If Altered Carbon isn't an exacting and perfect rip off of Eclipse Phase, I don't know what its.
So, the lawsuit starts when?
You're literally just as bad as the player who throws a temper-tantrum because the GM won't "admit" that they stole an idea from a flavor-of-the-month anime.
3/10 bait. Must try harder.
Does it have an uplifted octopus assassin character? No? Then shut up you fucking nerd.
Incidentally, if it does, then it gets all my fucking money I don't even care.
A lover on every world and a gun in every tentacle.
>Altered Carbon came out in 2002
>Eclipse Phase came out in 2009
So you're saying Richard K. Morgan stole an idea... from the FUTURE?
>If Altered Carbon isn't an exacting and perfect rip off of Eclipse Phase, I don't know what its
Any body know anything about the state of EP 2e ?
Is it payable ?
I think OP's saying he didn't realize that the Netflix show was based on a novel that was published before he was born.
>Is it payable ?
No, it's free.
Also, you spelled attached as attacked
Altered Carbon is based on a novel that predates Eclipse Phase. The novel predates the game by Eight Years... en.wikipedia.org
CLEARLY, Netflix, the Illuminati and the Jews have access to time travel. Sneaky bastards!
Nothings more eclipse phase than that!
Is it less SJW than Eclipse Phase? Might be better purely on that note.
no, its just watered down 1e
> no COO
> muh ultimates are bad cause fascism
> ultimates are capable of going to war with the PC and winning
Hadn't got to watch the series yet
Is Bancroft as much of a dick as he is in the book?
It's not like consciousness transfer was a new idea when Richard Morgan used it. There are at least 3 episodes of original Star Trek dealing with it
What even is this pic
>eclips phase
I mean, if you play it with sjws maybe, but the game literaly has a fascist faction that you can play
He's got a big dick, which they wave around in screen for some reason.
I remember there was something about the devs pushing feminism and banning over transgender pronouns on the forums, when people were pointing out to them that neither of these things would exist in their setting.
the book has like 1 page of pronoun bullshit that i did not notice for a while because it's by like 4 or 5 you skip when reading through the crunch. The system itself is not really SJW, it paints the anarchists as the more good guys, the kapitalists as less good guys and the fascist as the least good guys but i did not notice much agenda pushing in the book itself
Found the applesponge.
Which they are removing from the playable list in 2nd edition.
not really going to but the 2e seeing that i have 1e which wont get disintegrated when 2e comes out
>> no COO
No Chief Operating Officer? Scandalous!
> muh ultimates are bad cause fascism
Everything is fascism. And racism.
Decent try on the "Games Workshop stole spess muhreens from Starcraft" meme. 4/10
Yes? Yes. It's worth watching just for Purefoy's performance.
No, no, you don't understand. If the creator of something has an opinion, then their creation MUST be an underhanded attempt to advance their agenda, no matter how much they try to remove personal bias from the creation process. If someone working on a game has ever so much referred to a transsexual by their preferred pronouns, the game is irredeemably SJW and can never be touched by any self-respecting TRUE gamer.
It's the bio chips from Rogue Trooper. Rogue's buddies get killed, but their consciousness is stored on these three chips. This means he can still talk to his buddies, and he can plug them into his gear to do stuff like turn his rifle into an autogun.
Pic related
Follow his what? Is that a pet roogle?
You will get banned from their forums for expressing anything outside their ideology.
and jontron is a shity alt-righter, but somehow his work (allthough shitty in itself) dose not really push alt-right talking points.
Anyone got a pdf of second edition?
Good job I've got the open minded free spirit of co to fall back on then
It's perfectly ordinary banter, Squiffy. Bally Jerry pranged his kite, right in the how's your father. Hairy blighter, dicky-birdied, feathered back on his Sammy, took a waspy, flipped over on his Betty Harper's and caught his can in the Bertie.
Ah, gotchya. Perfectly clear now, thanks.
>The anarchist lefties banned me from posting on their forum because I talked about how I hate anarchist lefties waaaaaa
How dense are you?
The number of times I've seen Purefoys penis across the decades is something I only realized watching this.
>Feminists banned me when I told them their ideology was impossible to reconcile with the game they had created waaaaaa
Again: how dense are you?
>If the creator of something has an opinion, then their creation MUST be an underhanded attempt to advance their agenda, no matter how much they try to remove personal bias from the creation process.
You mean like removing Ultimates because they're fascist?
Or turning the Jovians from South American Banana republic into TRUMPS 'MURRICA, ONLY WHITES CAN BE EVIL VERSION 2.2
Or how every 'good' aligned faction is an an-com wet dream that makes fully automated gay space communism look sensible.
Or, you know
>and we don't want to be encouraging people to play fascists.
So no, it isn't when the creator has an opinion that they're underhandedly attempting to advance their agenda, it's when they're out and out proclaiming, waving a flag from their virtue stiffened inch-hard about how self-improvement makes you a Nazi and how only the people living in self-created popularity contest-domes are heroes that you kind of get the subtle hint that maybe they have an agenda.
What's underhanded about this? Even if it's a short-sighted decision it's pretty transparent what their intention is.
>waving a flag from their virtue stiffened inch-hard
Jesus, do you have issues around penises or what?
>how self-improvement makes you a Nazi
Go back to reading Jordan Peterson and cleaning your room or whatever it is he tells you to do.
Also it's a fucking RPG, just homebrew it
I don't know if you can't read or what. user 1 called them underhanded, user 2 said they were blatant, and you accuse user 2 of saying they're underhanded? Do you need someone to explain bedtime stories to you?
>j-just homebrew it!
It would be lovely if your kin followed this advice, yes
He is obviously less dense then you. He can see the stupidity of anarchists imposing their will through rules and bans, and feminists trying to push their gender over others in a setting where you can become 4 year old human hermaphrodite with angel wings and tentacles.
But you sir, you can't see shit that is right in front of you. So obviously you should ask yourself that question.
Its likely they don't want to be seen as supporting such ideologies in the wake of the rise of the alt-right and neo-nazis. To say that they are SJWs for doing so is like saying someone is a feminist for not including rules on raping men in the system.
>he stupidity of anarchists imposing their will through rules and bans
>duh anarchism means you can't have any rules and everyone has to just sit there and let me be a dick to them
Maybe it is you who should read a book, nigger.
Mods please kill this thread, its just pointless shitpost arguments and op being wrong.
>Its likely they don't want to be seen as supporting such ideologies in the wake of the rise of the alt-right and neo-nazis.
Self-improvement is a nazi ideology?
That's a fuckin' dangerous position to take user.
Also there's a difference between not including something and excluding it.
Personally this is why I love Mindjammer. They have a real 'fuck it, throw it in' mentality towards the setting they've created and one of their first books is Children of Orion, which takes their literal nazi, war crimes lovin' cartoon villain faction and perfectly explains in explicit detail how they came to be and how, frankly, they couldn't be anything else and survive.
They're monsters, but they dedicated an entire book into making it clear that they're the heroes of their own story, entirely void of hypocrisy and sincerely believe they're in the right.
And well, for their position, it IS right.
So fucking refreshing to see someone put out a book about their villains that's like that.
The book is very anti-SJW. One novel in the trilogy is a screed against basically Muslims: The protagonist spends about a dozen years hunting them down and killing them because they murdered his old lover.
The TV series changes quite a lot of things, however. For instance, Kovacs is brought out of storage 200 years after his initial appearance (Which never happened in the first book, but is a plot point in the third) and a character with no relevance in the first book is now a major part of his backstory.
Also, Kovacs was kind of amoral in the novels. In the series, he's a former rebel soldier.
Y'know, it's pretty great when the obvious bait fails, but the thread still manages to descend into autistic screeching.
I mean we all know the Jews came from the future right?
Since when has an eclipse phase thread not descended into autistic screeching?
Daaaaammmmnnnn, this thread assraped its OP super hard
Goddammit, Spirit Science. How do people take anything this guy says seriously?
No, but the terminology that EP uses is directly ripped from Altered Carbon.
Like, energy weapons existed in scifi for a long time. But if some new movie called their guns 'Phasers', there wouldnt be any doubt exactly what they were ripping the name from.
Are the Envoys rebel guys in the novel?
My vague recollection was they were just specially trained UN-sanctioned spec-ops.
You clearly don't know what is.
Also, Eclipse Phase rips off Altered Carbon, which is itself A World Out of Time meets Demolition Man. And the whole EP concept is a blatant and cartoonish ripoff of GURPS Transhuman Space.
Eclipse Phase: a shit game for shit people.
It's not actually out yet, but you can download the beta rules on Drivethru for free.
The Envoys were the people crushing the rebellion. In the book, Kovacs is a former envoy who became a criminal. He's basically a former stormtrooper turned mercenary.
He has no personal investment in any revolution.
>Also, Kovacs was kind of amoral in the novels. In the series, he's a former rebel soldier.
In second book he was a rebel soldier that defected seeing that rebels were shit before book start. And then he defected again seeing other side was shit as well
>The book is very anti-SJW. One novel in the trilogy is a screed against basically Muslims: The protagonist spends about a dozen years hunting them down and killing them because they murdered his old lover.
Now to be fair, its against ALL kinds of organised patriarchic religion, and islam is simply one of most prominent ones. Kovacs background in fighting on Sharya is implicitly war against some kind of space ISIS, but his vendetta you are talking about (from the third book) is against New Revelation, which is implied to be more like hardcore version of murrican born again protestant chistianity. Granted, Granted, from his perspective there is no practical difference between fanatics of any denomination .
Still, the books (or rather kovacs himself as viewpoint character - there are multiple scenes where he is called on his bullshit) is anti-all-kinds-of-authority, and somewhat left-leaning, but with definite libertarian influence. Certainly not an SJW, althrough definitely anti-corporation, anti-conservative and anti-religious.
Generally speaking Kovacs is damaged personality, and he defines himself by being anti-this and anti-that, without giving much thought about actually being pro-anything . Through the books he tends to go agaist one target then switch to the next thing that replaces it after its defeated, again and again.
Dunno, I'm still crying about underworld ripping off V:tM.
time crimes are serious business
People don't give a fuck about stealing ideas.
Take concepts, change the names, faces, and environment and take the money.
>2005 came and went without time travel
Why are we stuck in the worst timeline?
Jesus! The fucking retards that start threads on this board...
Show was shit.
Started out with some interesting aesthetic standards and mediocre writing and sharply went downhill. They were surprisingly faithful to the book in some places, but made some shit decisions to dumb down certain aspects. Ironically, the book has some implicit feminist criticisms that they excised, only to replace with overt and extreme caricature-of-sjw-bullshit-deus-ex-machina. Disappointing. They also threw in all kinds of incongruous relationship bullshit that honestly detracted from the story a ton; it would have been much better if they'd taken the noir risk and didn't throw in so many extras to have Takeshi pontificate at. He's already established as having some severe emotional trauma and they _did_ use flashbacks and hallucinations effectively, no need for a combo savior complex/black sidekick or rape revenge fantasy samurai
Surprised by the lead's acting, though, and I was impressed by the day of the dead stuff.
For a moment, I thought MR. RAGE had returned to us. Alas.
>Why are we stuck in the worst timeline?
Because the better timelines want nothing to do with it.
who is MR. RAGE
>n the book, Kovacs is a former envoy who became a criminal. He's basically a former stormtrooper turned mercenary.
>He has no personal investment in any revolution.
Technically he was working for the quellists the whole time. Him in Broken Angels was him supposed to steer Kemp, the tyrant dude fighting Carrera's Wedge, towards more quellist ways but fucks off because that guy was a nutzoid murderer.
I hoped there's EP general, but there's only some shitty bait thread. O tempora o mores.
>who is MR. RAGE
That was when I knew Veeky Forums had really gone to shit.
Cough cough can you post the entire pdf cough cough
While we're here, any eclipse phase open for a player? gmt+1
>Cough cough can you post the entire pdf cough cough
It's literally free to download from their website.
female showrunner, made the envoys faggots to justify quell. Its sad man.
Hey since we got Eclipse Phase nerds in here, someone got the /EPG/ opener copy pasta? I've been looking for an EPG thread for a week now and I don't have the copy paste to start it myself
Use the archive, scrubbot.
Wow I did not even think of that. I am clearly not cut out for the transhumanism future. Thanks
Was she not that prominent in the books? I didn't read them.
This has nothing to do with EP, but what the fuck am I watching here.
Crazy dude on youtube, isn't it obvious?
Well, when the OP is a huge faggot that's what happens.
maybe it's what he wanted all along
Her philospohy is prominent in kovacs narration through all three books and she is quoted very often. Then she kinda-sorta shows up in person as kind of space alien cyber ghost in third book (it makes sense in context).
Let me guess, you're the kind of mongoloid who equates Bright to "exactly Shadowrun" despite the lack of ancap?
This is a magnificent gif.
Okay yes but why. It's too shitty to be fanfiction, too elaborate to be fact, too incoherent to be a parable, and too long to be a joke. On top of that it's pretty well animated and the voicework is decent, which suggests somebody involved in the project had a decent capacity for work they refused to use in the actual substance.
I guess what I'm saying is that science can't explain how this video came to be, so it was probably aliens.
>humans are fallen superheroes
>weird soapboxing about social issues
>everything good ever is because of this one Egyptian god, his son, his son's secret club, and the random crazy dude he transferred all his memories to before dying
Never mind, it's fanfiction.
Man, that's a shit tagline.
If cards against humanity can build their successful company while stealing an idea from Hasbro I think lawsuits in the gaming world are never going to happen.
Game mechanics can't be copyrighted, but things in fiction can be.
It's the reason why you can literally make a D&D clone that uses the same mechanic, but you can't officially include beholders.