Did 4e make a good move by removing skills and forcing players to roleplay everything out of combat instead?

>Did original 1st ed D&D make a good move by not having skills and forcing players to roleplay everything out of combat instead?

Great move. In many cases, skills harm immersion, and if not immersion, player agency.


Streetwise has some amazing skill utilities.

I only played red box, and it actually did have skills.

How butthurt do you have to be to make a troll thread about 4e?

It's fucking dead. It gets maybe 1-2 threads a month, and they only survive when they are long term trolled to shit.


Wait, is that your plan? Some sort of false flag operation?

Calm down, user, you'll get an ulcer.

then I'd at least have something to show for for coming to these shitty threads

4e made zero good moves, period

I love how 3aboos still can't get their troll posts right even after 10 years.