AD&D 2e martial class

So I got invited to play AD&D 2e with my friend's brother. I've played 3.5, 4, and 5, but never this iteration. What are some of the better martial classes to choose? I'm not (necessarily) looking for min-maxed munchkins; I just want avoid the bad and the traps. No casters; I can't stand vancian magic.

>Choosing your class
>not rolling 3d6 down the line and letting the dice decide

You got some learning to do son.

What the shit? Is that even a thing?

At least skim the PHB before asking questions

Yeah, though to be fair, stats in 2e are worthless unless you roll extremely high or extremely low.

Like you could have a 16 in STR and only get a +1 bonus to damage and the minimum requirement for a class is usually a 9 or something along those lines.

A 2e Fighter becomes one scary mother at high levels. Multiple attacks, excellent to-hit, high damage, and some of the best saves, which lets you shrug off magic like a boss.
There aren't really any "trap options" IMO, apart from the poor old Thief. (Nobody runs him the right way, and that makes him weak.)

Proper roll for AD&D is 4d6, drop the lowest. It's how Gary did it.
Besides, by RAW, if you roll 3d6, there's like a 0.0001% chance to have a Paladin or some of the other high entry barrier classes, which is silly. 4d6 drop lowest brings it up to like 1 in 54 rolled characters being eligible for the Paladin class.

Yep, it's a common old-school thing. I dig it, but a lot of folks do allow you to arrange the stats in any order you please.

Fucking this.... im suspicious this thread is thinly veiled b8
>t. 2e player since 89, a literal oldfag

How new are you?

There aren't any. Go Psionicist. Sensei is psionic monk that is pretty cool. Also, play Darksun. Or, if you are really stuck on the martial thing, since you're playing Darksun now, make a Half-Giant gladiator.

Magic User and Magic User multiclass are the best. Once you get to mid level, having day long or hour long buffs from spells is the best. You don't want to play a caster though.

That takes Ranger and Paladin out unless you're staying low level. Ranger is good, even if the stealth skills don't really kick in till higher level. Paladin is a walking evil divination beatstick, but the limitation on magical gear can be a 'hindrance' in a high magic or monty haul game.

Thieves can melee, even if they're not as good at stand-up fights as warriors. Picking and choosing targets to backstab is the optimal strategy for a combat thief.

Fighter, Berserker or Barbarian is your best bet. If you're going to specialize in a weapon, swords are the best, due to magic item tables, but it really doesn't matter if your DM if cherry picking rewards and treasure.

Barbarian is from the Barbarian Handbook. More of a primitive warrior than a Viking or Mongol. Ranges from cave man to stone-age tribal. Berserker is from the Viking campaign supplement, more of a traditional berserker, complete with some shapeshifting at higher levels.