Warhammer 40000 General /40kg/

Imperium a shit, except Adeptus Mechanicus.
You guys are alright.

>Reset the clock; sisters never
>FAQs, Errata, and Designer Commentary


>Other Megas

>Old Black Library Mega

>Math-hammer 40k


40k is fun

Orks are a shooting race

3st for chaos

Prove it

Xth for best chapter

i think you have to leave

I won a game!

Xth for exotic and vendictive

GTFO with that caac shit

But they aren't yellow


You're ok but Sigismund's boys are best.

Are you stupid or just an impatient fuck?
Or both

That fucking -2 to hit bonus after advancing is fucked up, therea no way it isnt going to be FAQ'd

Why would someone lie on the internet like this?

Are you the faget asking if you should go with AM or Deldar? Because it should be Deldar.

Is the name of the "Z" recaster Zanchui?

how can orks even compete this edition

Well, tell us how it went and who you beat.

What're the chances of GSC getting some new units this edition?

This isn't the toaster room.

Well, AM stand still and replace their limbs with robot limbs. Deldar go super fast and do drugs and torture.

By getting Really Fired Up™

Plastic Aberrations maybe, perhaps a new Genestealer kit since they did make new ones for the Overkill box.

I'm going to be starting a group of CF to compliment my IF and BT army, any suggestions for a plasma based elite army?

>Plastic Aberrations maybe, perhaps a new Genestealer kit since they did make new ones for the Overkill box.

[Laughs in Waiting for Plastic DeffKoptas]

>1. Obligatory “Lilith gave in to the peer pressure”
>2. Kys namefag

Get back in you hole, questlord.
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No really, I won!

Was against Ultramarines. He had 3 or so tanks that were built for anti-tank so I focused down his infantry while he destroyed my Stalker in one shooting phase. I also got some lucky RP rolls.

I wish Warp Blast was still a melta-lascannon delete button and not this weaksauce 1d3 smite crap.
"Oh but they're cheaper now and have an extra wound!" Yeah, no.

>any suggestions for a plasma based elite army?

I still have 9 from Black reach

Plastic Deffkoptas exist GW just needs to make them separately sold from the Vedros set.

>my orks will go to a trash-to-electricity power station
At least finally they'll be useful

>when the coolest member of your chapter is the machine spirit from a land raider

The absolute state of the Crimson Fists

Best at jobbing to Orks.

>brother, im Not sure i trust these new librarians
>nonsense brother! now go apologies to a Epistolary CAW

And I wish my Lord of Change could still bring the Psychic dakka and be a threat. As opposed to this iteration we have.

Well that isn't terribly far off from what I'm going for, but I definitely want CF for a Last Wall army.

What -2 Is this? Am I missing something with dark eldar

That's not Cortez

Nice! What are your hopes for your codex?

>I still have 9 from Black reach
And they're still a Black Reach (and remade Black Reach) exclusive. You can't buy them outside the boxset.

This guy gets it

Can't have them delete too many Space Marines! Many of our customers would be inconvenienced and possibly emotionally hurt!

>I also got some lucky RP rolls.
So he was a noob.

>doesn't loot Custodes bikes
>[raughs in you not understanding orks at all]


There is an annoying number of units exclusive to box sets they don't sell anymore.

Yeah a dark angel vanguard with captain+plasma veterans or spearhead with captain+hellblasters would be thematic and functional

rumored trait for their vehicles

Resin axe guy seems out of place.

>looting something that just came out a month ago.
>not looting dem floaty bois

Is this a new rumour or old news?

>Succesfully hold their world with a handful of marines

new rumor, taufags are throwing their models at the wall in rebellion

Huh, I hadn't heard of this either, what's/where's the source?

tau tactica, the same place where the Custodes were leaked back in November

>taufags are throwing their models at the wall in rebellion

Good, Taufags need to know the pain they caused to 60% of the armies during 6th/7th.

I don't really know, I'm looking forward to any kind of change in general. I'm curious to see if they go back to 7e RP, since it seems like they tried a lot of experimental stuff for 8e Necrons. Either way I'm interested to see what the codex brings, since they said that there were huge changes.

I don't know how many points Predators are, but he had 3 of them. They were good at killing my vehicles but I took mostly infantry so he struggled to kill my T5 Immortals. I've never played him before but a lot of the people in the store knew him so maybe he wasn't new? Maybe he's just inexperienced against Necrons.

>devastated by their own defensive weapons
Ork guns are supposed to kill their users, not marine's.

>best chapter
>losing to the worst unit in the game in their art

do you have a thread link?

>incidentally picked up a few old-style marines
>decided to pick up a primaris chaplain as an HQ to make them a legal detachment and also he looked pretty fucking metal
>he's almost as tall as my dreadnought

tau werent even good in 7th, it was just the riptide wing

You're the cancer destroying this hobby

Only reason I can think of that they haven't started selling the Black Reach kit separately is that it doesn't come with all the weapon options on the sprue.

Which more or less rules out things like Boyz mobs being able to take Burnas despite them being able to in the past.

>Are you the faget asking if you should go with AM or Deldar? Because it should be Deldar.
it was not my intention to to write it but yest that is me.
Deldar need transports though and i hate to have dedicated unit just for transporting

I'm confused; are games not meant to be fun? Are you, perhaps, a blithering fucking retard? :O
> inb4 you prove my point further with your next post

It's not just for transporting. It's also for looking cool.

I'm 100% sure the OP was based on pic related.
t. Art History fag

the joke
your head

But no really, where is the source? I frequent ATT and I haven't seen this.

>hate to have dedicated unit just for transporting
>role is called dedicated transport

...? It’s not like deldar boats are bad, they punch tanks with their dark lances- besides, due to their open topped rule, people use them to run beside enemy tanks and pop them with all the blasters/lances inside

You just don’t know what you’re talking about and I say this as someone who has deldar and admech

PFP removed and vehicles even though they move more now they only hit on 6+ if they moved at all including passengers

>it was just the riptide wing
That's more than what other factions had.

Also. Optimised Stealth Cadre?

Oh Dark Eldar vehicles need cover to survive? Woops I accidently all your cover.

i am not saying it's bad, i just feel weird sense of waste when having a transport unit.
just my autism

Wouldn't be surprised, they do a lot of art spoofs. That Imp/Eldar Thanksgiving pic was based on Freedom From Want.

Also, is that an early meme? Everyone has the same face.

Deldar aren’t orks, we’ve got a proud history of decent-in-a-mediocre-way rules.

>Woops I accidently all your cover.
Huh? I didn't play 7th, why would stealth suits ignore cover?
>Look it up
Nani the fuck

>it was just the riptide wing

And the entire army hitting on 2s even on Overwatch, and their actually useful decurion, and the support fire rule which basically neutered any melee unit that wasnt Thundercavs or similar and the suit spam and the riptide variants.

Sorry but Tau were good, if you wanted to know what "bad" really meant in 7th then try play Orks or Black Templars or World Eaters against Eldar or Tau, those armies might as well not existed during 6th/7th.

A) OSC didn't do shit to cover, it fucked armor facings.
B) DE were shit in 6th and 7th, and Tau markerlights were not to blame. Tons of armies had access to ignores cover.

Need advice on what else / weapons / gear to add on my chapter master.

The relic blade / burning blade / power weapon can be swapped, and I feel a storm shield on the right hand would destroy part of the arm detail.

I was thinking a Mk III bolt pistol for the awesome looks, but isnt a bolt pistol lame for a chapter master?

>this isn't baking class

Well, I guess it fucked cover, too.

Everything but Riptide Wing paled in comparison to the other powerful armies

Tau were bad and used RW as a crutch, and by the end of 7th the RW wasnt even that good any more because lol2+reroll invulns and free daemons and free tanks

Meanwhile, orks had to bend RAW to its furthest extreme to maybe get a turn 1 charge off with a 500 point formation

After remembering this, I'm glad Tau are dogshit now.

What’s the waste- it does what it’s supposed to do and then some

Maybe this plasma pistol would be good?

I like GK or sanguinary guard arms for the wrist-mounted bolter personally and it can have a hand that points towards whatever. Maybe swap a pauldron for one with the crux terminatus on it? Something about 2 identical pauldrons with the same chapter symbol on it seems odd to me

>formation that they had for a whole month
Jesus, how many times can you lose in a month?

It has to be funny in order to be classified as a joke. Thank you for proving my point though! I can rest well now knowing how well I CREAMED you on this internet fight.
Too bad you weren't here IRL for then I could utilize my Karate on you.

>Tau were bad

lol ok, you obviously played in a super competitive meta or never touched the actual bad armies, I fucking wished my army had been as bad as Tau during 7th.

>jokes have to be funny
You aren't funny yet you're a joke. Go figure.

The pauldrons work because I'll make them work, it's the only model that has the same pauldrons ( it's my chapter's symbol) I'll add a crux terminatus on the backpack between the wings.

>Unlimited Piranhas
>Drone Network
>Stormsurge squadron
>Fucking Riptide wing

>Drone Network
Ahh yes. My Drones are Jinking for a 4+ Cover. They're also Going to Ground for +1 to my Cover Save

I'm actually hilarious and reitierating my point does not make it any less right senior Buttsecks.

oh come on
it was a formation problem not a Tau problem
i wish they made the Tau balanced and not Super OP in 7th
why GW can't into good codex ?

retarded rules aside i find the idea of a drone doing a serpentine face first in the ground when being shot at fucking adorable

>formation that made russes and battlewagons AV10

nah fuck tau