Please post the following info:
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Gamefinder Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Lassi Rossi
Looking for a martial arts group set on pathfinder
Are you doing this on purpose?
>Now watch closely, apprentice: This is how you paint a horses anus.
>System Preferred
D&D 3.5
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Not sure yet, will discuss with the party. But likely to be MDT, evenings.
Text only
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
#0918 on Discord
>Additional Notes
Game setting is based on Hawaii. The PCs will be island natives, so characters must be Polynesian themed.
im probably retarded but i couldnt seem to message that user code on discord
Bumping to save it from death
>>System Preferred
Anything OSR
>>Times Available (with timezone!)
Evenings and weekends, AEDT
Text preferred
>>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord/IRC or whatever
>>Contact Info
sabex a t
>>Additional Notes
I'll play pretty much anything except 5th, 4th or 3rd edition, and I'm willing to run a political intrigue game set in Medieval England.
>System Preferred
GURPS, especially Dungeon fantasy.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
GMT, available most of the time.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord and Roll20
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
I have a game going so I might need to discuss time, still new but learned most of things related to Dungeon fantasy.
>System Preferred
Earthdawn 3e/4e
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Looking to run a game at 4 o'clock CST on Monday evenings.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Game's gonna be set in Cathay, I.E not!China, don't be a dishonorabaru faggot.
Daily reminder: the gamefinder discord is full of retards sucking the admins dicks.
How so? Care to go a little more in-depth with what's wrong with it?
also reminder that they used to be ss13 mods so you know, they are basically powerhungry asshats
Oh come on you know exactly what I mean. The admins and moderators are all circle-jerkers that fuck with people at their leisure.
>Implying you're not one of them
why dont you make your own server then
Western IV
>Times Set (with timezone!)
GMT+2, Sunday evenings.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Voice or text
Text, voice for OOC
>Contact Info/Discord Room Link
Discord: Doats#1648
>Additional Notes
Western IV is a swedeshit system currently in translation, somewhere inbetween realism and Clint Eastwood, with options to go full Django. Character creation is a pretty arduous process but it's one of those systems where you get everything done in one go and then you never have to do calculations in the game. Traveller-style.
The game is in progress and currently has 3 players after one had to drop. Expect conniving bankers in small towns, bandits in the canyons and elusive indians.
Butthurt Blessed, glad to see you go
Never tried to recruit off of Veeky Forums before, let's see what kind of shitshow this produced.
>System Preferred
Already have a game in the planning stages for Pathfinder.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
What I'm looking at is 3-5pm on Sundays Eastern Standard Time, staring in a week or two's time
Voice for OOC text for IC
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Organized through Skype, played through Maptools Version, voice through Teamspeak
>Contact Info
Search me up on Skype. Urist McDwarfbeard. On off chance someone on Skype has the same name as me, avatar is pic related.
>Additional Notes
3-4 slots to fill, already have a buddy of mine onboard.
Campaign Premise: Your character is hired to become a guard for a town he/she knows almost nothing about, except that it's on the border of civilized land.
Game will have less emphasis on combat and more on RP.
Post your contact info and I'll hit you up.
Whoops, turns out that's retardation on my part. I forgot to include the username. Discord contact info is Candlejack #0918
I should also note I'm not a core purist. Spheres and Path are allowed by default and I'll look over any 3P you want to use.
All one word. Ugh.
I have no fucking clue what you're blathering on about because I've never been in that discord. You should seek therapy for your obvious paranoid delusions and persecution complex.
How can Candlejack run a game when everyone keeps disa
Can you post the link? I was hoping to join into a game as a player and last time I was there they had a buncha GMs looking for people.
>System Preferred
D&D 5e
>Times Available (with timezone!)
No Mondays or Sunday games. Games end before 2 pm or start after 3 pm (CST).
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 for the game, skype or discord for voice
>Voice or text
Prefer voice/text though just text is fine
>Contact Info/Discord Room Link
just PM me
>Additional Notes
looking to play Tomb of Anal Inhalation or Curse of Strahd. no ERP plz
>just PM me
shit nigger just copied and pasted it
H O T C U M#6831
>System Preferred
Pathfinder with third-party books
>Times Available (with timezone!)
6:30 PM to 11:30 PM EST, on Tuesday nights
Text only
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord for IC/OOC talk, roll20 for dice rolling and maps
>Contact Info
Fortunate Son#1925
>Additional Notes
Roll20 here
D&D 4e - Dark Sun Homebrew (see notes)
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Wednesday Evenings (PST)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord Voice, Roll20 game
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
We are playing in Dark Sun. We welcome new players but please at least look up the setting, since it's pretty different than normal D&D.
The game is harsh, we've lost two players in one encounter so far. Survival elements are a feature, and the story is pretty open (though I need to make maps and encounters so not completely sandbox)
We have homebrewed some rules to have the world a bit more accurate, as well as other rules like weapon breakage, and fixed-enhancement bonuses.
>System Preferred
S&W Whitebox with An Echo Resounding for domain-level play.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
CST, but the campaign is play-by-post so it doesn't matter that much
Text, play-by-post
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Messages and rolls will be done by discord. The maps will be on roll20.
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Looking for 4-6 players. No experience needed with the system as it is very simple. We will use Ascending AC. The general area of the game is already set as a 30x30 hex map, which will be revealed as you explore.
We will start already in the middle of a dungeon. You'll have to excuse some assumptions to get the ball rolling and hopefully things will go smoothly from there. We can discuss the specifics of how your characters got there once we have a group going.
The game is set in the borderland between the kingdom of Vangor and what used to be the range of the Bernuzean tribes, very nearly wiped out by the former. By the hand of one of their sorcerers, a great dragon decimated the Vangorean advances. This aid was paid dearly, and the Bernuzeans now only survive as either the inhuman dragon-kin or small nomadic tribes. barely strong enough to procure their own survival.
Nonetheless, civilization has become weak on the region, usually known by its most prominent feature: The Brunpeak Chain, a great and treacherous mountain range. The landscape holds gold, glory and long-forgotten sorceries for those who brave them - and many lands for aspiring kings and emperors..
Recruiting for one week or till we have a full group.
Stop shilling your shitty discord, the only reason people go there is because they're either circlejerky hug-boxers, admins or there's no better place to go.
What is that? a dog? a martial art?
I have to know!
Any Eu GMs?
Who's asking?
It's a safe space for autists, a literal hugbox
A guy who wants to play some n/cWoD or WHFRPG.
bump whilst seeking a groupe
>>System Preferred
Pokemon Tabletop United ( PTU ) [ 1.05 or 2.0 ] trying to get some experience with the system as a player before considering trying to run a game in it.
>>Times Available (with timezone!)
Monday evenings
( UTC -5 {USA East Coast Time} )
Text of Voice. This would be my first voice game. I'm interested in giving voice games a try.
>>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
IRC, Discord, Roll20, Skype, other
>>Contact Info
reply and I'll send something.
>>Additional Notes
Like I said. I'm looking to get some experience playing PTU before trying to GM a game using it.
Are you still recruiting? I can't seem to find a person on Skype with that name.
Your name doesn't show up mate.
I have no idea why people can't find me. My privacy settings say anyone can find me. Lemme troubleshoot.
Er, try live:fcd4b9f87ad27c0 maybe?
Desperately looking for a Degenesis game
>page 9
Do you have any links to the books? There is nothing in Da Archive.
Group of players
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Mondays, 5PM EST is when the group is supposed to play
Voice using Discord
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 for rolls and map, Discord for voice
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
A group of autistic faggots wishing to play a game set in either Ivalice from FF Tactics Advance or Gaia from FFVII using the Final Fantasy D20 homebrew rules for Pathfinder.
>group of player
>set time
>weird ass system
Yea how about no.
Good thing you don't have to apply then.
Why did you post this though? The likelihood of you getting a rando to GM this game is not impossible, but is about 1 to 1 million. From the pre-established group of friends to the specific time and system.
I just don't understand how you'd expect someone to GM it.
Eh, leave it up to them.
They might get super lucky and get one of the 3 persons on the planet who plays Pf, FF, GMs, plays online, and is free in that time interval.
Or they might lower their requriments later.
Anything as long as they bump the thread, and don't come whining later how gamefinder is bad for finding people
>Why did I post something to find a GM
>in a Gamefinder thread
Jeez, it's almost like I'm trying to find a GM for a tabletop thing in a thread dedicated to finding people for tabletop stuff. What a strange concept.
>Pre-established group of friends
Two of the players are people I've just met through recruiting for this game, so more just acquaintances. Sorry I take the initiative and try to get the players together beforehand, or that I invite people I know first before asking around on other sites (including Roll20, Funnyjunk, Reddit, etc.).
>Specific time slot
That's the time we're good to start at and play through, you try monkeying together a workable time for US and Danish players with lives.
I'll give you that, PF is pretty... well, shit, and using homebrew for is always a crap-shot. I've heard of the Final Fantasy RPG, but given that none of the group has played it, I felt it would be best to go with the system at least some of us have used. Course, if a GM has used it before or would prefer it and doesn't mind new people to the system, my group could certainly make do with it.
Either way, again, I'm just trying to find a dude up for GMing a Final Fantasy game with conditions of time and such attached, and if you don't want to run it or can't due to the time, then sorry, but just don't apply.
>listing the sort of game you want and the time your group needs is bad
Ssssoooo what you're saying is that I shouldn't have used the Systems Preferred, Ties Available, and Additional Notes sections to tell folks what my group is looking for? Gamefinder isn't bad, it's just kind of annoying when you get pissed on for wanting something run for your group. I've been trying to find people through circles of friends, but that fell through, and I've tried using other sites to get the GM we need, but no dice. I came here to try my luck, knowing it was unlikely, and it looks like I'm not going to have any luck.
He's just saying that you're unlikely to find a GM, which is the truth.
Post away, but don't expect many replies. Have you thought about GMing yourself?
(Pic not related)
Yes, I have and I've also asked people in the group if they'd like to. Sadly, one person is new to tabletop games, one is someone that doesn't do well when it comes to writing overarching narratives, and myself and the last of the original group of four friends have both GM'd in the past and have agreed that we don't like GMing. As for the two randoms we recruited, they joined as players responding to ads calling for both GMs and players, so I don't feel right asking them to do it. Like I said in the post you replied to, I didn't expect my luck to be any better here than it was elsewhere, so I wasn't really expecting any messages on Discord about it or replies on here in the first place. Especially not replies that are essentially "lower your standards" or "you're not going to find anyone", which all I can say in response to is that we have a campaign setting we want to play with a set time we can all meet up and we weren't going to find anyone if I didn't post, so why not take a chance here as well?
I don't think anyone is saying "Don't do it" or "lower your standards", it's more like looking up from their beer with a raised eyebrow and saying "Good luck with that one"
You have a very specific set of criteria so my suggestion was to get off your lazy arse and GM yourself.
Nobody likes GMing. I'm the fucking PermaDM because if I didn't do it, nobody would play. Unfortunately, someone has to nut up and do the job so that everyone else can have some fun. You can share the responsibility by running campaigns back to back with different GMs.
I'll GM for you. But we'll use another system and it'll be an ERP game.
>Nobody likes GMing.
I like it, more than playing in fact. It seems weird to me that someone who doesn't like GMing would do it even if no one else wants to, why not just get a new hobby?
Any Dragon Ball games going on?
I'd certainly play one. I'd GM one if it were ERP and someone taught me a good system for it.
>ERP no thanks.
I was trying to get across a "Stop being a little bitch and man up" kind of message.
A lot of us started off being very nervous of DMing, and taking that plunge might be all he needs.
Besides which, it's nice to give back to a group that has given you hours of fun, even if you don't enjoy it.
>he keeps wanting to ERP
For what purpose?
I prefer Gming over playing myself m8
This. When you GM you get to make all kinds of shit and enjoy springing surprises on the players.
>I don't think anyone is saying "Don't do it" or "lower your standards", it's more like looking up from their beer with a raised eyebrow and saying "Good luck with that one"
Basically this. But hey, I'll be all the happier for you if you actually get someone.
Keep being great then guys.
I want to ERP GM for desperate normies, so I can shove my actually-kinda-vanilla fetishes in their face and make them play it out despite not wanting it.
How vanilla are we talking here?
>implying normies don't ERP
They took over that hobby ages ago
You sick sick sonovabitch.
I'm sickeningly curious
Exhibitionism, group sex, incest, monsters, the sort of things that are just a step or two above the regular vanilla rough sex that's still kinda taboo when you're with normies.
I was on board until you said monsters. Blech.
For the most part I usually go with Monstergirl/boys than genuine monsters, although Minotaurs, Aliens and other such things are often very fun. I usually unconventional games like Genesys, Exalted or Shadowrun rather than say D&D, so more regular monsters aren't often around.
>not liking monstergirls
>D&D 5ed
>CST, saturdays and sundays
>Voice or/and Text
>I have a game that needs a GM for that around that time, I´m open to play on other groups if you need one more player
Another system works just fine if it's functional and you can convince the other dinguses to go with it. The two new guys to the group might be the tough sell, since I presented the idea of using the Returner Games's Final Fantasy system last night and while the dudes I've known for awhile were potentially okay with it, the other two either didn't respond to it or seemed to prefer the Pathfinder rules.
As for ERP, jokes on you, two of the players do ERP on the regular over text, and one of them is a massive fag for trying to get PCs to fuck. As long as the kinks are fairly tamed/only out there when appropriate and it's over text, my group of friends is probably okay with it, though again, the two new guys might be a hard sell on it.
I'll do Genesys, but otherwise I'd be happy to do it. I wasn't joking.
>FFG game
Oh sweet, good way to get my new player friend used to playing actually half-way decent games instead of Pathfinder. You got the pdfs, or should I go dumpster diving for them so I can pass them around the group? Hit me up on Discord as well. I'll tell you who's into what and who you can feel up for some ERP action.
>user cracks the code and figures out how to get "Group of players looking for GM" bites: ERP
inb4 none of them wanna get penetrated and we've back to square one
Just a suggestion, GMs state your knowledge of the system (3 games gm for 2 years or want to gm first game after being player, etc)
I am a terribly prude, but often consider ERP games for hopes of good story, RP and character interaction as well as playing systems I often otherwise have a hard time finding games for.
Then contact the person I was talking to and join up.
....weren't they.
Going to play via voice?
Is this the long-awaited voice ERP?
More seriously they decided against that.
See? I told you might get one of the 3 people on the planet!
I'm happy for ya.
Too bad half of the four players apparently jettisoned off because they didn't want ERP, now it's 2 people and a GM.
Hello! I’m really new to gaming in general, but I am interested in learning. Anyone willing to show me the ropes?
Only if you are up for ERP.
Which game is that?