

I don't really like tabletop games anymore.
I just play them out of boredom and habit since i don't have literally anything else to do

I won't try anything besides D&D. A new system that doesn't have the same massive amount of support content and community sounds like work.

i fucked you're mum

I hate most of my players.
Sometimes I worry how MUCH I hate them.

I fap to kobolds

I've never played any Veeky Forums game in any capacity, I just come here because I like your board culture and creativity

when I played a warfored, I spoke my in character lines in base64 aXQgd2FzIGZ1bg==

My fetish has always been raping a female Paladin and making her ahegao.

cool : )

Do you wish you had a game to play, or you good without it?

I'm good. I played a lot of RP-heavy MUD games a long time ago so I think I'd do alright at it, but I really just enjoy reading all the greentext stories and seeing the amazing art that Veeky Forums comes up with.

I have never played a TRPG, and I have no friends with which to do so. I just like hanging out around here because I like world building.

the amount of money and time I spend on hobby has only increased, but actually going out and playing is something I can only do once every two or three months

I buy almost entire armies, paint them, and never played a game because I have no friends and don't want to play with degenerate smelly fat neckbeards at the gameshops.

Exactly the same here

I'm sick to death of oh-so-clever post-magitech-apocalypse settings and tryhard players who constantly make Gishes because they cannot handle not being able to do everything, or edgy/exotic classes and races because they have no imagination.

I would give anything to just have one adventure with a relatively grounded heroic fantasy setting, a party of decent human beings and a nice cliche villain at the end.

I have a crush on one of my players and I don't know what to do. I'm hoping they lose interest in tabletop or get kicked out of the group so I can date them.

Same, also with mtg

I include Rick and Morty Autist references when I'm being sarcastic on here because it's the only way you idiots actually get that I'm being sarcastic.

You sound boring

I don’t even wanna buy Kingdom Death: Monster I just wanna buy the smutty pinups but then I realise I have to glue it all together and paint it and I’m too lazy.


my friend dm's most of the games i play and we work together to make my characters sometimes and i just do it with them so i can get away with being op as fuck

That’s a girl right?


Where did that meme come from anyway?

The show is fine. Not perfect by any stretch of the word, but it's not the worst thing on the planet

Humans, Elves and Half-Orcs bore me to no end, I refuse to play them anymore, I generally think that there is no setting that would be any worse if humans weren't present (save for WH40k) since they must always be represented in the most average, yet successful and Mary-Sue-ish way to appease the human purist players, who are also more obnoxious than any edgy deviantArt OC player could ever be. There are also exceptions to the elves, such as Dunmer who I generally find interesting.

No, but the fans can be the worst.

I come to Veeky Forums to fap

Would you rather play with a group of R&M fans or a group of Steven Universe fans?


Fuck you nigger.

I ran a post apocalyptic game about 2 years ago as a side campaign for my d&d group and their first adventure was to get medicine for their village from a ruined hospital in the city (ignoring that medicine probably goes bad after 20 years). They fought the people holding the hospital and captured their leader and knocked her unconscious. While she was unconscious my friend rolled really high on a surgery check to sever her spine at like L2 or L3 or something, and keeping her as a prisoner in a wheelchair. My portrayal of her in pain and the misery she felt from not being able to walk eventually made him break down and apologize to her. They brought her back to their village where she is slowly dying of spinal infection. Sometimes when I'm trying to fall asleep I'll get deep into imagining myself as another party member who pushed her wheel chair and took care of her, and imagine how nice it'd be to have someone depend on you so thoroughly, and romanticize the idea of having a crippled gf when in reality it'd be terrible.

I'm in an active campaign right now where my character's personal morals and the party paladin's Oath will inevitably clash in a way that neither character can back down from, and I am trying to manipulate our course in a direction where the confrontation will happen early enough that my character still has a decent shot at being the one still standing.

I have bad decision making skills in game that I cover by having low int/Wis/mind scores to justify my character being impulse and short sighted

Why not ERP it out, yo? Lots of people like cripples.

>nobody can tell you're being sarcastic
>they're the problem and not you

I like each of my players individually but I fucking hate running anything for the both of them. They each play tabletop for totally different reasons, and when I try to please one, the other just zones out to go surf reddit or whatever. I wish I was playing two separate games, and not one.

Yes. The sheer idiocy around here is of the magnitude that me lampooning certain behaviors is indistinguishable from the original thing. There's no upper limit to extremes.


I play a Dispossessed army in Age of Sigmar.

I feel you. I'm basically a Chad who dosnt want to be around neckbeards / let people know I have been building 40k and gundam models for over half my life.

I'd rather just go home. No gaming is better than bad gaming.

I've given up and accepted the fact that I will never be able to host a campaign to completion nor find a group to play with that can

It's not rape if her pupils turn into hearts, ask any lawyer!

that's an actual sign of autism you know

I have a GMPC in every game I run

Cause they're my friends and I'm not a queer.

>a new system which doesn't have massive amount of support content and community
You mean like most other long-standing rpgs?

Doesn't matter if it's cute ;)

I have knowingly responded to bait.
I hate so many things about d20 and systems associated with it, but I still play and have fun.
I have very little interest in getting into most systems, I just like hoarding and reading rules.
I said I would buy something from the flgs if they got it, then my last summer paycheck hit and I had to pennypinch, and now the flgs is shuttering soon. It was a cool place, it makes me sad, and there aren't any others like it for almost a 100 miles around.

It's Tuesday, why am I at church?

I gave my paladin a free set of plate armor that has its armor class permanently reduce by 1 every time he's critical hit. I'm not sorry in the slightest. He was pre-warned the armor was flawed.

How do they play? Been thinking about picking up AoS and i've been checking them out

That just sounds like a good cursed item

Honestly that's just how armor should work until it's fixed, someone put a big fucking hole in your armor if they crit you

damn are you me? Never played a Veeky Forums game but I Achaea and then Midkemia my entire childhood and this is my go to board

It's not even cursed. It was just the first attempt by a really shitty smith. It's straight-up missing like a sixth of the metal, which makes it weigh less but doesn't actually make it any more stealthy. His character is so painfully naive that he's acting like it's the best thing ever. He won't be smiling with 55 pounds of useless deadweight clinging to his ass halfway through the dungeon.

Still, this will make a fine addition to my SotDL godless game

I actually did play a game once, 5th Edition, but the GM sucked, we didn't have enough dice to go around, and I hate math.
I could probably dig an online game if I could figure out how they work.

But mostly I come here for 40k and world building stuff, because GODDAMN do I have a hard on for fluff and world building.

That's a great idea, I love it

My only sin, and it's an enormous one, is that my Players does not accuse me of anything.

Well are you doing anything and they're just not catching it?
Or do you want them to accuse you of pulling shit that you're not?

I regularly kill players.

I railroad my PCs, but they're either too stupid or blind to know it.


My sin is that I am currently trying to figure out how to fit some centauroid aliens in my SWN game, because that's my fetish

Some guy who suspiciously looks and sounds like Kojima gave me some Magic cards, and hoped that I "come back and play".
He looked so happy, and I did say I'll come back, but I never did return to that mall. Never could, always busy trying to pay off bills and debts.

i only play 3.5 bc no one else wants to try a rules lite/rp heavy game

Out of my four players, two of them clearly don't care about the plot or doing anything really, and a third is pretty new to RPGs but isn't taking it too seriously either, so I'm basically running the campaign for one person, but he's enjoying it so much that I'm still having a great time running it. I'd probably have gotten serious GM burnout if it wasn't for him.

I started a campaign with some classmates last semester running LMoP that had to be postponed because we someone was always unable to make it to the session. This semester it looks like we will have more time to play, but I don't really want to run it anymore because DMing is tiring and I don't really like LMoP.

Tell them you dont like the system and use the time slot to run something else. Simple.

loved that games' soundtrack....

I don't thin my paints.

Competitively, they are low-mid tier.
GW hates old factions so they do everything in their power to shit on them.
They are tanky and slow as fuck which does not work in AoS as most armies can fucking teleport around the map.

I've been visiting Veeky Forums semi-regularly since 2011 but I have yet to play a tabletop RPG in my life. I just don't have any offline friends and my online friends aren't into the hobby. I can't Skype on roll20 because I don't live alone and I'm too self-conscious about my private life to audibly talk about it in the house.

If I had to choose, R&M fans. They're less likely to get violent over random comments and get offended by offhanded jokes.

I want to learn GURPS.

I get extremely angry when people don't like D&D because it reminds me I have an extremely low IQ.

Father, I kill of my own character when I get tired of playing him/her.

I have a hardon for the whole monsters are the misunderstood underdog story, and grimdark moral grey area no true good guy edgy bullshit. If I'm not careful with myself I will slowly shoehorn it in to literally every campaign and character concept I make.

>I fucking love the Spelljammer universe. It makes no sense, they spend so much time explaining the physics and it falls apart in a stiff breeze, most of the lore was trash, but god what an neat aesthetic
>I'm running a Maid game, much more pink cat ears than black uniform if you catch my drift, but my players are having far more fun than any serious game I've ever done, and it takes literally no prep work on my part. It's creatively unfulfilling but it's an excuse to get drunk with my friends and they pester me about it if we go too long without a session
>I'm totally apathetic to D&D and deeply resent the way both camps try to force me to one side or the other. I'd never chose to play it, but if it's what we're playing I'll go along with it. If you can't see the flaws you're an idiot, but if you only have bad experiences with it it's because you're playing with human garbage (probably because you're trash yourself), not because the system is magically forcing everyone to be shit

Now that I'm playing a lawful good cleric I'm tempted to moralfag my party of charm-abusive,date rapeing, teenager stalking tiefling asses

I'm a D&D purist who started out with a mild distaste for Pathfinder, but my current DM is a goddamn fanboy of it or something and won't stop finding a way to mention it every goddamn session (usually in contexts where referring to previous editions of D&D would be more accurate anyway) so now I get a fucking ulcer every time I even hear its name

I constantly crave for the failure of all the other campaigns in my group. We only still play one game that I'm actually interested in, and everything else that takes our focus away from that needs to go

>haven't played tabletop in 14 years
>haven't larped in 15 years
>shamelessly steal /wbg/ ideas for your own lore/stories eveytime I visit Veeky Forums

Good on you for pursuing the one true way, user

i only like lore and vidya of 40k. i don't play tabletop because i'm too poor


Nice to see more details about this story over time.

I haven't been to church in years. I really want to find some Traditional Catholic church and attend but it's scary. It'll probably be entirely empty except for like two dozen old people. Old people are nice but I have nothing in common with them and it's awkward talking to them when I'm literally autistic and horrible at communicating even with my peers. I also don't want to do that whole "everybody has to shake everybody's hands" thing, and stepping forward for a communion wafer with all those people looking at me is awkward too. What if they start talking to me? What if it's some nice old granny I really don't want to talk to but can't walk away from because she's probably lonely and I'd feel guilty? What if she starts saying shit like how she has a cute granddaughter and I should totally meet her? I don't want to meet her granddaughter, I just want a sermon.

as long as you are having fun, that's all that matters.

Hopefully I will have a chance to do that campaign again soon and finally conclude the storyline. I'm trying to learn what exactly would happen if someone had their spine svered like that, even with sterilization. I'm guessing the infection would be horrible and rather fatal.

I'm currently in the middle of making my own game for the first time. I've never been a DM in a game before, but I'm really enjoying crafting up a storyline, worlds, I've even thought of drawing out maps, bosses, even arranging a playlist for my game. I even went so far as to pm back and forth with my players what their characters are like and if they have any relevant backstory. They're playing along nicely, and to be honest, the whole process has been really fun coming up with stuff, and I'm really glad.

But I worry that my enthusiasm might be the death of this game in some way, shape or form that I can't foresee, and it would make me really sad if we had to quit. Our game is supposed to start in a week or two from now.

You can get by as a “lurker” at church and never talk to anyone outside of shaking hands without standing out negatively.

It's actually more difficult to talk to people after church than it is not to. Those who already know each other will greet each other and have a chat, but if you're new to the congregation (or to town) nobody will recognize you. The church also slowly empties after mass, so if you're still worried, you can slip out right after mass is over and just be off before the bulk of the churchgoers follows.

Talking to nice old grannies isn't bad either, though (however none have introduced me to their cute granddaughter yet).

All my no-name or throw-away NPCs usually end up with a mangled Scottish or Irish accent
It doesn't matter if it's a medieval fantasy setting or Star Wars, the general populace will always end up sounding vaguely the same

My throw away names are from my teammates from Highschool Football.

A group of thugs that tried to extort money from the party once ended up being the Beatles


I plan to GM but never actually do it.

Did he get into the utter horror that is colostomy bags, or did they just do the bed pan?