William O'Connor

William O'Connor
1970 – January 31, 2018 (age 47)

"It is with incredible sadness and regret that we report the death of our dear friend, and fellow contributor, William O’Connor. William passed away suddenly this week, and leaves behind a Wife and two young Daughters."

Artistic Beast that made around 5,000 works of art from 1991-2017. That is almost 2 works each day.

His work was published for:
D&D, (also main concept artist for 4ed)

White Wolf

Alderac Entertainment (Legend of Five Rings

RPG and Card Game (400 card illustrations))

Blizzard (World of Warcraft:The Trading Card Game)

Dracopedia: Books of Dragons

Your talent will be missed.

Other urls found in this thread:




Do we go there when we die lads? To the world's we fell in love with? I'd like to think he's in a better place, riding dragons and shit

No. When you die it's just a blip on a screen, then a flatline. After that all you were and have been is gone and there is nothing. Absolutely nothing.
You just don't exist anymore

O'Connor died at 47. Imagine if he was able to paint and draw till he was at least 60.

We are robbed of 13 more years of art.

Fuck this world. Why do good ones always leave before their time?

Who knows, it’s possible

Because they give everything to their art. Even their life


RIP in peace

Damn man, his 4e art is the coolest shit! He will be missed. F

I was actually just talking to my friend about how much I liked 4e's interior art too. I had no idea he'd passed away.

Goodnight sweet prince.

Yeah. His artwork really made 4ed stand out.

While my tastes have changed in the last decade - it was this guy's art that first got me to pick up the a Beastiary and take an interest in D&D. Like his stuff or not, it really is a major loss for the hobby/community as a whole.


this one?

On man, sadness.

Post some of his art, I'm not sure I would recognize it as being his. Wayne Reynolds, for example, for all his sins has a unique style.












So this was the man responsible for thicc dwarves?
Rest well, good fellow.










Wherever you want it to be, user

Loved the shit he did for the 7th Sea CCG.















Its always so sad to see an artist go, rest in peace Will.

Really did a lot setting some excellent racial aesthetics for 4e, especially for the dwarfs.




What a relentless cunt you are




Have a contemplative Horus Lupercal.


Person who made entire aesthetics for 4ed D&D

his dwarves


i love how in this pic, her chestpiece is just a boob shelf:
she can literally look down and see her nipples if that were a design of corset.


4ed classes

I'm gonna miss him



Anyone have PDFs of the Dracopedia books? Maybe it's finally time to learn to draw. For his memory.

It is funny where I found them posted, but here they are


This isn't one of his best works. It is just a sketch but it is one of my favorite pieces he ever made.

Don't be a cunt. Buy at least one book.

... left behind behind a Wife and two young Daughters (Samantha, 11, and Madeline, 4).


I, uh. Huh. Well, all right then.

>1. Draw some thumbnails.
>2. Draw the rest of the fucking dragon.
Timeless advice, William.

Don't be a cunt. Buy at least one book.

... left behind a Wife and two young Daughters (Samantha, 11, and Madeline, 4).

I think they would appreciate every fan buying some of his books or prints.


Bookstore's closed at the moment and if I don't have something lying around on my desk to remind me, I'll forget entirely. I'll try a sketch or two from e-hentai and then probably get around to buying.

>Bookstore's closed at the moment and if I don't have something lying around on my desk to remind me ... and then probably get around to buying.

Good man


>tfw dedicated bootleg porn drawings site has some of the most useful shit on it just when you need it
god fucking damn this world is awesome

That he is.


Aw fuck, that's shitty news. Was one of the best dragon/beasties artists out there.



Relatively speaking, a near eternity of death until revelations in which Christ in the second coming resurrects us for the final battle.

If until then dragons become kosher for celestial warfare I don’t know. But there’s the chance.

Cover of Hollowfaust sourcebook.


somebody post top 10 high res images of his work

He's right though

Here is his obituary. legacy.com/obituaries/nytimes/obituary.aspx?pid=188070727

William O'Connor

"I would have to say that "The Green Knight" is my favorite. Of all my paintings, it is the only one that hangs in my home. For me it is the purest composition, compelling narrative, and painted well. It was the process of that painting that makes it my favorite. Even today, I can recall the sheer pleasure of executing that piece. The paint just sang, using stains and scumbles, scratches, impasto, and glazes, it was like playing."

24 x 48 inches,
oil on board. 2016.


17 x 48 inches, oil on panel

