

How far is too far? This seems crazy.

Wow, I had no idea GW stuff cost more in AU and NZ. This is the first anyone brought this to my attention. Thank you OP.

It's 20 pounds for an HQ, the other prices are just irrelevant at that point. Posting Australian and Kiwi prices for the sake of shocking people doesn't work anymore.

I really like that goblin. Warhammer goblins are GOAT.

Wanna hear a good joke?

The new warqueen cheftain costs 5GBP more than the Darkoath cheftain from silver tower even though it's a worse sculpt.

But it's a gryll

I don't think so Tim.

$220 for four models? That's more than a Start Collecting box set.

Have to order from overseas and cop the month long shipping time.

used to be £15 for metal monopose heroes.

£7 for special weapons. It's not really a big deal.

AU$. It's pretty much kangaroo ears and kiwi bones.

>Convert them from cheaper models
none of them look really elaborate.
You can convert most of them from cheaper battleline units, a fancy base and paintjob

Or just play a good game instead.

But what if I want them FOR a conversion?

£20 for a normal sized, monopose plastic model with no head/weapon options is fucking ludicrous. They're not even 'special' models like the Imperial Space Marine or Sly Marbo where it's got some nostalgia or collective value.

>For a fucking night goblin
Far too expensive for what they are. Maybe the sigmarine is big enough to justify that price (better than €30 anyway), but holy shit you can already convert the knight of shrouds from a cairn wraith and grave guard.
Then again, this is the same GW that relabeled the mek that comes with lootas and burnas as a "Spanna", so people would have to buy the €20 mek model instead of using the ones that come free with lootas.
One step forwards, two steps back, as usual.
>Death campaign
>First release for death in AoS
>Only one death model
>As mentioned, is basically a conversion

They know they will sell very few of them, since they're bloody useless (the stormcast is the least useless of them all), so they priced them accordingly. Fucking shelfwarmers.

It's two times more expensive than an infinity starter pack. How retarded you must be to collect this shit?

Thats not a Goblin, its a Grot. You make them by taking a Goblin and covering them in all the shit you have lying around, like one of those crabs that sticks shit to its shell.

This is a Goblin.

Hear hear!

You do know he is conceptually correct as a gobbo right? Night goblins turn into shaman shrooms as they get older. He looks to be at tail end of it.

Those are the best models on the market. You are paying for quality.

You could save your time and just write "I hate fun"

are you the same fag who made exactly the same thread on dakka?

How much longer is Warhammer going to be popular because it's popular? There has to be some point where the fanboys have enough and try other games.


But the rules are free

But Maggie said that there are no free rules!

As long as the universe is still the most fun. Also I don't see other wargames mobs putting stores up for people to gather at exclusively.
I quit 40k in 2012 after 6th edition but nothing else felt right. I miss 3-5th ed.

Well here's a shocker, it'll cost you 50666 zimbabwean dollars.

80 euro converted to AUD is $125

literally 200% mark up just because we got unlucky in the great dice roll of "which piece of land will you get shat out on"

At this point I want them to keep raising prices here to insane levels just to punish the people who actually support such a blatant dick move with their business.

3rd through 5th ed 40K really were the golden years, huh? The art, all the new minis, and it felt like GW still was fearless about getting fucking weird with some of the writing.

The 3rd ed 40K rulebook is still one of my favorite table top game books of all time, the opening story about the one dude going to visit the Emperor was such a fucking tone setter.

I've started buying from overseas because the cost of the product and $20+ spend on shipping is still cheaper than buying at a flgs with their 10% discount.

Is that a common practice? Like I know GW is GW and they're gonna do the markup regardless, but they have to know that this is a thing that happens. Or do they just not care because they get paid regardless if its burger dollars, roo-bucks, or pounds?

>non-GW game stores giving a 10% discount?
Yeah, every one I've been to offers one.

>Ordering from overseas because despite shipping its still cheaper?
It's catching on, famalam, especially with the recent price increases on all new stuff.

For me it was the fortress built around a gaint gun and all the Blanche and whoever did the really crazy ink art. That shit was my jam and the new ones just don't have the same flavour of crazy.

Goblins are the one type of miniature that you can't overdesign no matter how hard you try. It's absolutely in their character to cover themselves with surreal trash. If you plaster so many details onto it that the goblin underneath won't even be visible, it would be an absolutely brilliant design.

>rd through 5th ed 40K really were the golden years, huh? The art, all the new minis

The losing of 35 USD 20 pack of guardsmen...

>It's two times more expensive than an infinity starter pack. How retarded you must be to collect this shit?

In what fucking 3rd world country?

I'm in Canada (haha fucking leaf) and I can get three of these warhammer models for the price of an infinity starter, most of which are around 100 points, so I need three infinity starters to play the game, and those would be dogshit lists.

No what I need to do is buy an infinity starter then about 10 blisters for specific characters and weapons so I have the required models for scenarios including doctors, engineers and hackers (and that's assuming I don't want any options for list building) at which point I've spent more than a warhammer army costs.

Yes one infinity figure is cheaper than one of these HQs, but you're only going to buy one or two of these cock suckers while the goblins are 20 goblins for $42, meanwhile one infinity figure is always $30 minimum.

FTFY stop strawmanning because really you just make infinity players look petty by making shit comparisons like that. And before you make some retarded post like "hurr gw fanboy hasn't even tried infinity" I have 1200 points of combined army and 200 points of yu-jing. Games cost money. Paint your models and have fun. Stop bitching and whining about how living costs money.

One of the big things that burned a lot of good will with people back when I played was Games Workshop putting an end to online retailers delivering outside of their region, so they did try and stamp it out

5th ed was only fun if you had a balanced book, that is where they really started rushing new editions before anyone was balanced. Tried out Tau back then and quit the faction for good because I didn’t want to need 9 railgun in my heavy support to win.