WIP - Work In Progress General

No WIP thread on Veeky Forums?!? Emperor's Teeth! That's HERESY!!!

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>The Bloody Hand will point the way!

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>WIP's own 10-point painting scale:

>Previous Threads:

Other urls found in this thread:


If he wants to replicate the Berlin camo exactly he's going to paint it with straight lines and all vehicles exactly the same. It's a paint scheme from the 80's being applied by well supplied troops in peacetime, not Germans on the eastern front. Also for urban camo to work properly it has to be straight lines, since those are common in urban environments.

First mini in like 10 years, I fucked up priming a bunch of minis they all a bit grainy

Need some feedback before I start spending a fuck ton

What sort of varnish do you use to protect your painted dudes?

well. what now?

Yeah that shit's fucked

Will finish this one after some sleep. I feel I'm getting better, but I'm pretty sure the photo is not really gentle on the paint job.

Contact Reaper and show them the pic, there are great at customer service, you'll get new paint in no time.

Not memeing here, but thin your paints a bitt more

Christ, I feel like I thin them a lot already and I really try and make sure not to overload my brush.
Is it thick everywhere?

To be honest I think it's just the lighting and the distance. Taking pictures that close to the model tends to show mistakes that are unnoticeable from even a few inches away. Also that kind of lighting always makes paint look too thick. Take a picture of it in your fridge

The helmet and hammer are pretty thick around the details, the rest is fine imo. They just really draw the eye thanks to the contrasting colors and how the light hits them.


I can't use my fridge as it's one of those massive 8 people fridge and there aren't any lights near my fridge space but I'll try a pic from further away with a pseudo lightbox when I'm donr with it. Now that you've said it, I realise I tend to take most pics from very close.
Still, I'll be even more careful with my paints.

Much better. Those are at least mid-tier tabletop quality. Try painting the lenses on their helmets

Yeah, that's the problem with white. Having it look not chalky is hard.

Hopefully the chainaxe will look better when I'm done with it.

Lmao, the day I manage to do something as good as Ben "Several Slayer Swords" Komets, I'll be pretty fucking happy.

Since they're Carcharodons, I used Nuln Oil Gloss on the eyes, since they're meant to have void black eyes, but the shine doesn't show at all on pics unfortunately. I've thought about going the more classic route od doing black, then highlight dark grey and a dot of white, but I don't think I'm good enough for that yet and I admit I like the shine.

I was about to say that was only their eyeballs, but after looking at their art, you're right

hot water

Cool overall but the mace looks out of place for 40k. I'd go back to the sword arm you posted earlier. Also he doesn't need four purity seals and two pads with the chapter badge.

I believe that mace is from the IF command pair from FW.

Update from a few threads ago.

Semi-finished on the conversions for my Canoptek Wraiths. Waiting for Spyder box to take their heads for mandibles, green-stuff the flat parts on their tails, and procure some 2" bases (they are now too big for their bases). Maybe, if it all comes in, I can start painting this weekend!

Needs a mean looking stinger, something with serrated edges

Finished a sslyth


Got any ideas? I love kitbashing outside of my army.

If that mace isn't to your liking, the Tempestus Scions box has a pimp cane that you could snip and switch the heads. I think it's just a skull with some smaller studs or rivets on it

what is the mace arm from?

I think had it right. Forgeworld

Working on converting some Khandish Horsemen for LOTR, happy that this proves the concept

Dark eldar bladevanes would prolly work well

Does anyone else really dislike nihilakh oxide? I always feel like it looks really cheesy.

people just can't use it propperly and then get a really unnatural effect.

I use a very little bit, watered down, and use it sparingly. Too many people cover their plague marines in turquoise rivets.

Which leather scheme should I stick with? Rhinox hide highlighted with doombull or doombull highlighted with wild rider red?

got to the point where im happy with my daemon slayin boys, just need to get the Exorcist symbol printed.

Finally used up all the boy bodies i cast up a few years ago

How are my space woofs

Think I want to go more bulbous, like an actual scorpion, than using those. Would look to gaudy and make the model uneven (esthetically).

Holy shit that's a lotta boys man. I'd love to play against all those boys once you have them painted by next year.

alright /wip/ what am i in for

my first 120 boyz i did in a weekend

Still working on this guy. Highlights are a bitch, and I'm not sure how to make the eyes pop. Would yellow work or is that too much?

What's wrong?

Contrast, my dude. Go with a dark green or blue.

>flannel pajama pants
my fellow melanin-enriched gentleman

IDK what those are, is that Epic scale? Looks pretty cool, will be neat to see them painted up.

for the eyes or for the highlighting?

does one of the guides explain how to revitalize old paint pots
or which paint brands keep the longest/best

Requesting that great pdf showing how to paint Plaguebearers in various different sickly colours using just washes. Thanks guys.

Althouh I prefer the left one, the right one works much better with the gold on the model. Stick with that, but maybe give it another very fine edge highlight so it doesn't look too 'unfinished' compared to the rest of the model.

What about a Talos pain engine tail? That's about as scorpionesque as you could get I'd imagine

yeah i nabbed a handful of old epic minis off of ebay! they look like they were pre-primed white, but the painter missed a bunch of angles (the rhinos are only half primed). i need to figure out how to base them, and i think a really fine grit sand would do well for the snowy landscape i have in mind

god i love these pants

For the eyes.
Don't think yellow highlights would work in the sense that they would be nigh impossible to see. If you want to highlight yellow, highlight white instead.

Bases are impossibly boring, needs more rocks/Tufts/snow/literally anything

Perfect!... if it wasn't only one-per-box at 50USD.

Are there any bits web-stores still around, or has GW taken them all down by now?

This was my thought too, thanks

Hoard o bits is still a thing I think, their shipping is pretty brutal tho

More progress on my Exodite wraithblades.


>Uhhhh I think those are the bad guys?
>onwards my not suspicious and totally loyal brother!

Those Dark Eldar I painted in high school in 2006. Just some gun bois keeping an eye on them

Continued to test. 5 sounded liquidy so I set them aside.

Several sounded like nothing, shaking produced no sound or a light plop so I opened them. Five of the ones I got through were fine. Dropped SS beads in and put in a different pile.

Including the original concrete gray 4 tested "bad" including maiden flesh which I couldn't close and wound up pulling a plug the size of the upper 1/4 of the bottle out. Under that was solid as well.

Then I got to Military gray, which seemed fine but after popping the nozzle the paint wouldn't drain from the nozzle. Thinking just that might be clogged I poked my dipstick around and pulled out a bead, probably glass. Little piece of crap. I use SS balls and hadn't gotten to that pot yet anyway.

I have two left to test that didn't shake need to get back to pop the 5 that sounded liquid but I haven't opened. There are different paint levels, originally I assumed it was just manufacturing variances but this shit is definitely used garbage.

I'll contact Reaper in the morning. Super pissed, amazon shit buy. Not at all a good first experience.

g'day cunt

Here you go user, taste the rainbow

3D printed bodies?

>says "cast" right in the post

gdamn those are beautiful

What is /WIP/ working on tonight? Glued some some dead plants down on the base of my drone tn here's the most recent pic of him pre plants

It is still working, thank you. Went through the process of ordering them, but have not placed the order yet: payment looks shady as hell. Have you had luck with them in the past?

But a pile of stuff from them without issues in the past

Greatly appreciated user, will be sure to save it this time

thanks man, I'll pick some up tomorrow and give a go. What color would you say would be a good green?

Painted my unit champion today. I fucked up on the fly so I ripped it off in frustration.
I still can't get matte black edge highlighting right. In person it doesn't look too bad, though.

gun guy is better than chainsaw guy, colours a bit messy on both and could do with a touch up though (chainsaw guys bolter, knife and knees. the trim on the other backpack needs to be neatened up too)

always nice to see more exorcists on here

Hey /wip/, I'm putting together my first Razorback, and I'm kind of wondering how exactly I should orient pic related.
The instructions suggest having it with the hatch facing towards the front, but it looks really silly to me having the hatch right in front of the turret like that. Would it look too screwy if I had it the other way around? This would end up with the turret a couple of centimetres forward and I don't know if that would look good either.
Alternatively, would it be too grand a sin to just flip it over and use the Predator side?

Great little chapter with a kick-ass symbol. The B-team to the grey knights but you still would rather send them anyway.

Have y'ever considered buying an SLA 3D printer?
The cost is starting to look downright competitive.

adding details.

WIP of a friend's Valkia that I'm working on. Washes have been my best tool.


Looking good so far, especially like the pale skin. Keep us posted

I was wondering if I could get some feedback on this Terminator Praetor/Captain? I’m trying to figure out what’s missing for him.

I’ll be filling the hole in the helmet with greenstuff, and trimming the flash/mold lines, but just wondering what else I should add.

Honestly, I just have both sides painted and keep it loose on the hull, along with the turrets. Makes for easy swaps.

Maybe a little more detail on the shoulders, insignias or something, to keep the focus around the head level? Can probably just paint that on though. Feet look a little small too.

Retardation confirmed

what body are you using for that?
But for your question, I think it looks great as is. Anything else might overclutter it. If anything, I might distinguish him from your other dudes in the paintjob itself. Transfers, or a stripe to make him stand out even more.

It's the limited edition cataphractii Praetor; I used the other bits from it for other projects.

And thanks!

ah shit. Well it looks great. The pose is really dynamic. Was the cape sculpted by yourself?

Also, are you the dude from earlier who posted he was going to do all 10 captains for his custom chapter?
I'm starting the same myself, just got done base coating and shading my Master of Recruits.

Thanks man!

And sadly I am not; but I am making a bunch of different Captains and leaders for my HH Imperial Fists army so I can represent aspects of one of the Greater Companies.

Shit's fucked, demand refund.

I assume it did not say "paint set, pre-owned, pre-shagged" on the page?

Hot glue it

Did you just put a knife in a pointing hand or is there a bit like that around now?

I feel i always tend to go overboard with comversions. How do you know when to stop?

>hows my old one eye so far? Intend to crust him up, build a humongous crushing claw on the blinded side fiddler crab style, and sculpt a huge hercules beetle horn on the front carapace pointing forward


>have really bad anxiety
>one of the few things that help is assembling figures and painting them
>hear about the AoS competition
>"Oh cool, this should be right up my alley"
>find out about the time limit
>already stressed
>SC! box arrives late
>too much to do at work, no time for hobby stuff
>still manage to get everything assembled and primed last weekend, start laying down flats
>wake up this morning for crunch time since I only have two days to work on them
>in my sleep-deprived and fatigued stupor I have spattered paint all over my figures
I feel nothing but a dull, throbbing pressure behind my eyes and a sense of relief.
It's over.
I tried.

You can do it user, I believe in you!

>What is /WIP/ working on tonight?
Measuring all the old bulkheads and terrain pieces from my Necromunda terrain, so I can plot out new pieces based on the shitload of 1mm plasticard that just fell into my lap.

That and drooling over SecMech terrain as inspiration.

Finishing up the first regiment of skellingtons for skirmish games while I plot an excuse to get into 6mm and bring my friend into it too. We tried some warmaster with the battle of the five armies stuff he had around and I immensely liked the change of pace compared to smaller scale games. Now I like them all but I only have 28mm models.

The main thing stopping me is my backlog. And it's failing.

Shake the can a lot and make sure it isnt too cold/hot or humid.

>fiddler grab

No you got me thinking it would look wicked to have a forgeworld wrecking claw one side and a standard crushing claw the other.