Has your character ever given or received a headpat?
When? Why?
Has your character ever given or received a headpat?
When? Why?
Every once in a while because headpats are good for familiar morale.
Nope, she's too tall to receive and she doesn't know the group well enough yet to give any.
A dead one.
Why doesn't she give headpats to know people better?
Someone post the story of how the paladin tamed a succubus using headpats.
So this forced headpats meme is /a/'s new totally epic replacement for the handholding meme, right?
No because nobody headpats a 7 feet tall lizardman that spends 99% of his time crawling on all 4 while hissing at people
Yes actually, it was meant to be patronising but she didn't realise.
The group were trying to sneak through a cave and one character tried to look for people in the cave, she stared at the wall and gave the all clear. There were people there and a big fight happened. Later when we had to find the keystone that opened the blocked off cave door writing that down makes me realise how stupid it sounds she was the only one to notice the illusion and she dispelled it. As we were about to head out she complained that no-one gave her credit for spotting the illusion. My character because he is super passive aggressive and was still angry at the fight that could have been avoided, patted her on the head and said "Well done you."
Later when my character was laid up in a hospital bed with two broken legs, she patted him on the head in a nice way to let him know that they were all there for him.
I've patted the player on the head several times because I know she loves it.
>Be Forever DM
>Not even my NPCs get headpats
It’s fine.
Just fine.
Why would you want headpats?
It's weird
Yes, I was playing a serious bounty hunter sniper, the parties barbarian thought I was cute, forced to endure headpats.
character actually loved it but wasn't going to let her know that.
whats it like being emotionally dead?
Whats it like being treated like a dog?
>not understanding what love and affection is
I feel for you user. you will never be my nigga
>whats it like being emotionally dead?
feels pretty good
I received a headpat from the Nagaraja after playing several sides of a drug growing operation on the borders of the Naga Kingdom against each other and let the water spirits reclaim the land.
>forced headpats
You monster.
Yes, given and received plenty. The younger priestesses look up to her and like headpats as rewarsd. And the arch-priestess also used to headpat her when she did well.
Warforged doesn't know how to react to affection. He pushes them away and gives them a head pat with "Good (insert race here)"
I love how Japan, increasingly culturally terrified of any real sexual contact with actual human beings, has managed to regress even further then “handholding is intimacy” into absurdity with regards to what is considered an affectionate physical gesture.
Pretty soon ANY physical contact will be too risqué for them and even just making basic eye contact will be the equivalent of a night of raunchy sex in lieu of actual bothering to address their many stupid cultural issues.
Pretty much yeah
She receives them frequently from the rest of the party, because she has soft fluffy ears and think they're all her bestest friends ever and forever.
It's Shadowrun, and she's an idiot because I dumped INT to have her be better at stabbing things and shooting things.
It's also the proliferation of nerds who have had no physical contact or non-familial affection when growing up, aside from that of a pet. So they consider petting to be a real sign of affection. No, not heavy petting or groping, that's lewd shit for normies. No, they mean petting as in patting or stroking a person like they're an animal, because that's the only sort of affection they're familiar with.
>Play a female halfling in an online group
>Everyone knows I'm a guy in real life
>I play her pretty reserved and quiet
>Lots of the girls play their characters loud and lolrandumbxD
>Turbo whore in the group runs a popularity poll a few months ago
>My face when my character wins by a landslide and she's last place
Romance in fiction was always written by nerds who never had real romance. Even chivalric romance. Even chad romance in fiction.
>Things that didn't happen
We purged quest threads bois, next we focus on the anime shitters.
>b-but it's traditional games related because I mentioned a character
We shall triumph over this cancer.
My character for a recent MAID game just got a headpat like 6 hours ago. This was after the master of the house gave her hand-carved wooden porcupine as a present for working so hard on their first day setting up the new estate.
It's a pretty comfy game.
Found the turbo whore that thinks they're popular because they cyber.
Just for that, I'm going to start a Veeky Forums-related Manga General, and make it, well, a regular General thread.
When he was single-digits years old.
About once a week since his daughters have been born, Almost always occurs after reading to them on the sofa in the den, and is done while singing them a lullaby as they drift off to sleep with their heads resting on his lap. His wife usually brings over blankets for the daughters, and a new book for him to read while they sleep (perks of he himself not needing sleep).
You're playing like you dumped LOG, not INT, though. It's Intuition, not Intelligence.
Because she's the only female in the group, she's the only person native to the city the campaign started in, and she believes punching is a better teacher.
The familiar is clearly just looking for an owner, but "for hire" would imply a less-than-final transaction. So "for sale" it is.
I've actually received a decent amount of physical contact from non-familial sources, but headpats remain distinct specifically because I'm a sub and the implied power difference is a huge emotional rush.
Uh, dude, I don't know about you but getting your scalp massaged feels really fucking nice. A good headpat will do that.
You DO know that, aside from feeling nice in general, overreacting to these gestures is a meme, right? That goes WAY back?
On how many layers of autism are you guys on?
>Men make better women than women
Much to the surprise of nobody. 3D women are filth on legs.
>rescue young baroness (kid is like 7)
>father holds ceremony to give formal thanks
>kid is given some jewellery to decorate rescuers
>party takes knee
>baroness steps forward
>hands all the treasure to fighter
>headpats druid who reflexively shapeshifts into a dire wolf, thus interrupting the patting, not because it would scare her, but rather making himself too large for her to reach
>hugs priestess and doesn't let go until picked up carried back to parents
Good, accelerationism will only help us in the ends.
A very terrible one. Alternatively,
I've legitimately had a BBEGs motivation be insanity caused by having to consume his familiar or starve.
Love your whole group. They're like my group, but more lovely and less young.
>insecure retards see a loving headpat as condescending
I think a lot of people would be more willing to starve than to eat their familiar, honestly.
Yes user, people pat dogs not other people
We were playing a campaign where each of our PCs were 'witches' (Magic users who each have one 'bloodline talent') out on our Coming of Age, where preteen magical girls ran around a fantasy setting doing adorable shit.
We ALL got headpats.
For the Forlorn feat, of course! Objectively superior, unless the GM lets your raven familiar use wands or the like.
Headpats are an older meme than you are, kid.
That is fucking adorable.