/swg/ - After the end edition

Post about FFG, X-Wing, Armada, Legion, WEG D6, Saga/d20, Lego, and anything else Star Wars related!

Previous edition: → →

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Armada Miniatures Games
Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (Edge of the Empire/Age of Rebellion/Force and Destiny)
Other FFG Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)
FFG Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the FFG RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)
Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)
The Clone Wars Viewing Guide

Shipfag's hangar
Shipfag's Starship Combat Fixes for EotE/AoR/FaD
Heroes of the Aturi Cluster, co-op X-Wing campaign

Armada objective article (aimed at newer players)
Fleet Troopers Unit Expansion for Legion:
Leia Organa Commander Expansion for Legion:
New flagships
Rebels everywhere!

How have you used destroyed planets, /swg/?

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actual old OP my bad

Does anyone have FFG stats for an adult Krayt Dragon?


What happened? As a 20-something I remember Prequel stuff flying off the shelves when they were coming out. But what I've seen concurs with this guy's observations: ST stuff isn't selling.


I'm thinking of ripping off Consider Phelbas. I'm setting the climax of my party's treasure hunt in a sprawling bunker on a dead post-nuclear war world. The previous inhabitants of the world wiped themselves out before reaching space, leaving only a huge array of tunnels. Mine-cart shenanigans and Dr Strangelove humour ensues. Any ideas for what else they could run into in the mines?

I think it's just because toys don't sell anymore. The world is much more digital than it was 10 years ago, kids don't want to play with toys they want to play with their ipads.

I wouldn't attribute it to the Sequels not being popular but the kind of merch we buy is different.

Granted I haven't seen the video, and am just talking about observations at stores like Wal Mart and Target.

TLJ seems to be an exception though. Across the board the merch doesn't seem to be doing as well as TFA or R1

I kinda want to throw in some ripoff Babylon 5 cruisers in my own campaign, see if anyone gets them by verbal description (but with their intended fighter launching method using the artificial gravity to drop them) into space.

I really love the design.

Shitpost graffiti on the walls, a la Pompeii.

and something Rakata

And there's way more competition. Star Wars used to have entire toy aisles to itself, but everyone learned from Lucas's success with merchandise and now every franchise pumps out gorillions of new toys. Plus, the economy isn't like it was back then, so I imagine parents are more hesitant to buy their kids a ton of action figures.

I think part of the issue is fatigue. Star Wars is special *because* it used to come out every few years, and there were comics and books (and some sick games) for fans to tide themselves over during the wait.

Repostin from last thread

What do you think Tag and Bink will do in Solo?

Where have they been in the canon Saga so far?

Also out of curiosity, has anyone used this guys in their campaigns?

Kids still buy toys. I only watched about five minutes of the video, but a lot of toys left behind looked like they were either shittily made, not cool enough, too expensive, or too big/noisy/animatronic. If I was a kid I wouldn't them either.

I have to admit, the Rogue One line was probably the best out of the three that have been released so far.

Some of the sculpts were GOAT and we got an actual walking AT-ACT (too expensive on release though)

they'll have all of 10 seconds of screentime, if that, and probably have only one line between them.

Anyone else frustrated at how grey and desaturated the Han Solo movie looked from the trailer? It just doesn't seem to have a pleasing physical aesthetic

A little, but eh. It's how everything looks these days.

I think that same set was in the video. Looked pretty good but it was $250.

Over saturation, plus the ST toys not being very inspired to begin with.

Visual aesthetic. Not physical aesthetic

Out of curiosity has anyone ID'd the types of helmets some of the Rebel marines on Scarif are wearing?

They seem to be some NATO kind, but I can't tell the exact model

>They seem to be some NATO kind, but I can't tell the exact model

Its just an M1 with a plastic shell that fits over top

Kinda wish they had some decent vidya, instead of an uninspired shooter.

Nearly everything except maybe the Minbari ships tend to just slot right in with some faction or another in Star Wars.
Though, I guess if the Mon Cals got into Raith's spice supply they might end up with something that looks Minbari and less MC Murderpickle.

BSG ships are also a good fit too

Does anyone actually play Star Wars: Armada? I want to get the starter box but I feel it'll just be a waste of my money if no one is willing to play or if there is even anyone playing the damn thing to begin with.

>BSG ships are also a good fit too
Shit, both the T-Wing and E-Wing have a bit of Colonial Viper to them.

Ralph McQuarrie actually did a lot of the early BSG concept art for the original series and its sort of meandered along until where it is now, but the origins are still there. Vipers are easy to see flying around in a SW game, hell its just either a fat A-wing or an X-wing with less wings really.
I actually don't mind Battlestars either as sort of a slightly hard-sci fi idea of a space carrier, hybridised with some kind of big fuck off warship.

Does anyone have suggestions for militant aliens that aren't Trandoshans? The more non-humanoid and huge the better.


Chistori and Gen'Dai




The Starfury makes my dick hard tbqh

I love those 70s science fiction paintings. It's such a nice aesthetic.

Selonians get pretty huge and they're plenty angry

That 80s airbrush stuff is pretty nice too, especially if you want lewd droids

WW2-Nam era M1 steel helmet with a canvas or nylon cover and some plastic around that.

>McQuarrie proto-BSG
Aw yiss

Given that the Dark Forces level is a bit big for 150 meters, and also doesn't really follow any internal logic other than cool level logic in any section other than the really cool bar, what do you think the interior of the Star Jewel should be like?

So, how do you enjoy your X-Wing minis the most?

100 point games? Four players? Epic?


Did the Corporate Sector Authority maintain a starfighter corps? If so, what kind of ships did they usually use?


...Huh. The IRD is an interesting design.

Battlestars fit perfectly as Rendili starships.

Minbari ships are Quarren designs.

that's a rendili stellar conveyor, friend, what's a "battlestar"?

I was actually thinking that the other week, strap some big arse hangers off the side of your dreadnaught and well, its basically there.
It'd make for a pretty cool PC-run rebel ship on the run escorting a small fleet of oilers, bodgy civilian transports and being chased by ISD's across the galaxy :)

Time for some flack, KEW and missile porn

Don't think the poor old Quarren ever amounted to much, they're sort of the deep-south rednecks of Mon Cala that just get angry all the time about their shallow water, northern neighbours and get into fights
If they did build a ship, it'd probably be an F150 with a cannon on the back

Sure, but I mean minbari ships are very much an aquatic looking thing, and maybe the quarren eventually stop being jackasses and work with the cals.

Or maybe some other sea race goes minbari.
Selkath perhaps

heck, big correlian cruisers are so modular and shit battle stars probably already exist, and cruiser like central core with attached modular carrier pods is VERY CEC and star wars.

iot dpoes also help as anons have said, that BSG aesthetics are pretty much flat out ralph Mc Q, just like star wars.

That’s what the call the militarized version. Marketing, man.

The Selkath might have the technology to build ships, was sort of thinking the Ishi-Tib might have the ability too and they go involved quite a bit in galactic politics, including some of them on the CIS side of the clone wars

Even if it was a CEC heavy transport with additional cargo pods on the side, swap them out with launch gear, armour and militarise the shit out of the rest.

So a Y-wing with a bigass manned turret?

What do you know about the central core, user?

Oh we're way out past the outer rim... YT1210 with an E-web :)

Ooh I can definitely see some Ishi-tib in the sharlin, it’s almost a self portrait in starship

What would a New Republic peacekeeping Murder Pickle be like? I'm thinking something smallish like the MC-40, but I can't figure out how many guns is too few.

Maybe same number of guns as usual
but with a significant skew towards ion cannons over turbo lasers?

But how many is usual? 10? 20? 30? 40?

Closer to 30 iirc - more ions than turbos, but not hugely so.
Missike tubes too I think.

Wook probably has details

What Silhouette would it be in AoR?

Under the table while we play Armada instead :^)

>that part of the level where you have to defend that Imperial dude from those things
FUCK those little shits.

Peacekeeping against what threats?
That's gonna be the most important determinant of what the size and armament is gonna look like; a ship designed to patrol zones where ex-imperial pirates with battleships are a real threat is gonna look VASTLY different from one designed to hunt down slavers in fighters and freighters

The most common threat would probably be fighters and freighters, but the ship needs to be able to take on light warships like Raiders and Corvettes and live long enough to make an escape if it runs into a bigger warship, like a Star Destroyer.

So then you'd be looking at something around heavy frigate-light cruiser size, so silhouette 6, and let's say ~12 turbolasers, ~8-10 ion cannon, 6-16 quad lasers, two tractor beams and a squadron or two of fighters



>the sideburns

I suddenly feel an urge to join the rebellion.

They did build a decent superlaser

In order- Objective play games, standard, Triple-objective Epic, Top Gun, Mario Kart, Epic.

The game has good core mechanics, and just sometimes needs a nudge to stop people from doing never-engage-always-kite shenanigans.

You don't stat that thing. It should be a set piece. Blasters, blades, lightsabers even would be worthless. Either you've planned an elaborate trap or you die.


okay, definitely have to get some BSG ships to show up as SW stuff


I’ll do you one better - open cockpit Y-wing, E-web on pintle mount and Natter-style forward battery of dumbfire torps.

The YT was nice but clearly not shit enough.

I’ll have to bring that YT up with our GM, the Y-wing variant we’ve mostly seen is a really nice strategic recon boat.

Way back when we used the Starfuries in a campaign. Basically the basic Starfury was an evolution of the TIE, and the Thunderbolt was a hybridization of the TIE and X-wing lines.

Look at that motherfucker. It’s one of the most brutal looking starfighters I’ve ever seen.

Did anyone else notice that the sequels don't really have their main characters doing things together? While Luke might go off to do his own thing, his relationship with Han and Leia is pretty well established. Similarly, the relationship between Obi Wan and Anakin is also exists in the PT.

When it comes to Finn, Rey, and Poe, they didn't really do that much stuff together in TFA. And they certainly fucked off to their own corners in TLJ. It doesn't feel like these characters actually spend time together, unlike the main characters of previous Star Wars films.


Prior to the last scene of Rian Johnson's abomination has Poe actually met Rey? I don't think they're on screen at all until they're both on the Falcon. Even then they're not they're in two different groups when everyone is standing around talking

They didn't. The TFA novelization had Rey and Poe meet, but otherwise, no, they didn't meet until they all got on board the Falcon at the end of TLJ.

If Rian Johnson wasn't the worst writer in the world and wasn't screwing over Finn completely you could really hash out a good dynamic of the guy who never had friends being the connecting factor of the group.

God damn, I love Finn so much but u hate these movies so much!

But I hate*

It’s the Rey movie. No room for others.

I feel like Star Wars is nothing without Lucas's vision. It's been reduced to showing us familiar things on screen.

It's such a shame that Finn got shafted. We almost could have had a Star Wars trilogy with a non-Jedi main character

Anyone up for a game of sabacc?

If only they had picked creators which weren’t Abrams and Rian.
But I guess we’d always be stuck with JJ as he made safe reboots.

Just a montage of member berries

I actually like that alien(s?) next to him

>safe reboots
I hate this.... I hate this so much, I hate safe movies, they feel so clean and sterile, there's no love in them just calculated marketing choices.... it's movies made by machines

I only hate TLJ. Actually I only hate the writing of TLJ. It's score, sound design, visual design, acting and yes, even directing are all great. But it's 0/10 for writing. It's internally inconsistent (which is the one thing that legit triggers me) having scenes that contradict each other and one dialogue scene that contradicts itself. Inconsistent with TFA which it's a direct sequel to. Finally it's also inconsistent with the rest of saga too, somehow even managing to completely invalidate Rogue One, the film that was made immediately before it.

Fuck Rian Johnson. He's a terrible writer. Good director, but a terrible writer. When they explained that they went with the first draft it made so much sense why everything in the film didn't make sense.

>When they explained that they went with the first draft


"It streamlined the process so much"

Also based Mark Hamill for warning us


but thats mean

so what is better, chasing ships with individual flak guns, or creating a flak screen or an ion flak screen then pick them off as they drift around

Trips of truth. Mark Hamill is the Hero we need & deserve. But he's not what KKJJRJ want


wut no SLEEVES?!?

>That look from Hamill when he hears Rian started writing before TFA went into production

Oh good, more grey blobs masquerading as aliens in the background. Don't think you can get that by me just by including twi'leks, Disney.