angels would be dispatched to interfere with other angels or monsters.
>angel of Eros waiting for teenage hero to walk into her in some tall grass
>valkyrie of the Chief God pops up to cold cock her and then hides until the potential hero leaves

>onee-Chan, why are you acting like that? Is this anything to do with that Zipangu sex manual I got?
>of course not, I have no idea what you are talking about, it’s not like I read through it before I purged such heresy.

Hmm... that’s actually a pretty good idea to have each of the gods with their cadre of angels, each with their own sensibilities getting in on things.

>NEET ones-Chan angel of death

Ant Girls as special forces of some kind.
Think about it - you've got a corrupt town, and they're dug in deep. The terrain is dangerous, and trying to march people over there would be hell.
So ants tunnel beneath it. They get to where they need to be, then burst up through the ground and wreak havoc on the unprepared enemy.

Mimics and Dopplegangers act as spies. They can impersonate things, the reason for this is self-explanatory, yes?


No it's a minor character from the Adventure Time cartoon.


They'd be amazingly effective as combat engineers due to silk production. You could easily drive a truck over a drider silk bridge and their webs would be fairly effective in place of mine fields since they could find their way through without issue. Plus they'd require basically no resupply if they're allowed to build a web somewhere with wildlife that would bump into it.


Of course. That makes 3, possibly 4 games being made right now. I think I saw someone talking about Dungeon World a thread or two ago.

It would make sense with the deities defecting on the Chief Gods. It would also explain what angels are doing that stops the from aiding the Order at all times.

I'm a bit surprised no one's mentioned Dragons as military operatives. I mean seriously:

>powerful fire breathing beasts with fire breath as natural weapon
>super strength and claws that can slice through metal
>their scales are naturally built-in body armor that can soak up bullets
>they can fly

Dragon girls who're military operatives, marines or serious top-tier spec-ops units can literally say "I identify as attack helicopter" without sound stupid.

Dragon girls are powerful and scary Monster Girls to be respected!

>I have never been more sexually attracted to an attack helicopter than I am now.

Bald, spiky, wolf girl with tentacle hair and limbs and a very long tongue. Chasing their husbando backwards through time to pursue their shota fetish

>Only the oldest and most experiences chronomancers come across them when they break the rules of space time
>They think these men are cute but too frail to handle them and they obviously need to be punished for breaking the rules
>Go back in time to fuck those mages senseless when they're young and virile so they never break time in the first place
>Random magical acolyte randomly has a super powerful and rare monster waifu and he does not know why


Yeah, but dragons see themselves at basically Gods themselves. It would be really hard to court martial or even order a dragon to do what you want without getting burned alive.

That's before you even get into the hoarder aspects of their personality.

One thing that weirds me out about MGE is how they only want one man. Like, when my Paladiness fell, the first thing she did was to have an orgy with cultists. What's the point of being evil and corrupt if it isn't sexually liberating?

I mean, for a woman, part of the fantasy is fucking people you know are bad for you. You're not going to go back to that one guy who was pining for you: in fact, getting AWAY from someone like that is the main reason why women cheat!

Did you know that Druella has enchanted copies of Monster Girl books in-universe so that when women read them. Women who read the books become enchanted and horny thanks to a lilim's borderline reality-bending powers.

you are obviously not thinking with necromancy

Because the Demon Lord is a romantic. that's it. She idolizes the monogamous relationship so they all do.

The issue with dragons isn't that they wouldn't be good at what they do, but more getting them to actually do it.
A dragon might go off and fight corruption by their lonesome out of anger or pride or what have you, but they're rare enough you can't regiment them and arrogant/prideful/vain enough to not follow anyone's orders but their own.
A dragon is a fantastic thing to fight corruption, but they wouldn't make good soldiers for, say, the Order.

They're already sexually liberated. Maybe they just want a man to never grow old with? Maybe some monsters are hyper territorial? Maybe the Demon Lord's desperate desire to be a bride was passed on to other monsters?

Life has many mysteries.

they are sexually liberated, because they get to have sex with a dude that loves them + an endless source of food.

what's the point of cheating when any guy you have sex with becomes a stud?

they don't have the same evolutionary pressures we do

Dragoliches would be a corrupted MG.

I think it’s stated somewhere if someone did amass a make Harem, every other monster girl would band together to ‘liberate’ the man.

Gender disparity has to be at least 2-1.

no not dracoliches, zombie dragons.

dracoliches would be way worse.

Zombie Dragons would still be Corrupted. In fact, I think pretty much all the Undead would be corrupted, even more so than the Succubus.

the big point is that zombies don't have the same hoarding desires and laziness that dragons do.

put a cutthroat Baphomet in charge of the 1st airborne division and you should have no issue.

I agree that corruption would cause undeath, but I'm curious as to your reasoning.
Mine is that the corruption is the thing that makes resurrection possible - the dead rise from their graves as the land they sit on becomes corrupted. I disagree that all undead are thus inherently corrupt - if an undead gets woken from their death and was a virtuous paladin in life, they're going to be royally pissed about this whole "bought back by corruption" business and pick up their sword to continue doing their thing, even knowing that doing so will return them to death once again - or perhaps because of that.

so i'm thinking about it, and the only way I can see to have monster girls work in a ttrpg setting is to have the girls be npc's and allies.

almost like pokemon but better.


The Veeky Forums RPG has Monstergirls as PCs - though it assumes they're the "I want to fight the corruption!" kind that gets along with humans fine.
Why wouldn't they work as PCs? Seems to me like you just want to have a moemon RPG, user.

well, the best thing about MGE is the waifu-building aspect

are there people out there who enjoy playing the monster-girls?

Yes, and there are plenty of reasons to have them be fully fledged characters.
Maybe you want to explore playing a Monstergirl in a part of the society that is suspicious of them.
Maybe you want to explore playing one who struggles with her instincts.
Maybe you want to be the counter to a Paladin who doesn't trust you and slowly grow into both comrades-in-arms and friends over a campaign.
Maybe you want your character to offer the perspective of someone who lived under the Demonlord so their desire to fight is all the stronger and more zealous.
There are plenty of reasons to play a Monstergirl, and plenty of avenues you can explore as a character whilst playing as one.

That's kinda cute to be honest

Nah man you gotta reverse it. Play AS the monster girls, each with certain skills and abilities functioning as a class. You each start with a husband back in your headquarters or share one as a harem. You start out as a pretty basic type (Lizard Girl, Lesser Succubus, Standard Harpy) and you go out to loot for goodies to make your hubby happy. When you get home depending on the items you gathered your husband will take on a different form of spirit energy allowing you to modify your character (Lizard Girl can upgrade into Salamander, Succubus becomes a Devil, Harpy becomes a Griffon). You can hog your husband making your individual character very strong but inflexible or you can build a more elaborate harem providing more diverse builds. So things like adding a Khepri to your harem grants Egypt powers to your husband, letting him convert a Werewolf into a Anubis or a Lamia with high corruption into a Apophis

I imagine that raising the dead would require with strong Divine magic or strong Corruption Magic. Gods wouldn't bring back people as rotting corpses so the Undead would be Corruption MG. Also, being Undead means that you would be even farther into the Corruption as it's replaced your life force, so you'd likely be hardly who you were before, might not even remember who you were before. So a Paladin getting undeaded would basically come back and know basic stuff but might struggle with who they are as everything they are now is Corruption.

Bipedal Scorpiongirls, due to being able to sense minute vibrations from potential enemy soldiers from several meters away, along with light sensitivity that pretty much exceeds all others.

I don't get it. What is it about Pharaohs that keeps leading my thoughts back to the subject?

Going through 3 /mgg/ threads in one day? At this pace we will surpass /jp/.
Any major progress been made?

that's because pharaohs are the third best MGs

Easily the best girl to be a slave to.

because the witch queens of the sands may yet achieve apotheosis

/jp/'s threads last aeons. Veeky Forums may be slow, but /jp/ is molasses.

Why does she have two '!' tattooed on her stomach?

I'd prefer to play as a guy.

We've been at war with the 40k fags. They tried hard but we finally got rid of them and now we are going great at world building.

I guess it's interchangeable. Either evolve the girl or modify the guy based on whose in his harem.

You forgot one(me), but don't mind me. Continue on....

I don't know if I should be disgusted by a fetish I find trash, or proud that you elegen/tg/entlemen are actually doing something creative instead of replying to the same thinly veiled fetish thread over and over.

So I'm gonna be disgustingly proud.

alright gents i'm going to be taking one of the lovecraft races and writing it a monster-girl profile.

pick one lads not shoggoth because that already exists

forgot my pic

Alright, I'll bite. Great Race of Yith.

Wana find a place to get some devilishly sweet treats? Or are you looking and hunting for a job? Then come on down and work for "Tricoromille." A sweets shop specializing in prisoner fruit!


Come on and have a visit, whether look for work or if you wana have some tasty delicious sweets!

>Fetish that amounts to little more than girls in cosplay
>Even worth being disgusted over

We've talked about fucking worse. Much worse.