Can I pull it off as a campaign setting?

Can I pull it off as a campaign setting?


>A setting designed that the writers can throw in anything they can think of.
Yeah I think you're good.

>A setting that literally has a proprietary RPG

You think?

There are like three different Dr Who RPGs, you dunce

Neither of you answered my question

Well we don't know if *you* could pull it off, but since other people could, I don't know why you wouldn't.

Sort of. Just don't get too caught up in the details and lore. Tell the stories you want; this is not Star Trek.

If you have to ask the answer is "no."

There's no Doctor though. It's just the mythology

Only if it includes Lela the Jungle girl

I got the FASA Doctor Who way back in the day, thinking it would be great fun, only to discover that it was a pretty horrible setting for an RPG. The wider universe in Doctor Who isn't horribly consistent or well-defined in terms of unifying principles. It's just a smattering of particular cases. Meanwhile, the TARDIS, itself, is so very narrow of a concept that it feels forced to recreate it in your game, but without it, it's hardly a Doctor Who game at all. And if you do recreate it, you end up having to address the relationship structure of its crew. It's weird to have one player be a time lord while everybody else is relegated to companions. If they're all time lords, somehow that seems wrong too.

Leela is the best companion. Her dynamic with the fourth Doctor is great, and the only other one that even comes close is Jamie and the second Doctor.

They can't even pull it off as a tv show

Nonsense, the Heaven Sent door is the best companion by several orders of magnitude. How many times did that door save the Doctor? At least a hundred billion.

What 'mythology'? It has some recurring alien species and that's it. Everything else is technobabble.

Just because they're not pulling it off right now doesn't mean they've never pulled it off.

Screw dynamics. Amelia Pond 5 lyfe.

Would a troupe play a la Ars Magica work? One player is the doctor, the others are companions and so on, then after a while you regenerate and switch roles. The source is episodic, so you don't really need overly long arcs, and you can jump around because time shenanigans.

The Doctor doesn't work as a PC, period. That's not his narrative function.


There's only one good companion, and that was Donna Noble.

And that was exclusively because she didn't just accept the Doctor's shit.

I stand corrected. Donna Noble GOAT.

In a lot of ways she reminds me of some of the classic companions, like Barbara and Ian. To them, the Doctor was just a weird old man with delusions of grandeur.

Don't mind me. I'm not crying, really.

So did Evelyn Smythe.

Doctor Who is terrible, and I say this as a fan.

The gm is the doctor, a sort of combination gm PC and quest giver npc. The players are all companions. You could also probably swap out the doctor for some OC time Lord if you want someone who doesn't hog the screen so much... Might be a good idea.

Isn't the Doctor one of the few rare ones that gives a shit about lesser races?

It's a dynamic that must be bought into. However Doctor Who changes Doctors, Companions, and Producers as it goes so a proper Doctor Who campaign rotates GMs, rotates The Doctor, and phases out Companions while introducing new ones as it goes. As for setting the point of the TARDIS is that it can go anywhere at any time - it's the excuse for telling whatever story you want.

I did this. Just make sure that everyone understands that The Doctor regenerates, Companions come and go, and different creators (GMs) run the show over time. Nothing stays the same forever.

> Doctor is GMPC
This will kill the game harder than just letting one player at a time play The Doctor. It's also just lame.