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Morathi edition

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Outta my way Chaos shits

Repostan my plead for help choosing a color scheme for my dwarfs.
They mostly use dark colored metal for weapons and armor, so i prefer some bright colors for some contrast, but at this point i might also settle for something a bit darker.
For now my best bet are blue/red, white/orange and red/yellow.
I am trying to depict my dwarf warriors as reasonably average wealth-wise, so most details will be simple iron or leather, with the occasional gold or bronze jewel

I know Blue and Red used to be the Karak Norn colors - if you want to connect your dwarves to a poorer hold, that might be a good bet.


Myrmidia > The Lady.

Actually they'd be an expedition to retake mount gunbad, coming from karaz-a-karak originally, but with different colors to denote the leading clan and soon-to-be king

Makes sense - I don't know much about Mount Gunbad, but there are probably a few clans that could have a claim and mount an expedition. You could have fun having the Karaz-a-Karak symbol alongside whatever clan colors.

If colors associated with another hold aren't your style, I think I'd recommend white and orange. That'd probably go well with the browns and greys of leather and iron and bronze.

I'm making a homebrew for running games set in the Monster Girl Encyclopedia universe using the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay system but I've run into a snag with representing Undead. Normally undead are simply mindless NPCs but since many and most undead are sapient in MGE I'm having trouble figuring out how to balance death being cheap for undead since all that's needed for a party to stay alive is keeping its caster intact.

Currently, I have the idea of a soul staying in a body for a number of days equal to the characters Willpower/10 (rounded down), if you stay slain for longer, you're shit out of luck. You'll also need medical attention to fix damaged limbs and such. Lastly, staying slain for a number of hours equal to the characters Willpower/10 (rounded down) should cause regression into a mindless Zombie until 100 experience are spent to return to normal unless the Spell of Awakening is used to revive the character. I've also made Undead characters almost completely absent of Fate Points.

Also, not all undead can be revived by simple spells, Vampires and Dullahans need a ritual. Not sure what to do with Ghouls.

Recently signed up for a warhammer fantasy campaign. It's 8th edition, no End Times units, and I'm running Tomb Kings. I'm feeling pretty excited, last time I got to play was at the beginning of the End Times. I've got to make a 3000 point army list from which I'll pick my forces from as the campaign progresses. I'll be able to raise new armies later during play but for the start it's this first 3000 point block.

Remember to take settra then

Well, you should know that Ghouls aren't actually undead - they very depraved, but still living, humans. You should probably also look at things like Wights or maybe the Tomb Kings sort of undead.

Hey guys, Russian Alternative just set up shop on Amazon. They’re giving a code for 10% off, 5BA8RSQ5, in exchange for some positive feedback history.

Their shit is good.

leave chaos to us

>runs into a mammoth
>army collapses



Is Morathi originally highborn?

Did the Wood Elves in TWW get nerfed or something?

no. Someone just got asshurt that Durthu raped his boipussy.

That's what I thought. Normally going up against Wood Elves is a bloody, painful crawl with spamming huge armies.


Should I play my Kangz as Undying Legions? It seems like it would get rid of the worst of their Death Star level weaknesses, but I hate the End Times lore.

It's literally Tomb Kings but better, even if you only take Tomb Kings units.

nigga just went full italian and betrayed me after being weakened from fighting vampires gobbos and chaos.
he had it coming

apparently in total war warhammer, there's a special building for the dwarves that increase their income by 20% or so if they manage to settle there. There's even a gold mine. What's the back story behind it?

There’s a special kind of gemstone that only come from there, along with the biggest gold mine outside of Karaz Ankor. In the Golden age it was one of the Dwarf’s main economy powerhouse

What a model, shame he's like £50 on eBay.

I have a question user, what's up with the lions ears on his helmet? The one on the right (his left) always seems to be missing on every model I've seen, is it a casting defect or something?

Cool, I've noticed that eBay has been fucking them around for a while now. They keep deleting their shop. I have 40 of their Hobgob archers, excellent models but they need a lot of clean up.

>tfw you realize you attached the wrong post code to your ebay order

I just can't see people calling out for gob on wolf alternatives.
Although that might make a good hobgoblin for chorfs.

It never really gets into it, she was a slave at some point and probably torn up by demon cock.

Hobgoblin Khans are God tier in the FW rules, so people sometimes take 3 or 4.

hey so quick rules question.

lets say I have a unit 5 wide with full command who I join 3 characters into, how do I align the characters, does one of the command(banner musician,champion) get sent back to the second rank?

not sure how it works,

>want to make hand weapons in wfrp 2e more like hand weapons in the tabletop, aka get bonuses for dual wielding or sword and boarding

How do I go about this without breaking the balance? Shields giving you +1 armor to melee hits sounds reasonable, but obviously giving an extra dual wield attack is going to break shit.

Does anyone know of any good tutorials on thinning nuln oil?

>does one of the command(banner musician,champion) get sent back to the second rank?

Characters go into the second rank, command groups always stay front and center.

>the horses aren't also chads
I'm a bit put off.

>Hopes he isnt in the front rank
But models get removed from the back?

>not removing your models from the front and having the rest fill in the gaps.
wow nice realism user baka desu

Did she bewitch Aenarion or was he just past caring and self-destructive?


Hey does anyone know what artist made the painting of Eltharion here? Was unattributed on the wiki/1d4chan.

What's her type? We know a few people she's fucked. Her son. Anerion. All those Norscan meat boys. Felecion, according to TWW. But all those are radically different in terms of personality.

Felecion and her son are power mad, dominating, manultplative alphas, whilst Anerion is a blockhead who happens to be good with a sword.

Does she want her males alphas, but her females submissive?

She is a complex beast.

Alith Anar got in her bagina as well

It's hard to tell, the old Aenarion was portrayed as being a borderline gary stu in elven style.
New Aenarion has a stupid tinge to him in the fluff.

I think he just tolerated morathais shenanigans because at the end of the day she was pro elf.

>tfw you will never fug young morathi

I'm sure I've seen that artwork in an army book, try asking GW with a support ticket as a last resort if no one has a better solution.

Only in the 8th, which no one plays.

Would it be possinle to get an experienced player to walk me through designing a semi-competitive 3000 point skaven list? I currently have:
>100 clan/slave rats (30 spear, 30 hw)
>20 stormvermin
>20 plauge monks
>5 Rat Ogres
>3 Warlock Engineers
>2 Weapon Teams (warpfire thrower and plauge wind launcher)
>HP Abomination
>IOB Warlord
>Grey Seer
I like skaven magic, stormvermin and rare choices. If possible I'd also like a good combat lord.
I also like collecting big armies so buying more than I need is no problem (and something I'll do in time anyway).

I mean, everyone plays 8th except a couple of hipsters. But whatever you say.

>Being this much of a dingus.

Far from an expert in regards to Skaven but the abomination is fucking terrifying to face. In the only game I've played against Skaven just one of those utterly shrecked my army single handedly.

eyy user, I dont play skaven and have never fought against them, but I do have something that might help you.

grab battlescribe.net/ on your favourite phone/tablet/pc (it's actually easier for a new person to familiarise with on tablet/phone versions)

add EVERYTHING that you've posted.
see where the points takes you.
then make your points legal via the %'s, a good idea is to start with core and make it the minimum value, for you. (750 points core)

from there you now know you can spend up to 750 points on lords, 750 on heros. 750 on rare and 1500 on special

next jam as much cool shit as you can into special/rare. then start bonking up your heros.

Hope that helps a little if no one else can provide you with ratsight

Yeah I've been using BS for years now and it certainly is helpful. I'm a reasonably seasoned player and know that the list is just above 2k but just can't get my head around skaven in particular.

If you go by End Times rules you would have a 50% Hero/Lord allowance which makes for some fun changes in the gameplay.

>fun changes in gameplay

Eugh, that fitty pacent lords thing gives me diarrhea.

Well here goes for 3k
>grey seer, items, (roll on the plague table, ruin is kinda garbo)
>warlord, fellderp, bearers
>chieftain bsb
>engineer, doomrocket, energy condenser
>40 stormvermin (for the warlord)
>2X 50 slaves, deployed in range of your general (stick an engineer in her, expect him to die)
>20 clanrats (bunker for the seer)
>2 warp cannons, 2 aboms

Flavor the rest with either gutter runners armed with poisoned slings for clearing enemy warmachines, naked 15pt engineers with brass orb for chaff or a thick plague monk plus banner for running straight down the field.
You can also use rat darts, which are a single unit of giant rats and pack master for 30pts that you charge right up in front of the enemies units and force them to spend a turn clearing or charging them.

Skaven kinda fall apart above 2k because they don't have elite infantry you can stick into a fat brick or a lord mount, also they'll have enough warmachines to buttfuck your aboms.

Goodluck user.

Unfortunately I don't own the model, like an idiot. If I want to run him at some point I'll have to hope that I get lucky on eBay or one of the B/S/S pages I'm on. Lists submitted, they aren't particularly good ones but I'm limited by my, admittedly large, collection I still don't have the number of horse archers I want to run. Might have to trawl eBay and hope for the best.

Is queek worth taking? He seems fun and gives stormvermin an extra punch but is very expensive when you factor in his bodyguard.

Kinda, he can be sorta garbo because of his shitty defenses and as a combat lord he's unlikely to kill things that are built for combat.

A vampire, chaos lord or high/ dark elf for example will mulch his ass for example.
The S5 halberds is just nice though, honestly stormvermin should have been S4 right off the bat in their 7th edition book and probably would have been if 8th ed wasn't scrapped.

I am now curious if Morathi ever 'shared' her students with Aenarion when they were reigning in Anlec.

Who are you going against?
But a few tips (I hvent been in a comp but anyway):>slaves/clans
Strength in numbers is amazing, so make sure if your splotting them up into bunkers for casters, you have enough to make it worth it.
You need to pump those numbers. Stormvermin may be better then your average rat, but they are still very weak and fall easily. One good shooting phase and your left with nothing.
An amazing unit if they arnt baited. Frenzy can lead them into stupid shit so deploy smart. Again, more is better with skaven, so if yiu can fitnmore, fit more.
>rat ogres
Hit pretty hard and tough to kill, however I don't see a pack master on your list? You will suffer without them, if they leave the command bubble. Prepare to have them stumble forward 6" and die without one.
Nothing to say here. Always good to have more lightning and channels.
>weapon teams
Careful here, most weapon teams are traps. They seem super good until you look closely and see they have one wound and move OR fire on the warpfire. The mortar is decent as it can move and fire, but will still have to keep it out of sight.
>doom wheel
A decent unit
One of the best units you can have. I never leave home without one
Can be kitted out a little to kill things, but skaven aren't duelist (unless your queek). Don't take bonebreakers.
>grey seer
Give him spells of plague.

So I noticed no bsb? Skaven almost require it. Grab one. You need some warplightning cannons, they are amazing. You need some war machine hunters, so some gutter runners are probably a good investment. Also some people swear by the screaming bell, others not, but you need a huge unit to put it in. Again, hard to recommend unless you know what your facing.

Depends on the edition.

Doesn't seem like the thing he'd be into, teclis is a total hedonist but the elves hadn't really started falling from grace at that time.

the point is that high elves strive for balance while dark elves go full unbalanced. Which is why they both consider each other as degenerates.

That doesn't sound right at all.

>that doesn't seem right
it is right.
Morathi started the cult of pleasure after Aenerion died and the high elves went into a state of ennui after the vortex had been shattered.

Not only should the Skaven general never enter close combat, but Queek doesn't even have staying power in close combat because of shitty armor save and no ward.

Yeah I'm gonna ignore that with my head cannon then, it's such a bizarre line to draw.
Especially since teclis is such a drug addict.

Also weapons teams are out dated, rattling guns don't put out the punishment they did in 6th ed and wapfire throwers are too short range.
Mortar spam is still a thing though.

>Especially since teclis is such a drug addict.
he needs the potions of charoi to survive dumb namefag.
Might as well call a guy taking insulin shots a drug addict.

Not those drugs bro, I remember in giant slayer he was hung over after using magic to roofie two elf sluts he was fucking.

Also dark elves seem just as perfectionist as the high elves, to the point that even witch elves get beheaded by the executioners boss if their knife work is sloppy.

Why is 8e army building so awful? It's impossible to have a vampire lord on a dragon be fully kitted out in a 2000 point game, and you are obliged by rules to take 100 skeletons.

I'm sure it's better for other armies, but Vampire Counts really get screwed over.

Then you remembered taking a dragon was a waste of time anyway because he's just target practice for the Imperial gunnery school anyway.

God, 8e is the worst. I'd play an older edition, but then I wouldn't be able to use a huge chunk of my models.

>doing drugs makes you degenerate
>running a society that is dysfunctional and full of backstabbing edgelords who worship slaanesh is perfection.
gotcha, you are a retard.

Brb got errata'd bro, it's half points for lords and heroes now.
Also abyssal terror isn't a terrible choice, you're really just trying to slam your combat lord into shit.

I feel the same way, I honestly prefer 7th, hordes fucked up the games foot print so hard.

>tfy you will be stuck playing against armies of 1-3 bricks forever

Yeah I'm not even sure what you're trying to say at this point, you have this weird concept of duality to elven hedonism and seem to think dark elves worship slaanesh.

>elven hedonism
except high elves went back to largely living how they used to before chaos came.
Dark elves went full murderhobo and built a society on pillaging and the worship of the Cythrai.
>Morathi is not a slaaneshi cocksleeve.

Does 9th Age fix the horde/lord problem?

You do hordes in a width of 8 now and cavalry is way better.
What is your question?

Do armies still consist of a few giant block of infantry with some support?
Are monsters still gunned down almost immediately?

No, it just tweaked them slightly.
Lords and heroes get more points for items but still hide in units and hordes are still difficult to turn and maneuver.
>tfw tourney organizer fucks up and puts more than three trees on the board.

Morathi is firmly under malekiths heel and checked by the cult of khaine. He doesn't worship chaos.

>elves went back to how they lived before chaos came

Oh, that's what you're trying to say. No they didn't, it's remarked often by elves in books that their race is enduring a cultural melange that leads to obsession with stupid shit.

>malekith doesn't worship chaos
>his momma regularly has slaaneshi orgies and invades ulthuan with norscan worshippers.

>malekith doesn't worship chaos
He regularly summons daemons and once managed to make a ritual pleading to Slaanesh and summon fucking N'kari himself.
Malekith can fool himself but plead to a god to gain his favour is nothing but an act of worship

Not the one your responding too, but read what you wrote:
>his mom has ect
>his mom
>mother, as in a person that is not himself.

Just because he dosnt care what she does, does not mean he embraces it.

Malekith barely worships khaine let alone slaanesh or chaos.
What makes you think he's devout?

Oh please, thanquol has summoned two bloodthirsters but still worships the horned rat.

Tanquol summoned them by accident, malekith actively did a ritual saying 'slaanesh, can you pretty please lend me your best daemon?"
Slaanesh was all 'ok but don't hurt my baby boy toy'
N'kari was then given by slaanesh to malekith and when tyrion killed it Malekith sacrificed thousands of high elf prisoners to slaanesh to appease him.
It's irrilevant that Malekith thinks to be the one in charge. In the end his soul belongs to slaanesh

Malekith and Morathi aren't worshiping chaos, they are Khaine worshipers and some lesser elven gods, like godess of pleasure Atharti.

Malekith made pact with N'kari to kill everqueen at some point, but he fought daemon couple times. Malekith even cut it's head and put headless corpse in Atharti's temple as offering.

Malekith gave 10 000 of Dark Elves to Nurgle so his daemons fuck off from Naggaroth.

Malekith's fanboys in denial are almost as hilarious as carnac

I think it'd be best to say even if they make use of Chaos and its daemons and worshipers, they think themselves superior to it or at least aren't willing to truly worship the Dark Gods. I guess that's what happens when you survive a big daemonic invasion.

If he is chaos worshipper why haven't he joined Archaon during end times?

Ritual sacrifices are an act of worship no matter how you put it.
If you ask something to a god you're worshiping it, you wouldn't ask something to a god you don't believe in

Because end times is badly written nonsensical shit and Malekith is an idiot who believes himself to be in control while he's basically just a tool in the hands of slaanesh

>In the end his soul belongs to slaanesh
I belive that's common with all elves unless they bound their soul to material world(waystones rtc)

Yeah that's not what happened, he performed a ritual to summon a demonic assistance at morathis urging and then N'kari botched it.
The last time they faced each other malekith cut the keeper of secrets heads off and offered his corpse up.

Whose in denial, malekith has never once been shown to be a chaos worshipper.

That's a ridiculous stretch of logic user, believing something exists and worshiping it are two very different things.

It is now, gw ported that shit over from 40k for some reason.

That's just recent lore added to merge the slaanesh from fantasy and the slaanesh from 40k
Up until very recent lore slaanesh had no particular dibs on elven souls

Making couple rituals to summon daemons doesn't made you chaos cultist.

40k radical Inquisitors bond daemons to mortals and are using daemonic weapons yet still they serve the Emperor.

>that's a ridiculous stretch of logic user
If you're a catholoc you don't pray to allah. Ritual sacrifices to gain boons from the gods are prayers in every way you look at it

But making mass sacrifices to appease the patron god when said demons bite it or to have the demons fuck off your land makes you a chaos worshiper

But catolic's god and allah are the same person and each faith is calling itself the true one.
In WHF all gods exist, you have 4 chaos gods, GHR, Elven Gods, Sigmar and rest of gods.
If you belive in Sigmar you still know about Khaine and you are afraid of Chaos gods.

It's just a business, not an act of worship.
Daemons and Dark Gods accept souls, if instead they wished for gold, he would pay with gold.

It's a not a boon, it was the down payment on mercenaries who turned out to be useless.
Also you do, since allah and yuwhei are the same god.

He gave nurgle ten thousand souls because he owed a debt and couldn't be fucked going to war, he's never once preyed to a single chaos god for anything.
It's debatable if he's ever prayed to khaine either.

Yet a worshiper of sigmar doesn't call for the chaos gods. That the real difference: Malekith actively and voluntarily made contact with the chaos gods to ask favors from them. Even if that favor is just to leave him alone, that's a prayer, and only a worshiper prays to a specific god.
Malekith may have some kind of 'i am my own man and ask the gods only if i really need to use them' attitude, but once you go chaos you never go back, not even if you don't see yourself as a worshipper

You don't do 'business' with a god

Your definition of prayer is shit.
He didn't ask favors, he let his mother and her witches perform sacrifices for immediate gains.

You don't, because you're a pussy.
The gods are mere parts of a sentient aethyr storm, there to be used as needed.