Critique edition
Post maps, provide feedback, guides, and how-to's.
River autists welcome.
Pic is a snippet of a map I'm working on. Stylistically, what do you guys think?
Critique edition
Post maps, provide feedback, guides, and how-to's.
River autists welcome.
Pic is a snippet of a map I'm working on. Stylistically, what do you guys think?
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the lack of rivers is disturbing
r8 it!
Needs more lakes and rivers, and some mountains. Water and high altitudes fuck with weather patterns hard and make the world more exciting.
I like your islands!
Are those terrain features of yours stamps/patterns or are they individually drawn? I'm struggling to do those on my map and yours look really nice.
They are stamps I uploaded as brushes and played with a bit. Thank you! I mostly just plastered them wherever on a layer and then cut out the places where they overlapped stuff. You can see what I messed up on if you look to the island on the left.
But actually it's a saltwater swamp.
Huge fucking crocogators.
What do you think?
Generally, what I find helps with the overlapping is to make a top-level layer in which the lands are all transparent, but the oceans are solid. That way, any of my coloring that goes outside of the lines is corrected without any laborious eraser work.
Have you decided on a scale for this map?
The coastlines are a good start. I do find it odd the the holy land isn't included on the map and it instead appears that the chaos wastes are the holy land.
It isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it looks like you were tracing portions of a world mad, only to stop halfway and move the paper to another region and begin tracing anew.
What do you against Italy?
Ha ha.
Jokes on you, it's actually Equestria.
Freehanded it in a shitty drawing app (basically ms paint) Ran out of room before I could add more of the southern part. An extra bit to the south is Not!Jerusalem besieged by demons (Not!Khorne) crawling out of the Pit of Hell, which opened on its boarders. The map is for my personal take on a Not!Warhammer game where Chaos is attacking on all sides, with the Not!Holy Roman Empire in the middle
Very Mediterranean. What can you tell me about these pleasure isles?
The Prince of Pleasure, Chadiel, holds sway.
Full of hedonistic pirates
Sometimes Gimp demons
Lots of drugs
Sirens that can crash you into rocks cause their songs are so beautiful
Lots of colorful birds
There exists a fruit that makes you beautiful, youthful, & a little high, but it can fuck you over
Planning on running what are basically "cyberpunk" (for lack of a better term) campaigns soon.
Any suggestions on how to do house plans? I'm guessing focus on cramped apartments?
Is this the map for Exalted? Lol
Reminder to just order pizza and make landmasses based on the box grease
For an old pokemon campaign I ran once that died early on.
river autists eat your heart out
I was very influenced by Late Antiquity
>River autists welcome
I have finally found a personal identity
The map was originally supposed to look archaic with only shades of brown and beige, hence the weird borders.
Brown lines are mountain ranges. Thicker ones are ranges with bigger mountains, like Alps.
Light green are temporal forests. Dark green are jungles.
Yellow are deserts.
Blue are rivers.
Gray is ashland and red dot is a volcano.
>name my realm Veeky Forums
>mad ukranian/georgian/turk detected
> the pic contains ukraine
it contains Turkey and Georgia as well...
I love literal Europe maps. Something about them is cozy
I'm running a CYOA story but my writing has outpaced my worldbuilding. I need to start filling this out.
What program was used to make these?
Can anyone give comments on this map I've been working on? Much appreciated
Grey = Mountain Ranges
Beige = Deserts
Green = Forests/Jungles
Light Blue = Tundra/Permafrost/Ice
Olive = Steppes/Grasslands
>Chaos wastes
pretty rude to africa desu
so random XD
looks ok I guess? what is the scale? what kind of inhabitants live here?
thanks mate, here's the scale to our planet
the northern continent is essentially not!europe, the southern one a mixture of not!africa & not!south america, and the eastern continent a combination of not!asia & north america
humans, dwarves, elves, halflings and gnomes are common to all continents, but a few races are indigenous to the northern & southern continents (goliaths, firbolg, & aarakocra, and tabaxi, lizardfolk and tortles, respectively)
>Pic related
Trying to see if I can get the earth feels without the classic earth shapes and these are my first tries, opinions? Do they feel earth-like but seem new enough?
Not liking the space connecting the two western continents.
Really like how that looks, did you make the earth texture your self?
>Really like how that looks, did you make the earth texture your self?
Nope it's an overhead terrain map (Mars, I think) with some extra mountains/greenery/snow painted on.
cool, a lot bigger than I thought you would say. It would take me ages to fill in the details on this
not sure about the middle shape (the one that's almost split into 3 sections), and i wouldn't call it earth-like per se, but the right-most continent(?) looks great
>Not liking the space connecting the two western continents.
that's fair, i've been playing around with some variations on how to have the 2 very slightly connected without it looking too mush like the real world americas
thank you user, it's slowly getting better but it's not quite there yet
Is the setting sword and sorceryish? feels like the map would work well for a Warriors of the red planted rpg
What kind of weather pattern would create enough moisture for a forest or jungle area in the southern part of the eastern continent, while having a lack of it so that there's a desert nearby too? Remember: Air picks up moisture from passing over water and loses it from passing over land (slowly) and in particular on the raising edge of a mountain range (fast) and weather patterns tend to run along west-east axis.
>Is the setting sword and sorceryish?
Yeah, post-apocalypse on an alien planet settled by humans where raging nanites give rise to magic/walking skeletons/monsters/all that fun stuff.
His planet might rotate differently.
Yeah the 3 shapes connecting on the left look a bit strange, thanks for pointing it out.
On not wanting to look like South America connection maybe connect if at a different place if you want it connected?
Doesn't particularly matter, there is no prevailing wind direction which would carry moisture to the forest/jungle while at the same time denying it to the desert area. Unless (and that's his prerogative as a world builder) there's something else, very special going on in that area of the world.
Still working on details and names but what do you guys think?
the two south-east islands k'ru and issovar just seem to be strange to me like they don't flow with the rest of the land masses.
K'ru is like underwater merling region, not an island. But I should probably make that more clear.
Issovar is meant to be a little insulated from the other regions, and the kru area being dangerous for ships kind of helps that. But I'll try to make it less like an island and more like deep water.
Drawing a map by hand. When finished, I will age it, make a scroll case, etc. Who wants to help?
Why are you just slightly modifying Estonia and Latvia?
Or ketchup stains on napkins.
I hand draw shitty maps. I'm old.
WIP for a tabletop game.
Teach me your ways
Recently made this for dnd
Time, patience and practice, my dude.
It's all done in photoshop.
The landscape is done with heightmaps I converted to brushes. Black and white. Take that layer, create an alpha channel with it.
Then, on a 50% grey-filled layer, Filter > Render > Lighting Effects. play around with it till you get something you like. Less is more.
The rest is just painting, using layer effects for the forest to give it variation and depth.
I don't see Africa on map mate.
Dried out wasteland full of beastmen & uncivilized (No infrastructure) tribes worshipping Chaos might be a bit overboard, & yeah, a bunch of brass demons with turbans & robes fighting grim crusaders in a crusade to save the Holy Land from being consumed by the Pit of Hell might be a little too far, & a bunch of diseased mutants from Not!India marching on a bunch of spooky vampire elves in Not!Transylvania might be pretty bad, & the Chaos Prince of Change being a malevolent trickster usering in Not!Ragnarok while the Not!Vikings bicker might be a bit obvious, but it works. It's evocative & lends itself well to interpretation. A Not!Loki fucking with vikings, a hoard of bloated freaks like the Persians from 300, make sense when lead by Not!Nurgle up from the most wet & diseased place on earth. Hedonistic pirates makes sense & is fun, because it runs hand in hand with duelists & swashbuckling & exoticness & sexiness, Not!Khorne is the obvious guy, straight invading the world from the Holy City, so that there can be a justifiable Crusade.
The Holy Republic, is beset by all sides & only faith & fellowship will save them.
A good guide for people is
Thank you sir, I'm glad you like them, though a major part of the population is dwarves, & the Winged Hussars have flights of griffins/hippogriffs. (Commonwealth was created when a dwarven land & a human land decided to merge, just like the irl Commonwealth
these people know nothing of the value of a nice empty room in their houses
planet of IĆ©
so this is the power of the chad forger of worlds
I think he's implying that fits the chad vs virgin meme. The childlike bold crayon lines, the blatant ripoff of earth, the simplistic or obvious names (avalon, chaos wastes). And still it gets twice the replies of any other map in the thread
Literally nobody likes russia except russians and some dumb americans.
Well shit, I mostly stole ideas from Seventh Sea & Warhammer, named things with the same ideas they had, though I couldn't think of anything unique for Avalon & I hate "Luslav" & want to change it... I thought Aventine was clever...
Well fuck, is right, I am Chad Forger of Worlds
>he thought any of it was clever
>he was being serious
user I...
made this in cc3
Tips on making it look better?
user do you have a land only one of this with no roads or towns? I want this so bad to use.
Thicker roads, it's not a vidya map
I can hear the cries of your pencils from here
I have to admit the standing up is kinda funny.
Rivers too thick, reduce pen size for tributaries and repeat, 3 step usually works, not all tribs will be equal but otherwise it gives a good impression of flow and size.
Snow areas have bad repeating graphic, and they are stretched weirdly. That shit is ok in the desert because it should be sparse, but in the snow they're too out of place, too sparse and too regularly put in lines. Straight ice would be way better. Light blue terrain in the style of the rest of the map would be better. Phone fagging so can't see more ATM.
Thanks user
it looks a lot like earth if there was a flood and south america turned 90 degrees
Kek. The ridges were familiar but it took me a minute to figure out why.
How the hell did your computer run this?
tiny map for ants
Mercator projection needs to die already.
Inverting the landscape on the vertical only really "works" when the profile is actually roughly the same on both sides of the mirror elevation, like around fjords. Simulate a few million years of erosion and it might get you somewhere, though.
pls go and stay go
Did we ever get an updated version of this?
Using the whole map would seem lame, but using a portion of it (the Mediterranian, the Indian/Atlantic Ocean, southern tip of South America to Antartica, etc.) looks passable and makes for an interesting shape.
I somewhat disagree, mainly because I'm really sick of seeing everyone's worlds having more water than land. It's far more interesting to see the opposite.
It's a neat way to advertise your phone carrier, I admit.
That's right, but you don't have to make the selected portion of the map an island. Just crop out the local region of your campaign.
That's the motherfucking Minish Cap.