Why don't cool people play traditional games?
Why don't cool people play traditional games?
cool people don't want to associate with me
High value folks only join groups with other high value people or groups that have girls to pick from. Since no girls of value play traditional games, the high value folks simply have no reason to come.
The river's dry.
I am cool and I play with other cool people (i.e. not uncool people).
Only uncool people think about how cool they are. Therefore, by simple decision we can conslude that you are in fact not cool or Uncool if you will.
no u
>he thinks social status hierarchies are zero sum
Step out of the 1920s and into the 1950s friend.
That's a lot of nerd talk to say "I'm a fucking dork"
Vin Diesel isn't cool enough for you?
Kyuss were cool as shit in the 90s, and they named themselves after a group of nasty undead things from D&D.
Same reason happy people don't. They're too busy living fulfilling lives and don't need to mire themselves in a hobby that requires so much time investment and learning. It would just take away from them being happy to begin with.
We get the people desperately seeking something to engross themselves in for many reasons. To have a power fantasy that is the opposite of the real world, to have at least for a time fictional control over other people, to be immersed in a fictional world to forget whats going on in their life, to specialize in an 'obscure' hobby and try to have status, or many other maladjusted reasons. You don't tend to find people who are well adjusted because the game is just an extra and the time sink into the majority of them that we are vaguely bringing up as table top games are not the ones normal people do like checkers, chess, poker, chance board games and such.
Its a hobby for maladjusted people with whom some hide it better than others.
Die Froggos.
Because the mainstream media push whatever their commercial masters' want them to help market as "cool".
Since Veeky Forums's aren't a high value, easily created product that can be quickly modified or upgraded to renew sales of the " latest version", they don't generate enough advertising revenue for the media as they aren't a high turnover product for the corperations to want to push.
Hence they aren't made out to be cool...
>Veeky Forums's aren't a high value, easily created product that can be quickly modified or upgraded to renew sales of the " latest version"
Warhammer and MTG disagree with you. Those shitty games churn out new overpriced garbage constantly.
They do, just not with frogposters
One time, a pretty cool normie chic wanted to try out DnD
We were like, ok, we're just about to start a campaign anyways.
Held a char gen session 0
She cried at char gen. She simply couldnt math or read walls of text
Ok fine, we'll give you a pre-gen character
Spent the rest of the session in a daze, just rolling dice when required
Not that cool
Soundsl like you kinda threw them in the deep end a bit too though
We do. We just play a cool, secret game that no one will tell you about.
We didn't expect math and reading to be that hard (or boring) for normal people, we have been nerds for far too long already
But user, cool people do play traditional games. Cool people like You reading this. Yes you.
Tbh it's not the maths or reading that's the hard part, it's contextualising it.
Being told "Here read this page of stuff and look at these numbers" can be a bit overwhelming when you don't really know what you're doing.
Holy shit
I just realised that you guys aren't jokeing. You're legit bothered by a fucking meme.
You do realise that the frogposter vs animeposter thing started as a joke on [s4s], right?
To someone who's never played before, all of those numbers exist in the abstract. They can't link the numbers to functions because they've never played before
People here are pretty xenophobic; it's honestly not very cool of them
>Since Veeky Forums's aren't a high value, easily created product that can be quickly modified or upgraded to renew sales of the " latest version"
I blame /pol/.
Pepe used to be about being chill and hanging out and having the good times. Then he got on TV. He sold out man. He became a shill.
>Only uncool people think about how cool they are.
This shows just how little understanding fa/tg/uys have of society
Yeah, you said this last time.
Blame all the /pol/tards who spew that shit and shitpost constantly.
How can you differentiate a handsome, Alpha /pol/lack from a beta virgin normoid?
Gunman here.
I am joking. I've been posting the same message and image in a bunch of different frogpost threads for days so that the next time a fantasy culinary thread shows up, I can suggest that we eat all the dead frogs lying around.
That's literally it.
I know already it is a stupid joke, but I'm bored and this makes the day go by a little faster.
Most people don't like nerds who are jerks.
Easy. they shitpost on Veeky Forums about their goddamn politics and SJWs and feminazi agerndaws.
They do but they usually play with their own friend groups and don't need to hang around the flgs. They are also usually content enough with their game that they don't feel the need to hang around places like this.
But lemme tell you: an enthusiastic normie is much more fun to play with than a neurotic nerd. They actually get excited about playing, both trying to beat the adventure AND roleplaying their character. Plus they aren't versed in a million pointless fantasy tropes so they can be down with making any type of character or playing any type of adventurer. They roll with the punches, adapt, deal with loses, celebrate victories and just have a fucking good time. It's so goddamn refreshing.
You can't because alpha /pol/acks don't exist