>think I'm a decent player with a decent group
>"hey, let's record this session! Maybe we can edit it later and release it as a podcast."
>play back the recording
>awkward nerds making awkward jokes every few seconds
I have found a new pain.
>think I'm a decent player with a decent group
>"hey, let's record this session! Maybe we can edit it later and release it as a podcast."
>play back the recording
>awkward nerds making awkward jokes every few seconds
I have found a new pain.
Most of the people on Veeky Forums need to do this so they can finally understand how fucking lame and dumb they are.
>release it anyway for the sake of cringe-comedy
>implying that is a bad thing.
Congrats, you've discovered the tabletop equivalent of an artist using the mirror option.
Imagine how I felt after filming my first private porno.
Do you fucks not realize that is what all tabletop RPG is?
How the fuck have you people forgotten your roots?
Were you not bullied your entire life about your choice of hobby?
Has your hobby not been made out of the dregs of social outcasts dismissed by other people?
I swear to god, the internet existing and allowing people to play together without a hassle has made them forget the dark history of tabletop, and how it looks to any outside observer.
Every time someone says something makes them cringe on this board, I think of this.
>>"hey, let's record this session! Maybe we can edit it later and release it as a podcast."
Can someone explain why people do this?
It's the popular thing to do right now, and if you're good you can make some dosh.
It's the Veeky Forums equivalent to becoming a YouTube Gamer, only it's slightly more respectable because the worst we have is Adventure Zone, while /v/ has PedoPie. I wouldn't mind it so much if everyone that did it wasn't playing a 5e campaign.
But they're not good. They're sperges like in OP that can't see their own reflection. I've run into multiple people so far that wanted to do this/recorded for 0 people on some site.
Is this the new "I'm working on a script."?
you don't need to be good.
Here's what you need to get me to watch you.
A. have decent recording equipment.
B. play shadowrun.
That's it.
Why Shadowrun?
Because it is a system I am interested in and there are very few shadowrun play recordings currently being released.
The situation is even worse, I imagine, for people who like even more niche games.
>being lame and dumb isn't bad
I think you're fine the way you are, user.
>But they're not good.
They don't know that.
but user, OP did see his own reflection! I mean if he didn't he'd be linking his new podcast for us right now.
As someone who's been on the edges of prior productions like this... the 'good' podcasts are about as original and spontaneous as reality television, and are in general heavily scripted. There might be one or two that isn't, but I have yet to encounter one.
This man has a point, instead of playing game that have an over saturation of such podcasts, go for a market that might be smaller but has little to no competition. I'm sorry but anyone out there thinking they can do better than Chris Perkins or some of Mercer's players are delusional at best. Those two groups alone have huge star power within the right circles and it's gonna be hard to compete. Go for something where you can setup shop and not have that uphill battle if you're thinking of doing this.
Saw Critical Role for the first time on Sunday! And from what I can see, you just described it. It wasn't entirely forced, but, well, I'm pretty sure some people will laugh at anything.
the thing is, the market is so small that I am literally consuming everything in the market.
There is no competition because there is so little that I can fit them all in.
No I am agreeing with you, sorry if it came off different. Going for a market like Shadowrun, especially with the Bright movie or whatever people keep linking it to is a far more business smart decision than trying to compete with what's already out there and established in the D&D 5e area. From a business stand point you were spot on, there is little to no competition in the area you are consuming, therefore anyone with a bit of talent turning out decent content there would quickly build a following.
In OP != OP.
I suspect the gm in a group I am in is trying to post our games online. The thing is, he's a hoarder and the basement literally smells of cat piss, everyone in the group is terrible but not in an amusing way, and I have a dark history and scared if someone finds out who I am they'll start harassing my employer like they were before I picked up and moved halfway across the country.