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Paizo Games General /pgg/

Rise Above Edition:
What does your character do to rise above the turmoil of the adventuring life?

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fucks horses.

Cuddles with the dragon wiFe

Fellas, level with me

Is it cheating to say a heartfelt prayer to Sarenrae if you honestly and sincerely think She favored you or one of your companions with some divine providence or miracle or something if you're a cleric of Iomedae?

Why aren't you playing a busty and beautiful caster?

do we still not have the January releases? or was I blind in a previous thread and missed them?

as far as I can tell, the troves are missing Disciple's Doctrine and Beyond the Veiled Past.

I would have if I could nail down any of these fucking games

who knows, the troves get like fucked n shit

No sign on the troves, but DD was leaked last week:

thanks for that!

Because I'm playing a lithe and pretty one?

Going to be here for awhile, AMA about my game. /pgg/

>It was like five or six times total, in a year.

I don't think you can just wash away getting fucked pregnant by a dog.

Yo I wanna fuck Wist

Glad I could help.


Couldn't you just abort it or something? You can wash away any pregnant.

Pathfinder has an abortion god, right?

Sorry, user. No can do.

Yo I wanna fuck (you)

Did Gloriana give birth to a litter of dobermans yet

Why won't you release all the logs

Why haven't you killed yourself

Can you tell Wist that she's precious

Why do you think everyone is out to get you
Do you have a mental illness?

May your dreams rest in peace in pieces.

Gloriana, played by IKiD in the game PLD, which is DMed by Vult (who is currently recruiting for this game ,) got knocked up by a hound in an ERP scene posted in the previous thread.

To make it easier, I will post the scene here:



What happened to your honeymoon with the Avowed

What is a paladin doing in a dress and not in full plate?

Was there really a list? I don't believe such a thing exists.

because it's too hard to rape someone in fullplate.


The right pet can solve that...

Dismantle Armor (Ex)
If a bebilith hits a foe with both claw attacks, it can attempt to peel away the target’s armor and shield as a free action by making a CMB check. If the bebilith is successful, the target’s armor and shield are torn from his body and dismantled, falling to the ground. Armor subjected to this attack loses half its hit points and gains the broken condition if the target fails a DC 25 Reflex save. The save DC is Strength-based.

There was really a list, I think it was for each character and what they were confirmed to have fucked (or been fucked by.)

Dumb question but which has more "utility"? A wizard or sorcerer, (1pp)? I use to think sorcerer because they do not have to prepare spells and can use what spell they need at that time. But then wizards can learn more spells than a sorcerer unless a sorcerer invests in pages of spell knowledge. A wizard can also leave spell slots open and get spell you need using quick study but is not really feasible in the middle of combat.

What do you guys think?

>You will never get fucked by Vult's 15 inch horse cock

Why live?


Is there a list of whose fucked who in blingmaker, overlewd, and ensoulment?

Has anyone been raped in the meme games to offset everyone outside the memegames getting raped by bamboozles for the past months?

It's unlikely we'll ever see the list.

Wizard because faster spell levels, Instructor wizard, HHH Pact Wizard, and divination subschools.

Exploiter Wizard overrated.

Play an Instructor Wizard with Dynasty Founder.

You won't regret it.

DSP's Voyager got of playtest.

Does anyone give a shit about it? Why/why not?

Mash is just precious

Why those three games in particular? I can understand Overlewd, but not the other two.

Yo user, What the fuck is your steam name so i may personally buy you a steam game for that comment.

One of my characters is a tailor by trade, though since the adventuring life, his main outlet is women and wine. This is also a cover for his crushing fear of romantic commitment, since he happens to be born under the force of a kind of soul contract that includes all future descendants.

Another is a master trapsmith and gunsmith, so adventuring is, at its best, like a big experiment. Though having suffered some serious trauma in the darklands, at this point he's myopically focused on his work. His driving ethos is predicated on the belief that there are devices which may solve any number of problems.

2hu raped a character in Hell's Rebels.

Illaria's player here, and she has fucked two npc's, a Vishkanya courtesan and a noble elven Lord. Assuming your question was serious, which I doubt.

As an avowed, is there any reason at all to invest in base aether shapes (aether blow or aether ray), and not jump straight into another shape? And, dare I ask, is there a "best" shape?

Not true. As far as I'm aware there's only been one mild instance of non-con in the game, and 2hu was not involved.

>The Virgin Vult
>The Chad Jadecore
Is anyone really expecting this to not be a bamboozle

Did Derrin bone the princess?

I understand Pact Wizard HH with his Effortless Magic can be more flexible. I understand how Instructor Wizard can get you another Wizard as a "battery" to hold more spells. But how does Dynasty Founder come into play? Is it just to get follower early without waiting to get Leadership? But how does that help? I thought followers can not get PC classes and only NPC classes?

Nope. They haven't made it clear that it's something they want yet.

Level 1 followers at level 3, my boy.
And there's nothing stopping followers from having PC classes.

Ichabod's player here. Derrin did not bone the princess yet, but neither did anyone for that matter. That redheaded scoundrel's going for something a little closer to home.

>Has anyone been raped in the meme games to offset everyone outside the memegames getting raped by bamboozles for the past months?

Nope, nothing but healthy relationships and consensual boning.

They were the most popular around the time I started thinking looking for a game on pfg would be fun.

I don't like accepting gifts but thanks, It's the thought that counts.

It wasn't but thanks anyway, I've always been of the "pfg should talk about the games they are in sometimes" camp.

Your advice is sound but your images imply another reason...

What exactly is the Pathfinder "Year" or i guess general setting? I'm playing for the first time, DM says that if we are successful we might see descendants of characters and the like.

Is there a country close to France? I wanted to make a Cavalier who was French-like.

For follow up we're doing Emerald Spire and Kingmaker, should've included that, sorry.

4618 AR, currently. It's generally assumed the APs happen in the year they were released.

Explain further.

Yo when she gonna fuck ichabod?

Can't just leave us hanging. Name 'em. Who's consensually boning?

The girl Ichabod's shooting for? The two of them were childhood sweethearts and he's involved with the ensoulment project because he believes he'll become a hero worthy of her heart. She's currently missing and the other players like to joke that she's actually one of the villains.

Probably never. He's almost as serious about the girl he loves as Matheo is.

>For follow up we're doing Emerald Spire and Kingmaker, should've included that, sorry.

>When does Pathfinder take place?
Kingmaker "starts" in 4610 AR, since that is when the first book was released.

>Is there a country close to France? I wanted to make a Cavalier who was French-like.
There are several, but the most prominent is Galt (which is closer to Revolutionary France than Medieval, but the connection is still there) which is a hop and skip away from Brevoy, the kingdom where Kingmaker begins in.

For something more Medieval French, you want to look at Taldor.

Unfortunately both of the party's males are in dedicated relationships. :Unamused:

Everyone, user. Everyone.

Ok. Thanks! I'll start reading up on Taldor.

Is Emerald Spire "before" or "after" Kingmaker?
I think our general idea was that the "renown" we'd get from whatever happens in the Emerald Spire would give us cause to go out into Kingmaker.

>committed relationshit

Fucken gay jesus christ

>Is Emerald Spire "before" or "after" Kingmaker?

Emerald Spire takes place "after" Kingmaker, (the module was released in 2014, meaning it "occurred" in 4614) but I don't think you should worry about that - time is a terribly malleable thing when it comes to what happens when, so your DM should have little issue saying it takes place in 4609, a year before the events of Kingmaker.

>Ok. Thanks! I'll start reading up on Taldor.
Hey man, you're welcome! If there's anything you want to know about Taldor, don't be afraid to ask, we'd be more than happy to give you the down-low on the up-side.

I posted this in the previous thread, I'd really wish I could get some feedback.

This build is supposed to work in conjunction with a Brown Fur Transmuter and/or with a Alchemist using Infusion.

It mainly relies on the Ascetic Style and Ascetic Form feats to apply all the UAS feats to all the natural attacks, including the UAS damage progression.

Alchemist only gets level 4 "spells" at 10 and Arcanist requires level 9 to gain share Transmutation. At the earliest this build comes alive at level 4 with martial flexibility.
Early on Alchemist is the better partner, with Alter Self and possibly Troglodyte for 3 natural attacks (1d8) and darkvision.

The real fun comes with Monstrous Physique II and 4 Armed Gargoyle though and once your party reaches level 12, your Brown Fur Transmuter ally can give you Transformation (especially cool with VMC wizard and Idealize at level 20)

First line are the essential feats to this build.
Ascetic Style, Ascetic Form,, Martial Versatility, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike)

These are some desirable feats.
Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Improved Trip, Iron Will, Power Attack

I'm rather undecided if I want to take an archetype, for example Mutagenic Mutagenic.

25 PB:
18, 16, 14, 7, 11, 7
Human, +2 Strength

Level 1
Power Attack
Weapon Focus (UAS)

Level 2 BF: Ascetic Style

Level 3 Ascetic Form

Level 4 Martial Flexibility: Martial Versatility


Mutagenic Mauler would delay things to level 5. Maybe Barbarian VMC for some rage too? Would it be better to keep Martial Versatility.

I don't usually play martials so I don't know what are some good feats apart from the ones I layed out.

I'd be happy to hear suggestions.

People bitched at 2hu for posting pirated pdfs but it really looks like nobody talks about the content when that doesn't happen.

They only bitched about him doing so too quickly.

The thing I hate most about committed relationships is they're, well, committed. When's the last time you've ever seen a PC bone another PC and actually stop boning that PC after a while?

So I posted in the previous thread but got buried so I'm posting this again to try and get some input.
So I'm new to roleplaying beyond a single session at the beginning of a DnD campaign in Neverwinter that involved a DM's boner for hobgoblins and a dwarven fighter in heavy armor with a tower shield insisting on trying to sneak his way into every room with a -14 modifier. So I've been asked to join a new Pathfinder campaign ran by a friend for our circle of friends. I have also been barred from playing anything that involves a gun because we have a spellslinger with a magical gun and a swashbuckler and something about the way guns interact with armor or some shit has the DM throwing shitfits. So I've narrowed it down to 4 basic ideas I want to run with but wasn't sure how to either go about it or whether it's feasible for a new player to pull it off and I was after some feedback and suggestions. Other restrictions are no Evil and no uncommon races.
1). Dual Wielding Shields as a dwarf and become basically a dwarven beyblade.
2). Play a Monk of some sort and either 5 finger death palm people or play a Monk of The Healing Hand for that 20th Tier Oh Shit button
3). Empyreal Knight because giving wings to myself and mounts sounds fun
4). Kobold Beast Rider because Lizards riding Lizards.

I dont get what you're trying to say.

I'd say go with the kobold beast rider.

Cavaliers are a good, solid class for learning the system with. It teaches you the ins and outs of combat, but actually has things to do as well, and Order Powers are really nice.

Plus, with a Challenge, less strength from being a kobold will be less impactful.

I was kinda hesitant on that one because of the STR penalty. Is there any weapon I can use that can get around it?

If you do a dwarf with two shields, there is a specific shield that can help you out., dwarven, dwarven

If 3pp is allowed, there is this neat feat.

Unfortunately no 3PP but I have seen people suggest that shield and playing a slayer or fighter?

Kobolds do have a heinous strength penalty, it's true.

Any weapon that works with the Weapon Finesse feat would let you avoid the penalty to attacks and let you use your dexterity instead, although you'd still take it on damage unless you're using one of like two or three weapons which get special treatment.

It might be worth asking your DM about the kobold idea. Kobold stats are straight-up dumpster tier. so it's not entirely unheard of for DMs to let people use not-shit stats. The most basic fix is just changing ability scores. +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Str is generally the go-to. You'd still have a strength penalty, but not as bad of one, and better stats in other areas.

Don't EXPECT him to be understanding, but it's worth talking to him about it anyway.

Failing that, yeah, Dwarf with two shields is a thing you can do fairly simply. Fighter would do well.

H is best fite me

At this point I don't expect any understanding from the DM. He seems pretty set on his way of turning me from play what I had originally wanted not because of party makeup because we have at least one more person to fill roles but because of personal bias so I'll talk to him about it.
I did really like the idea of a Dwarf Beyblade but failing that I guess I can just be THE WALL

Well fighter has a lot of feats and advanced armor and weapon training which makes sense and maybe some shield archetypes.

IDK why people suggest slayers. I am unfamiliar with them.

Slayers have an easy way to boost attack and damage, full BAB, sneak attack, and through using their slayer talents, accsess to Ranger Bonus Feats. They're basically the "Low effort yet effective Martial" build.

And in exchange they get absolutely nothing else because paizo doesn't want to make content for them.

Not as bad off as ninjas tho.

Pretty much. They're okay to give to a new player, but aside from that, if you want anything that has an actual identity, you're better off playing something else.

So I guess I’ll take a look through Fighters and figure out how I would do all that.
At this point I’m just looking to play something dumb and amusing because I’m being petty as shit.

How meme are Leshies?

Like, if an NPC starts growing one to assist with gardening, and the grows a few more, do you think players will react to it positively?

Are Dire Corgis mounts just a homebrew thing or are they officially a thing?

The thing is, what are you trying to do? It's not clear enough
Make a natural attack rapemachine? Beastmorph vivisectionist alchemist is still the king, even at low levels because a single potion of strong jaw will last you the whole adventure with alchemical allocation and that one bottle that dupes potions and extracts

>one bottle that dupes potions and extracts?

Bountiful bottle

Can someone link Skies of Avalon?

How would you play an edgy blinkling?

I wouldn't play a Blinkling at all.

So one of my players has found themselves now helping a ghost inhabiting a suit of Armor try to find a weapon that belonged to their clan. Problem is it's been centuries since the ghost died and they have no idea where to begin.

The item in question was a magic weapon of moderate power, nothing muguffin worthy or especially famous but it was important to the ghost as their ancestors crafted it.

well since it's enchanted it means it didn't degrade, better find a caster with decent divination spells because i don't think locate object will cut it

>Vult gets brought back up
>Everyone just wants to know about Gloriana