How could a Lawful Good paladin enjoy a night at a whorehouse without breaking his oath?
How could a Lawful Good paladin enjoy a night at a whorehouse without breaking his oath?
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He can't, if he breaks his oath then he wouldn't be Lawful Good in the first place.
Is he a guest? Lots of religions irl permit "sins" as a guest.
In 5e yes.
Some of them do protect all things beautiful and make people happy.
And legal brothel would count as that
Donates to church after
by not sinning there
Voluntary legal prositution. I don't get how that's a hard concept to wrap your head around.
A lot of people here don't get there can be non-abrahamic cultures.
All these responses are very Abrahamic. Maybe he's pledged himself to the Goddess of Whores and joy?
Lawful good != Jesus freak
By killing the manager and freeing all the sexslaves. Next question.
Simple, chastity is not one of the virtues of his faith.
by having an oath that doesn't preclude hiring prostitutes
The oath of what? Frugality?
If whoring was legal and the whores were Very good
You are away just worshipers of God of slavery that cut of small babies foreskins do that?
Nothing good about that.
Does putting your dick in whores break your oath? Then no.
>he follows a god that doesn't allow him to fuck around
>because every fantastical religion that has paladins has to be roman catholicism with a vow of celibacy that didn't even come into the RC C until comparatively recently
how about NO.
what the fuck does being a paladin of SUNE for example, have to do with NOT GETTING LAID EVER?
Good fucking job putting the prostitutes out of honest work. I'm sure the city officials will appreciate the violence, the reduction of city tax income, and the added burden of the unemployed.
try being a paladin of elistraee and NOT having dark elf whores hangin of your penis after they do their wierdass naked moondancing shit.
>NOT having dark elf whores hangin of your penis after they do their wierdass naked moondancing shit.
You mean you do that before the moondancing shit, right?
nah. the fluff around that minor deity is all wierd and shit. they go be all saphhiric with each other and get all jazzed dancing nekkid around a fire under the moon, so they go find something to fuck afterwards.
Kill the city officials for letting such evils exist in their city.
Actually if your basing your paladins vows on catholic vows then chastity isn't one of them, neither is abstaining from drink or gambling. Most priests aren't going to because its that whole moral slippery slope.
Depends on whether his oaths include celibacy.
>Thinking there's one universal paladin's oath
Actually let me rephrase that. There are those vows for regular clergy, however a Diocesan Clergyman does not make such vows, they can drink, gamble, have sex, marry and own property. The difference is the regular clergy basically say " I am devoting all of my time and self to God entirely", while the diocesan clergy say"I will teach the word of God but i'm still gonna be a regular person too".
It's the reason why the reverend Martin Luther King and MLK jr. had wives.
He's there to slay the sinners, and he enjoys doing it. Easy.
By paying for his service, and tipping an extra 25%. Probably also did some investigating to ensure its not a place forcing unwilling slaves to do the work.
by converting all the working girls to nuns.
That's actually easy... Most of her paladins are women, so they would actually be hanging on your tits.
The alignment doesn't matter. There is nothing evil about being at a brothel, or even fucking a prostitute.
What matters is his oath. Does his oath say he isn't allowed at a whorehouse? Does his god have rules against sex?
If the answer to those questions is yes, then he breaks his oath. Otherwise, he's fine.
That wouldn’t solve the issue is prostitution were not good, voluntary or not
>people trading goods and services is not good.
Many of the various branches of the Protestant tree don't have an explicit vow of chastity for clergy. However, without exception they all still stress the importance of the institution of marriage to the exclusion of all other romantic relationships. Within the catholic church, chastity has been required of most orders of monks and nuns since forever (denial of earthly pleasures being kinda the whole point), but it didn't become standard for priests until like 1300. Orthodox are similar, except that an already married guy can become a priest later and still be married.
Given that, and paladins are 100% based upon the concept of a european crusader knight, it's not too surprising that vows of chastity come up frequently.
>people trading goods and services is not good.
oh boy, another Moral Implications Of An Unregulated Market debate. Hang on whilst I go don my Boots Of Master Debater +2.
And now I know how will my paladin heal the sick people and smite evil.
Yes but hes a paladin not a cleric. A paladin would fall under the secular clergy ruling. Since paladins are basically the equivalent to the Knights Templar, they would be holy warriors, not priests.
*muffled chanting in the distance*
I'm with you, I don't think a player's implementation of a paladin NEEDS to have vows like this if they don't want to. But it does feel somewhat out-of-character for them to stoop to any of your classic 7 Deadly Funtimes. Even if they aren't 100% aesetic, being focused on spiritual purity to the exclusion of earthly debauchery feels like a must. That's a thread that runs through virtually every religious system, not just western ones.
Slaying the undead whores.
Why would it break his oath? Unless it has explicitly been written to include chastity
I don't know and I don't care.
Great. Now I need a Bordello of Blood module.
If his oath doesn't include a Vow of Chastity, he can do it very easily.
Is the whorehouse legal?
> spiritual purity to the exclusion of earthly debauchery.
Ahh but debauchery being the key word here. Debauchery means an excess of, so as long as he is not going around and sleeping with any woman he can, drinking until he blacks out and gambling all his money away, I would think the occasional woman, drink, and card game would be fine.
Can paladins be sacred prostitutes?
>without breaking his oath?
What are the tenants of his oath such that he can't have sex? Because unless the prostitutes are vampires he's not breaking his oath to destroy evil in all its forms.
I don't see why not. If they are doing so in the name of their god/ess then i think it would be acceptable.
While we can argue back and forth about whether or not legal prostitution is Good, that doens't matter. The Paladin doesn't fall for committing Neutral acts, he falls for committing Evil ones. So the question we have to ask is: "is asking for money in exchange for sex Evil?"
The answer may surprise you (although I doubt it would surprise most): No, it's not. It's an exchange of services like any other and is inherently Neutral in nature.
The Paladin IS responsible for making sure that any prostitute he visits is comfortable, consenting, and not under duress from either himself or her employer (although most prostitutes are self-employed in the real world), but provided those conditions have been met, then he's not committing an Evil act and so does not fall.
Now you've caused Civil Unrest and killed honest People who let Honest Women have Jobs they enjoyed.
This counts as falling and absolute Failing. youve done nothing but killed innocents.
I guess it would depend on what the tenants of his/her faith deem Evil. Maybe the prostitutes are virtuous women who pray and help out in the community in their off time, like weird whorish nuns.
Paladins are not powered by gods or deities or any kind of extraplanar entities, they're powered by their own faith and will. Their pure dedication to their cause is what gives them their strength, not some fucking god.
There's a good body of evidence that people specifically prefer religions that restrict how much fun they're allowed to have, which is part of why the Abrahamic faiths were so successful
I can even think of scenarios where a paladin would go to a brothel, even do it and not feel bad after, but the more you do that stuff the more you're undermining the basic character concept. A debauched paladin is just a fighter who dabbles in magic
I think in a lot of cases you need to distinguish between sex in general and visiting prostitutes. The fact that prostitution is a financial transaction makes it more "worldly" than a regular one night stand
Unless they've taken an oath of celibacy or work for a deity who disapproves of brothels in general and/or the way the one the paladin is visiting works, then i see no reason why they would fall for using it.
By not worshipping a faggot of a god (a faggod), a just and virile god.
Selling is lawful
Fucking is neutral
So selling fucking is lawful neutral, and the Paladin's class abilities remain intact. QED
Warcraft Paladins are best Paladins.
Completely avoids the whole "Fallen Paladin"
shit too, since they're powered 100% by believing in the shit they believe in.
I’m sorry you come from backward savage lands where legal voluntary prostitution doesn’t exist, but for us developed nations that have it, I guarantee you society has been so much better off for it. Our women are so much more empowered than the average American woman.
There is no vow of chastity for priests. They can't have wives, but they "can" fuck women - it's just a regular sin. They don't break their vows this way, they just need to confess after the fact.
Go to Nevada. Prostitution is legal there
I'm pretty sure a paladin of Sune would encourage it.
Absolutely. He can get xp for it.
Be a paladin dedicated to a cause not a god. ie: paladin oathbound to protect the innocent or Hunt the baddies or some shit. Nothing in that cause says you cannot have fun in a whorehouse
Alternatively, you can go the Fable route, by usurping the ownership of the brothel and giving the deed to the girls to do with as they will.
>Debauchery means an excess of
Sure, but for religions "excess" usually translates to "anything which is fun". Most religions, when you really boil them down to their core essence, can be summarized as "god(s) hates fun". Sex which is fun, therefore, is viewed with contempt. We can assume any recreational type would fall under this umbrella.
>There's a good body of evidence that people specifically prefer religions that restrict how much fun they're allowed to have
Also this.
Zarus encourages you to make as many humans as you reasonably can. That you must pay for the privilege simply demonstrates the superior genius of humanity in turning the act of procreation into a net benefit for the local economy.
Voluntary legal prostitution existed in abrahamic cultures.
Service industries are never a "net benefit" for an economy. Good internal wealth circulation is an INDICATOR of a healthy economy, since increased personal spending correlates with an influx of wealth. But that money still has to start somewhere - with an export being sold or a resource being produced. An economy of only service industries is just a glorified circle jerk.
Sadly, all the paladins of Sune were slain by being stabbed in the boob window.
Literally explained in a fluff story in the Book of Erotic Fantasy. Jeez at least do some research.
why would voluntary prostitution be an evil act?
Then those are uptight priests who think they are somehow more righteous than everyone else.
Well i mean if everyone's having a good time who are we to argue against it.
i think i have that!
Fucking whores is not evil if they are doing it on their own will.
It is only chaotic if the paladin's code forbids fucking whores. But since your typical fantasy paladin lives in a polytheistic world instead of an abrahamitic one, why should that be forbidden?
I trade in my Pally levels for Anti-Paladin levels and start the slaughter.