Is this seriously this easy ? I just started 7 days ago . Any one experienced , do you think we eill experience a bear market ?
Is this seriously this easy ? I just started 7 days ago . Any one experienced...
probably in a few months at most unless some usable products actually start coming out
get ur butt ready cause you'll be bleeding out of it
Post more khazar milkers
How do you guys avoid the allure of trying to daytrade? I would have made more money this last week I've been watching the markets if i just let my XLM XRP ENG REQ all sit when i had them, and sell a few days later. I've been turning 300% gainz into 50%, panic selling and panic buying, only XRB I hav eleft alone and of course I bought in at $10 and now its $30, perfect gains.
>do you think we eill experience a bear market ?
I'm just intelligent enough to know I'm too retarded to attempt day trading.
this should be your lesson learnt.
Yeah thats what I've learned in this past week and was trying to say too lol. I have solid coins that are shilled everywhere, I should really just look at them maybe once a day and if I need to make moves just keep myself to 1 a day at most. Don't want to be fucking up my retirement, we might only have 6 months to a year of this nonsense happening daily to turn 4 figures into 7 figures
what are you hodling, i keep picking shit coins that dont go up
When it hits, and trust me it will, just remember to hold through it.
You guys got in right on time. 2018 is gonna be fucking nuts for alts. Focus on fundamentals.
t. well connected mini whale
I have actually moved a couple coins into XLM. I had 50 bucks in Monero that I got tired of watching doing nothing and I moved some LTC that was gifted to me into XLM.
>we might only have 6 months to a year of this nonsense happening daily to turn 4 figures into 7 figures
this is what scares me
i'm not even to 1k yet
the crypto giveth the crypto taketh away
Doing this casually making a trade or 2 a day/week at most what do you think somebody could turn $2500 into through 2018? Is 7 figures a ridiculous goal? If every other day there is a new coin that damn near doubles, seems like a attainable goal to me
I lost a fuckload day trading and fomo buy high sell low, and STILL made a year's wage in the last 9 months lol.
Learned many lessons and now making exponential profits.
Great game to be in anons.
started with 300 bucks on the night of the 24th, and im at 1070 now, pretty good if you ask me. Not the ammount, but the rate.
Well there are tons of coins that are looking to start stuff later in this summer, I really doubt we will have less than a year of this nonsense. But even a year of at minimum 10% gains daily on average, is millions and millions man and even if you don't hit that your still set for life
save me, FUN/XLM/BNTY
>thank god I only want 6 figures
Im ok with monero not doing much. About half my portfolio is in safe coins like monero, Eth and bitcoin.
Id rather get steady consistent gains by diversifying than to go all in on a single coin
Which coins?
It's easy until it isnt
the fuck was this? ember or something?
80% in my stack is in long-term projects like REQ and ENG. I won't touch them under any circumstance.
20% is playmoney that I use to chase short term moon missions, daytrade and arbitrage. And when I've made $10k+ doing this, I buy more REQ/ENG and repeat the process.
Having 100% in long-term projects and sitting on your hands gets boring after a while, so use a small portion of your stack to daytrade, and accumulate more of the real projects.
If it's boring then you're not in the real long term projects
i started 1 hour ago with $250 and now have $28k
Wait until you see a bear market faggot
>Watch the price go up
>Read updates on the project
>Shill it for a bit
You do that all day? Did you sit for 2 years and do it with Ethereum?
Yes, I made it, user.
Now i'm free from wagecucking for life, research pays off.
how can this even possibly happen??
unironically sarcastic
Should i cash out before the crash
Biz/ told me I won't make it this way so I listened to the pajeet. I don't have a lot of money to invest unfortunately so it's moon or bust
Proofs or it didn't happen
i started in my mom's womb and got HIV, fuck off faggot
this shit is mooning indefinitely, go fuck yourself
Take out the profit, leave the principle.
Or take it all out to secure your money, and jump back in when you feel is right.
People tend to look at numbers and become desensitized to how much they actually have..
You made a year's worth of a professional's salary in 6 months with less than pubic hair's fraction worth of work. Take your profit. It's less emotional too.
in all likelihood, you will get careless, greedy, and arrogant, and make an extremely stupid mistake and lose most if not all of it. screencap this.