Gotta go fast.
Gotta go fast
That looks pretty bad desu.
Needs something aerodynamic looking on the front
Why? It doesnt fly as such, its got anti grav plates bolted on.
Wind drag is a thing even if you're not using aerodynamics to generate lift.
This vehicle is designed for maximum air resistance, because no amount of wind shall defeat the Emperor's finest warriors.
And the air sucking turbines behind the big seat is retarded as well. I'd put two up and to down respective to the seat.
FW and GW in general is absolutely retarded for designing vehicles
Son are you not a fucking Thunderhawk or something
It's a late 80s design, remade in resin. Presumably it's going to be marketed as a mid-Heresy stripped-down version of the more familiar speeders.
it was always ass. when the sun was on them, the engines would expand slightly and push themselves off, even if you pinned them
fast tho, really fucked over a lot of Orks with that thing back when multimeltas had a blast template
>It's a late 80s design, remade in resin.
Forge World has gotten really good at making old designs worse with modern retouching.
What the hell was wrong with mounting the gun at the front of the vehicle? Too hard to kill the driver accidentally?
>chances of Army getting a speeder: 0%
They couldn't even give them Rhinos, they had to make an all new not-Rhino.
One day I'd love to make a light infantry guard regiment with sentinel/speeder support.
That sounds neat. A rapid insertion force making use of light, speedy vehicles and medium infantry.
Probably not competitive, but I'd run something like that for a Kill Team like game where the points are small enough to kick out a lot of the heavier units. The Sentinel can be your heavy and the Speeder Storm can be your transport for some Tempestus or Tempestus-equivalent troops.
My favorite design is the one that obviously started life as a civilian hovercar. It's neat to imagine that a random DAoT hovercar floated off the assembly line one day, had a few owners, and then 9,900 years later someone with a toaster stuck in their head found it and ooga-booga'd until they accidentally brushed against the ON switch. Then later some Space Marines rode it into battle.
Unfortunately that doesn't actually work like that in 40k. Most of those things were actually purpose-built weapons, and they'd have to be since the weapon mounts are part of the design.
I did think that kind of misconception would be an awesome interpretation for 40k as a whole. Like, maybe the Bolter was actually a rivet gun and gyrojet bolts were just modularly designed like the rest of STC tech so they'd fit.
Land Speeders don't even have an STC, there's just one for the grav-plates.
Shit, why CAN'T a reasonably funded Guard regiment have some at their disposal? Well, probably that whole legal deal that said only Marines get Land Raiders, but if there's not even an STC to classify it, what's stopping people from manufacturing their own? Well, besides infrastructure and cost of course.
>why CAN'T a reasonably funded Guard regiment have some at their disposal?
Because thematic reasons. Marines have Marine shit, Guard/Army has Guard/Army shit. Forge the fact that 30k shouldn't, beyond very specific things, have anything other than "Imperial" equipment and Army should be able to use just about everything Marines have and Marines should be able to use just about everything Army has. But because the old Marine/Guard aesthetics are strong, Army, even their best regiments, can only get riveted crap tanks, and even Marine basilisk need to be redesigned to have that Marine look to them, because dear god, what Marine would use a filthy Army basilisk?
>if there's not even an STC to classify it, what's stopping people from manufacturing their own
STC is not the reason why certain equipment are restricted. Power armour and terminator armour don't have STCs. You can go online and get detailed instructions on how to build a nuke, yet it takes massive investments on a national level to afford one.
>what's stopping people from manufacturing their own?
The fact that anti-grav is hard to make and really only understood by higher-tier cogs?
The guard do use anti-grav plates on the taurox prime, though. And magnets.
I know we love our remakes of 80's shit, but Christ that should've stayed in M2.
Would have preferred the more modern one.
The placement on those engine intakes worries me.
Literally just add a hood. Guarantee Forge World will do one and they're going to share common components.
Not the fact that it's literally just a giant engine with two seats bolted to it?
Fucking millennial
Bitch, have you ever actually looked at a space marine flyer or skimmer? They're about as aerodynamic as the pizza rolls box your parents abandoned you in.
>it was always ass. when the sun was on them, the engines would expand slightly and push themselves off, even if you pinned them
You were using shitty glue user, and your pinning skills were apparently garbage. Mine's still in one piece 25 years later.
I can deal with that as long as the seats are bolted to it in a reasonable spot.
I don't think they make pizza roll boxes large enough to accomodate an infant.
The land raider doesnt have an STC either. I mean, there is an STC called that, but the scout tank/command vehicle it describes bears no resemblance to the infantry carriers that bear the name by the end of the heresy.
>Anons bitching about lack of armour
>Other anons bitching about swivel mounted weapon
tfw fucking brainlets will never realise the joy of going so fucking fast that you have passed your target and incinerated them using your fancy targeting system + MultiMelta before they've even seen you.
>t. charge straight at them in your flying, flimsily armoured shortbus instead.
thanks rogal
Premature birth via botched abortion.
The only legal chance was in the womb, but they didn't stop trying once they were out.
One day...
Some things do work like that in 40K though, many things have their design understood perfectly well, and you can slap weapons on them, but modifying them in any other way is forbidden as tech-heresy. The leman russ engine was designed primarily for use in tractors, as being able to run off any bio-fuel a farm could make would be more useful on a farm than in a battlefield, and the Imperial Knight was primarily made for colonisation, construction, and agriculture, the weapons are pretty much bolted onto an ALIENS powerloader, it's an advanced forklift.
Technology hasn't just been stagnating in 40k, it's been decaying, and the imperium has had to weaponize anything they can, just once it's a weapon they can't change it for fear of screwing something important up, like the STC for perpetual motion in dunestriders.
>using non-generic superglue
>pin through central chassis piece
Raven Guard player detected
seriously though get some sun
Or just strip down the regular plastic land speeder to get the look. Hell, you can even do the OP speeder with the plastic kit.
For what purpose?