Necromunda Underhive

Necromunda Underhive and Gang War PDF (re-authored via OCR from scanned documents)
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Can it be played with more than 2 players?

On the fence, idk whether I want Orlocks, Goliaths, or wait for Delaque or Pit Slaves (which'd be a far way off)

Orlock, Cawdor, Van Saar, Delaque are all covered in the "Gangs of Legend" PDF you can get from Games Workshop's website.

New Orlocks are getting released in a week and a half though.

Each battle is 1v1, but there are campaign rules that allow lots of gangs to fight lots of 1v1's to try and get more zones under their control. You should be able to do 1v1v1 battles and so on, but might require a house rule or just some tweaking rules or whatever.

Just waiting for cawdor and arbites to join the party

There will be enforcers but they won't be Arbites. They've said this many times.

The squats wil be a full gang, or just one character? i want a full gang

Dual Wielding Goliath gang leader yay or nay? Would it work?

I'm personally kitting my gang leader as Grenade Launcher/Power Hammer/Stub gun. The thing about the Leader is that if you take a powerful weapon like the Power Hammer, than the second weapon needs to either be equally as powerful, or a pistol. Otherwise half your attacks are getting made with the weaker weapon.

Also note that once the weapon kit becomes available I'm pretty sure everyone will take power axes instead of Power Hammers, as the S6 is much more significant than the D2.

I've come to realize that the proper way to utilize Juves is to not think of them as "future heroes", but as disposable assistants.

Kit them out with the cheapest weapons you can, and use them for the following purposes:
A: Use them to pad the numbers of elite gangs to help put off bottle tests. One Juve is cheaper than giving your Leader Iron Will.
B: Put them in front of a melee charge so they count as the closest fighter for shooting purposes.
C: Charge them at downed enemies to score coupe-de-grace attacks.
D: Activate them last and run them next to downed gangers to gain the assist bonus in the recovery phase.

If you're giving them more than 10 credits worth of weapons you're doing it wrong.

sadly he's just a bounty hunter so no. He is part of the renegate or bounty hunter faction though? these guys have a lot of cool characters so i think ill make a team of these guys.

Also, can you make your own characters in this? i have the perfect squat model to use as a good ol' OC Donut steele commander/overlord.

Juves are good runner, they are good at running, if you are using them as fodder, don't use them to leech xp from coupe de grace.

Also recruiting horde of Juves is a terrible idea. Because most of the scenario use random selection crew.

If by "most" you mean "one or two".

Is this game good for making a campaign for just 2 players? Seems like nobody plays this game anymore around here, everyone calling it a dead game; but if I can play this as a campaign with my best friend I might just pull the trigger

>"one or two".
>What scenario use random selection?

> Scenario 2

> Scenario 3

> Scenario 4

> Scenario 5

> Scenario 6

oh boy, it is only one or two I swear.

the campaign is built around 2 players, in a 2 players campaign the economy is fair because you can't "farm" by playing with other players.

>1 in 3 chance of Stand-off which is custom selection.
>1 in 12 chance of getting to pick if your gang rating is higher.
>7 in 12 chance of getting to pick if your gang rating is lower.

Scenario 2: Person who picks gets custom selection, Defender has home turf advantage.
Scenario 3: Person who picks gets custom selection, defender wants Juves because they win by running off the board.
Scenario 4: Nasty piece of work this one. Both use custom selection, reinforcements come in fast, reward for winning and penalty for losing is high.
Scenario 5: Attacker is custom select. Defender gets to exclude models from random selection.
Scenario 6: Same as scenario 5.

So the only scenarios where juves are a risk are 2 and 4, and people will probably pick 5 over 4 since it allows them to steal turf without risking their own.

>Home turf
Doesn't make horde of Juve any better
>defender wants Juves because they win by running off the board.
Defender what more champion and leader so they can do group activation. The only thing Juve can do double move, they even suck at staying behind and hold off the line.

>Both use custom selection,


> Defender gets to exclude models from random selection

They are exclude from "sentry duty" and return to the reinforcement deck which is also random. You get juve as reinforcement if you remove them.

Again, random selection scenario are often enough to considered spamming horde of Juves a very bad idea.

New Gang War scans when?

When it's out, nobody had the book except people that go to forgeworld event.

>take Bulging Biceps as free skill
>dual wield renderisers

get on my level scrubs

Are you the same guy who asks for PDFs of codexes a week before they're even available for preorder like fucking clockwork?

your Tor Browser link doesn't work.

Link Doesn't work.!64wmnBZR!rWcm37EkOOeToeueqhPjpA

calm down nigger, use this human link.

>inb4 can't find it.

>split box with friend
>have Escher
>want to make characters and paint them well
>2 months later
>haven't assembled anything because afraid to fuck up and make shitty choice

This shit isn't OCR'd.

can't find it m8

Is it worth buying frag and choke gas grenades at the start of a campaign or buying them later on from a trading post?

OnoinShare stopped it's sharing because it thought there was an attack
Here's a new link. Feel free to reupload anywhere you like :)

I'm not human

yes, i've heard that a squat bounty hunter profile exists.

You can make your own hive scum and bounty hunters in GW2, the bounty hunters are 60 credits and you get to pick from 3 profiles and you randomly generate 3 skills from whatever skill tree you want. I think you can give them up to 150 credits worth of equipment too. Hive scum are 30 points and you can give them up to 60 points of equipment, not sure about skills. This is mostly from memory, don't have my book to hand at the moment.

It does, Grendl Grendlson. Also one of the bounty hunter statlines is very close to a squat statlines if you wanted to make your own

Why tho? 45 points for +1a?

whats GW2 again?

>STILL no photos of the new rules

Gang war 2
What pictures were you after? If I have some time later on I'll try and post them up


all of it thanks bro

The Orlock stuff would be great.

*Orlock rules

Table's almost done, just needs a few more small pieces and some paint. Campaign is due to begin as soon as Orlock drop.

Fuck. I wish we had something like that

Fair enough. My Leader is a big fat guy with a hammer and a flamer(combat shotgun?).
And don't worry, I fixed the gaps and the primer.

Noice. How much that all cost (or did your shop pay for it)?

the bounty hunter stuff too please.

What kits did you use and what kit did you get the most use out of? I still got like another $500 to throw at something and I want to make some more terrain.

I'll see what I can do. Might not be for a few hours, still stuck at work.

thank you based user

Many thanks if you can!

You can! Your group just needs to commit to a plan of action and carry through. The biggest hurdle to having good community terrain is the initial buy-in – but it absolutely is a community investment, a full board of this stuff isn't a practical expenditure for a single hobbyist, even if you do have the dosh to do it.

The cost was defrayed across many members of the community, but no one contributor spent more than five hundred dollars.

Most of what your see is just a mix of Sector Mechanicus kits, which are all completely modular and interchangeable. A few donated pieces – a Genestealer Cult Goliath here, a Void Shield Generator there – were used for embellishment. Promethium Relay Pipes and Thermic Plasma Conduits are used extensively for embellishment throughout, and there are a couple of Haemotrope Reactors and Galvanic Servohaulers for character. The single best kit for building big terrain is the Ferratonic Incinerator, which comes with one large tank, a small octagonal platform, a sprue of pillars and a sprue of straight deck plates for $60. It is the most economical way to add real estate to your board, the only other way to get the straight deck plates is I'm the Galvanic Magnavent, which swaps the large tank for a turbine and chimneys, and the small octagonal platform for two angled walkways for $75; and you need four angled walkways if you want to build a large octagonal platform.

main rulebook is missing all the scenarios.

>>The cost was defrayed across many members of the community, but no one contributor spent more than five hundred dollars.
>>five hundred dollars


The single largest individual contribution was $500. I know that acts of magnanimity may seem foreign, here, but in a healthy, thriving hobby community that fairly commonplace.

D2 is absolutely useful when it comes to fighting non-gangers, which are the things that pose an actual threat to a goliath leader.

Don't get anyone wrong; I think everyone in this thread can agree that's a badass table. I don't think everyone (myself included) would totally agree it's worth $500 majority shareholder. $500 alone gets you more than enough MDF and all the paints you would need to paint them up.

GW employees do it for free

and this is why you don't have nice things.

Someone posted the weapon table in the previous thread. Is there a new trading post? What are the rules for Rending? (I gave one of my Goliaths a 1st Edition Ork chainsword, want to know if I can use it as a chainsword or if I should counts-as a fighting knife.

I know you think you're being cute, but I'll tell you right now that 99 out of 100 GWs don't have terrain like .

And the 100th is mine.

>GW have set their price point so high that they can't even afford their own terrain

>I don't think everyone (myself included) would totally agree it's worth $500
I tend to agree. It's a nice table, but it certainly doesn't look like a $500 table, nevermind whatever it actually added up to with all the contributors.

I absolutely DO agree that it's important to share the terrain building workload across a lot of people, but bulk materials and terrain-grade paints are (relatively) cheap. I've built a lot of tables and I don't think I've ever cracked $250 on a single build. I get that this is basically 100% constructed from kit bits (which seems crazy) bought at GW's typical artificially inflated prices, but still.

We also have a 4'x4' Zone Mortalis table.

No new trading post or additions to the trading post, just Orlocks house list. There's a much larger weapons chart but no way to buy some of them

Right anons, I'm finally home. Here's some of the requests.
Orlocks 1/3

Orlocks 2/3

Orlocks 3/3

Checking the weapons rules and there's nothing for rending, skips straight from rapid fire to scare

Hired guns 1/2, Hive Scum

Hired guns 2/2, Bounty Hunters

>Champions are clearly shooting focused.
>Ferocity as a Primary instead of Shooting.
What did they mean by this?

So they fucked up yet again? Yay.

I know... I was working from the scan someone uploaded, which is missing them, but Gang War overrides them anyway, I think.

Any rules for the harpoon launcher?

Im okay with this.
Not leaving Shadow War until they actually release it though.
Need to bring the hammer of law down on these unruly citizens.

There's this picture from yesterday. The probably forgot to include the rules for drag though.

>2x4 table of half-painted artificially expensive off-the-shelf kits

so this... is the power... of the red shirts...

can I buy needle rifles yet

waiiit does this mean you HAVE to play a gang? You cant just make a ragtag group of indepents like that squat and the haler-dude with the hat? Now im all bummed. I wanted to have that squat guy and my squat model from an RPG game and maybe also a necron and make THAT my squad.

Also that .tor link seems to lead to either a 404 or the page for some random sczech band.

Its in there.

This is what happen if you live your life as a blind niggeroid.

>What is Savant?

Yes, the game about gangs fighting gangs with supplements named "Gang War" requires you to play a gang.

TBHon im just here to play with a squat and by that point i thought i'd might as well just play with some kind of adventuring party of assholes beholden to nobody but themselves. Especially since most of the gangs didnt really interest me so far.

Sounds like you want Rogue Trader then.

yea but thats not a wargame...

Just play Orlocks or Cawdor, they're flexible enough that you can get away with just about anything.

Well then play the other Rogue Trader.

Have any of the WDs in the past months had any Necromunda add-ons?

starting next month should get the WD gangs, only other thing was a mission in one of the earlier ones that was basically who can get and control the highest point of the table.

Are the core box load outs for Escher and Goliath complete trash?

Yes, lots of uselss and expensive equipment : everyone have chem synth, grenade....

Any tips on how to build decent Goliath and Escher gangs for both Underhive and Gang Wars?

If I provided scans of the underhive scenarios could you add them to your OCR'd version. It's a really nice PDF btw, thanks for making it.

For Escher you want a decent mix of autoguns and lasguns on gangers, lasguns are dirt cheap and autoguns pack a decent punch (rapid fire). I've read of a few people who run their leader with dual power swords and step aside, allowing them to get into combat and avoid blows (step aside and 2 parrys). Autopistols and plasma pistols make good cc weapons as well as ranged weapons. Avoid toxin weapons unless they receive an FAQ.

>Any tips

Unwieldy weapon are usually bad for starting gang

Don't buy too much extra equipment for starting gangs. Try to keep the cost of each ganger low.

Leader are usually best keep at range, with a good gun (Combi Bolt needle, grenade launcher)

Weapons cannot be changed once given to a ganger. Leader and Champion can have multiple profile. This lead to certain weapon like Stub gun absolutely terrible because the Autopistol which cost 5 more credit is infinitely better at any stage of the campaign.

How's this for a starting Escher gang?
Leader with combi bolter and power sword (step aside)
Champion with plasma pistol and shock whip (sprint)
Champion with power sword and autopistol (spring up)
Ganger with plasma pistol and laspistol
Ganger with laspistol and lasgun
Ganger with autogun
Ganger with autogun
Ganger with autopistol and lasgun
Juve with autopistol
Juve with lasgun