I get that the format is cancer but...
Scene: Three female Tarellian hunter-pack soldiers are resting against a wall, watching a group of Imperial Guard doing exercises. Translated from Hynerian (the common Tarellian trade language).
Tarellian 1: You know, I’ve been around humans for three months now, and I still don’t get it.
Tarellian 2: What?
Tarellian 1: How do the females find their males attractive? I mean, they all look the same. They don’t have any frills or dewlaps, and the males only have those two wattles. I mean, I get that personality is a factor, but I have a hard time believing that a species could exist for millions of years without any kind of sexual attraction. Same thing with the eldar.
*Other Tarellians are silent for a moment*
Tarellian 2: Oh…
Tarellian 3: *laughing lizard lady.gif*
Tarellian 1: What? What am I missing? Are they all clones or something?
Tarellian 2: I guess somebody never learned the secrets of life.
Tarellian 3: *continues laughing*
Tarellian 1: I don’t get it? Are their males not here? Because all I see is the two variants, the ones with the wattles and the ones without.
Tarellian 3 (still giggling): Don’t you get it? Those are the females you dope.
Tarellian 2: The humans don’t feed their young mashed-up grubs like we do. The females produce this nutrient-filled sweat that they feed to their infants. Same with the eldar.
Tarellian 1: You’re shitting me.
Tarellian 2: No lie. Check a biology codex or a medical book the next time you see one. *pauses for a moment* Why were you even thinking about human “males” anyway? Unless…you were checking them out.
Tarellian 1 (ruffles frill): I was not!
Tarellian 3: Aren’t you from Mazon? I guess it’s true what they say. Once a Mazon, always from Mazon.
Tarellian 1 (expands frills to full size): Okay that stereotype shit stops right here. You want to fight then let’s go.