I'm hosting a chaos draft on friday night. Would you guys give me some suggestions on what packs I should add to the draft?
>pic related, they're the packs I have so far
I'm hosting a chaos draft on friday night...
No Kamigawa? Are you trying to not have fun?
all terrible.
you need modern masters 1-3, dark steel, Innistrad and new phyrexia.
Futuresight, Planar Chaos, Apocalypse, Shards of Alara?
Seems ok
New Phyrexia, Shadowmoor, Betrayers, Future Sight, OG Innistrad, Time Spiral.
something makes me think op is a poorfag and won't take the suggestions.
Bottom three, out of that selection.
You monster
Better than the top sets, which are uniformly garbage. Theros and Gatecrash were at least playable and if you're gonna use Theros you may as well use Born to get some synergies going.
The top three at least have similarly paced draft formats. Theros wants to be slow as balls, Gatecrash wants to be blisteringly fast. Born of the Gods is just shit.
Kaladesh is terrifyingly insular (energylol), BFZ is among the worst sets in history (Born was better), and Shadows was meh. I'd take my chances with Theros block and get some playables from Gatecrash along the way.
This better?
Homelands/Fallen Empires combo, Legions for storm support, and Origins
No Homelands, but Legions and Origins will do.
100% unbalanced. Good.
>New Phyrexia
Not that it's a bad set but Infect doesn't play well in a chaos draft. Too parasitic.
Got my tax return in today, so I just said the store owner, "Fuck it, I'll buy one of everything."(except for Amonkhet and Ixalan, because fuck those sets)
Though I should have gotten some Dark Ascencion or Avacyn Restored. I have boosters of Lorwyn, Mirrodin, Time Spiral, Planar Chaos and Futuresight comming in the mail eventually.
You sir, have your priorities on order. My brother of a darker complexion
I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'll never stop laughing at the fact that one of the worst sets in history managed to break Modern in half.
Do cube you pussy
How much money do you want to spend is the real question.
I'm sure you do aswell
I bought 4 packs of Dragon Shields for that purpouse. I should have bought a couple more to account for all the basic lands I'd need.
About 200 bucks on all the packs. This will probably be more fun than any of those horsecock dildos I bought for a similar price. [Spoiler]need to use those more often[/spoiler]
Chaos drafts are lame. Draft a mix of 2x Unstable and 2x Conspiracy Take the Crown. The combination of contraptions and conspiracies is better than "lol different named mechanics"
2 shit sets. KYS
once you are done post interesting pulls
do you not like fun or do you just not like that I am having fun
>Fallen Empires
>Fallen Empires
>Fallen Empires
>Fallen Empires
>Fallen Empires
>Fallen Empires
A few packs of Unstable
my hero
I'll pay you $36 for one of those
If I had to cut any packs, what would you reccomend. What would you replace it with?
Replace Kaladesh and Aether Revolt (the most insular of all of them) with Eldritch Moon (goes with Shadow and BfZ/Oath, the delirium still helps the Theros packs) and Fate Reforged for more multicolor and a bit of colorless.
You've actually got an interesting mix of sets here, despite them all being different there are common things they care about or have in abundance - colorless cards, multicolor cards, enchantments. And a touch of artifacts (maybe ignore my suggestions and go for Mirrodin-based packs if you can find them, or grab those in addition and replace some coreset packs)
Swaping out Kaladesh and Aether Revolt with Eldritch Moon and Fate Reforged seems good. Is Energy just that insular of a mechanic? I recall that most of the cards that use energy make their own, so I'm not too sure.
Most make exactly enough for one use. A bunch of cards just make energy and don't use it. Several require you to do something else to make energy (like connecting with said creature, which is small)
What you're most likely going to end up with if you were to keep those two packs in is the energy cards wheeling around the table unless it's Harnessed Lightning or is a creature good enough to play as a vanilla.
Well... taking those packs out of the draft was certainly worth it.
I think I'll add a mix of Eldritch Moon, Fate Reforged, and maybe Dragon's Maze to help Multicolor decks out.
Night before my wedding, my husband-to-be and I had a shared bachelor/ette party where we drafted CNS/MM15/CNS/MM15/CNS/MM15 with the wedding party. Shit was wacky.
Real men use Arabian Nights boosters.
Or Ice Age
3 pk booster draft. Cold Snap, Journey into Nyx, Scourge.
and you motherfuckers complain about Amonkek!
Fuck! Shit art, shit cards. The fucking worst.
High tide is like the only good card.
Fallen Empires ain't no joke.
One guy gets Hymn to Tourach and you're all stuck with a bunch of jank
Heck to the no, there's ton of dope cards in Fallen Empires!
Yeah there's a lot of stuff that's way too overcosted to ever see constructed play in Vintage or Legacy, but there's a ton of cards that have pretty powerful effects. Hymn to Tourach, Fungal Bloom and all the Thalid support, High Tide, or Goblin Chirurgeon. Shit even Order of Leitbur and Order of the Ebon Hand are both quite playable creatures. Or what about my main man Mindstab Thrull? 3 casting cost and sac to make your opponent discard 3 cards! Can you say VALUE CITY?!?!
And that's not even talking about the lands. Yeah you got Rainbow Vale which is an ABUR dual land wild card. It's just unfortunate that it also happens to be an ABUR dual land wild card for you opponent too. Or what about Svyelunite Temple? It's an on board singular land that holds up Counterspell for you. I dunno, that seems pretty useful.
Fallen Empires has the literal shittiest card in all of magic.Pic related, it's the card.
>Theros wants to be slow as balls
someone did not draft W/R and win by default
>graveyard hate
>relevant creaturetype token generator