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Anyone got the latest version of the summoner CYOA?
What are some upcoming/in-progress cyoas to look forward to?
Good evening cyoa. I'm in a monster girl mood. Any one got some good monster girl related stuff?
I'd pick the shark girl, cus i've always wanted to learn to surf and that would be fun with a shark girl to play lifeguard.
First 2 are out, just cause it's plausible doesn't mean any corporation will allow it to happen cause no profits, next 2 are alright but no real gain. Last one is memes. so best choice is free food.
Concentrated power & Pluto!
Food of the Sun is probably the best option then Fleet of Mind. But i'm not sure if a 10 IQ boost worldwide will change things. The power and ore are game changers but there is no assurance that they will be used for the benefit of humanity. If they are just hoarded by the elites then nothing happens.
Conception control is stupid and pluto sucks.
Repostin for all you facehuggesr out there.
Ever wanted to be filthy parasite scum? Well now you can!
Some guy on r/makeyourchoice actually has a not entirely shitty WIP.
Looks better than anything Tok's made so far, at least.
snugly is objectively best birb.
however, i want a gril, not a birb.
Quelaag & Quelaan is my final choice.
i choose priscilla
i want to touch the fluffy tail
>the summoner CYOA
Which one do you mean?
Well are you going to post the rest of it?
>Some guy on r/makeyourchoice
Is that guy you?
Why i would fight against my fellow anons? Fuck off magic police
Because they will destroy the world with their unbalanced wish-fulfillment owers.
Can't you read?
Nah there are not that many edgelords for that to happen
It only takes one
The others can punch the guy in to place
Pluto will be restored to full planet status.
Unless Iara only added that option as a joke, there must be some reason for the status restoration option to be a thing.
He's asking you to be the first of those others. There is no Gaes on you that forces you to go after non-edgelords.
>Maybe it'll bring it back to stable orbit.
>Maybe even close to earth.
>Closer than Mars.
>Humanity sends shuttles to it, and they find the Adamantite Ore on Pluto.
>Mixing Adamantite with lithium, they discover Concentrated Power.
>Using Concentrated Power, they end the energy crisis.
>With the crisis ended, scientists focus on other fields they were too busy to explore.
>They discover that dust from Pluto alters light rays going through it, granting humans Food of the Sun.
>They spray that dust over the Earth's atmosphere.
>Inhaling the dust causes human synapses to evolve, raising their synapses' efficiency and granting them Fleet of Mind.
>With the increased intelligence, humans gain finer control over their bodily functions, including conception.
>Humanity gains Conception Control.
Truly the superior option
Pretty sure rejecting that CYOA is the only true method of fighting back.
Pluto is the fucking strong
Anybody have one with loli waifus?
Very in-depth, me likes.
Time cop a best
What's the source of the bottom picture?
good luck with that. I, and probably a lot of other anons, refuse to be killed or not based on the whims of a greasy user, once cyoa are real you will be on the kill.
Just found it, here it is (if anybody else wants to see it)
Whip and almanac, start that pokemon world.
You. I like you.
comprised of filthy fa/tg/uys, well at least you will be the most unique Pokemon collector ever.
why is the /trash/ thread so slow reeeeee
Also cat cyoa best cyoa
The trash thread only speeds up when there is oc.
I'd make some, but I'm TRASH at it
Are there any other planetary colonization CYOAs like this?
Probably not. Sci-fi/Space based CYOAs are rare for some reason. I think its because of the creativity gap and most people can half ass a magic setting.
Everyone can half-ass a sci-fi setting too look at SDA and the antimatter cannons
You should have seen the early wips, he had chemical fuel power options. Course that's still not quite as bad as the first few iterations of the old power armor cyoa from Dr Divergent and the power of the lasers being rated by temperatures, and temperatures that were under 1000C at that.
Too bad. I wanted my own little planetoid to chill on.
Now I kinda want to make a CYOA where every option is composed entirely of tacticool language drivel and nothing actually makes sense.
What the fuck i am reading?
Some kid's school project.
But how operate a computer if words no sense make jumbled mess
That's youth, you think your saying something but no how word makr sense..
I think this may be the third time I actually did a CYOA.
Now make this the fourth
Also postin' this one.
What's a good example of a comfy dark cyoa?Urban Unease?
I don't browse that thread precisely because it's on /trash/. I get my lewd cyoas from leddit and normal ones from here.
If only it were good.
>""""comfy dark""""
Pick one
>good example
>the example being representative of the genre
>good modifying comfy dark and not the word example
pls lrn 2 in2 ingles
I'm still looking for one more submission to even the total for the Collab. This is first-come, first-served, since it's already been open for three weeks.
The form is no longer accepting responses, so you're going to have a hard time...
Weird. I thought I fixed that a while ago. Thanks, fixed now
I still don't have any ideas other than a generic monstergirl city. sorry breh.
should have put a focus on waifus desu
I want to make a CYOA about commanding a PMC to fight in the revolution of some eastern european backwater
would you guys do builds and shit if i made it
serious or humorous?
Only if I get to go full chuuni and have little girl assassins armed with 1911s and scythes.
As long as you build upon them? Even if you don't, anons'll do it anyway
Please make it at least semi-serious. Child assassins have their place, but it's not in the front lines fighting tanks (unless they're fodder)
You know what, is right, please disregard my previous reply here and make a serious and compelling narrative.
I think I liked the ayylium one better. But still neat. 200 Resources is reached with Medium suit in this one.
Nope, no interest in the concept.
Why did this die early?
Would there be any interest in a CYOA where you choose concepts for CYOAs and gauge their interest on an online forum for people who like CYOAs?
Also the companions are milky monstergirl milfs.
No thank you.
Both and are nice and it is splitting me in half choosing what side support fuuuuck
>Week 1
"Her" was the first we ate. I can live a little with useless, but outright divisive is a big no-no. Soldier boy actually had to struggle to put her down. Her flesh was oddly spicy. While Sticky-fingers went through her clothes looking for jewelry, the Doctor was extremely interested in her remains for some reason...
Sam went to scout out the tower, carrying Her's shoulder for rations.
>Week 2
For some reason, we're all developing this weird red glow. I also thought I saw the Doctor pour something in the water spring, but that might've been one of my now-constant hallucinations.
>Week 3
It approached us carrying a piece of metal, growling "ray-dio". Wtf did ray do with dio?! It didn't carry our healthy red glow, so we killed it. It's eyes looked sad for some reason. Boffin looked very interested in the piece of metal it carried...
>Week 4
The Doctor came clean. What I got from his medical mumbo-jumbo was that "Her" had some non-human parts in her, some of which defied physics and biology together. He tried to synthesize a serum that ends the body's need for food, and put it in our water. It had unexpected side effects, like our now-fading red glow, mild hallucinations, and extreme hatred of people not-us (his term was too complicated!). He could've just told us; not like we would've shied away from eating more of her...
>Week 5
Today almost ended very awkwardly. The plan was to eat the Royal arse, but just as we were about to surprise tackle him, a helicopter came out of nowhere, soldiers rappelled down, and took everyone but him down. We woke up the next day in a palace!
>opportunity to catapult humanity forward
>choose conception control because I hate condoms
Boffin and doctor's analysis: "Her" was an otherworldly being. Consuming her (and the clumsy serum) granted us ageless immortality. What was left of her was used to synthesize a "warp-drive" (don't ask me how).
Right now, we live in the super-power kingdom of Dictatoria (I refuse to use its name). It's the first (and only) country with spaceships. The royal arse is enjoying himself immensely.
Soldier boy is currently my bodyguard. He protected me in prison (I didn't ask how he got in, and neither should anyone), and now he scares away SJWs that try and harass me. He also showed Sticky fingers how a proper vasectomy is done firsthand.
The little girl? Ummm, she was heavily traumatized by what we did in the island. Me and soldier boy are currently caring for her until the his royal arseness can be arsed into building an orphanage (or heaven forbid, either of us find a woman willing to approach us creeps and stay long enough for the marriage vows to be said. Hopefully, a psychologist).
I get the feeling I'm forgetting somebody...
probably because it's already been solved
eat the little girl and have doctor double the nutritional value
congratulations, you've been rescued thanks to sam
I hope you find this submission for evening purposes to your liking.
Week 1, Eat Her
Week 2, recieve a double helping from the Doctor
Week 3, eat Sam
Week 4, Revieve a double helping thanks to Sticky Fingers. Mr. Monarch's forces provide rescue.
because it's tok talking to himself
Post rest of this please
Does anyone have the mystery box?
user posted page 1 of a work in progress.
Thank you. I'll want to make some suggestions soon, so keep an eye out for my reply
Next generation CYOAs when?
what would a nextgen cyoa even entail?
Just try and kill me. I'm a giant tank
Ultra Heavy(40)
13'4" 2250 lbs
Strength:Super Human, 6400 Pound Press
Melee Reach:10'
Extra Armor
Brain Upgrade 3(20)
Thermal Vision(10)
Retracible Tentacle(10)
Bio-Plasma Generator(20+10,000 cal/day)
Plasma Bladder
Plasma Cannon
Full Power Upgrade(30)
Chitin Upgrade 3(30)
Reflex Upgrade(10)
more bland waifus and less content