When Looking up names to give to magic users for my story I found out the word Wizard means wise men. That's When I got to thinking in many TTRPGs the magic class is the smart one, not the wise one. this is mainly due to games such as Dnd making wizards amoral jerks who hoard knowledge rather giving give knowledge to those who need it. what would happen TTRPG and if the wizard ran WIS stat rather INT?
Wizard's original meaning
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That fairy is big enough to be an onahole
I'm sorry, I had to.
Memetic mutation in the most literal of senses i guess.
OP here. What would happen if wizards were more like scholars who plan for battle and were in a more supportive role rather than roles they are now? Vancian magic would make sense if it ran on wise you were rather than how smart you were.
Being wise does not necessarily mean that you'ren't an immoral cunt.
Considering wisdom and intelligence are synonyms outside of DnD...
You mean to say that this onahole of mine has other uses?
vancian magic is about memorizing and understanding rules. classical properties of the type of intelligence measured by IQ.
OP here I mean the magic-user being more a team player and the character having more a personality other than the super-smart guy.
I want to fuck that butterfly
OP again a wise man is different from a smart man. A smart man is a scientist who is who when to school for a number of years to get good at what get does. A wise man can be can be anyone from your teacher to the neighbor you knew all your life. Wisdom isn't about what you know it's about how you use. A true wizard won't just stop a problem but would actively help to prevent it from happening again.Aka being more like Gandalf and Dumbledore than being a DnD wizard or TG no right or wrong wizard.
Like healing you and allies.
>what would happen TTRPG and if the wizard ran WIS stat rather INT?
Literally nothing. There is nothing in the stats, especially mental stats, that carries any actual consequence, unless you consider a small bonus here or there.
Or, you can stop treating the game rules as any sort of model for the narrative, and play your wizards as any kind of character you feel.
If you think all Wizards are amoral jerks, maybe you should stop playing them that way.
Wisdom is always the weirdest stat for me.
How would a low Int High Wis lawful evil person act?
Would Andrew Ryan be close to what you are looking for?
>andrew ryan
>low int
Like Grancrest Senki?
Julius Evola
Ryan is high int low wis
OP here. I mean in terms of gameplay wizards should have a higher cost than other classes in most TTRPG. magic always the first resort rather second or last one and it almost never has a drawback to keep players from abusing unless they are a team player.
If wish had a chance to backfire unless you had enough wisdom how to know how to mitigate the chances of back-firing on you. Magic is almost never earned in TTRPGs. Most people how who what just want a power fantasy without putting any work in it. After all, wisdom is all about how uses something not what you know.
I don't play TTRPGs I just like poking peoples brains.
What it story about and does its magic work?
Oh man, am I embarassed. I've just been using it to warm my dick.
Who is this fuckable fae?
Didn't she protest at all?
What if there were no magical abilities for mortals at all in the system? And you had to talk to spirits/fae/deities/demons to get them to do what you want? And by that, I don't mean "I chose a priest class, so now I can cast lay on hands x times per day", but "we performed sacrifices and asked the gods for help, so hopefully they will hear us and help"; not " I'm a warlock, so my patron gives me access to spells", but "I entered trance and managed to talk to local spirits and even made a pact, let's hope they won't decieve us".
Actually this is her primary purpose, donβt LISTEN to that other guy
1. Have you looked up the original meaning of Wisdom too? Have you tried playing systems that are not DnD?
I don't play Dnd, and did even read the thread?
and to answer your first part being wise is not the same being smart. Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment, without wisdom a smart person is no different than a dumb one.
I mean "Did you even read the thread?"
I much prefer making them the most "wise" class by replacing their magical abilities with scholarly ones. They're still the best at magic, but everyone does it.
>I don't play TTRPGs
Veeky Forums in 2018
It would help if you had to work for your magic but the who people make the games would never do because most nerds want a power fantasy where the wizard is the most powerful god in the realm and no can touch them.
Are you mexican?
I might be
What, like Gandalf?
Oh, so like Gandalf, then.
>Considering wisdom and intelligence are synonyms outside of DnD
In what universe? Because consensus reality where I'm living has plenty of high wisdom / low intelligence people (plenty of older experienced tradesman or general contractors) and low wisdom / high intelligence people (damn near anyone in college) that disprove this pretty hard.
OP here, Yeah I mean TTRGPs give magic-users especially wizard too many powers to be the player characters. DnD and Pathfinder are main offenders of this. If we make magic harder to use it would tone the power gaming,
Oh, sure. That's just a "Stop Playing D&D" thing though.
Like, not saying you should actually stop playing D&D, but part of playing D&D is recognizing that there are flaws inherent in the system and you're going to need to work around them. The "real" meaning of wizard isn't materially any different to arguing about the "realism" of leather armor. You're not going to be able to "fix" anything - if the mechanic annoys you that much, there are plenty of other systems out there you can try.
>How would a low Int High Wis lawful evil person act?
No, not really. Int is knowing how to do it, whereas wis is asking yourself "should i do it?"
>I mean in terms of gameplay wizards should have a higher cost than other classes in most TTRPG
>I don't play TTRPGs I just like poking peoples brains.
Yeah, your opinion is less than useless and means nothing. If you don't play, then you can't actually offer any useful opinion on just how wizards should be played. Fuck off to the writing board or whatever silly writing subreddit best interests you.
It goes deeper than that! Wise comes from
Apropos of nothing, 'magic' and 'magician' come from
>Wisdom rating will act much as does for intelligence.
There's a reason wisdom feels out of place: much like the Cleric class, it was a last minute addition to the game.
To help put this in context: in OD&D the _only_ purpose of Strength, Intelligence, and Wisdom was do determine rates of xp gain for the 3 classes.
Except that you're memorizing spells that have a life of their own and leave your head like little spirits to go do their jobs when you use them, so you have to put them back every time you use them. You can justify them keying off of any ability score theoretically, but wisdom is the one I'd think would make sense.
It's wise men who devote time to the contemplation of the nature of the self, and the experiences of others. They'd be the one's with the kind of mental space for the job in my opinion. High int characters have space, but it might be unfurnished and uncomfortable essentially. What good is a warehouse when the only thing that's in it is boxes of abstract logic. Even a small home can be nice if it's comfy.
That's the Faerie summon from FF XIV
Op here I don't play DnD please read the thread.
This what I mean INT is meaningless without knowing and when how to use it. INT only wizards is how the stupid LoL wizards No right or Wrong Meme.
How we got Meme I mean.
The "No sense of right or wrong" meme came about because of people using the excuse "a wizard did it" to explain away various strange, chimeric and often violent creatures and later using the excuse to explain other weird things. People then started using a common point buy minmaxing strat to justify this after the fact.
Not what I was talking about.
Relevant though.
1. Wise in the old day was really just another way of saying "learned". A wise man was a learned man, whatever the focus of said learnig might be.
2. D&D magic was based on a concept invented by Jack Vance (hence Vancian) and in Vance's concept intelligence was critical to the learning of spells.
3. D&D never made wizards amoral jerks, players and writers did. Take a look at any edition. Do you see "Wizards can only be Neutral or Evil alignment" anywhere? No. The amoral dickery came from the storytellers, most of whom were following the Conan model where magic is terrifying, dangerous, comes at terrible cost and is coveted by everyone, which isn't necessarily true in D&D.
4. As for the idea of hoarding knowledge, of course they do. Even ignoring the "We got Conan concepts in our medieval fantasy" thing, knowledge is literally power in this case. You don't just go giving that shit away for free, any more than master craftsmen go around giving away the secrets of their trades for free.
5. You want your spells to be based on Wis? Go for it. It would change almost nothing except that you would have far fewer skill points to play with because Int just became a dump stat for you.