Warhammer 40000 General /40kg/


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new plastic sisters never ever

why would you go on the internet and lie like that?

I'm a bit down right now. Ever since 8th dropped my current Ork army has been nigh unusable and has been shit ever since Codexes began to drop. I keep losing game after game after game, the fundamentals of 8e and how the index is going, I don't know if it's me being shit, the index being shit, or the game being so different.

My units all feel so fucking flimsy, from a whole unit of 30boyz getting mowed down, to trukks getting blasted instantly T1, to my battlewagons and gorkanauts eating shit at the hands of my opponents lascannons, plasmas, or primarchs every game since they can zip across the whole board in what seems like 1 turn and land that charge.

Every time I inflict major damage to my opponent it feels like they have some super invuln save that negates it, and every time they attack me I sit, sigh, and roll either a 6+ or nothing as my unit eats shit.

Then I watch my opponent reroll all their misses and I sit idly as my 1's and 2's and 3's sit there uselessly.

Anyone else feel this way?

more ork kffs?

It's hardly a secret Index armies are badly underpowered, but it sounds like you need more Stormboyz in your life.

new codex in december. in the mean time either start a new army, focus on painting or just quit and move on to a new game

>Ork player
>Complaining about their npc army being shit
You only realised this in 8th? Not much has changed for you this edition

nth for 40k-Infinity conversion but I ain't typing all that shit again so I'm just linking it.

Strawpoll links all in one place for ease of access.
Question 1: strawpoll.me/15019655
Question 2: strawpoll.me/15019803
Question 3: strawpoll.me/15019961

>plastic sisters

>It was pasta all along
The absolute state of /40kg/

Pasta in that I posted this at the ass end of the old thread and again at the start of a new one for discussions sake?

Have you tried not playing against the imperium?

odd, i find myself getting beaten by orks often (my rival is a great player). perhaps you need more boys? using the jump on 30 orks is also good

Are Tzaangore Enlightened good? On one hand they're pretty expensive for a flimsy bike equivalent. On the other, at peak performance they hit on 2+ (rerolling 1s) with their S8 AP-2 D2 spears, auto-wounding on a hit of 4+.

>most factions in the game are power armor wank
I fucking wish i could fight against someone that wasn’t CSM (or a sub faction of such) or imperial

It’s a memey strategy to jump 30 boyz and I much preferred my trukkboyz list of 4-5-6-7th edition but these days it’s 30boyz or bust. I run usually 50-60 slogging boyz but I don’t find them all that fun to use, and I wish the only thing going for this army wasn’t just MORE BOYZ

>pic related
The struggle is real my friends....

noone cares about your blog.

Don't lose faith, they need it.


you motherfucker went too far this time!

Is there any reason to use Trajann Valoris over a Shield Captain on a bike?

I mean he's a cool lore figure and all but he's a chunk more points for well... basically a better melee weapon and the moment shackle thing.

Meanwhile the biker HQ can get the 3++ cuirass that re-rolls charges, the victor of the blood games stratagem, +1 toughness and the 5+ FNP Warlord trait for less points.

4th war for Armageddon WHEN?
> Angron, Zerkers, Zerker Termies, Assault tank, Khorne Lord.
> Yarrick, Steel Legion Command Squad, HW squad, Commissar, Guardsmen squad
> Ghazzy, Mad Dok Grotsnik, and a bike warboss in a Triumverate, Warbuggy/wartrakk, 'ard boys with shields, Kommandos/tank hunters.
> a new Black Templar, and Grey Knight character

2018 just became great again

>New Black Templar character
Source, or is this just hopes and dreams waiting to be crushed?

OP here.... I regret nothing

Bike captains might get a nerf, and this guy wont, cause no one takes him.

It's all a wishlist, user.

>Not Orkimedez
>Why the ability to hijack any vehicle on a 3+
Yer nod propa ork

you forgot a human meatshield unit for World Eaters. Wargors, Blood Pact, or a 40k version of the AoS Blood Reavers.

The re-rolling wound rolls of 1 aura is nice, but then again bikes get to do that but better whenever they charge and your bikes are probably what's going to be carrying you anyways. I'd be surprised if he doesn't get a bit of a price drop though.

take 6 weirdboyz & 6 mobs of 30 choppa boys and you've got 500 points left if you're playing 2k.
Maybe 2 mobs of 15 stormboys and a warbike squad.

Question for you anons. I need a bunch of power axes for...reasons. is there any sprue box that comes with multiple axes in it? I know the vanguard vet box has 1, and there's one in a couple space wolf boxes, but I need several

>a new Black Templar

I would just want a new sculpt for Helbrecht or Emperor's Champion, maybe Castellan Draco.

I've had a spurt of creativity and tried my hand at updating my fan codex of Rak'Gol to 8th Edition.

There's an obvious lack of relics, points costs are ballpark if they're present at all, and there are no stratagems or [Clutch] benefits just yet. Formatting and wording on most of the rules and entries probably needs cleaned up as well.

Give it a look-through and let me know your thoughts, what can be improved, what can be added, really anything.

>shaman+Prescience+DP/ES for 2+ reroll 1’s, auto-wounding on 4+
>2CP to attack twice
>16ppm unit of 9
>AP-2 from mutalith, could press further to AP-3
>you now statistically wipe a baneblade every turn with a unit that cost 144 points
And tbqh you don’t even need a second mutalith, just get that AP-2 and rock VotLW if you need it. For what they cost their potential is fucking insane, mix it with glamor/weaver of fates for absolutely bonkers tackiness. If it weren’t for the price I would 100% guarantee every remotely competitive tzeentch list will feature 2x9 blogs of these guys. And why not? For 288 points they’re insane, Mobile, hardy, dangerous as fuck, etc.

>Fourth war of Armageddon
>Against Angron again
>Without the space wolves
>With Leman Russ returning when everything is but lost
>Welding his spear and defeating Angron's horde spearheading his bodyguard company
>With Bjorn finally reuniting with Russ after 10,000 years as he lies broken and systems failing
>Doubting he would even recognize him
>Russ just smiles after defeating the horde and calls Bjorn by name
>Bjorn did what he was asked to do
>He can rest now

Oh I wasn't aware GW had them on the chopping block. What about them would they nerf?

Then I guess 2018 hasn't become great again, just people wish it would.

would be interesting to get a single named Primaris psyker for BT, or a regular marine. The only psyker in the chapter through some event or fluke, spawned in the presence of Celestine or something.

>Bjorn dying.
He's too stubborn to die. He'll just sleep and wake up again in a bigger, badder, angrier dreadnought.

Incidentally, is it feasible to re-house dreadnought pilots in different chassis? I have plans for Davian Thule.

>would be interesting to get a single named Primaris psyker for BT



I didn't said dying, but at least being at peace, Bjorn have endured more than most Astartes have been asked to endure, specially for a dreadnought

I have to wonder how much angrier he could get if they put him into a Levi dread.

Well well well, we meet again captain NEVERFUCKINGGETTOTURNTHREE!

>Inb4 ynarii bitch resurrects Bjorn and gives him a new body thanks to elf magic
>BoP not-Bjorn becomes the new Bjorn

Alternatively dig up a decent quality Contemptor. Cover it in wolf pelts and give it a suitably killy claw and you have Bjorn 2.0

wha-why you do that?

The burning fury of the Sisters can not be contained! Mutants spread throughout the imperium of man. Faith, and duty is the only service every citizen must strive for.


Abhumans coming to a codex near you!

Because they would believe without question, the poor desperates would fall and fall again, those fools shall soon join the ranks of bretonia and tomb kings

Truly this is what the taint of the warp must sound like when it speaks. To raise such hopes for out beloved Sisters of Battle, only to be dashed by heretical clickbait as if the OP was divinely inspired by Magnus himself, BURN BURN BUUUUUUURRRRRRRRN!

Anyone else ever wonder what some other good chaos gods would be? My idea is one called "Centrus" he is the god of indecision, moderation, and weak will, his followers like to claim that both Chaos and the Imperium have good points and that the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. He has the largest following of any chaos god but his followers never manage to accomplish anything other than further debate about what they should do.

Pic related, his chaos star

There are a few online stores that sell bitz, that's probably your best bet.

Valoris is meh

I’d like a more moderate chaos god, as is there’s really nothing less than absolute carnage coming from any of them. I understand the evil side perfectly, but would it kill GW to have some cultists fighting for some twisted form of freedom rather than KILLKILLKILL all the time? The unsubtelty of chaos can kill the fun at times, I want a hail Caesar chaos cult.

16/17ppm is not expensive for two wounds.

Thinking about using this ladies as Crusaders in my SoB army. Anyone know if they're the right scale or would look goofy next to normal GW models?

They'd look goofy due to the hilariously bad chest armour.

everyone will look at you weird

Why the fuck are their tits out?

wouldnt work in 40k but other SF type TG sure.

SOB use ceramite armor and treasure it as the holy relic it is. To use this armor would imply the imperial guard and all other humans could do so.

>have your tits out and stomach exposed while using fancy armor
>die because of extra exposed spots and now have your armor available to the enemy

Quick question:

Im gonna be going up against orks nest sat with my Saim-hann army and he tends to run a mob of boys protected by a big mek's forcefield generator along with 3x30 lootas. Will mind war even touch the big mek with the whole mob rule thing?

What's the point of wearing armor ?

Crusaders aren't technically SoB though right? They're just part of the ecclesiarchy. Armor should work.

I'm a bit down right now. Ever since 8th dropped my current Tau army has been nigh unusable and has been shit ever since Codexes began to drop. I keep losing game after game after game, the fundamentals of 8e and how the index is going, I don't know if it's me being shit, the index being shit, or the game being so different.

My units all feel so fucking flimsy, from a whole unit of 10firewarriors getting mowed down, to devilfish getting blasted instantly T1, to my hammerheads and riptides eating shit at the hands of my opponents lascannons, plasmas, or primarchs every game since they can zip across the whole board in what seems like 1 turn and land that charge.

Every time I inflict major damage to my opponent it feels like they have some super invuln save that negates it, and every time they attack me I sit, sigh, and roll either a 6+ or nothing as my unit eats shit.

Then I watch my opponent reroll all their misses and I sit idly as my 1's and 2's and 3's sit there uselessly.

Anyone else feel this way?

>Let's leave the torso fully exposed and vulnerable to any damage the user might encounter! also let's leave all the weight of the upper armour fuck the user's un-augmented back!

>/pol/ want this ultramoronic cheesecake look to be in 40k
>will call you an SJW if you think it's retarded

What was the last thing you worked on 40kg?

I'm a bit down right now. Ever since 8th dropped my current Grey Knights army has been nigh unusable and has been shit ever since Codexes began to drop. I keep losing game after game after game, the fundamentals of 8e and how the codex is going, I don't know if it's me being shit, the codex being shit, or the game being so different.

My units all feel so fucking flimsy, from a whole unit of 5 Paladins getting mowed down, to Razorback getting blasted instantly T1, to my Terminators and Dreadknights eating shit at the hands of my opponents lascannons, plasmas, or primarchs every game since they can zip across the whole board in what seems like 1 turn and land that charge.

Every time I inflict major damage to my opponent it feels like they have some super invuln save that negates it, and every time they attack me I sit, sigh, and do nothing as my unit eats shit.

Then I watch my opponent reroll all their misses and I sit idly as my 1's and 2's and 3's sit there uselessly.

Anyone else feel this way?

This one actually seems plausible.

Did some metallics work on my Voidraven, not enough progress to post a picture, though.

>Crusaders aren't technically SoB though right?

No, they are nobles that buy their equipment and volunteer their service to the church, technically they are free agents.

>What's the point of wearing armor ?
Too look fabulous

Been assembling 3 squads of finecast Obliterators over last couple days. Cleaning and working with finecast makes me heavily regret my decision to use them.

Got a question regarding the 40k TTRPG’s.

Is there any reason not to use Eclipse Phases system for measuring “Degrees of Success/Degrees of Failure”? It just seems simpler, but I don’t know if it would ker-fuckle other aspects.

the closer you roll towards your stat, the more DOS you have on that roll. If you roll 1 thru 9, that’s just a success, with 1 DOS from 10 to 19, and you get the idea.

Put together half the start collecting box for Tzeentch daemons. It was going to be my new army but, with the DE codex announced I'm holding off starting any new projects so I can get my DE were they need to be after the codex drops.

I figured up the points on my start collecting daemons + daemon prince combo and it came to 700 points. I'll probably play small matches to get used to them and try to paint it before adding more to it later.

Last night. Finished building some bolter marines, and converted some spare bits into a librarian. I am now 65% of the way finished with a standard battle company

Was it really necessary to drag your yiff fantasies into it

I suppose there could be like a moderate Khorne worshipper who just kills people on Christmas and Easter

been working on this head. need to redo the eye though, i've only managed to half paint it and it's given him quite the odd expression

Wow yeah finecast seems scary to work with I've got some incubi but I haven't touched them or the DE SC I bought for the holidays at all. Rather redo/finish the demon slaying Marine army id be proud of.

If I finally finish my DE, my DG, I would really like to do the same, or hell if I came into some misplaced shipment of a couple BoC, a chapter.

How do people store their sprues with a bunch of bits still on them? Do you cut them all out and dump in a big box?
I have about 7 boxes that are still 30% or so full of bits on the sprues and want to organize that stuff instead of keeping them inside original boxes.

> it's given him quite the odd expression
Actually I kinda like it.

>leman russ returns in his normal state non giant wulfen
>Bjorn, reinvigorated with the return of his primarch, gets upgraded to some giant dreadnought variant so GW has a big giant model to sell

I'd be completely ok with this

>he doesn't have a labelled bits box collection

Weed baggies dude.

Who besides the sweaty multiple-layered Cheeto dusted neckbeards give a flying fuck about SoB? I thinks time the Aeldari were treated for once. How about updating our old-ass 1994 Avatar of Khaine model to begin with, GW?

Aren't bike captains all Custodians have how can they nerf them?


I'm a bit ecstatic right now. Ever since 8th dropped my current Imperial Guard army has been nigh unstoppable and has been ever since Codexes began to drop. I keep winning game after game after game, the fundamentals of 8e and how the codex is going, I don't know if it's me being good, the codex being good, or the game being so different.

My units all feel so fucking flimsy, from a whole unit of 10 Guard getting mowed down, to Sentinels getting blasted instantly T1, to my vehicles and tanks eating shit at the hands of my opponents lascannons, plasmas, or primarchs every game since they can zip to the centre of whole board in what seems like 1 turn and land that charge into my conscripts.

Every time I inflict major damage to my opponent they wish had some super invuln save that negates it, and every time they attack me I sit, laugh, and remove some worthless chaff.

Then I watch my opponent reroll all their misses and I sit idly as their units remove some more chaff.

Anyone else feel this way?

He looks like he's imagining murdering the shit out of some daemons.

I have a couple screw cases that I use for current projects, but that stuff won't fit there.

zip lock bags is an idea, thanks. I stopped smoking weed to collect overpriced plastic though so didn't keep them.

Literally just use the statue on the Cauldron of Blood

>you missed a spot

Leave it to guardfag to completely ruin it.

Damn, whatever the mistake, hopefully minor

That pose is bad and obviously too static for anything but a statue. It’s a no from me

I'm really happy with it so far. I like building marines, and while I'm not the biggest fan of painting, I'm decent enough at it. I have been working on the company for a few years now, and its going to be great when I field a fully painted and kitted out line company. All I need are vehicles, but I'm not sweating that

>but that stuff won't fit there.
What bits have you got that won't fit in a set of containers like the picture?

these are awful models.

man that sounds like some real dedication to an army. what chapter and or is it your own? marines are such fun to build and with so many kits in circulation it's easy to build up a customized force.

I don’t think the intention was to market towards people with taste