so what do you do with the empty sprues once you're done assembling your model?
So what do you do with the empty sprues once you're done assembling your model?
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I throw them in the recycling
Recyle them please.
Keep em to use as sprue forms when making my RTV silicone silicone molds to recast my models.
Throw them in the bay, same thing I do with all my trash. I like to think I'm making animals smarter since all the dumb ones ends up with toothpicks in their gullets. Feels good to make a difference.
I once saw this auction on ebay that was literally just a bunch of empty sprues cut up, glued to pieces of cardboard, and spray-painted black.
Dirty shitter was trying to pass it off as "ruins terrain".
who and where? Sorry not murrican here.
While that's cheap as fuck, you can use sprues for nice terrain. If you can get a grinder, you can grind them up to make basing gravel.
Since all my sprues are pewter, I was initially thinking of melting them down and making recasts, but I decided it was more of a pain than it was worth and got rid of my sprues.
You just use the runners from your models to construct a model.
You make a Borg cube out of them.
stick in a box
Make plants for bases
Grind them up in a Magic Bullet until they are powder, then mix with CA glue to make homemade gap filler.
Also, when properly trimmed and polished, they make excellent urethral sounds.
>urethral sounds.
Toss them in the recycling usually. Though I've been seeing people do some good work with using them to make scenery. Using them as frames and supports for multistory buildings and one guy I saw was using them to make castle wall sections.
It's fucking plastic, what do you think?
Eat them, like any responsible adult would.
Came here to post this
>urethral sounds.
Look, I found a how-to guide! Don't forget to insert spike side out
Grind them up and put them in my Filastruder to make 3d printer filament with.
Make terrain out of them.
step on them
Most of the developed world has plastic recycling programs, you know.
>put in: plastic & glass
>don't put in: plastic & glass
Does not compute.
Why not just cut with a knife? Why use sprues??
>Put in Plastics and glass bottles and jars
>Don't put in syringes or smashed glass shit, because people need to go through this shit by hand
Not hard to understand user
To answer OP, I keep my most recent few around for a while, cut them up in case I need a cross bar or just some spare plastic for konversions/scratchbuilds, after I get some new kits I toss the old ones in the recycling, after stripping all unused bitz from it obviously.
Just like people, dicks, countries, women, bad pick-up lines, and degrees not all plastics and glass were made equal. Some can, and are intended, to be used and reused and some by nature can't be reused at all.
Its possible to have an empty sprue?!? I still have unused bitz in the sprue from my first tactical squad and it keeps getting worse.
It takes 2 minutes to cut everything out of the sprue and put it in a bit box.
That's fucking neat!
Fug thats clever.
I'll have to remember that.
Do you use it to hold all the neat things from your bitbox?
Don't forget it's made from official GW parts, so it's tourney legal.
I make things out of them, like fences etc
I keep them around to practice painting on.
[angry urethral sounds]
Remember to take a pic and post it here when you amputate your own finger by accident.
>plastic bags aren't plastic
>if you put a glass bottle in and it breaks, fish it up, faggot
If you use battle grids for rpgs, after breaking into pieces they make for great wall segments.
I throx them away as a sign of my progress, it takes quite a lot of space.
But sometimes I also keep one or two and use them to do stuff like walls, spikes and whatnot.
Don't recycle them unless your waste provider handles Polystyrene or PS6. Otherwise it soils an entire batch of recycling.
I have that same thing.
Are you from somewhere in Moreland? If so, where do you game?
I throw them into the trash because I can't be arsed to waste my precious time with stupid sprues, I'd rather paint more miniatures.
Many plastics are non-recyclable. The plastics plastic bags are made of are nearly always of these types. It'd be far too much work for them to list every non-recyclable type of plastic and where you can find them, but obviously this company had a problem of people dumping plastic bags in so had to make the distinction.
Obviously some glass is going to get broken, but people have to go through recycling by hand, so don't be a dick.
Sydney. Have a very similar card at home.
Got that pic from a very quick image search.
Eat them to recover any traces of residual spiritual energy lingering around.
Movment trails
>When properly trimmed and polished
>Urethral sounds
ave nex alea saluto nex alea
I chop them up to make little crystals that I paint up and glue to my bases.
>His sprues don't have wood texture on them that allow you to use them as trees
This. It's on the approved list, so into the 'mixed recycling' bin it goes.