>There are giant spiders and you can tame them.
How would we use them?
>There are giant spiders and you can tame them.
How would we use them?
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Spider silk is suppossed to be super tough right? So stab/arrow proof* shirts and ropes that don"t break.
*You will stil be hurt and maybe even pierced, but it will be easy to remove it too, what should help a bunch
Battery farm them for their silk, sell the silk and then profit?
>How would we use them?
I'd do a spider farms to produce silk
Also kids can pay a few coins to pet the spiders
to troll arachnophobes
did you know that >90% of thread starter questions on Veeky Forums can be answered with "poorly" ?
>the spiders catch prey by setting up big nets, so naturally relatively docile
>doesnt have huge mandibles, poison or such things, mouth is filled with alot of smaller jaws, "kisses" feels like being tickled.
>are intelligent enough to understand being fed
>feed them a whole bunch so that they become fat and complacent and therefore easier to, for lack of a better word, milk
>females are preferred over males due to their size, and the boys become unruly if they can smell a female in heat.
>mating is handled by basically releasing the male into the cage of a female via a smaller cage
>he will then tie her up and mate with her, the males silk is collected later
>bigger males are often rented for breeding purposes.
>baby spiders are higly energetic and notoriously difficult to handle
>they will also attempt to bite anything, luckily their jaws are not strong enough to cause serious harm, and they will be domesticated by the time they are.
>through years of selective breeding the biggest female ever recorded was the size of a small house.
>the silk brings in trade from all over the world and gives rise to the name "Silk Road"
>attempts to smuggle out spiders or their eggs are sentenced with capital punishment
Soft body armor is dogshit at stopping arrows or knives. Arrows != bullets.
Farm them for spidersilk.
Use them as mounts, especially in terrain where you need a lot of vertical mobility.
Train them as guard dogs or hunting dogs. Indeed, the hunting use is pretty symbiotic because the spider will drain the catch out of many of its fluids to eat, which conveniently leaves things like the meat and the hide left over. The meat might not be as juicy, but you generally were going to drain the blood out anyway so might as well let the spider do that for you.
Spider silk would be pretty good for clothing if you could figure out how to process out the adhesives.
Depends on setting.
as firewood
Silk and venom, presumably.
It gives me the creeps just looking at this picture and I instinctively feel a strong urge to check my ceiling and walls for spiders. There is no way I could handle a giant spider in real life
"Tamed"? "Use"?
Sir, I think you are terribly mistaken...
Use them to scare the shit out of your enemies. Make sure that they aren't armed to the teeth though.
Depends on the soft armor.
Animals that can be tamed are typically social creatures which spiders, for the most part, aren't. So no they couldn't be tamed at all
If you're trying to closely model the eating habits of giant spiders after smaller, real life spiders then you've completely missed the mark.
Spiders typically liquefy the innards of their prey, meat included.
That depends, is it just one group of spiders or different groups comprised of individual species? I would imagine that uses would vary based on this.
>spider will drain the catch out of many of its fluids to eat, which conveniently leaves things like the meat and the hide left over
Nigga no. They pump their prey full of digestive enzymes that liquefy the prey inside of its own skin and then suck it back up. They also tend to "chew" their food between their fangs to make the breakdown process easier. The end result is a small, unidentifiable lump of indigestible bite known as a bolus. If picking through the leftovers from my tarantula feedings has taught me anything, it's that you're lucky to see a even a piece of a wing or a bit of exoskeleton when they finish up.
Train them to hunt down women and bondage them for forced sexual service.
>you can tame them.
I can also unleash massive waves of cleansing fire.
Lots and lots of fire.
Imagine all the kinky stuff to be made with webbing. A material more perfect than latex. At the very least can get all wound up with a partner near by and web disolvent.
We wouldn't, because they'd require part-pressure atmospheric oxygen of around .3bar or higher, which is the point at which it becomes toxic for us with clear and detrimental effects, the longer you breathe it the worse the damage becomes.
So they can't be spiders, because if they were they'd be limited in size by their action of breathing.
>brushing, petting
this spider silk is CRAZY strong, the strongest from the darwin's bark spider stretches across whole rivers
To support a spider even just as big as a dog their silk would have to be strong enough that you could probably use it for buildings, like modern suspension bridge type stuff.
desu a well-made silk armour would probably be able to block some cuts and stabs
They might be usable for food. With things like spiders and scorpions, especially the bigger ones, their meat is kinda like bland crustacean though depending on how big you're thinking it might get too tough like even lobsters and crabs get if they're too big.
At least some spiders also have barbed hairs that sized-up could maybe be used for sewing.
Their fangs could be useful too for various things depending on their size.
Padded armour is surprisingly effective and modern kevlar is an extension of that. Fantasy super-silk probably has similar potential.
There are actually different types of silk that spiders can produce at will and only some are sticky.
People have already painstakingly produced a very expensive rope displayed in a museum made of pic related, the silk of the golden orb weaver.
You've been playing Breeding Season, haven't you?
Spider Silk reinforced architecture, make a spider silk space elevator.