Mmmm bread
Filename bread
Other urls found in this thread:
Care to explain?
Brady didn't win, despite the power of quints on his side
Quints I understand- not who or what Brady is.
Tom Brady, football quarterback, just recently lost a big super bowl game.
Superbowl. Patriots lost
Football. Not that football, the other one. Whole season was really a disappointment this year. Barely any good commercials, really only the ones that were in the Tide one, the one with Chris Pratt have me a chuckle, and the Australian Tourism one.
>bipolar junction transistor
This was like the clickbait of the 1930's
>It was time for Timmy to leave, he had seen everything of FATAL
Jester is a bro.
Im still pissed they took out the damage from Bounty Hunter's Mark- I loved killing shit by pointing at it like Vegeta.
>Not Critical Success
I jest.
Anyone actually know what the Montauk procedure is?
A man of taste and discernment.
Its blanked out for a reason. But 99% chance it's rape
>Rape child.
>Wipe child's memory so that the next time is the first time for them.
>Rape child.
That's the procedure if I recall correctly, though I believe it was contreversal enough to get a whole bunch of people trying to decanonize it so I don't know its current status.
Castle Itter...yeah, that's a fitting description of it if ever there was one.
>okay guys, you're going up to this castle to rescue some politicians
>okay, so who's guarding them
>hang on um...Nazis...yeah, Nazis
>can I roll a diplomacy check to see if they'll surrender
>yeah, sure-oh what the know what, now you got Uber Nazis coming for you
>I roll diplomacy to see if the guys who just surrendered bare gonna help us
>sure, why not-okay I swear one of you is fudging rolls somehow
>ah, screw it, Death or Glory time. Roll for initiative!
Wait what's this from?
Scp foundation. Pretty okay website to read if you are bored
>inb4 "stop baiting"
>inb4 "stop gatekeeping"
You can all go fuck yourselves.
Here is the story that details exactly what the Montauk procedure is
fair warning, its pretty grim.
Mind wipes are weekly(trauma hits its peak around days 3), procedure itself involves 4 non-violent class d personnel because of risk of injury, and the guards have to watch, but don't have to listen to it and can opt for a class A amnestic when they transfer out at the end of the month. So yeah, brutal rape of a pregnant girl to prevent the end of the world.
>Symbols compromised
>Do not follow the little girl
>Does not stay dead
great googly moogly
"Bear trap"
My favorite is:
>Do not be taken alive/Teammate vanished here.
>It is not human.
>Do not trust them.
Anyone else have the other symbol pages?
>someone else is here
Some SCP writing is good
Unfortunately a bunch of it is really cringy
It's /v/ but I was reminded of this.
Holy fuck
I recognized that I just wondered which one
>Every D. Vincent Baker RPG ever
It's 231
I tried
At least fucking Doritos/mountain dew tried to do something. The rest were all so fucking conservative (and ram still fucked that up)
>dude, that's slammin' salmon
oh god my sides
I'm new to this "making jokes" thing.
This is the first time I actually went into one of these threads.
Is this really all it is? A bunch of /v/irgins posting shitty memes?
>Australian Male
I dont know why that one got me more than the others.
Alright boys, wrap it up, the badwrongfun police are here.
they should be Veeky Forums related, though
Thanks for confirming my suspicions user
Why do /v/, /r9k/ and /pol/ speak in fucking gibberish?
That kind of speech is doubleplusungood!
Why do the fun police insist on coming in threads they don't like just to loudly declare they don't like them? Wouldn't you have a better time going to a thread about something you like talking about?
Well what else are you gonna tell a girl after eating her fish taco?
Badwrongfun is a term that mocks people, like yourself, who get irrationally upset at other people having fun in ways you don't approve of.
It's supposed to sound silly, because it's mocking you. And I really don't know why you associate it with /v/, /r9k/, or /pol/. It's not exactly uncommon on Veeky Forums or any board with fun police problems.
Very much so. The actual comic writers didn't even get to make the front page. a third party did that so writers had to fill in the blanks best they could. That's why you get really absurd covers like superman cutting off lois lane's oxygen tube on her space suit, or supes declaring a gun duel with batman,.
Because it lets retards think that they're welcome on Veeky Forums
Eventually, the types of people who use these threads are going to spill out onto the rest of Veeky Forums, and it's going to fucking suck
>It's supposed to sound silly, because it's mocking you. And I really don't know why you associate it with /v/, /r9k/, or /pol/. It's not exactly uncommon on Veeky Forums or any board with fun police problems.
If anything, it applies to that group of self-serious faggots more often than not
Got news for ya user, filename threads aren't exactly new.
i like it
I know they aren't. Doesn't mean they don't attract epic memers from /v/
The only people who would conceivably see them are, in fact, already on Veeky Forums. This is nothing more than arrogant self-serving bullshit you made up to justify the fun police. Please go fuck off. If you want Veeky Forums to be a better board, post better content rather than whining at others.
>great googly moogly
is that a fucking Maggie and the Ferocious Beast quote I see?